Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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PA Chairman Abbas always claims to international audiences that he seeks peace. Yet on Palestinian “Prisoner’s Day,” Abbas sent Fatah Central Committee member Abbas Zaki to represent him at an event arranged by Fatah in Bethlehem to honor the relatives of the “heroic” terrorist prisoners.

On stage with Abbas’ representative were several masked men wearing military uniforms, armed with automatic rifles.

Do they look like peace-seekers?

Posters at the event displayed pictures of numerous terrorist prisoners including at least two terrorist murderers: Marwan Barghouti who planned attacks in which 5 Israelis were murdered and Khalil Jabarin who murdered Ari Fuld, a father of 4, last year.


Marwan Barghouti (circled) - convicted of planning attacks
in which 5 Israelis were murdered


Khalil Jabarin (circled)
- murdered Israeli American Ari Fuld, a father of four

Were they peace-seekers?

Palestinian Media Watch has reported on other statements by Zaki, which document that he is the opposite of a peace-seeker.

Zaki has explained the PA’s long-term strategy. He has said that his and Mahmoud Abbas’ goal is to destroy Israel in stages - the first of which is forcing Israel to withdraw to the 1967 lines - so that Israel will come to an end:

(full article online)

Palestinian peace-seekers? - PMW Bulletins
[ He is a citizen of Jordan? Dual loyalty? ]

The PA president, and his sons, hold Jordanian passports and citizenship allowing them to purchase real estate in Jordan without any red tape that foreigners usually have to go through. as far as I know, he is still a Jordanian citizen.

Abbas held meetings with John Kerry in his Jordanian villa during the Obama administration.

His Jordanian national number (as of 2011) is 93-3000-254.

Mahmoud Abbas likes to style himself as the President of the State of Palestine. How many world leaders are citizens of other countries?

Mahmoud Abbas has property in Jordan, including a huge villa. (He's also a citizen.) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The Dhimmi status assigned to non-Islamists has a history going back to ancient Islamist times and tales. The jizya is a discriminatory tax or penalty assessed against non-islamics and has a long history in islamic fascism.

Christians in PA Attacked by Fatah, Forced to Pay Muslim Tax

Christians in PA Attacked by Fatah, Forced to Pay Muslim Tax

Christian residents of the village of Jifnah in the Palestinian Authority (PA) were attacked by Fatah activists and were forced to pay the Muslim Jizyah ransom tax after a local woman complained to the police about the son of a senior Fatah official.
The politburo mouthpieces in Mahmoud'istan may be preparing for an incursion into Lebanon. It would be interesting to see if the Iranians ordered their occupation army (Hezbollah), to defend the camp.

That could set up a rockin' gee-had pitting Sunni vs. Shia.

Fear as Fatah threatens Ain al-Hilweh raid after killing

Fear as Fatah threatens Ain al-Hilweh raid after killing


SIDON, Lebanon: The Fatah Movement Monday threatened to launch a raid in the Ain al-Hilweh Palestinian refugee camp to apprehend the suspected killer of one of its members, sparking fear of destructive clashes in the camp.

Mohammad Nazih Khalil, known as Abu al-Kel, was fatally shot Friday afternoon while on his way to visit a friend in the camp’s Hettin neighborhood.

The suspected killer was later identified as Fatah al-Islam-affiliated I.A.Kh., who is believed to be hiding out in Hettin. The neighborhood is dominated by the “Muslim Shabab” group, formed of members of Fatah al-Islam and Jund al-Sham.
They do this because they’re psychopaths who share a common illness.

It’s a societal structure that spends they’re every waking moment living their illness.

