Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

At first, I thought this was an odd occurrence! But, looking back over the last 100 years the preferred method used by the → Hostile Arab Palestinians → and assumes violence over negotiations and diplomacy.

Palestinian Statements said:
◈ Jihad and the armed resistance is the right and real method for the liberation of Palestine, and the restoration of all the rights, together with, of course, all forms of political and diplomatic struggle including in the media, public and legal [spheres]; with the need to mobilize all the energies of the nation in the battle.

◈ There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors.

◈ Armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine. This is the overall strategy, not merely a tactical phase. The Palestinian Arab people assert their absolute determination and firm resolution to continue their armed struggle and to work for an armed popular revolution for the liberation of their country and their return to it.​

The angry, wannabe caliphate'ists in the Fatah tribe have delivered an ultimatum to the competing buffoons in the Kingdom of Sinwar.

I think caliber of weapons and volume of fire is the resolution for these angry, pious Dark Agers.

"Fatah to Hamas: Last chance for reconciliation"
April 17, 2019 at 12:19 pm
Head of Fatah delegation to reconciliation talks Azzam Al-Ahmad arrived in Egypt yesterday and sent a message to Hamas indicating that this is the “last chance” for talks, Al-Watan Voice reported.

I don't think that violence is anymore a way for life for members of Fatah than it is for members of HAMAS. It is a common characteristic and trait of Arab Palestinians → generational to all Arab Palestinians of the West Bank, Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip. Violence → is ingrained in every fiber of their being, passed on from generation → to → generation through the parents and the Islamic Martyr system of dedications and rewards for acts of terrorism.

Most Respectfully,
You are talking about Palestine's so called leadership. The Palestinians are going past them leaving them behind.

That’s so silly.
I’m not convinced the linked article is a fair assessment of the Hamas franchise of Islamic Terrorism Int. Inc.

By the standards of Islamic terrorist dictatorships, Hamas is just an average, theocratic totalitarian nightmare. As a criminal enterprise, they have managed better than others but that is only because they are a part of an established, UN sponsored welfare fraud scheme.

Human rights group documents Hamas abuses

Human rights group documents Hamas abuses

Entsar Abu Jahal April 26, 2019

Arrests in the Gaza Strip point at Hamas' harsh treatment of protesters and its civil rights violations.

REUTERS/Ibraheem Abu Mustafa
Palestinian security forces loyal to Hamas take up positions during an operation in the central Gaza Strip, March 22, 2018.

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — Al Mezan Center for Human Rights released April 23 a "fact sheet" on violations of the people’s rights to assemble peacefully, express opinions and not be subject to arbitrary detention in the Gaza Strip.

The information presented was gathered between March 1, 2018, and March 1, 2019, as part of an EU-funded project to document rights abuses and promote compliance with international law.

The statement indicates that the Hamas government security service in the Gaza Strip summoned, arrested and detained 742 people, including five women, as they were exercising their rights, because of their political affiliations. The fact sheet reports bans on media coverage of protests and restrictions on the press, as well as theatrical and drama productions deemed to be anti-government
Say it with me: Awwww, those Poor, Oppressed Pal’istanians™️

A coastline, a university, a gold market and a beautiful view. We visit 5 places in Gaza that many have not seen before

Gee whiz. An Islamic terrorist “summit”.

The Hamas Death Cultists are in a bit of a panic. Any peace deal would suggest that the islsmic terrorist franchises put an end to attacks aimed at Israel. The Islamic terrorists would be required to accept the role of government and that is not in the cards for Hamas. With the UNRWA welfare fraud still supporting the islsmic terrorist networks, Hamas will want to maintain the status quo.

Hamas hosts Palestinian summit to unite against Trump 'deal of the century’




Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh speaks to the delegation of Palestinian political factions at a summit titled "United against the Deal of the Century" in Gaza City on April 27, 2019.
Hamas is looking to present a united Palestinian front against the imminent US peace plan

Hamas on Saturday held a national meeting with political leaders from various factions in Gaza to address “dangers” to the Palestinian cause, chief among them the soon to be released US peace plan, which the Trump administration has dubbed the “deal of the century.”
Gee whiz. An Islamic terrorist “summit”.

The Hamas Death Cultists are in a bit of a panic. Any peace deal would suggest that the islsmic terrorist franchises put an end to attacks aimed at Israel. The Islamic terrorists would be required to accept the role of government and that is not in the cards for Hamas. With the UNRWA welfare fraud still supporting the islsmic terrorist networks, Hamas will want to maintain the status quo.

Hamas hosts Palestinian summit to unite against Trump 'deal of the century’




Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh speaks to the delegation of Palestinian political factions at a summit titled "United against the Deal of the Century" in Gaza City on April 27, 2019.
Hamas is looking to present a united Palestinian front against the imminent US peace plan

Hamas on Saturday held a national meeting with political leaders from various factions in Gaza to address “dangers” to the Palestinian cause, chief among them the soon to be released US peace plan, which the Trump administration has dubbed the “deal of the century.”
And they do not even know what is IN the plan to have a summit about it.

