Who Did Clinesmith Rat Out?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Horowitz already recommended former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe for indictment for leaking classified information.
- His boss, former FBI Director Comey, himself threw McCabe under the proverbial bus when he declared under oath during testimony that McCabe leaked classified information.

Former FBI Director James Comey has enough problems of his own. Comey confessed to leaking classified information to his pal with the intent that the information would force an official investigation to be opened up....an investigation into a manufactured NON-CRIME he, the FBI, CIA, NSA, and even Mueller already knew was not a crime at all. Since his firing, former criminal CIA Director Brennan and former NSA Director James Clapper...and Obama Cabinet member Sally Yates...have all thrown Comey under that same bus, claiming it was Comey running the whole thing. And let's not forget FBI lawyer Baker testifying he thought Comey was attempting to blackmail the President with the initial briefing he gave to the President about the bogus 'dossier'.

Comey should also be frightened as hell t the news Durham is going to interview Brennan but has announced Brennan is not a target in the investigation. Now why would be Brennan be named 'off the hook'? He was caught red-handed lying under oath before Congress (not the 1st time) when he declared he knew nothing about the dossier.....except evidence shows he helped Stryzok author the multiple Intel reports that included Dossier BS as 'fact' AND that Brennan briefed members of Congress on the dossier. Brennan is a terrible liar, but he is top notch when it comes to 'self-preservation'. After being caught illegally spying on Americans, the media, US Senators, and USSC Justices Brennan cut a deal with Congress to getaway with his treason / espionage by simply appearing before Congress, admitting his crimes, and promising never to do so again. (Obviously the deal was made by Feinstein, believing Brennan had caught her on-going Chinese espionage. Several weeks later it was revealed that her hand-picked Chinese aide had been spying for China right out of her office for decades. The aid was allowed to return to China, Feinstein as not even investigated, and it was all swept under the rug...)

So you have to wonder shat deal he struck this time to help Durham in exchange for his undeserved freedom.

fully suspect more underlings and 'low hanging fruit' will be sacrificed, but there has to be a lot of nervous, very 'lawyered up' big names scared as hell right now.

Horowitz already recommended former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe for indictment for leaking classified information.
- His boss, former FBI Director Comey, himself threw McCabe under the proverbial bus when he declared under oath during testimony that McCabe leaked classified information.

Former FBI Director James Comey has enough problems of his own. Comey confessed to leaking classified information to his pal with the intent that the information would force an official investigation to be opened up....an investigation into a manufactured NON-CRIME he, the FBI, CIA, NSA, and even Mueller already knew was not a crime at all. Since his firing, former criminal CIA Director Brennan and former NSA Director James Clapper...and Obama Cabinet member Sally Yates...have all thrown Comey under that same bus,..
Sounds like one of those Monster 4 WD drive monster truck buses.

It's called "LEAVERAGE," and much of it is explained in this video. It's basically SPORT in Washington...


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