White White Supremacists in Northamerica and Western Europe dont like Soviet Russia, Why?

guy with a hoody and celtic cross signs (like white power uses it) on the hoody, shaved head and beard. Quiete tall, lean/fit around 25-35 years old. He didnt say anything to me nor did I to him, we avoided eatch other. I was with my mum there shopping. I said to my mum "this was a nazi" my mum didnt even realised it as she doesnt know what to look for.

You sound envious and maybe sexually aroused by that guy.... Maybe thats the reason he avoided you.

He was shopping I was shopping it was in the middle of the day, there was no opportunity or reason to get into a brawl or such. I just noticed he was a white supremacist. My response was that I indeed met often white supremacists, I didnt said he should not be able to wear his symbol.
When you see a dindu with a BLM t-shirt do you tell people you just met a black supremacist?

If I met a black supremacist I would have said it. But I dont think BLM is black supremacist, I think they are civil rights activists, was Martin Luther King a Black Supremacist? They rightfully fight systematic oppression of black people in the United States. I dont think they hate white people, they have lots of white people at their rallies, they are a liberation movement and for racial equality.
i dont know if he was a "nazi" he was a white nationalist likely. thats the white power sign.
"i dont know if he was a "nazi" he was a white nationalist likely. thats the white power sign."

Read the whole thread. I said that because it was claimed I never met a white supremacist.
You saw a dude in a supermarket. You didn't meet him.

ok i thought that counts as "met"
Not really. Common mistake for ESL, and not even a glaring one. Question: when you see this:

View attachment 149981

do you think you've seen the sign of Jewish supremacists?

Thats not the same, thats the israeli flag if i see someone with the german russian, british flag i dont say i met a white supremacist either. Also its not the only telltale sign, I said that already, its the overall look. There are more telltalle signs before i declare someone a white supremacist. You guys misconstrue my posts.
Hahaha... when he works in investment banking then he is a banker, is he not? You are an imbecile Zigenuer, you are set up as a provocateur by someone. The word "Banker" is a nazi rhetoric, "cigani" what word is used in at least 8 languages surrounding Serbia (and even in Serbia) is nazi language. You are paranoid, get some professional help Zigenuer. I think you are the racist instigating discord on the board. You post nothing else but provocative threads to pitch people against each other you nazi.

I didnt know he works in investment banking, my mistake. Cigan exists in many languages, but its a derogatory term. You know its a deragatory term or you wouldnt call me that or make a big deal that Im one. You make a big deal that Im "Zigeuner" because are aware of the hateful association and loaded. Its obvious, but you are the hypocrite not me.
You see, jumping into conclusions and base your judgment on assumptions leads you down the road of errors. I have no idea if the word Zigeuner is loaded or not. All I know is that you seem to be paranoid and post shit to provoke people. Your obsession with white people shows resentment therefore you see every white person as a nazi and a supremacist. You find it scary that white people want to preserve their heritage yet you want to live among whites regardless how much you despise them and scared of their customs and heritage. You want white people assimilate to the gypsies and not vice versa. If white people move to India, they should assimilate since the British Empire has no jurisdiction over it anymore. The newcomer wants to change the culture of the host country. That is fucked up.

Dude Im not from India. That was 1.500 years ago. We are Europeans with Southasian admixture. Im only 15% Southasian. I was never in India and Im very alien to India. Im also not a newcomer but since centuries here. Since 32 generations (it was estimated by scientists that Romani are since 32 generations in Europe). You also make the assumptions not me, I dont hate white people I said that alreay nor am I afraid of their customs or traditions. Stop accussing me of such silly things, you make that up etc. You just as well could call me anything which your mind can create, since its equally bullshit.

