Who do you think is the smartest liberal and the smartest conservative on television?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Let's face it: If you can't fully answer this question, then you do not have an informed opinion on American politics. (or you don't watch TV, but chances are still know the answer to this question.)

My answer:

Liberal: Jon Stewart/Rachel Maddow

Conservative: Bill O'Reilly

(Yes, I realize The Daily Show isn't the best source for politics, but Jon Stewart himself is very intelligent.)
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Liberal: possibly Ezra Klein


Conservative: possibly Ron Christie

1. If they are liberals they aren't very smart
2. Any true Conservative hick is smarter then a liberal who others thinks smart
Dick Morris and Karl Rove when it comes to political strategy. And Bob Beckel. I believe they are all honest and very interesting. They are usually right on the money.
David Gergen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

David Richmond Gergen (born May 9, 1942) is an American political consultant and former presidential advisor who served during the administrations of Nixon, Ford, Reagan, and Clinton. He is currently Director of the Center for Public Leadership and a professor of public service at Harvard Kennedy School.[1] Gergen is the Editor-at-large for U.S. News and World Report and the Senior Political Analyst for CNN.

he is concidered a RINO I guess because he was willing to try and help his country under a Democratic president once
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Rachel Maddow, hands down.

She's a Rhodes scholar with a Phd from Oxford.
Let's face it: If you can't fully answer this question, then you do not have an informed opinion on American politics. (or you don't watch TV, but chances are still know the answer to this question.)

My answer:

Liberal: Jon Stewart/Rachel Maddow

Conservative: Bill O'Reilly

(Yes, I realize The Daily Show isn't the best source for politics, but Jon Stewart himself is very intelligent.)

Wow, how incredibly uninformed.

The smartest liberal is clearly Roger Ebert, Stewart is not even in the top 20.

The smartest conservative is harder to pin down, but Dennis Miller and George Will are two that pop into my head.
Let's face it: If you can't fully answer this question, then you do not have an informed opinion on American politics. (or you don't watch TV, but chances are still know the answer to this question.)

My answer:

Liberal: Jon Stewart/Rachel Maddow

Conservative: Bill O'Reilly

(Yes, I realize The Daily Show isn't the best source for politics, but Jon Stewart himself is very intelligent.)

So is Dr. Maddow.

O'Reilly was impressive pre 2008. Its almost as if he is going much more right since.

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