Who Cries At Funerals?


Sep 23, 2010
Answer: Media.

It is near impossible to talk about elections and ignore television. Frankly, USMB should eliminate the Election forums. Whatever you might say about elections rightfully belongs in the Media forum.

Elections were never about print press, or radio, in the decades before television. Ever since 1960 presidential elections were about television —— and it is getting worse. Media’s primary goal every leap year is to convince the American people that the American presidency is the most important political office in the universe regardless of who lives in the White House. A passing glance at scum like the degenerate and the Chicago sewer rat is more than enough to tell you what media has been up to.

The media created ——— and installed —— two of the foulest human beings in the presidency for a total of 16 years. Had John Kerry won in 2004 the media would have embraced him for eight years. Happily, John Kerry is such a disaster as secretary of state Americans can see what he would have been as president.

Basically, media slobbers all over the caskets of dead presidents irrespective of what they did —— TO —— the country. Put media in perspective by visualizing the funerals of a rapist pervert and an anti-America traitor.

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are not making it easy for television’s motor mouths. Trump is new to the game, while Clinton has a record of “public service” that makes Benedict Arnold look like Nathan Hale, yet media dare not find fault with an office that consistently attracts the worst filth in our political system.

Hillary Clinton is worse than obscene; so it comes as no surprise that television wants her as the next president.

Poll: Clinton beats Trump, loses to Rubio and Cruz
By Pete Kasperowicz
3/1/16 8:03 AM

Poll: Clinton beats Trump, loses to Rubio and Cruz

NOTE: If media cannot have Hillary Clinton they will settle for Marco Rubio. Trump will do in a pinch. Ted Cruz is deadly poison to the media.

Finally, should Hillary Clinton win the general election by hook or crook media mouths will praise her louder than they praised Bill Clinton and Taqiyya the Liar. Should you read these two articles by Bruce Walker read “office” into his words rather than focus on Clinton’s track record the country already knows by heart.

March 9, 2015
Just How Bad a Candidate Would Hillary Be?
By Bruce Walker
Articles: Just How Bad a Candidate Would Hillary Be?


March 1, 2016
Just How Bad a Candidate Will Hillary Be?
By Bruce Walker
Articles: Just How Bad a Candidate Will Hillary Be?
I actually get NAUSEATED when I see baseball and football on TV----and most of all
BOXIING. I prefer funerals
Whatever you might say about elections rightfully belongs in the Media forum.

I rest my case:

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio’s campaign has allegedly lost the support of Fox News chief Roger Ailes.


“We’re finished with Rubio. We can’t do the Rubio thing anymore,” Ailes allegedly said, three sources told the magazine on Wednesday.

The sources said Ailes also soured on Rubio after the New York Times revealed the two held a secret meeting in 2013 over the “Gang of 8” immigration bill. Ailes was allegedly convinced to support the proposed legislation, which has become a political albatross around Rubio’s neck ever since.

Fox News chief sours on GOP candidate, tension hits boiling point
Posted By Douglas Ernst On 03/02/2016 @ 8:40 pm

Fox News chief sours on GOP candidate, tension hits boiling point

p.s. There is a helluva lot more behind Rubio’s open-borders that every network supports. It just happens that amnesty for illegal aliens is the one that television cannot hide from the public. Surrendering America’s sovereignty to the United Nations tops the list of television’s foreign policies. Taking in United Nations economic refugees is right up there with amnesty for illegals. Even worse than losing Rubio is that Hillary Clinton cannot beat anybody who the Republicans nominate. From the perspective of television’s stranglehold on presidential politics —— God forbid that Ted Cruz runs against Hillary.

p.p.s. God help Ted Cruz. Democrats stealing elections in the past was nothing compared to what they will do in November. Hillary Clinton’s people already know they have television’s permission to rig every election in sight.
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If media cannot have Hillary Clinton they will settle for Marco Rubio.
David Baker’s analysis says it better:

Every presidential cycle, the mainstream media select our candidate for us.

Dole was the sane candidate, superior to the crazies. McCain was the “maverick”, whose adoration was sung by all the liberals. Romney was the class of the field, otherwise dominated by ideological purists.​


So, each cycle the MSM purposefully take out all true conservatives during the primary, leaving their preferred RINO standing alone.

Until, of course, their designated RINO wins the nomination.

Then they turn.

And ruthlessly attack the RINO they just endorsed in the primary with all the vitriol and ad hominems they were saving throughout the primary. Now that it’s the RINO against their Democrat candidate, the war is on against everything they think he did or said. And truth be damned, he must be taken out. He is a Republican, after all.​

March 7, 2016
We’ve seen this movie before
By David Baker

Blog: We’ve seen this movie before

Parenthetically, Karl Marx ran in every election since 1900. Often on the Socialist party ticket and/or the Democrat party ticket.

March 7, 2016
Marx comes to the American Presidential Elections
By Michael Curtis

Articles: Marx comes to the American Presidential Elections

It just happens that the Democrat won elections.


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