Whitlock Calls BLM the KKK


Dec 23, 2009
Middle class, suburban ghetto.
He must be reading my mail!
I guess when two people (Whitlock and I) have spent most of their lives involved with American sports and black people they’re likely to come to some significant similar conclusions...
He must be reading my mail!
I guess when two people (Whitlock and I) have spent most of their lives involved with American sports and black people they’re likely to come to some significant similar conclusions...
Who? This only matters in your echo chamber.
Wow-this from the OP's article:
It’s happened to me, I’m black!” he told Carlson, adding, “But because I express conservative values — conservative, non-political values — I’m seen as a friend to white supremacists.”

"Whitlock even said that others have called him a white supremacist as well and added that leftists view all those who disagree with them as white supremacists."

Have I had this whole skin color thing wrong all along?! Maybe those people who said that just needed glasses? lol Seriously crazy people saying crazy things. Maybe someone can enlighten...black conservative men are secretly white? haha
It’s happened to me, I’m black!” he told Carlson, adding, “But because I express conservative values — conservative, non-political values — I’m seen as a friend to white supremacists.”

"Whitlock even said that others have called him a white supremacist as well and added that leftists view all those who disagree with them as white supremacists."
It's not unprecedented: Association of German National Jews - Wikipedia
Wow-this from the OP's article:
It’s happened to me, I’m black!” he told Carlson, adding, “But because I express conservative values — conservative, non-political values — I’m seen as a friend to white supremacists.”

"Whitlock even said that others have called him a white supremacist as well and added that leftists view all those who disagree with them as white supremacists."

Have I had this whole skin color thing wrong all along?! Maybe those people who said that just needed glasses? lol Seriously crazy people saying crazy things. Maybe someone can enlighten...black conservative men are secretly white? haha
He’s pointing out the hypocrisy and absurdity of democrat race obsession.
Wow-this from the OP's article:
It’s happened to me, I’m black!” he told Carlson, adding, “But because I express conservative values — conservative, non-political values — I’m seen as a friend to white supremacists.”

"Whitlock even said that others have called him a white supremacist as well and added that leftists view all those who disagree with them as white supremacists."

Have I had this whole skin color thing wrong all along?! Maybe those people who said that just needed glasses? lol Seriously crazy people saying crazy things. Maybe someone can enlighten...black conservative men are secretly white? haha
He’s pointing out the hypocrisy and absurdity of democrat race obsession.

It's all about their agenda and none of them are listening about the harm their policies are doing to the people.
Wow-this from the OP's article:
It’s happened to me, I’m black!” he told Carlson, adding, “But because I express conservative values — conservative, non-political values — I’m seen as a friend to white supremacists.”

"Whitlock even said that others have called him a white supremacist as well and added that leftists view all those who disagree with them as white supremacists."

Have I had this whole skin color thing wrong all along?! Maybe those people who said that just needed glasses? lol Seriously crazy people saying crazy things. Maybe someone can enlighten...black conservative men are secretly white? haha
BTW, you’d think that since the left insists that white supremacy and the KKK are so pervasive and ubiquitous that every white person would know at least one or maybe several members of these groups. I’ve never met one. Ever. I don’t know anyone who has. The closest I’ve ever come is through a friend who has written books about the KKK and has become accepted to their festivities. Why not? He’s giving them publicity and helping them seem more significant than they really are.
Here’s a picture of him with a klan buddy...

Some in BLM do have a legitimate stance on police abuse but the movement has been hijacked by radicals
Wow-this from the OP's article:
It’s happened to me, I’m black!” he told Carlson, adding, “But because I express conservative values — conservative, non-political values — I’m seen as a friend to white supremacists.”

"Whitlock even said that others have called him a white supremacist as well and added that leftists view all those who disagree with them as white supremacists."

Have I had this whole skin color thing wrong all along?! Maybe those people who said that just needed glasses? lol Seriously crazy people saying crazy things. Maybe someone can enlighten...black conservative men are secretly white? haha
He’s pointing out the hypocrisy and absurdity of democrat race obsession.

