Who Controls US Media?


Quod Erat Demonstrandum
Jul 8, 2009
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In short, American media is controlled by two men, who are politically opposed to eachother.

Jeffery Immelt, Chairman and CEO of General Electric, a multinational worth $800 billion (the world's largest company). GE owns all of NBC, and about 1/3 of television and radio channels.

Rupert Murdoch, Chairman and CEO of News Corp, a multinational worth $55 billion. News Corp owns all of FOX, and about 1/3 of television and radio channels.

News Corp traditionally supports the Republicans in America, while GE supports the Democrats. GE's MSNBC is currently promoting Obama because GE stands to make massive profit from Obama's new "Green Energy" initiatives.
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Thank God for the Mavericks of Free Thought and Voice. Thank God for the web too.
Thank God for the Mavericks of Free Thought and Voice. Thank God for the web too.
Indeed. If it wasn't for the internet, the American public would be a commodity these two men would fight for.

Even with the internet, they dominate our national discussions.
Most of the radio stations in America are controlled by 4-5 companies.
Clear Channel, Cumulus, CBS, Citadel, Entercom, and Salem Communications, if I am not mistaken.
Thank God for the Mavericks of Free Thought and Voice. Thank God for the web too.

Should President Obama have the power to shut down domestic Internet traffic during a state of emergency?

Senators John Rockefeller (D-W. Va.) and Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) think so.

Should Obama Control the Internet? | Mother Jones

Unfortunately, the first thing that comes to my mind is Iran. So I vote No. Should the Government be able to Blanketly shut down Commerce to protect infrastructure in a Cyber Attack? I would expect it to. Communication and Commerce are two different things. We in NYC were quarantined twice since the planes hit the Tower. I want to be able to communicate and stay informed. With Cells and Cable, and Power available, that seems only reasonable.
News Corp traditionally supports the Republicans in America, while GE supports the Democrats.

Except that's not accurate.

Looking at the current fundraising cycle and then looking back to 2000 (listed in the following format: D%-R%-Total, percentages may not equal 100 due to rounding):

News Corp
2010: 86-12-101k
2008: 89-11-1100k
2006: 61-38-700k
2004: 74-26-614k
2002: 29-71-629k
2000: 31-69-776K

General Electric
2010: 69-31-486k
2008: 65-35-3246k
2006: 43-56-2306k
2004: 47-53-2403k
2002: 43-58-2026k
2000: 40-60-1986K

So what we really see here is a bias by both firms toward donating the party currently in power, and to the extent we see a break from that trend in the data, it's toward News Corp employees favoring Democrats and General Electric favoring Republicans.
The Jews and their ZOG control the media in the USA.
News Corp traditionally supports the Republicans in America, while GE supports the Democrats.

Except that's not accurate.

Looking at the current fundraising cycle and then looking back to 2000 (listed in the following format: D%-R%-Total, percentages may not equal 100 due to rounding):

News Corp
2010: 86-12-101k
2008: 89-11-1100k
2006: 61-38-700k
2004: 74-26-614k
2002: 29-71-629k
2000: 31-69-776K

General Electric
2010: 69-31-486k
2008: 65-35-3246k
2006: 43-56-2306k
2004: 47-53-2403k
2002: 43-58-2026k
2000: 40-60-1986K

So what we really see here is a bias by both firms toward donating the party currently in power, and to the extent we see a break from that trend in the data, it's toward News Corp employees favoring Democrats and General Electric favoring Republicans.
If fund-raising was the sole method of influence, then your analysis would be correct.

Both companies, however, own significant media holdings, holdings which largely form the public opinion. Thus, you must factor in the influence of those media holdings into your analysis.
We've known that the right wing controls the media for a very long time.


Iraq had no industry, no manufacturing, most of their military was destroyed by the US and war with Iran. Bin Laden wanted to lead the coalition to oust Saddam from Kuwait, they were enemies and not the friends that the right wing led us to believe. 80% of Americans were misled by the Republicans and the press into believing that 9/11 was also the fault of Iraq. Saddam killed members of his own family to stay in power, yet the right would have us believe Saddam would welcome into his country, Bin Laden, a political threat. Just saying it out loud shows how ridiculous it is.

Bush, publicly stated, that his administration NEVER, EVER suggested any tie between Saddam and Bin Laden. You can hear him saying it on Youtube. Where did the American people get such a notion? Even 90% of the military believed we invaded Iraq because of 9/11.