What re you talking about? I have never said you were in India, not even as a tourist. I said your ancestors originated from India. Cigani as a vagabond nation moves all round the world. So, what if your cigani ancestors came 1500 years ago from there. Are you ashamed of your ancestry? Why Zigeuner, why? Cigani still has the remnants of caste system. There a the musicians, there are the wood carvers...etc. They very seldom intermarry between the castes. It may be changing slowly. You know I am correct.

part of my ancestors originated in india (15%) and 85% of me didnt originate in india. why should i be ashamed of my ancestry, another accussation, i very much like my ancestry. im very active in the romani community. you said india is "my country" hence the example that im the newcomer here and at home in india, the example with a white guy going to india. thats wrong, i dont have a native country, hence in my profile "people without homeland" im long enough out of india to form a distinct culture and ethnos.
If you are without a homeland then you should appreciate the countries you move to and not attacking them as white supremacists and nazis. You are not satisfied with your circumstances so why not moving back to India? Finding a home where everybody is from the same ancestry would do good for your soul but you want to be among whites and then are bitching about it. It is your decision yet you don't like white people thus making your own life miserable Zigeuner.
I didnt know he works in investment banking, my mistake. Cigan exists in many languages, but its a derogatory term. You know its a deragatory term or you wouldnt call me that or make a big deal that Im one. You make a big deal that Im "Zigeuner" because are aware of the hateful association and loaded. Its obvious, but you are the hypocrite not me.
You see, jumping into conclusions and base your judgment on assumptions leads you down the road of errors. I have no idea if the word Zigeuner is loaded or not. All I know is that you seem to be paranoid and post shit to provoke people. Your obsession with white people shows resentment therefore you see every white person as a nazi and a supremacist. You find it scary that white people want to preserve their heritage yet you want to live among whites regardless how much you despise them and scared of their customs and heritage. You want white people assimilate to the gypsies and not vice versa. If white people move to India, they should assimilate since the British Empire has no jurisdiction over it anymore. The newcomer wants to change the culture of the host country. That is fucked up.

Dude Im not from India. That was 1.500 years ago. We are Europeans with Southasian admixture. Im only 15% Southasian. I was never in India and Im very alien to India. Im also not a newcomer but since centuries here. Since 32 generations (it was estimated by scientists that Romani are since 32 generations in Europe). You also make the assumptions not me, I dont hate white people I said that alreay nor am I afraid of their customs or traditions. Stop accussing me of such silly things, you make that up etc. You just as well could call me anything which your mind can create, since its equally bullshit.

What re you talking about? I have never said you were in India, not even as a tourist. I said your ancestors originated from India. Cigani as a vagabond nation moves all round the world. So, what if your cigani ancestors came 1500 years ago from there. Are you ashamed of your ancestry? Why Zigeuner, why? Cigani still has the remnants of caste system. There a the musicians, there are the wood carvers...etc. They very seldom intermarry between the castes. It may be changing slowly. You know I am correct.

part of my ancestors originated in india (15%) and 85% of me didnt originate in india. why should i be ashamed of my ancestry, another accussation, i very much like my ancestry. im very active in the romani community. you said india is "my country" hence the example that im the newcomer here and at home in india, the example with a white guy going to india. thats wrong, i dont have a native country, hence in my profile "people without homeland" im long enough out of india to form a distinct culture and ethnos.
If you are without a homeland then you should appreciate the countries you move to and not attacking them as white supremacists and nazis. You are not satisfied with your circumstances so why not moving back to India? Finding a home where everybody is from the same ancestry would do good for your soul but you want to be among whites and then are bitching about it. It is your decision yet you don't like white people thus making your own life miserable Zigeuner.

You repeat that I dont like white people, when thats wrong. and you repeat that my ancestry is solely from India or that Im the same as indians, when thats wrong. Im not the same as Indians, not everyone in India is the same as me like you say. Also Im not from India so I cant "move back". moving back means that im from there.
guy with a hoody and celtic cross signs (like white power uses it) on the hoody, shaved head and beard. Quiete tall, lean/fit around 25-35 years old. He didnt say anything to me nor did I to him, we avoided eatch other. I was with my mum there shopping. I said to my mum "this was a nazi" my mum didnt even realised it as she doesnt know what to look for.

You sound envious and maybe sexually aroused by that guy.... Maybe thats the reason he avoided you.