Relly for hundreds of years race has been an obsession of the Democrats first it was slavery of Black people for their power, now they use Black people in their racial hatred for anything American. Whether it's the KKK, Antifa or BLM it's all the same to the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left. They're the useful idiots to their quest for power through terrorism.
He must be reading my mail!
I guess when two people (Whitlock and I) have spent most of their lives involved with American sports and black people they’re likely to come to some significant similar conclusions...

Who cares what a boot licker like Jason Whitlock says, the coon hasn't seen a white ass he won't kiss.
Wow-this from the OP's article:
It’s happened to me, I’m black!” he told Carlson, adding, “But because I express conservative values — conservative, non-political values — I’m seen as a friend to white supremacists.”

"Whitlock even said that others have called him a white supremacist as well and added that leftists view all those who disagree with them as white supremacists."

Have I had this whole skin color thing wrong all along?! Maybe those people who said that just needed glasses? lol Seriously crazy people saying crazy things. Maybe someone can enlighten...black conservative men are secretly white? haha
He’s pointing out the hypocrisy and absurdity of democrat race obsession.

Relly for hundreds of years race has been an obsession of the Democrats first it was slavery of Black people for their power, now they use Black people in their racial hatred for anything American. Whether it's the KKK, Antifa or BLM it's all the same to the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left. They're the useful idiots to their quest for power through terrorism.

Yea because Republicans have been so great for black folks I just can't understand why EVERY black person in America isn't a Republican.
He must be reading my mail!
I guess when two people (Whitlock and I) have spent most of their lives involved with American sports and black people they’re likely to come to some significant similar conclusions...

Who cares what a boot licker like Jason Whitlock says, the coon hasn't seen a white ass he won't kiss.

Why are you such a racist?
Wow-this from the OP's article:
It’s happened to me, I’m black!” he told Carlson, adding, “But because I express conservative values — conservative, non-political values — I’m seen as a friend to white supremacists.”

"Whitlock even said that others have called him a white supremacist as well and added that leftists view all those who disagree with them as white supremacists."

Have I had this whole skin color thing wrong all along?! Maybe those people who said that just needed glasses? lol Seriously crazy people saying crazy things. Maybe someone can enlighten...black conservative men are secretly white? haha
He’s pointing out the hypocrisy and absurdity of democrat race obsession.

Relly for hundreds of years race has been an obsession of the Democrats first it was slavery of Black people for their power, now they use Black people in their racial hatred for anything American. Whether it's the KKK, Antifa or BLM it's all the same to the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left. They're the useful idiots to their quest for power through terrorism.

Yea because Republicans have been so great for black folks I just can't understand why EVERY black person in America isn't a Republican.

I think a big problem is that many people don't know history or even research it. Or they believe what the MSM and the state schools tell them:

After freeing the blacks the democrats started passing laws to make blacks unequal. Republicans had to repeatedly fight those laws for 100 years with constitutional amendments and other means.

Democrats don’t want a color blind society. They have decided the way to get 90% of black votes is to pander to blacks and other identities. They specifically don’t want color blind.

Every minute you hear democrats saying black this, white this black that. This gay, that lesbian . On and on with all these identities. I am so sick of it. Why aren’t people just people?

I prefer to look at each person and ignore everything about them but actual actions and accomplishments not their identity.

It is astonishing that blacks vote for democrats at all

For the 100 years prior to Lincoln the democrats were historically the party that supported slavery in the south. In 1860 when Lincoln was elected the democrats elected a person who debated Lincoln and argued why the idea of freeing the slaves was stupid.

Lincoln won even though most of the nation knew that we were on the verge of the most horrible conflict in history. Lincoln wanted to avoid this war but the democrats wouldn’t concede even the smallest point.

Lincoln drew a line in the sand. He wouldn’t go to war and kill 6 million Americans to free the slaves as long as the democrat states would agree to not let slavery spread to any new states. (In 1860 the population of America was 1/11th the current population of America so 600,000 was like 6 million to us today.)

The democrats wouldn’t accept that. Like today’s democrats they were absolutely convinced and not very negotiating. They wanted their slavery and they believed in it.

Read on:

He must be reading my mail!
I guess when two people (Whitlock and I) have spent most of their lives involved with American sports and black people they’re likely to come to some significant similar conclusions...