The press helped in this terrible and treasonous deceit that led to the deaths of thousands of Americans and the maiming of tens of thousands. While Cheney and friends raked in billions from no bid contracts. Cheney's Halliburton Stock Options Rose 3281%. Who has even heard of such a thing. Cheney illegally met with energy companies to plan for American Energy that led to the biggest profits of any industry in the history of the world. Cheney and Bush were sued by the Sierra club for the illegal meetings but the suit was dismissed by the Supreme Court led by Scalia just weeks after he and Cheney went duck hunting. If I hadn't read about all this in foreign papers, I never would even had known it happened.

Still, the press reports nothing about the new Iraqi constitution making Islam the national religion and saying that all laws are based in Islam. The press has said nothing about the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi Christians chased out of their country or murdered or forced to convert to Islam.

During the elections, the press never brought up Keating 5, or any other of John McCain's many, nearly yearly scandals. But they went on about Wright and Ayers. Who knew that Wright served in the US Marines during Vietnam or received three White House commendations?

I was watching FOX and they admitted that more than 70% of the press for Obama was negative and only 40% for McCain.
It's nice posting pics of clown zillionaires but.. the CIA tells them what they can, and can't, talk about.....and anyone else that could harm their Big Plan.
This includes Tobias B. Osama bin Bama and his crew.
Jews. They are far and away the heaviest presence, from ownership on down to the lowly reporters. Just listen to NPR for one hour: "I'm Robert Siegel. I'm Linda Wertheimer. I'm Terri Gross. I'm...


Read the NYT. The "liberal" is Frank Rich, while the "conservative" is David Brooks. Only, they're both fucking JEWS! Jesus S. Christ, like we're going to get anything balanced there...
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Jews. They are far and away the heaviest presence, from ownership on down to the lowly reporters. Just listen to NPR for one hour: "I'm Robert Siegel. I'm Linda Wertheimer. I'm Terri Gross. I'm...

National Public Radio (NPR) - Vanguard News Network Forum

Read the NYT. The "liberal" is Frank Rich, while the "conservative" is David Brooks. Only, they're both fucking JEWS! Jesus S. Christ, like we're going to get anything balanced there...

Do you ever actually have real ideas, or are you just a ball of raging antisemitism?
"most of their military was destroyed by the US"

That's about the stupidest thing I've heard today.

We didn't go to war against Iraq, and we certainly didn't fight with "their military". Their military worked with us to obliterate terrorists.
The American media is basically owned by Jews, most of whom are dedicated zionists.

Buying Fox News
By Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld and Alyssa A. Lappen
FrontPageMagazine.com | December 13, 2005

Saudi Prince al-Waleed bin Talal boasted in Dubai earlier this week about his ability to change the news content that viewers around the world see on television.

In early September 2005, Bin Talal bought 5.46% of voting shares in News Corp. This made the Fifth richest man on the Forbes World's Richest People, the fourth largest voting shareholder in News Corp., the parent of Fox News. News Corp. is the world's leading newspaper publisher in English. It operates more than 175 newspapers, in the UK, Australia, Fiji, Papua New Guinea and the US, and distributes more than 40 million papers per week. In addition, News Corp. owns and operates an international collection of TV outlets, radio stations, magazines, book publishers and film studios.

After bin Talal purchased his voting shares in News Corp., on September 23, 2005, he stated in an advertising supplement to the New York Times, “When I invest in a group like CITICROUP, the Four Seasons, the News Corp. or Time Warner, my objective is not to manage those companies.” But this is not quite accurate, considering the Prince’s December 5, 2005 statement given to Middle East Online regarding his ability to change what viewers see on Fox News. Covering the riots in Paris last November, Fox ran a banner saying: "Muslim riots." Bin Talal was not happy. "I picked up the phone and called Murdoch... (and told him) these are not Muslim riots, these are riots out of poverty," he said. "Within 30 minutes, the title was changed from Muslim riots to civil riots."

News Corp did not comment, but referred us to FOX NEWS, which responded with the following statement: “Over the course of our extensive coverage, it became clear that the Paris riots were caused by a number of different factors which we characterized in various ways as we continued to report the story and discover new information. In fact, one of our contributors, Father Morris, who was in Paris covering this story, was prominently on our air saying this was a cultural assimilation issue, not a religious one.”

FrontPage Magazine...
Who controls the US media?

Why, the public of course. The media wants to give them want they want in order to garner higher ratings...which means more money for the media.

Hence the rise of news-mags, newstainment, etc. Its all to cater to what the public wants and to keep them from changing the channel.
The Jews control the USA for goodness sakes.

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