Whites only

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019

Ive been saying forever wanna beat the left? ya gotta get down in the gutter with them .use thier own tactics against them ..

Somedays some millenials give me a twinkle of hope


Ive been saying forever wanna beat the left? ya gotta get down in the gutter with them .use thier own tactics against them ..

Somedays some millenials give me a twinkle of hope

View attachment 287456

Wrongthinking millennial snowflakes are really causing a stir lately on jewtube just when I thought they had been censored into oblivion and for that they deserve a big fat participation trophy.

Oh, and thanks for the link. Looks "comfy" as the kids like to say.
What's new about the things you are talking about?

Whites have always used identity politics and most certainly the modern right is no stranger to it.
You guys are crying because you can't be openly racist.

What's new about the things you are talking about?

Whites have always used identity politics and most certainly the modern right is no stranger to it.

Becky how did I know you'd be here
And a lil triggered
Take a breath we're not goose steppin.....yet ...and like the young man said it's not about hate it's about love baby ....

You wouldn't be wrong BUT Whites have let it go ...they need to return to it
My entire generation was brainwashed into thinking we were in post racial world ..
We were lied to and the way the left has utilized identity we're certainly not anywhere near a post racial world ...
Plus this young man has a British point of view whIch is a natutal habitat of da white man
Whites across western europe will most likely be fighting for thier lives one day if they dont u turn soon ...which they're not gonna .
When you have New York times chinks callinb for our genocide
A woman on a city council telling a modern white american male to shut up simply because hes white and never menstruated
Colleges churning out anti white horse shit as they fill thier students heads with garbage ....while simultaneously ripping then off....what a racket
We got a problem...and it's our problem...white mans burden ...we let it happen ..
Whites need to wake up and start reasserting themselves
Especially in western europe

And Eh excuse me
Excuse me mam
Whites only
We're gonna have to ask ya to leave the thread
You guys are crying because you can't be openly racist.

End this and live with nature. I know. You don't have boot straps. But you got a lot of expensive sneakers. I prefer to live with some comforts as most people do.
The headline of "whites only" is false, as is evident by the references that the idiot in the video makes to women. Farce. This dingbat apparently doesn't know that approximately half of "white" people are female. No wonder he's a late bloomer. He doesn't even know that his mommy was a woman.

The white straight males who have throughout history excluded women, people of color, LGBTs, and people who belong to various religions have been playing identity politics since forever. Every other group has had to join together according to whatever characteristic of their identity has been attacked just to fight for a seat at the table, and now this group of moronic white straight males, which by no means is composed of all persons fitting that description, are bitching about "identity politics." Laughable.
What's new about the things you are talking about?

Whites have always used identity politics and most certainly the modern right is no stranger to it.

Becky how did I know you'd be here
And a lil triggered
Take a breath we're not goose steppin.....yet ...and like the young man said it's not about hate it's about love baby ....

You wouldn't be wrong BUT Whites have let it go ...they need to return to it
My entire generation was brainwashed into thinking we were in post racial world ..
We were lied to and the way the left has utilized identity we're certainly not anywhere near a post racial world ...
Plus this young man has a British point of view whIch is a natutal habitat of da white man
Whites across western europe will most likely be fighting for thier lives one day if they dont u turn soon ...which they're not gonna .
When you have New York times chinks callinb for our genocide
A woman on a city council telling a modern white american male to shut up simply because hes white and never menstruated
Colleges churning out anti white horse shit as they fill thier students heads with garbage ....while simultaneously ripping then off....what a racket
We got a problem...and it's our problem...white mans burden ...we let it happen ..
Whites need to wake up and start reasserting themselves
Especially in western europe

And Eh excuse me
Excuse me mam
Whites only
We're gonna have to ask ya to leave the thread

I won't be leaving.

I laugh at you for several reasons. But your psychosis is not funny.

Whites in the west have used identity to colonize and rule. Now you're crying because everybody you pissed off is letting you know how mad we are. You call teaching correct history anti white education because you can't take the recoil. You want to brag about all the civilizing whites have done but you don't want to face how you did it. This ain't the 17th century son and whites are about 10 percent of the worlds population. There will be no white reassertion. You will assimilate or get wiped out.
You guys are crying because you can't be openly racist.

End this and live with nature. I know. You don't have boot straps. But you got a lot of expensive sneakers. I prefer to live with some comforts as most people do.

End white racism and live with nature. Start talking to these whites about what they are doing. I'm not stopping until that does.
What's new about the things you are talking about?

Whites have always used identity politics and most certainly the modern right is no stranger to it.

