Who do you believe IRS or Obama???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I don't believe him for a minute as the below table directly from the IRS totally shows
what a LIAR he is when he constantly bleats about the "Buffett Rule"!

Fact is that according to the table downloaded directly from the IRS
ARE the ACTUAL % of TAXABLE INCOME reported in 2008
BY tax payers to the IRS and amounts PAID!

You don't believe me------- DOWNLOAD THIS FILE!!!
SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income

NOTE: "millionaires and billionaires" tax payers PAID over double what tax payers
reporting TAXABLE income from UNDER $100,000 !
Taxpayers under $100,000 paid LESS then 13%
Taxpayers OVER $100,000 paid MORE THEN 17%!!

Where is the MSM on this? Isn't this totally contradicting this claim by Obama..
Under the current U.S. tax system,
a number of millionaires pay a smaller percentage of their income in taxes than a significant proportion of middle class families. Warren Buffett, for example, pays a lower effective tax rate than his secretary, and that’s not fair.
The Buffett Rule | The White House

SO is this ANOTHER "NUANCING"??? when the weazel out by same "a number of Millionaires pay.."????

IF so THEY should KNOW exactly WHAT THAT "NUMBER" IS!!
AND they should also KNOW who they are!
But this CLASS WARFARE has to stop!
This LYING to the general PUBLIC must STOP!

I honestly HOPE Obama keeps telling this humongous LIE over and over again because more people are recognizing what a congenital liar he is and will throw the bum out of office!

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