Who cares what a boot licker like Jason Whitlock says, the coon hasn't seen a white ass he won't kiss.

Why are you such a racist?

Why is Jason such a Tom?
Wow-this from the OP's article:
It’s happened to me, I’m black!” he told Carlson, adding, “But because I express conservative values — conservative, non-political values — I’m seen as a friend to white supremacists.”

"Whitlock even said that others have called him a white supremacist as well and added that leftists view all those who disagree with them as white supremacists."

Have I had this whole skin color thing wrong all along?! Maybe those people who said that just needed glasses? lol Seriously crazy people saying crazy things. Maybe someone can enlighten...black conservative men are secretly white? haha
He’s pointing out the hypocrisy and absurdity of democrat race obsession.

Relly for hundreds of years race has been an obsession of the Democrats first it was slavery of Black people for their power, now they use Black people in their racial hatred for anything American. Whether it's the KKK, Antifa or BLM it's all the same to the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left. They're the useful idiots to their quest for power through terrorism.

Yea because Republicans have been so great for black folks I just can't understand why EVERY black person in America isn't a Republican.

I think a big problem is that many people don't know history or even research it. Or they believe what the MSM and the state schools tell them:

After freeing the blacks the democrats started passing laws to make blacks unequal. Republicans had to repeatedly fight those laws for 100 years with constitutional amendments and other means.

Democrats don’t want a color blind society. They have decided the way to get 90% of black votes is to pander to blacks and other identities. They specifically don’t want color blind.

Every minute you hear democrats saying black this, white this black that. This gay, that lesbian . On and on with all these identities. I am so sick of it. Why aren’t people just people?

I prefer to look at each person and ignore everything about them but actual actions and accomplishments not their identity.

It is astonishing that blacks vote for democrats at all

For the 100 years prior to Lincoln the democrats were historically the party that supported slavery in the south. In 1860 when Lincoln was elected the democrats elected a person who debated Lincoln and argued why the idea of freeing the slaves was stupid.

Lincoln won even though most of the nation knew that we were on the verge of the most horrible conflict in history. Lincoln wanted to avoid this war but the democrats wouldn’t concede even the smallest point.

Lincoln drew a line in the sand. He wouldn’t go to war and kill 6 million Americans to free the slaves as long as the democrat states would agree to not let slavery spread to any new states. (In 1860 the population of America was 1/11th the current population of America so 600,000 was like 6 million to us today.)

The democrats wouldn’t accept that. Like today’s democrats they were absolutely convinced and not very negotiating. They wanted their slavery and they believed in it.

Read on:

Nobody denies the Democrats racist past, but don't come with this bullshit about how much Republicans were doing for black folks. How many folks did it take to die before Jim Crow ended? I came along at the backend of that era, how about you? NO Republicans or Democrats in the South were against Jim Crow.
Wow-this from the OP's article:
It’s happened to me, I’m black!” he told Carlson, adding, “But because I express conservative values — conservative, non-political values — I’m seen as a friend to white supremacists.”

"Whitlock even said that others have called him a white supremacist as well and added that leftists view all those who disagree with them as white supremacists."

Have I had this whole skin color thing wrong all along?! Maybe those people who said that just needed glasses? lol Seriously crazy people saying crazy things. Maybe someone can enlighten...black conservative men are secretly white? haha
He’s pointing out the hypocrisy and absurdity of democrat race obsession.

Relly for hundreds of years race has been an obsession of the Democrats first it was slavery of Black people for their power, now they use Black people in their racial hatred for anything American. Whether it's the KKK, Antifa or BLM it's all the same to the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left. They're the useful idiots to their quest for power through terrorism.

Yea because Republicans have been so great for black folks I just can't understand why EVERY black person in America isn't a Republican.
You do not give them a chance and it includes being more civil and admitting some of the things wrong is done by you. Progs do not care. Guaranteeing employment through threats of law suits can only go on until we are bankrupted to the point where we start devouring ourselves in this nation. The inner cities are perma ghettos. With only gentrifying those neighborhoods ending them. But the people move a few blocks in other directions as they keep living the same way. We all have good and bad pride. And the bad pride keeps us making the same mistakes over and over.

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