Whites beaten by “youths” again.

If the Prog agendists actually spoke about this like they the phantom white supremacist bull spewed we would all get a dose of reality. I have no compassion for a Prog socialist voter who gets a beat down in this way. I actually believed my politicians that justice and inclusion were right. And they are. Somehow we are missing something. And what is worse we went from a nation of promoting "A plus" men and women of excellence to one of promoting "B plus" men and women because quotas and political correctness. China is laughing at us. For they have a plan. To rule!

Well they are trying to find a solution. In Baltimore teen Roy’el Byrd gave an interesting explanation for running around beating whites, breaking windows and assaulting cops and motorists....Don’t close the mall...ever!

Roy’el learned the hard way about White Marsh Mall’s curfew when he and a group of friends were unexpectedly asked to leave one weekend.

“If you really want to help society grow, why would you close a mall and not solve the problem that led to the ruckus?” he said.”

Clashes with teens have become a polarizing issue in Baltimore. As adults argue, some youth feel ignored.

These "youths" are worse than animals. Worthless. "Youths" Lol. If these people were white, here's headline:

WHITE PEOPLE ATTACK. Not "youths" attack but WHITE People.

Exactly....and as the more astute understand the word 'teens' is a code word used by the media when the perps are black.

The media has even admitted they cover up for black criminals....their stated motive...."we do not want to make blacks look bad"......how outrageous.

The job of the media is to report the news....the facts of the case...not to engage in a cover up motivated by poliltical correcteness wherein blacks are always considered innocent...that is the liberal narrative.
Get used to this.....it's going to get worse...a LOT worse because bad spawn creates even worse spawn ....it's a spiraling cycle of bad news
It's been getting worse for decades. Anyone with an IQ in positive territory could see it coming.

This is primarily a failure of Federal government sticking it's nose into the lives of families where it didn't belong.
It's a result of Federal law arresting parents for disciplining their own children.

It's a result of fathers being charged with domestic violence for bustin their smart ass, disrespectful, back talking 16 year old a good one when they needed to learn some respect.

It's the result of a society more concerned with being Politically correct than doing the right thing.

Yep...you ain't seen nothing yet.

Unfortunately, I think you are absolutely correct.

We are going down the same path the U.K has trod and though we are a tad behind them...we will end up in the same place....not a good place.

Yes we are. Anglo-America usually moves together..one reason why the UK was always such a poor fit for the EU. Thatcher and Reagan..Blair and Clinton...Trump and Brexit/Boris. Right now the UK is facing the exact same thing we are...the shocking realization that they are controlled by a political elite and there is very little they can do about it within the bounds of their system.
They people of Britian voted Brexit while we were voting Trump. Same thing. Two votes for independence, sovereignty, decency and self rule. And three years later we are both still fighting to implement our decision. When do we learn?
If the Prog agendists actually spoke about this like they the phantom white supremacist bull spewed we would all get a dose of reality. I have no compassion for a Prog socialist voter who gets a beat down in this way. I actually believed my politicians that justice and inclusion were right. And they are. Somehow we are missing something. And what is worse we went from a nation of promoting "A plus" men and women of excellence to one of promoting "B plus" men and women because quotas and political correctness. China is laughing at us. For they have a plan. To rule!

Well they are trying to find a solution. In Baltimore teen Roy’el Byrd gave an interesting explanation for running around beating whites, breaking windows and assaulting cops and motorists....Don’t close the mall...ever!

Roy’el learned the hard way about White Marsh Mall’s curfew when he and a group of friends were unexpectedly asked to leave one weekend.

“If you really want to help society grow, why would you close a mall and not solve the problem that led to the ruckus?” he said.”

Clashes with teens have become a polarizing issue in Baltimore. As adults argue, some youth feel ignored.

These "youths" are worse than animals. Worthless. "Youths" Lol. If these people were white, here's headline:

WHITE PEOPLE ATTACK. Not "youths" attack but WHITE People.

You dont need to speculate. This is how they write those stories...

"...the county sheriff did not arrest Mr. Drejka, who is white, until three weeks after he fatally shot Mr. McGlockton, who was black and unarmed."

The medias job is to gaslight you into submission.
Blacks are a minority but they committ over half of all violent crimes including rape.

The reasons for this are twofold.

One, black guys are much more likely to have been raised by their mamas only. They didn't have a dad to lay down the law at their homes so they tend to run wild. The "dad" in many black homes is Uncle Sam who provides the welfare check and EBT card to support the family.

Two, young black males are our nation's titular Sacred Cows. Look at them wrong, and its officially a hate crime. Look what happened to the hispanic fellow in Florida, your name is dragged through the mud.

