Whites Must Do Their Part to End Racism


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
Seems that for some reason, I can't post in a thread I started.

The question is asked why am I asking whites to help solve the race problem.

"Why do you keep turning to white people for solutions to America's racial problems?"

Whites created the problem and continue perpetuating it. So why do some whites think we are responsible for cleaning up a mess they made?

Reparations have been paid to other groups who have been harmed by government policy so the right wing opposition to reparations is simply based on a distorted racist belief. Whites are responsible for ending racism in the white community. Once that ends or is reduced to irrelevance the barriers and obstacles created by whites who have racist beliefs will be eliminated and groups of color will be able to reach their potential. You don't start a fire in your house the tell your neighbors how they need to put the fire out.
How do we do this? Blacks are killing each other in unimaginable numbers and if we weaken law enforcement that number will skyrocket as we've seen over the past few years. Why does it make any sense at all to weaken the police?

The truth is you blacks have a serious moral and family problem. You have to fix it and if we weaken the police more of you will die.

I guess your hatred of white people is getting in your way of seeing clearly.
And BLACKS must do THEIR part, as well. BOTH sides need to stop racism. It's the ONLY way it will work.
Blacks are doing our part. It's time whites like you stopped with the whataboutism. What you call black racism isn't really racism and blacks aren't making laws targeting whites, nor have blacks voted for presidents hoping they can appoint extremists to courts in order to overturn things like civil rights.
Seems that for some reason, I can't post in a thread I started.

The question is asked why am I asking whites to help solve the race problem.

"Why do you keep turning to white people for solutions to America's racial problems?"

Whites created the problem and continue perpetuating it. So why do some whites think we are responsible for cleaning up a mess they made?

Reparations have been paid to other groups who have been harmed by government policy so the right wing opposition to reparations is simply based on a distorted racist belief. Whites are responsible for ending racism in the white community. Once that ends or is reduced to irrelevance the barriers and obstacles created by whites who have racist beliefs will be eliminated and groups of color will be able to reach their potential. You don't start a fire in your house the tell your neighbors how they need to put the fire out.
I do my part, I ignore these threads.
How do we do this? Blacks are killing each other in unimaginable numbers and if we weaken law enforcement that number will skyrocket as we've seen over the past few years. Why does it make any sense at all to weaken the police?

The truth is you blacks have a serious moral and family problem. You have to fix it and if we weaken the police more of you will die.

I guess your hatred of white people is getting in your way of seeing clearly.
Black killing each other don't have a damn thing to do with whites working in their communities to end racism. Blacks aren't killing each other in any unimaginable numbers and whites are killing each other in similar numbers while dying of overdoses and suicides at numbers that make black on black killing look tame. So again, instead of bringing up irrelevant off topic crap focus on the topic. Whites must begin working more earnestly to end the racism in white communities.
A silly comment that has little basis in reality.

Yes thank you for proving my point. If you stop listening to the far left it would diminish rapidly.

But you want to believe the lies of the far left instead of taking responsibility for your own actions.

The far left does not live in reality as you keep showing!
Seems that for some reason, I can't post in a thread I started.

The question is asked why am I asking whites to help solve the race problem.

"Why do you keep turning to white people for solutions to America's racial problems?"

Whites created the problem and continue perpetuating it. So why do some whites think we are responsible for cleaning up a mess they made?

Reparations have been paid to other groups who have been harmed by government policy so the right wing opposition to reparations is simply based on a distorted racist belief. Whites are responsible for ending racism in the white community. Once that ends or is reduced to irrelevance the barriers and obstacles created by whites who have racist beliefs will be eliminated and groups of color will be able to reach their potential. You don't start a fire in your house the tell your neighbors how they need to put the fire out.
Ok I'll start, ship you all back to Africa.
Seems that for some reason, I can't post in a thread I started.

The question is asked why am I asking whites to help solve the race problem.

"Why do you keep turning to white people for solutions to America's racial problems?"

Whites created the problem and continue perpetuating it. So why do some whites think we are responsible for cleaning up a mess they made?

Reparations have been paid to other groups who have been harmed by government policy so the right wing opposition to reparations is simply based on a distorted racist belief. Whites are responsible for ending racism in the white community. Once that ends or is reduced to irrelevance the barriers and obstacles created by whites who have racist beliefs will be eliminated and groups of color will be able to reach their potential. You don't start a fire in your house the tell your neighbors how they need to put the fire out.
How would you expect me as a white person to end racism in the white community? I'm open to ideas as racists and bigots make me sick but for the most part I'm focused on my day to day life and do my best to treat everybody I interact with with kindness and respect.
Until whites like many here understand that they have a responsibility to end racism, the fight will continue.
How would you expect me as a white person to end racism in the white community? I'm open to ideas as racists and bigots make me sick but for the most part I'm focused on my day to day life and do my best to treat everybody I interact with with kindness and respect.
I am black, why must I provide this answer? You know whites better than I do and you know what it will take.
Blacks are doing our part. It's time whites like you stopped with the whataboutism. What you call black racism isn't really racism and blacks aren't making laws targeting whites, nor have blacks voted for presidents hoping they can appoint extremists to courts in order to overturn things like civil rights.
What happened to the crap when you deny racism you are a racist? Shouldn't it apply to you and other Black people?
I am black, why must I provide this answer? You know whites better than I do and you know what it will take.
Im just asking, you don't need to provide an answer if you don't want to. Personally, I don't feel like I have the power or ability to cleanse the white community of anything. There are douchebags all over the place and personally I just try and avoid them and surround myself with good people. Do you feel like you have the ability to cleanse the black community of anything ugly or toxic that may be in it? If so, how do you think you can do it? Maybe a similar method could be used here...
Any answer from him is useless. He has no idea what is going on.
Unlike you sir, I actually answer questions and engage in the topic of discussion. You avoid question after question and then post lies. Thats troll bait not intelligent debate. Still got a lingering question for you in the last thread we were in that you've ignored... Waiting for a response...

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