"Gaza Activist Maryam Abu Moussa: We Will Throw Jews into Ditches Like Hitler; Trump's End Will Come At the Hand of a Palestinian Boy"

Thaqalayn TV, which is based in Lebanon and Turkey, aired an interview with Gaza Return March Activist Maryam Abu Moussa on April 24, 2019. In the interview Abu Moussa said that the Palestinians will soon bury the Jews in the” ditches of Hitler”. She claimed that when Hitler ordered the Russians to dig ditches to bury the Jews in World War II, they refused to do so because they were “humane”. Conversely, she claims that when Hitler ordered the Jews to bury the Russians in ditches, “they did so immediately.” According to Abu Moussa, Hitler said to the Russians: “I wanted you to know the truth about those Jews and why I burn them.” She added that “they do not believe in the humanity of people, so how could they be expected to believe in the humanity of the Palestinians?” Abu Moussa continued to say that if the Jews get their hands on the Golan Heights “the entire Arab world will be grabbed by Israel overnight.” Abu Moussa accused the Arabs of making fools of the Palestinians. She pledged that the Palestinian people will restore the honor of the Islamic nation and liberate Palestine and the rest of the Arab world. Abu Moussa concluded with a threat to US President Donald Trump: “Your end will come at the hand of a Palestinian boy.” She added: “Allah willing, we will soon pelt you with shoes.”
I can’t say I really understand the Israeli decision not to respond forcefully to the latest Islamic terrorist gee-had attacks.

I would think a gradual escalation of the breadth of response would be the appropriate action.

I suspect that Iranian welfare money and weapons donated to Hamas and Islamic gee-had comes with the condition that they will use those resources to attack Israel.

Israel, by not responding, is not going to lessen the attacks.

In Shift, Israel Refrains From Hitting Hamas for Islamic Jihad's Rockets

In shift, Israel refrains from hitting Hamas for Islamic Jihad's rockets

The Israeli government treated Tuesday's rocket attack differently, to prevent escalation that could disrupt efforts to reach cease-fire with Hamas

Yaniv Kubovich and Jack Khoury May 01, 2019 12:30 PM

Fatah chose to post the text without comment. It did not condemn this story for portraying Jews as evil, selfish, and ungrateful. Nor did it distance itself from the Nazi commander's justification of the murder of Jews in the Holocaust based on the antisemitic libel that Jews are defined by these character traits.

Fatah's antisemitic story justifying the murder of Jews in the Holocaust does bear some similarities to a historical account documented by a JTA news release on Nov. 27, 1942. However, in reality, Jews and Ukrainians all acted heroically by refusing to bury each other alive, and therefore were all murdered by the Nazis.

The following is the historical account of Jewish and Ukrainian heroism released by JTA in 1942:

(full article online)

Why were Jews murdered in the Holocaust? Here's Fatah's answer
Many Palestinian Authority residents expressed their distrust of the Arab leadership and even said that they preferred Israeli rule in interviews with Kan News.

In light of the refusal of Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas to accept the budgets that the State of Israel transfers to him every month due to the reduction of the salaries of the terrorists, there is a fear that the PA will collapse.

Despite the fears of the international community, the Arab street is not as worried about the situation and there are those who even call on the State of Israel to come and rule over Judea and Samaria.

One of the interviewees said: "Let Israel come here. The Palestinian Authority (PA) is not interested in us. The PA does what it wants and not what the citizens want. We want things to be comfortable for citizens and not for the PA to have money hidden in its pockets and chairs. When asked whether he was alone in that opinion if it was shared by many residents of the PA, he replied,"A lot. I tell you a lot [of people think like this]."

Another Arab expressed his anger at the PA government and stated that Abbas is the only person pleased with the existence of the Palestinian Authority. "The members of the security forces also receive only a quarter of a regular salary. Only the top official at the top is satisfied. The rest are not."

(full article online)

Do PA Arabs want Israeli sovereignty?
The wannabe caliph of Mahmoud'istan (the same caliph with a presidential jet), is apparently looking for some Islamo street-cred with his whining about the Israeli decision to withhold islamic terrorist blood money.

Not surprisingly, the audience this loathsome phony appears before are the loathsome Islamic terrorists she connives with.

Linda Sarsour to keynote fundraisers for radical terror-tied group

Women's March leader Linda Sarsour is set to keynote several fundraisers across the country for Islamic Relief USA, an Islamic advocacy organization that is banned in many countries and has increasing ties to international terrorist organizations.