The new nobility...and the law is terrified of them because the forces of chaos attack the law when it tries to act.
I have some friends that are big city cops, a few are Black. I asked they what they feared the most, assuming it was late night, early morning calls to bars and after hours clubs. They said it was "Aggression and violent tendencies of Black perps". The inner city Black Community has a problem with this.

Also, we've been having a lot of after school riots and very violent fights in and around subway stations and bus stops that the "teens" and "youths" use. Many are mostly or all GIRLS. The cops say it happens every day at various locations in the city.

“There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps... then turn around and see somebody white and feel relieved.”

― Jesse Jackson
The new nobility...and the law is terrified of them because the forces of chaos attack the law when it tries to act.
The law may not act one time, but the next time it will, and when these black hoods get in prison, they'll be saying hello to these white guys >>>



Should prison be a place where violent criminals have everything they need to become Hulks?
It takes a lot of protein to bulk up like that and maintain it.
WTF are they getting in their? Open buffet with baked potatoes and 40oz Sirloin steaks every day?

You would NEVER see this in Communist countries.
The inmates come out looking like Holocaust survivors, nothing but skin and bone, IF they ever come out at all.
America is fucked up from the core out.

Prison is the place where Americas "Macho Men" and REAL tough guys (not ITGs) are made. Sad.
Should prison be a place where violent criminals have everything they need to become Hulks?
It takes a lot of protein to bulk up like that and maintain it.
WTF are they getting in their? Open buffet with baked potatoes and 40oz Sirloin steaks every day?

You would NEVER see this in Communist countries.
The inmates come out looking like Holocaust survivors, nothing but skin and bone, IF they ever come out at all.
America is fucked up from the core out.

Prison is the place where Americas "Macho Men" and REAL tough guys (not ITGs) are made. Sad.
True. They shouldn't be lifting weights, and getting too much food.

In the case of Edmund Kemper (black & white photo), he's just naturally big (6 foot 9).
Agreed. what the hell is wrong with this country?
The prison system is run insanely..

If you want men to fight and be violent....feed them well, give them iron to pump so they get beastly and adrenaline rushed....then confine them into tight quarters.

If you want to DISCOURAGE a large prison population, make prison a living hell where people become too frail to fight.

Something tell me someone WANTS a huge prison population......big money to be made?.
Get used to this.....it's going to get worse...a LOT worse because bad spawn creates even worse spawn ....it's a spiraling cycle of bad news
It's been getting worse for decades. Anyone with an IQ in positive territory could see it coming.

This is primarily a failure of Federal government sticking it's nose into the lives of families where it didn't belong.
It's a result of Federal law arresting parents for disciplining their own children.

It's a result of fathers being charged with domestic violence for bustin their smart ass, disrespectful, back talking 16 year old a good one when they needed to learn some respect.

It's the result of a society more concerned with being Politically correct than doing the right thing.

Yep...you ain't seen nothing yet.

They'll cry when the shooting starts though. There will be a tipping point when an armed and angry America says enough is enough!
They'll cry when the shooting starts though. There will be a tipping point when an armed and angry America says enough is enough!

I think it's gonna take that.
Blood will have to be shed and a lot of injustice served before these lazy, do nothings realize they have no choice.

Come to think of it...a good bit of that is already here.....shows you how much it'll take to get em off their asses. A LOT

At least they kept their heads and weren't dragged behind a truck.

Implying what?
That because a FEW racist whites did bad things in history that it's A-OK that ALL whites are targets and get what they deserve today?

What a racist POS you are.
Few my ass. Whites have made racist laws and policies at every level of government since 7-4-1776.
Get used to this.....it's going to get worse...a LOT worse because bad spawn creates even worse spawn ....it's a spiraling cycle of bad news
It's been getting worse for decades. Anyone with an IQ in positive territory could see it coming.

This is primarily a failure of Federal government sticking it's nose into the lives of families where it didn't belong.
It's a result of Federal law arresting parents for disciplining their own children.

It's a result of fathers being charged with domestic violence for bustin their smart ass, disrespectful, back talking 16 year old a good one when they needed to learn some respect.

It's the result of a society more concerned with being Politically correct than doing the right thing.

Yep...you ain't seen nothing yet.

They'll cry when the shooting starts though. There will be a tipping point when an armed and angry America says enough is enough!

Blacks are armed and angry Americans and whites lost most of you here just piss us off more. We have a right to be angry. What are you whites mad about? That you can't get everything given to you anymore?
Few my ass. Whites have made racist laws and policies at every level of government since 7-4-1776.