He was shopping I was shopping it was in the middle of the day, there was no opportunity or reason to get into a brawl or such. I just noticed he was a white supremacist. My response was that I indeed met often white supremacists, I didnt said he should not be able to wear his symbol.
When you see a dindu with a BLM t-shirt do you tell people you just met a black supremacist?

If I met a black supremacist I would have said it. But I dont think BLM is black supremacist, I think they are civil rights activists, was Martin Luther King a Black Supremacist? They rightfully fight systematic oppression of black people in the United States. I dont think they hate white people, they have lots of white people at their rallies, they are a liberation movement and for racial equality.
Then why can't white nationalism be civil rights activism for whites?
guy with a hoody and celtic cross signs (like white power uses it) on the hoody, shaved head and beard. Quiete tall, lean/fit around 25-35 years old. He didnt say anything to me nor did I to him, we avoided eatch other. I was with my mum there shopping. I said to my mum "this was a nazi" my mum didnt even realised it as she doesnt know what to look for.

You sound envious and maybe sexually aroused by that guy.... Maybe thats the reason he avoided you.

He was shopping I was shopping it was in the middle of the day, there was no opportunity or reason to get into a brawl or such. I just noticed he was a white supremacist. My response was that I indeed met often white supremacists, I didnt said he should not be able to wear his symbol.
When you see a dindu with a BLM t-shirt do you tell people you just met a black supremacist?

If I met a black supremacist I would have said it. But I dont think BLM is black supremacist, I think they are civil rights activists, was Martin Luther King a Black Supremacist? They rightfully fight systematic oppression of black people in the United States. I dont think they hate white people, they have lots of white people at their rallies, they are a liberation movement and for racial equality.
Then why can't white nationalism be civil rights activism for whites?

because they are not civil rights activists, they are not for racial equality. they want segregation or seperation, they dont want racial integration and racial equality.
guy with a hoody and celtic cross signs (like white power uses it) on the hoody, shaved head and beard. Quiete tall, lean/fit around 25-35 years old. He didnt say anything to me nor did I to him, we avoided eatch other. I was with my mum there shopping. I said to my mum "this was a nazi" my mum didnt even realised it as she doesnt know what to look for.

You sound envious and maybe sexually aroused by that guy.... Maybe thats the reason he avoided you.

He was shopping I was shopping it was in the middle of the day, there was no opportunity or reason to get into a brawl or such. I just noticed he was a white supremacist. My response was that I indeed met often white supremacists, I didnt said he should not be able to wear his symbol.
When you see a dindu with a BLM t-shirt do you tell people you just met a black supremacist?

If I met a black supremacist I would have said it. But I dont think BLM is black supremacist, I think they are civil rights activists, was Martin Luther King a Black Supremacist? They rightfully fight systematic oppression of black people in the United States. I dont think they hate white people, they have lots of white people at their rallies, they are a liberation movement and for racial equality.
You are way out of your league when comparing MLK to BLM. You are displaying total ignorance in the matter. You paddled into waters you know nothing about. What oppression are you talking about? We just had a black president for 8 years. You are really fucked in the head and your hatred for white people clouds your mind Zigeuner.
guy with a hoody and celtic cross signs (like white power uses it) on the hoody, shaved head and beard. Quiete tall, lean/fit around 25-35 years old. He didnt say anything to me nor did I to him, we avoided eatch other. I was with my mum there shopping. I said to my mum "this was a nazi" my mum didnt even realised it as she doesnt know what to look for.

You sound envious and maybe sexually aroused by that guy.... Maybe thats the reason he avoided you.

He was shopping I was shopping it was in the middle of the day, there was no opportunity or reason to get into a brawl or such. I just noticed he was a white supremacist. My response was that I indeed met often white supremacists, I didnt said he should not be able to wear his symbol.
When you see a dindu with a BLM t-shirt do you tell people you just met a black supremacist?

