IRS Alerts Taxpayers They Must Answer a New Question on Tax Forms or Face Consequences

I fear nothing and no one. I know what's on the other side, this gives me my strength.
As for the deep state, PFFFFFT. Whether they control us or they don't if it's a win for them, it won't last long.
Heard or read about Sodom and Gomorrah? [one example]
Without sounding like a bible basher, which I'm not, all the previous epochs of humanity were wiped out in one
form or another [cataclysms] due to the corruption of humanity, moral and ethical. So we'll be kissing our asses sooner or later, one way or another.
For your sake I hope you are right
You sound like someone who has not tangled with the Deep State before
...and you have?
I know what they are and I know most things they do my imagination runs wild with what I don't know they do.
Life is but a game we chose to play to gain experiences, overcome challenges and learn from in physical form.
This part is from a spiritual aspect of what I know.:)

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