Let me guess:

The 1967 Arab League summit was held on August 29 in Khartoum as the fourth Arab League Summit. The summit came in the aftermath of the Arab defeat to Israel in the Six-Day War and is famous for its Khartoum Resolutionknown as "The Three No's"; No peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with Israel.[1] The summit also resolved that the "oil-rich Arab states" give financial aid to the states who lost the war and to "help them rebuild their military forces."[2] The final communique of the meeting "underscored the Palestinians' right to regain the whole of Palestine—that is, to destroy the State of Israel."[3] The outcome of this summit influenced Israeli foreign policy for decades.[4]

1967 Arab League summit - Wikipedia
Residents of a predominately Christian village in the West Bank have appealed to the Palestinian Authority to provide protection for them after they were attacked by a group of Palestinian gunmen.

The residents of Jifna, north of Ramallah, said the attack came following a dispute between a woman from the village and the son of a prominent Palestinian figure affiliated with the PA’s ruling Fatah faction.

(full article online)

Gunmen attack Christians near Ramallah after dispute involving PA official
The woman, Waheba Issa Dai, “tried to recruit ISIS supporters to carry out attacks and provided them with information on making explosives and biological weapons,” according to the prosecutors. She also “used hacked social media accounts to discuss possible attacks with self-proclaimed members of the IS.”

Since a terrorist’s nationality is often relevant to their motives for carrying out terrorism, you would think that the media would have mentioned that Dai is a Palestinian Arab. No such luck.

The Associated Press mentioned—all the way down in paragraph 7—that Dai was “born in Jerusalem.” USA Today called her “a native of Jerusalem.” But neither of them acknowledged her identity as a Palestinian Arab. Which is interesting, because when Palestinian Arabs in Jerusalem protest something, the American media always describe them as Palestinians. You don’t see stories headlined “People Born in Jerusalem Accuse Israel of Persecuting Them.”

Yet suddenly, when one of those “Jerusalemites” does something out of Israel that reflects badly on Palestinian Arabs, she is stripped of her Palestinian Arab identity by the news media.

(full article online)

Just don't call her a Palestinian Arab! US media plays a game
The PLO sees Jews visiting the Temple Mount - Judaism’s holiest site - as similar to Muslims massacring Christians in churches in Sri Lanka during Easter.

The Palestinian National Council - the PLO’s legislative body - has compared “the deviant ideology” behind the mass murder of hundreds of Christians by Muslims in suicide bombings in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday to “the ideology that causes settlers to break into the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.”

In a strategy to try to keep Jews away from the Temple Mount, the Palestinian Authority and its leaders have declared the entire Temple Mount a part of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and exclusively an Islamic site. To support this claim they vilify any presence of Jews on the mount as a “desecration," “defilement," "break-in," or “invasion” of the mosque.

This PA ideology has led to the odious comparison. The Palestinian National Council announced that the murder of more than 250 people in churches and hotels in Sri Lanka is similar to Jews visiting the Temple Mount.

The PNC described the attacks in Sri Lanka as “immoral and contrary to religious and human values,” and similar to the ideology that makes Jewish “settlers” “break in” to the Al-Aqsa Mosque:

(full article online)

PLO: Mass murder of Christians by Muslims in Sri Lanka is same as Jewish presence on Temple Mount - PMW Bulletins
The gee-had gone wrong. Another mentally defective Arab-Moslem off the streets.

Shin Bet: Hamas planned suicide car bombing around Israeli election

Shin Bet: Hamas planned suicide car bombing around Israeli election

In his interrogation by the Shin Bet, Abu Dia said he was in touch with senior Hamas members in the Gaza Strip using the internet, had been recruited for military activities, and agreed to carry out missions and act as a suicide bomber,” the Shin Bet said.
Because the UNRWA welfare fraud is just too good to pass up.

Palestinians launch bid to foil "deal of the century"

Fatah urges Hamas to join effort against Trump's plan.
The Palestinian leadership will soon dispatch delegations to several countries as part of its effort to rally support for its opposition to US President Donald Trump’s upcoming plan for peace in the Middle East, also known as the “deal of the century.”

Palestinian officials in Ramallah told The Jerusalem Post that the delegations will also brief world leaders on the measures the Palestinian leadership intends to take in response to Trump’s plan and Israeli “violations” of agreements signed with the Palestinians.
[ Once upon a time, the Arab world was intent in destroying Israel. Then Israel survived and the PLO and PA did nothing but turn the lives of their populations into hell and enrich their pockets.
And they want more help from their Arab brothers where that money continues to find itself not where it needs to go......?
And then Abbas and Hamas cry.......
It is really hard to watch two professed terrorists, in search of a way to destroy Israel......crying that their Arab brethren are not with them anymore?
Wherefore are thou, my brothers? ]

Abbas says he doubts Arab world will help Palestinians in financial crisis
The annual meeting in Europe of the “International donor group for Palestine” comes tomorrow as the Palestinian Authority is experiencing a major financial crisis. The PA has announced that it will be turning to the international community and asking for significant funding.