If I met a black supremacist I would have said it. But I dont think BLM is black supremacist, I think they are civil rights activists, was Martin Luther King a Black Supremacist? They rightfully fight systematic oppression of black people in the United States. I dont think they hate white people, they have lots of white people at their rallies, they are a liberation movement and for racial equality.
You are way out of your league when comparing MLK to BLM. You are displaying total ignorance in the matter. You paddled into waters you know nothing about. What oppression are you talking about? We just had a black president for 8 years. You are really fucked in the head and your hatred for white people clouds your mind Zigeuner.

Go shoot up a school white boy. Why do you say things like "I hate white people", I dont collectively hate white people. I hate only some white people. You dont speak for all white people.
"i dont know if he was a "nazi" he was a white nationalist likely. thats the white power sign."

Read the whole thread. I said that because it was claimed I never met a white supremacist.
You saw a dude in a supermarket. You didn't meet him.

ok i thought that counts as "met"
Not really. Common mistake for ESL, and not even a glaring one. Question: when you see this:

View attachment 149981

do you think you've seen the sign of Jewish supremacists?

Thats not the same, thats the israeli flag if i see someone with the german russian, british flag i dont say i met a white supremacist either. Also its not the only telltale sign, I said that already, its the overall look. There are more telltalle signs before i declare someone a white supremacist. You guys misconstrue my posts.
So you get to define what white supremacy is based on how someone accessorized? Israel restricts immigration to Jews. US actually makes it harder for whites to immigrate and PAID Jews from the Soviet Union to move here. How are we a white supremacist country oppressing minorities, and Israel isn't Jewish supremacist?
You sound envious and maybe sexually aroused by that guy.... Maybe thats the reason he avoided you.

He was shopping I was shopping it was in the middle of the day, there was no opportunity or reason to get into a brawl or such. I just noticed he was a white supremacist. My response was that I indeed met often white supremacists, I didnt said he should not be able to wear his symbol.
When you see a dindu with a BLM t-shirt do you tell people you just met a black supremacist?

If I met a black supremacist I would have said it. But I dont think BLM is black supremacist, I think they are civil rights activists, was Martin Luther King a Black Supremacist? They rightfully fight systematic oppression of black people in the United States. I dont think they hate white people, they have lots of white people at their rallies, they are a liberation movement and for racial equality.
Then why can't white nationalism be civil rights activism for whites?

because they are not civil rights activists, they are not for racial equality. they want segregation or seperation, they dont want racial integration and racial equality.
Separation? Like Mexico? Like Japan? Like Israel? Like Indonesia? How is separation "supremacist"?
Read the whole thread. I said that because it was claimed I never met a white supremacist.
You saw a dude in a supermarket. You didn't meet him.

ok i thought that counts as "met"
Not really. Common mistake for ESL, and not even a glaring one. Question: when you see this:

View attachment 149981

do you think you've seen the sign of Jewish supremacists?

Thats not the same, thats the israeli flag if i see someone with the german russian, british flag i dont say i met a white supremacist either. Also its not the only telltale sign, I said that already, its the overall look. There are more telltalle signs before i declare someone a white supremacist. You guys misconstrue my posts.
So you get to define what white supremacy is based on how someone accessorized? Israel restricts immigration to Jews. US actually makes it harder for whites to immigrate and PAID Jews from the Soviet Union to move here. How are we a white supremacist country oppressing minorities, and Israel isn't Jewish supremacist?

Jew is a religion not a race, if at all it would be religious supremacy, as far as I know jews come in all colours and shapes and even people with zero jewish ancestrry can become jews by conversion. No one can become white no matter how he much he tries, thats why racism is the worst form of supremacy, worse then religious supremacy or based on language, nationality etc.

You sound envious and maybe sexually aroused by that guy.... Maybe thats the reason he avoided you.

He was shopping I was shopping it was in the middle of the day, there was no opportunity or reason to get into a brawl or such. I just noticed he was a white supremacist. My response was that I indeed met often white supremacists, I didnt said he should not be able to wear his symbol.
When you see a dindu with a BLM t-shirt do you tell people you just met a black supremacist?

