Who here can drink wine and smoke cigarettes in between 1000 squats

Beer was always part of Sunday lifting when I was growing up (after age 14 of course).

If my mom caught me snarfin beer at 14, I'd of been wearing the can for a hat for a very long time.
America has got a lot of work to do. Many Americans today are out of shape. On average, the American was bench pressing , curling, leg lifting, doing more push-ups, and sit up’s by a huge margin in the 1970s compared to today.

The government likes it when they see Americans watching cartoons every day eating fast food . They know that those are the ones that are easy to control.

So for those Americans, who are underweight or overweight instead of watching cartoons and eating fast food, watch cartoons and do 1000 squats while doing it ..and have some whiskey in between 😎

praise be to God
America has got a lot of work to do. Many Americans today are out of shape. On average, the American was bench pressing , curling, leg lifting, doing more push-ups, and sit up’s by a huge margin in the 1970s compared to today.

The government likes it when they see Americans watching cartoons every day eating fast food . They know that those are the ones that are easy to control.

So for those Americans, who are underweight or overweight instead of watching cartoons and eating fast food, watch cartoons and do 1000 squats while doing it ..and have some whiskey in between 😎

praise be to God
I'm fully for outlawing fast food. Or penalize those that purchase it.
Funny. But that doesn't even look like any real exercise? Not even going down far? Am I wrong (again?)
As far as I know, it’s a Standing squat .

Of course it’s a lot harder with weights doing it with some resistance. But if you put in the volume, it’s also very difficult…. I will probably tire out after 100.

“What are the benefits of squats?
  • strengthening the muscles in the legs, including the quadriceps, calves, and hamstrings.
  • strengthening the knee joint.
  • burning fat and promoting weight loss.
  • strengthening the lower back.
  • improving flexibility in the lower body.”
Change wine and cigarettes to beer and cigars, sure
I think what Tristan tate meant by cigarettes was actually cigars. Some kind of a British thing maybe .

Either way, If you look at the video, hes smoking a type of cigar same thing with Andrew Tate
The idea of smoking while working out makes me think of Vince Vaughn from movie Old School

I think what Tristan tate meant by cigarettes was actually cigars. Some kind of a British thing maybe .

Either way, If you look at the video, hes smoking a type of cigar same thing with Andrew Tate
Meh those look like cheap machine made drugstore “cigars”
Meh those look like cheap machine made drugstore “cigars”

I don’t know how it’s pronounced. I think the point of the videos to show that…. They’re also having peanut butter for their meal.

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