Who actually wants the south to rise again?

Do you support the south "rising again" to form the Confederacy?

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The south should have been allowed to secede.

Instead, it was devastated by the north.

That's sort of like saying the shiftless uncle that you allowed to live in the 2nd bedroom after he was kicked out of his own house and made trouble before should be allowed to divide your house.

So the south was second class?

Are you comparing sharing an apartment to me owning a house and renting out a room?
Who actually wants the south to rise again?
Obviously, the GOP is doing everything they can to make it happen....and bring back slavery too. Destroying the minimum wage, Social Security, healthcare, welfare, and education, while giving everything to the rich creates the banana republic that makes 95% of us slaves. And 35% of this country is stupid enough to let them do it.
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Who actually wants the south to rise again?
Obviously, the GOP is doing everything they can to make it happen....and bring back slavery too. Destroying the minimum wage, Social Security, healthcare, welfare, and education, while giving everything to the rich creates the banana republic that makes 95% of us slaves. And 35% of this country is stupid enough to let them do it.

So we can be sure that this is nonsense.
Who actually wants the south to rise again?
Obviously, the GOP is doing everything they can to make it happen....and bring back slavery too. Destroying the minimum wage, Social Security, healthcare, welfare, and education, while giving everything to the rich creates the banana republic that makes 95% of us slaves. And 35% of this country is stupid enough to let them do it.

Bring back slavery? Destroy minimum wage? And the rest of your bullshit, if someone was stupid enough they would believe it.
Do I want the south to rise again? It already has

It has?

Do I want the Confederacy to rice again? no but under certain conditions would I support secession

Please share what those conditions might be? They wouldn't include slavery, would they? After all, you stated your forefathers fought for ideas most dear.

Just wondering.

I'm just wondering how tight that mask is?

After a lot of wear, I feel like I have it adjusted just right these days. Only, it can get a little cold on the skin come winter.
While the south isn't going to rise, the nation is assuredly going to break apart and that is a good thing.

See how anti-American cons are.

Is America a set of artificial borders on a map, or is it a set of values?

More of an ideal!

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free;
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless,
Tempest-tossed to me
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!​
See how anti-American cons are.

Is America a set of artificial borders on a map, or is it a set of values?

More of an ideal!

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free;
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless,
Tempest-tossed to me
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!​

One possible ideal. I prefer to think of liberty and independence as being the bedrock of Americanism. The fact that we can all come up with different answers, however, indicates that the idea of being "anti-American" is meaningless.
No real American would support secession......

Unless a black man was elected President

Do you celebrate the 4th of July?

Because you can't oppose secession and celebrate the 4th of July. The Declaration of Independence was, for all practical purposes, an article of secession.
No real American would support secession......

Unless a black man was elected President

Do you celebrate the 4th of July?

Because you can't oppose secession and celebrate the 4th of July. The Declaration of Independence was, for all practical purposes, an article of secession.

You are so right.

Lincoln would have opposed the Founder's desire to separate from the Limeys. He stated many times that the State is perpetual and can never be overthrown.

Sadly so many Americans have been brainwashed by the State schools to believe the lies perpetrated by the State.

Secession was the right of every state...the states were sovereign. Well until Lincoln imposed his bastardized view of the founding documents, by murdering 850,000 Americans and destroying half the nation. It is so repugnant.
It's time to take an official USMB headcount on this issue. So here's exactly what I'm asking:

Do you wish the Confederate States of America had won the Civil War?

Do you hope that the south secedes and once again reestablishes the Confederate States of America?

What I am not asking:

Your position on slavery.

Your position on Abraham Lincoln or his policies.

Your position on secession.

So I'm basically asking whether you have some kind of attachment to the government that called itself the Confederate States of America, and whether you would like to see it reestablished.

It's time to take an official USMB headcount on this issue. So here's exactly what I'm asking:

Do you wish the Confederate States of America had won the Civil War?

Do you hope that the south secedes and once again reestablishes the Confederate States of America?

What I am not asking:

Your position on slavery.

Your position on Abraham Lincoln or his policies.

Your position on secession.

So I'm basically asking whether you have some kind of attachment to the government that called itself the Confederate States of America, and whether you would like to see it reestablished.


It's time to take an official USMB headcount on this issue. So here's exactly what I'm asking:

Do you wish the Confederate States of America had won the Civil War?

Do you hope that the south secedes and once again reestablishes the Confederate States of America?

What I am not asking:

Your position on slavery.

Your position on Abraham Lincoln or his policies.

Your position on secession.

So I'm basically asking whether you have some kind of attachment to the government that called itself the Confederate States of America, and whether you would like to see it reestablished.



Because I support breaking up the United States Federal Government and support the right of secession and self determination.

If a country was going to emerge based on following the Confederate Constitution, I would support it because that government would more likely be in line with the Founders of the United States.

Though I am not crazy about the Founding Fathers, I would prefer living in a society with a decentralized republican form of government based on the principles of Federalism then what we have today.
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Because I support breaking up the United States Federal Government and support the right of secession and self determination.

If a country was going to emerge based on following the Confederate Constitution, I would support it because that government would more likely be in line with the Founders of the United States.

Though I am not crazy about the Founding Fathers, would prefer living in a society with a decentralized republican form of government based on the principles of Federalism then what we have today.

A nation based on a small limited central government, non-interventionist foreign policy, small military, and natural rights is far better than the reverse, which is what we Americans suffer under.

History informs us that big unlimited centralized government is always bad for all the people, except the power elite. We Americans once knew this, but no longer.
Is America a set of artificial borders on a map, or is it a set of values?

More of an ideal!

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free;
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless,
Tempest-tossed to me
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!​

One possible ideal. I prefer to think of liberty and independence as being the bedrock of Americanism. The fact that we can all come up with different answers, however, indicates that the idea of being "anti-American" is meaningless.

If you want to divide the nation based on partisan ideals rather than universal ones then being "anti-American" is not meaningless at all.

Because I support breaking up the United States Federal Government and support the right of secession and self determination.

If a country was going to emerge based on following the Confederate Constitution, I would support it because that government would more likely be in line with the Founders of the United States.

Though I am not crazy about the Founding Fathers, would prefer living in a society with a decentralized republican form of government based on the principles of Federalism then what we have today.

A nation based on a small limited central government, non-interventionist foreign policy, small military, and natural rights is far better than the reverse, which is what we Americans suffer under.

History informs us that big unlimited centralized government is always bad for all the people, except the power elite. We Americans once knew this, but no longer.

Sounds like you would be right at home in South Africa these days since that is exactly what they have there right now.

Because I support breaking up the United States Federal Government and support the right of secession and self determination.

If a country was going to emerge based on following the Confederate Constitution, I would support it because that government would more likely be in line with the Founders of the United States.

Though I am not crazy about the Founding Fathers, would prefer living in a society with a decentralized republican form of government based on the principles of Federalism then what we have today.

Why would you think the Confederate government would be any different though? The Confederate Constitution had some improvements, but not that many.
More of an ideal!

One possible ideal. I prefer to think of liberty and independence as being the bedrock of Americanism. The fact that we can all come up with different answers, however, indicates that the idea of being "anti-American" is meaningless.

If you want to divide the nation based on partisan ideals rather than universal ones then being "anti-American" is not meaningless at all.

It's too subjective to have any meaning.

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