Whitehouse denied CIA operatives in bengazi back up DURING the fight

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
EXCLUSIVE: CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack, sources say | Fox News

What makes this really sad is the operatives asked for help during both attacks and they were denied despite having the attackers illuminated with lazer designators.

During the whole ordeal our military could have taken out the attackers from the air WITH PERCISION.

Even those who say they respect Panetta say his excuse is just that, an excuse.

Obama has blood on his hands and the msm is desperate to wash them for him. He should be thankful he doesn't have an R after his name cause they would certainly crucify him then.
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This explains the cover-up. Its also blatantly obvious that Obama can't handle being put under instant pressure. His critical thinking is frozen when confronted with high intensity situations
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Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty are hero's.

They were told to stand down and not interfere. They ignored their orders and rescued those they could only to die in the end because our FUCKED UP LEADERSHIP considered them expendable political pawns because to aid them would mean to admit terrorists are not on their heels.

Brave men who gave their lives for american values while our president cowered in fear.

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