If I met a black supremacist I would have said it. But I dont think BLM is black supremacist, I think they are civil rights activists, was Martin Luther King a Black Supremacist? They rightfully fight systematic oppression of black people in the United States. I dont think they hate white people, they have lots of white people at their rallies, they are a liberation movement and for racial equality.
You are way out of your league when comparing MLK to BLM. You are displaying total ignorance in the matter. You paddled into waters you know nothing about. What oppression are you talking about? We just had a black president for 8 years. You are really fucked in the head and your hatred for white people clouds your mind Zigeuner.

Go shoot up a school white boy. Why do you say things like "I hate white people", I dont collectively hate white people. I hate only some white people. You dont speak for all white people.
Now, just why would you say I should shoot up a school Zigeuner? Your mind is totally fucked up. You hate white people that's why you said it. Who said I was the spokesman for all white people? You are vey disturbed. Your hatred blinds you.
He was shopping I was shopping it was in the middle of the day, there was no opportunity or reason to get into a brawl or such. I just noticed he was a white supremacist. My response was that I indeed met often white supremacists, I didnt said he should not be able to wear his symbol.
When you see a dindu with a BLM t-shirt do you tell people you just met a black supremacist?

If I met a black supremacist I would have said it. But I dont think BLM is black supremacist, I think they are civil rights activists, was Martin Luther King a Black Supremacist? They rightfully fight systematic oppression of black people in the United States. I dont think they hate white people, they have lots of white people at their rallies, they are a liberation movement and for racial equality.
Then why can't white nationalism be civil rights activism for whites?

because they are not civil rights activists, they are not for racial equality. they want segregation or seperation, they dont want racial integration and racial equality.
Separation? Like Mexico? Like Japan? Like Israel? Like Indonesia? How is separation "supremacist"?

None of those countries practices seperation japan recently had a half black and half indian miss japan.

Half-Indian woman crowned Miss Japan
guy with a hoody and celtic cross signs (like white power uses it) on the hoody, shaved head and beard. Quiete tall, lean/fit around 25-35 years old. He didnt say anything to me nor did I to him, we avoided eatch other. I was with my mum there shopping. I said to my mum "this was a nazi" my mum didnt even realised it as she doesnt know what to look for.

You sound envious and maybe sexually aroused by that guy.... Maybe thats the reason he avoided you.

He was shopping I was shopping it was in the middle of the day, there was no opportunity or reason to get into a brawl or such. I just noticed he was a white supremacist. My response was that I indeed met often white supremacists, I didnt said he should not be able to wear his symbol.

You live a sheltered life if you think every bald white guy is a nazi. What you described is a fan of black metal music.
He was shopping I was shopping it was in the middle of the day, there was no opportunity or reason to get into a brawl or such. I just noticed he was a white supremacist. My response was that I indeed met often white supremacists, I didnt said he should not be able to wear his symbol.
When you see a dindu with a BLM t-shirt do you tell people you just met a black supremacist?

If I met a black supremacist I would have said it. But I dont think BLM is black supremacist, I think they are civil rights activists, was Martin Luther King a Black Supremacist? They rightfully fight systematic oppression of black people in the United States. I dont think they hate white people, they have lots of white people at their rallies, they are a liberation movement and for racial equality.
You are way out of your league when comparing MLK to BLM. You are displaying total ignorance in the matter. You paddled into waters you know nothing about. What oppression are you talking about? We just had a black president for 8 years. You are really fucked in the head and your hatred for white people clouds your mind Zigeuner.

Go shoot up a school white boy. Why do you say things like "I hate white people", I dont collectively hate white people. I hate only some white people. You dont speak for all white people.
Now, just why would you say I should shoot up a school Zigeuner? Your mind is totally fucked up. You hate white people that's why you said it. Who said I was the spokesman for all white people? You are vey disturbed. Your hatred blinds you.