However, before assisting the PA, the international community must recognize that the entire financial crisis is self-inflicted by the PA, in two different ways.

1. The PA returned 630 million shekels ($186 million) that Israel transferred to its account

Under Israeli law, Israel must deduct the amount that the PA pays to terrorist prisoners and their families every month from the tax money that it collects and transfers to the PA. Based on what the PA expended last year rewarding terrorists, as exposed by Palestinian Media Watch in January this year, Israel is now deducting $11.6 million (42 million shekels) per month from $186 million (670 million shekels) tax money that it collects and transfers to the PA. Losing this $11.6 million would not have caused a financial crisis. However, the PA made a decision that if Israel withheld the $11.6 million the PA spends rewarding terrorists - it would refuse to accept the entire $175 million transfer from Israel.

Meeting with both French and other EU representatives, PLO Executive Committee Secretary and Chief Negotiator Saeb Erekat reiterated “the Palestinian leadership’s decision not to receive the [$175 million] tax money if the [$11.6 million] deduction is carried out.” [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Feb. 22, 2019]

(full article online)

The PA is begging Europe for money – but it doesn’t need a penny more in aid - PMW Bulletins
Ghassan Daghlas, the man that the Palestinian Authority literally pays to make up lies about Jews in the territories, does his job for this article:

"The occupation has worked to close the streets and the Ibrahimi Mosque for three days to protect the entry of more than 40 thousand settlers," he said, adding that about 2,000 people stormed the city of Jerusalem last Thursday."

"We are dealing with generations of settlers who say this is my birthplace and my birthplace is here," he said. "The problem with the new generations is exacerbated by the Israelis teaching their children."

The Cave of the Patriarchs is open for exclusive Jewish use ten days of the year. It is open for exclusive Muslim use ten days of the year as well. Those days are published in existing agreements, and the schedule for 2019 can be seen here. Nothing to do with Bibi or the elections.

And this happens every time the site is closed to Muslims as per the agreement - Arab media complains about how Israel is taking over the site.

(full article online)

As usual, the Palestinian Authority lies about Jews taking over the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
  • "We reject normalization and adopt the approach of resistance until the liberation of the entire Palestinian territory." — Statement rejecting job offers, issued by Progressive Democratic Student Pole, affiliated with the radical PLO group Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).

  • "Resistance" is a term used by Palestinians to describe the "armed struggle" against Israel, which includes carrying out various forms of armed attacks against Israelis. When the students talk about the "liberation of the entire Palestinian territory," they are actually saying that they want to destroy Israel because they do not believe in its right to exist.

  • A video of the protest at Bir Zeit University posted on social media shows dozens of angry students surrounding the companies' representatives, and chanting: "Normalization [with Israel] is Treason."

  • This is just another example of how the movement for boycotting Israel is causing damage to Palestinians. Perhaps the real motive of the people promoting these boycotts of Israel is not to help the Palestinians at all, but, like terrorist groups, such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad, to destroy Israel.
(full article online)

The Palestinians' Own Goals
[ What do they want? Not Jobs.
What do they want? Not Peace.
What do they want ? ........ ]

“Our comrades protested the participation of some technology companies involved in normalization, and which contribute to the ‘economic peace’ project during the Annual Hiring Day hosted by Bir Zeit University,” the statement said. It claimed that the Palestinian companies were doing business with “Zionist companies involved in crimes.”

“Our colleagues asked the delegates of these companies to leave the university campus, as part of a commitment from our comrades to resist normalization [with Israel] and our absolute rejection of the university’s involvement in any normalization activity that would harm the reputation of the university and the struggles of its students. We reject normalization and adopt the approach of resistance until the liberation of the entire Palestinian territory.”

This statement shows that for the Palestinian students, “resistance and the liberation of the entire Palestinian territory” is more important than providing badly needed jobs for unemployed university graduates. “Resistance” is a term used by Palestinians to describe the “armed struggle” against Israel, which includes carrying out various forms of armed attacks against Israelis. When the students talk about the “liberation of the entire Palestinian territory,” they are actually saying that they want to destroy Israel because they do not believe in its right to exist.

This, by the way, is the same rhetoric used by Hamas and Islamic Jihad, two groups that also deny Israel’s right to exit.

Company Reps Escorted Off Campus
Ahmed Atawneh, a representative of another student group called Student Unity Bloc, defended the decision to expel the company representative from campus. “The students of Bir Zeit University, which is also called University of the Martyrs, reject the presence of companies engaged in normalization with the occupation on our campus,” he said. University security personnel and officials escorted the representatives of the companies out of campus.”

The only student group that has come out against the expulsion of the companies from the university campus is the Shabiba Student Movement, which is affiliated with President Mahmoud Abbas’s ruling Fatah faction. The group’s students, however, failed to take any measures to stop their colleagues from offending and intimidating the company representatives who came to offer them jobs.

(full article online)

Opinion: The Goals of Palestinian Students
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