Over the past few years, the controversial progressive activist has faced increasing scrutiny over her Islamist ideology and ties to radical extremists, in addition to her virulentanti-Semitism. Nonetheless, she remains a board member of The Women's March, which claims to advocate for the rights of all women.
It may be that the Egyptians are growing tired of their role as negotiators. On more than a few occasions, they have been embarrassed by one or more of the Islamic terrorist franchises launching rockets at Israel shortly after an Egyptian announcement of a cease fire.

Both Hamas and Islamist gee-had are being called to the principals office, summoned like misbehaving school boys.

Senior Hamas, Islamic Jihad members summoned to Cairo after attacks

Egyptian intelligence officials will meet with members of the delegation in an effort to calm the situation after tensions escalate between Israel and the Gaza Strip.

Egypt has summoned senior Hamas and Islamic Jihad members to Cairo for talks following a flare-up in tensions between the IDF and Hamas in the Gaza strip, according to a report from Ynet News on Thursday.

The delegation from both groups crossed into Egypt via the Rafah border crossing.
Hamas will need to petition their Shia masters in Iran for more gee-had welfare money. Their was some as’plodin going on in and around Shia’istan in response to Islamic terrorist attacks.

IDF hits Hamas targets in Gaza in response to wave of incendiary balloons


In retaliation, two rockets are launched from the Hamas-run coastal enclave into Israeli territory. IDF says it holds Hamas responsible for any hostile acts emanating from Gaza. Iron Dome batteries moved south ahead of Independence Day next Wednesday.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

I have to agree here with our friend "Hollie" on the importance and relevant relationship between these two observations.

It may be that the Egyptians are growing tired of their role as negotiators.
Hamas will need to petition their Shia masters in Iran for more gee-had welfare money. There was some as’plodin going on in and around Shia’istan in response to Islamic terrorist attacks. → IDF says it holds Hamas responsible for any hostile acts emanating from Gaza.

There is no question that the Arab League and, in particular, the Egyptian Government are getting the full taste of the real behaviors that characterize the Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP). No matter what the NGOs may say, no matter what the UNHRC might report in the open, the Arab League leadership tier completely understands the true causes that trigger retaliatory strike out of Israel. And, they are getting a true taste of the honesty, integrity and moral values that is the Arab Palestinian of the Gaza Strip.

No conditional peace can be achieved when the Arab Palestinian of the Gaza Strip are as untrustworthy as they are.

AND, the Arab League world (in particular, the Egyptian Government) is getting a very real understanding as to the accuracy, trustworthiness, and reliability of the reports generated by the UNHCR and their NGO counterparts.

Most Respectfully,
The Iranian Mullocrats must be laughing all the way to Friday prayers.

As events are playing out, they have their most hated enemies, the Sunni and the Jews, fighting a low level war. With both Hamas and Islamic gee-had bending and scraping at the altar of Shia Iranian money, the Mullocrats are playing both sides against each other.

Islamic Jihad tries to dictate events in Gaza

Islamic Jihad tries to dictate events in Gaza

Opinion: The long-term cease-fire arrangement between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, appeared near but now, several events, orchestrated by Iran, including Sunday's rocket launch towards Israel, casts new doubts
Not surprisingly, the audience this loathsome phony appears before are the loathsome Islamic terrorists she connives with.

Linda Sarsour to keynote fundraisers for radical terror-tied group

Women's March leader Linda Sarsour is set to keynote several fundraisers across the country for Islamic Relief USA, an Islamic advocacy organization that is banned in many countries and has increasing ties to international terrorist organizations.

Over the past few years, the controversial progressive activist has faced increasing scrutiny over her Islamist ideology and ties to radical extremists, in addition to her virulentanti-Semitism. Nonetheless, she remains a board member of The Women's March, which claims to advocate for the rights of all women.
Ahhh, Israel's old terrorist propaganda canard again.
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