I said that because you are racist, and two can play the game white boy. But I wouldnt have said it to a good decent white person. You are a bad white person.
You saw a dude in a supermarket. You didn't meet him.

ok i thought that counts as "met"
Not really. Common mistake for ESL, and not even a glaring one. Question: when you see this:

View attachment 149981

do you think you've seen the sign of Jewish supremacists?

Thats not the same, thats the israeli flag if i see someone with the german russian, british flag i dont say i met a white supremacist either. Also its not the only telltale sign, I said that already, its the overall look. There are more telltalle signs before i declare someone a white supremacist. You guys misconstrue my posts.
So you get to define what white supremacy is based on how someone accessorized? Israel restricts immigration to Jews. US actually makes it harder for whites to immigrate and PAID Jews from the Soviet Union to move here. How are we a white supremacist country oppressing minorities, and Israel isn't Jewish supremacist?

Jew is a religion not a race, if at all it would be religious supremacy, as far as I know jews come in all colours and shapes and even people with zero jewish ancestrry can become jews by conversion. No one can become white no matter how he much he tries, thats why racism is the worst form of supremacy, worse then religious supremacy or based on language, nationality etc.

If you want to immigrate to Israel, they don't ask whether you believe in God. They ask who your mother was. I.e., it's blood. Race.
ok i thought that counts as "met"
Not really. Common mistake for ESL, and not even a glaring one. Question: when you see this:

View attachment 149981

do you think you've seen the sign of Jewish supremacists?

Thats not the same, thats the israeli flag if i see someone with the german russian, british flag i dont say i met a white supremacist either. Also its not the only telltale sign, I said that already, its the overall look. There are more telltalle signs before i declare someone a white supremacist. You guys misconstrue my posts.
So you get to define what white supremacy is based on how someone accessorized? Israel restricts immigration to Jews. US actually makes it harder for whites to immigrate and PAID Jews from the Soviet Union to move here. How are we a white supremacist country oppressing minorities, and Israel isn't Jewish supremacist?

Jew is a religion not a race, if at all it would be religious supremacy, as far as I know jews come in all colours and shapes and even people with zero jewish ancestrry can become jews by conversion. No one can become white no matter how he much he tries, thats why racism is the worst form of supremacy, worse then religious supremacy or based on language, nationality etc.

If you want to immigrate to Israel, they don't ask whether you believe in God. They ask who your mother was. I.e., it's blood. Race.

you can convert even by most orthodox standards, well its like a culture or being american "everyone got to be it" but you need to swear allegiance to the people and culture (flag/constitution). its not like white supremacy.
Jew is a religion not a race, if at all it would be religious supremacy, as far as I know jews come in all colours and shapes and even people with zero jewish ancestrry can become jews by conversion. No one can become white no matter how he much he tries, thats why racism is the worst form of supremacy, worse then religious supremacy or based on language, nationality etc.
Now you finally admitted what your problem is. Here it is what you said:
"No one can become white no matter how he much he tries, thats why racism is the worst form of supremacy, worse then religious supremacy or based on language, nationality etc."
You are saying if you could become white then there would be no white supremacists. Your jealousy of people being white while you cannot be one, now changed your resentment to hatred Zigeuner.
Mortimer, you are jealous and insecure. Theres nothing stopping you from getting fit and wearing cool clothes too. Move out of mommy's basement and get a job. Find a girlfriend. Get a life.
Jew is a religion not a race, if at all it would be religious supremacy, as far as I know jews come in all colours and shapes and even people with zero jewish ancestrry can become jews by conversion. No one can become white no matter how he much he tries, thats why racism is the worst form of supremacy, worse then religious supremacy or based on language, nationality etc.
Now you finally admitted what your problem is. Here it is what you said:
"No one can become white no matter how he much he tries, thats why racism is the worst form of supremacy, worse then religious supremacy or based on language, nationality etc."
You are saying if you could become white then there would be no white supremacists. Your jealousy of people being white while you cannot be one, now changed your resentment to hatred Zigeuner.

obviously if everyone were white or the same colour then there would be no racism, logical. has nothing to do with me personally.

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