SOME whites.....you have a habit of being a stone racist by grouping ALL whites into one basket. Believe it or not, that make you just like them.
That's the irony, you're JUST LIKE the hateful whites you rant about 24/7. No different.
LOTS of whites stood arm in arm with blacks against racist whites so that you could spit on them all today. Nice IM2,...real nice.

Did you know the first slave owner in America was actually a BLACK man ??? Betcha didn't know that. Yep...A BLACK Man was the Father of Slavery in America. Go figure.
Last edited:
Few my ass. Whites have made racist laws and policies at every level of government since 7-4-1776.

SOME whites.....you have a habit of being a stone racist by grouping ALL whites into one basket. Believe it or not, that make you just like them.
That's the irony, you're JUST LIKE the hateful whites you rant about 24/7. No different.
LOTS of whites stood arm in arm with blacks against racist whites so that you could spit on them all today. Nice IM2,...real nice.

Did you know the first slave owner in America was actually a BLACK man ??? Betcha didn't know that. Yep...A BLACK Man was the Father of Slavery in America. Go figure.

Fuck you. For 243 years now whites have done what I said. And I don't have to say some whites every time I say this to satisfy you. The first slave owners name was Hugh Gwynn, a white man from Virginia. Not Anthony Johnson. Do not show the hoax that has a picture of a black man on it because you could not take photographs of anyone in 1655. Hugh Gywnn started owning slaves 15 years before Anthony Johnson showed up.

Yep, you repeated a stormfront lie.

More than a few whites did nothing about these laws and went ahead and help enforce the racist laws and policies. And yes, there were a few whites who marched in civil rights marches. A few.

I am not like you. First off there never should have been a need for such marches, but in your racist opinion I am to be grateful that whites decided I could shit in the same toilet as whites and that whites gave us permission to have constitutional rights.

Fuck you.
Few my ass. Whites have made racist laws and policies at every level of government since 7-4-1776.

SOME whites.....you have a habit of being a stone racist by grouping ALL whites into one basket. Believe it or not, that make you just like them.
That's the irony, you're JUST LIKE the hateful whites you rant about 24/7. No different.
LOTS of whites stood arm in arm with blacks against racist whites so that you could spit on them all today. Nice IM2,...real nice.

Did you know the first slave owner in America was actually a BLACK man ??? Betcha didn't know that. Yep...A BLACK Man was the Father of Slavery in America. Go figure.

Fuck you. For 243 years now whites have done what I said. And I don't have to say some whites every time I say this to satisfy you. The first slave owners name was Hugh Gwynn, a white man from Virginia. Not Anthony Johnson. Do not show the hoax that has a picture of a black man on it because you could not take photographs of anyone in 1655. Hugh Gywnn started owning slaves 15 years before Anthony Johnson showed up.

Yep, you repeated a stormfront lie.

More than a few whites did nothing about these laws and went ahead and help enforce the racist laws and policies. And yes, there were a few whites who marched in civil rights marches. A few.

I am not like you. First off there never should have been a need for such marches, but in your racist opinion I am to be grateful that whites decided I could shit in the same toilet as whites and that whites gave us permission to have constitutional rights.

Fuck you.
I hear Africa is beautiful -- especially this time of year!
Few my ass. Whites have made racist laws and policies at every level of government since 7-4-1776.

SOME whites.....you have a habit of being a stone racist by grouping ALL whites into one basket. Believe it or not, that make you just like them.
That's the irony, you're JUST LIKE the hateful whites you rant about 24/7. No different.
LOTS of whites stood arm in arm with blacks against racist whites so that you could spit on them all today. Nice IM2,...real nice.

Did you know the first slave owner in America was actually a BLACK man ??? Betcha didn't know that. Yep...A BLACK Man was the Father of Slavery in America. Go figure.

Fuck you. For 243 years now whites have done what I said. And I don't have to say some whites every time I say this to satisfy you. The first slave owners name was Hugh Gwynn, a white man from Virginia. Not Anthony Johnson. Do not show the hoax that has a picture of a black man on it because you could not take photographs of anyone in 1655. Hugh Gywnn started owning slaves 15 years before Anthony Johnson showed up.

Yep, you repeated a stormfront lie.

More than a few whites did nothing about these laws and went ahead and help enforce the racist laws and policies. And yes, there were a few whites who marched in civil rights marches. A few.

I am not like you. First off there never should have been a need for such marches, but in your racist opinion I am to be grateful that whites decided I could shit in the same toilet as whites and that whites gave us permission to have constitutional rights.

Fuck you.
I hear Africa is beautiful -- especially this time of year!

Then you go on and move there.

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