Becky how did I know you'd be here
And a lil triggered
Take a breath we're not goose steppin.....yet ...and like the young man said it's not about hate it's about love baby ....

You wouldn't be wrong BUT Whites have let it go ...they need to return to it
My entire generation was brainwashed into thinking we were in post racial world ..
We were lied to and the way the left has utilized identity we're certainly not anywhere near a post racial world ...
Plus this young man has a British point of view whIch is a natutal habitat of da white man
Whites across western europe will most likely be fighting for thier lives one day if they dont u turn soon ...which they're not gonna .
When you have New York times chinks callinb for our genocide
A woman on a city council telling a modern white american male to shut up simply because hes white and never menstruated
Colleges churning out anti white horse shit as they fill thier students heads with garbage ....while simultaneously ripping then off....what a racket
We got a problem...and it's our problem...white mans burden ...we let it happen ..
Whites need to wake up and start reasserting themselves
Especially in western europe

And Eh excuse me
Excuse me mam
Whites only
We're gonna have to ask ya to leave the thread

I won't be leaving.

I laugh at you for several reasons. But your psychosis is not funny.

Whites in the west have used identity to colonize and rule. Now you're crying because everybody you pissed off is letting you know how mad we are. You call teaching correct history anti white education because you can't take the recoil. You want to brag about all the civilizing whites have done but you don't want to face how you did it. This ain't the 17th century son and whites are about 10 percent of the worlds population. There will be no white reassertion. You will assimilate or get wiped out.

whites have never been more than 13% of the world population. Whites just punch way above their weight.
The headline of "whites only" is false, as is evident by the references that the idiot in the video makes to women. Farce. This dingbat apparently doesn't know that approximately half of "white" people are female. No wonder he's a late bloomer. He doesn't even know that his mommy was a woman.

The white straight males who have throughout history excluded women, people of color, LGBTs, and people who belong to various religions have been playing identity politics since forever. Every other group has had to join together according to whatever characteristic of their identity has been attacked just to fight for a seat at the table, and now this group of moronic white straight males, which by no means is composed of all persons fitting that description, are bitching about "identity politics." Laughable.

Oh boo hoo victims of the oppressive white man
You're white it doesnt matter tHat youre female ....using identity politics
THiers nothing wrong with you having a seat at the whites only table..I mean who will make us sandwiches and sit on our faces but youre going to now turn around and exclude a whole group and say it ok for you to do that ...then it ok if I do it to

I was born in 68 ..oppression...discrimination aimed at women and blacks
I have no idea what you're talking about

But the fight Carries on right useful idiots

Tell me stupid what are women and blacks prevented from doing today ? Simply for being a woman or a colored person?
List thE injustices ..
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What's new about the things you are talking about?

Whites have always used identity politics and most certainly the modern right is no stranger to it.

Becky how did I know you'd be here
And a lil triggered
Take a breath we're not goose steppin.....yet ...and like the young man said it's not about hate it's about love baby ....

You wouldn't be wrong BUT Whites have let it go ...they need to return to it
My entire generation was brainwashed into thinking we were in post racial world ..
We were lied to and the way the left has utilized identity we're certainly not anywhere near a post racial world ...
Plus this young man has a British point of view whIch is a natutal habitat of da white man
Whites across western europe will most likely be fighting for thier lives one day if they dont u turn soon ...which they're not gonna .
When you have New York times chinks callinb for our genocide
A woman on a city council telling a modern white american male to shut up simply because hes white and never menstruated
Colleges churning out anti white horse shit as they fill thier students heads with garbage ....while simultaneously ripping then off....what a racket
We got a problem...and it's our problem...white mans burden ...we let it happen ..
Whites need to wake up and start reasserting themselves
Especially in western europe

And Eh excuse me
Excuse me mam
Whites only
We're gonna have to ask ya to leave the thread

I won't be leaving.

I laugh at you for several reasons. But your psychosis is not funny.

Whites in the west have used identity to colonize and rule. Now you're crying because everybody you pissed off is letting you know how mad we are. You call teaching correct history anti white education because you can't take the recoil. You want to brag about all the civilizing whites have done but you don't want to face how you did it. This ain't the 17th century son and whites are about 10 percent of the worlds population. There will be no white reassertion. You will assimilate or get wiped out.

Its ******* who started the slave trade to begin with dont blame our ancestors for being open minded and doing business with Africans
That's why I said you would be right ...and we need to return to it ...its not in a hateful and mean spirited way either
It's not about you anyway or your constant 24/7 rage against the wHite man

How much longer does the builders of the modern world descendants need to be punished for it ?
Subjecting us to an affirmative action president elected by whites wasn't bad enough ?
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