White Supremacy Is A Hoax. It's A Lie. It's Not A Big Problem

This is one reason I like Tucker Carlson. He tells the truth and the left are going insane over his comments today.

Tucker Carlson Claims There's No White Supremacy Problem: 'This Is A Hoax'

Tucker Carlson Claims There's No White Supremacy Problem: 'This Is A Hoax'

Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Tuesday claimed there is no white supremacy problem in the United States and that the very notion of one is a hoax created by the media and the left.

“The whole thing is a lie...It’s actually not a real problem in America.”

He added:“This is a hoax, just like the Russia hoax. It’s a conspiracy theory used to divide the country and keep a hold on power. That’s exactly what’s going on.”
Lol you are just hysterical. I can’t get over how ridiculous this post is.
This is one reason I like Tucker Carlson. He tells the truth and the left are going insane over his comments today.

Tucker Carlson Claims There's No White Supremacy Problem: 'This Is A Hoax'

Tucker Carlson Claims There's No White Supremacy Problem: 'This Is A Hoax'

Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Tuesday claimed there is no white supremacy problem in the United States and that the very notion of one is a hoax created by the media and the left.

“The whole thing is a lie...It’s actually not a real problem in America.”

He added:“This is a hoax, just like the Russia hoax. It’s a conspiracy theory used to divide the country and keep a hold on power. That’s exactly what’s going on.”
Here in France for direct news from the united states we only have CNN, many "guests" were talking about the fact that they had had enough of what went against blacks, mexicans, muslims, women but never a word against those who rape and kill the whites as if it were normal and well it's a chance that some pretty smart people remarks this blatant injustice ... for the CNN Democrats the whites can never be victims
This is one reason I like Tucker Carlson. He tells the truth and the left are going insane over his comments today.

Tucker Carlson Claims There's No White Supremacy Problem: 'This Is A Hoax'

Tucker Carlson Claims There's No White Supremacy Problem: 'This Is A Hoax'

Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Tuesday claimed there is no white supremacy problem in the United States and that the very notion of one is a hoax created by the media and the left.

“The whole thing is a lie...It’s actually not a real problem in America.”

He added:“This is a hoax, just like the Russia hoax. It’s a conspiracy theory used to divide the country and keep a hold on power. That’s exactly what’s going on.”
Lol you are just hysterical. I can’t get over how ridiculous this post is.

You should watch it. That way you will stop making a fool of yourself.
Every group that comes here has had a struggle at first. For the last half century we have never closed the borders up and we have a massive amount of illegals on top of legals with practically all of Hispanic background. If there were limits and the border controlled the right way, those who came here would be integrated into the American culture at a much higher percentage. In the past the American government closed the border without the politics we see and have seen for decades. Politicians have divided us. In which there should be much less reason for it. We are a rich nation and are unhappy about it. Everything we do is promoted as miserable. I feel sorry for the youth. They may have to make decisions like other nations that were in transition to something nasty. And that means being forced into it also. That rhetoric and violence ratcheting up to killing is a big one. Mostly Progs of multiple cultures are doing this violence now. And of white people, it is mostly Progs. I hope that one day those who lied to us on TV/entertainment get theirs when most families are affected by you fools. It is easy to kumbaya the front of niceness to all which Repubs let Progs take. But Progs have other motives in mind along with the neo cons and a percentage of the Repubs. So blue dog Dems and people who vote as Independent and Republican voters get screwed over by the elected who lie or do not represent them. Even with Trump we are still moving left. There is a difference between Liberty and Immigration. And we have not figured it out.
Lol you are just hysterical. I can’t get over how ridiculous this post is.
So you can show examples of white supremacy that has harmed America ? Mass shooting attacks ? Got a source ? Got a link ? Got anything ?
Lol I thought they narrative was that the whole movement was a hoax.

But anyway:

1) The guy who killed those men defending a Muslim teenager and her friend is a self-described white supremacist.

2) The guy who drove into the Charleston protestors was a self-described white supremacist

3) The El Paso shooter was a self-described White supremacist/nationalist

4) The black church shooter is a self described white supremacist/nationalist

5) 72% of politically motivated hate crimes of the last few years have involved rightwing extremists. Only 3% have left wingers

6) All of those examples above were Trump worshipers.

Oh and let’s not forget the NZ shooter who was inspired by Trump.

Oh and....

All of the extremist killings in the US in 2018 had links to right-wing extremism, according to new report
You know Leftists, it's probably too late to stop your ball of destructive ignorance from rolling downhill, but at least when you were madly clinging to RUSSIA!! you were blaming a foreign country and people in DC and not your fellow Americans.

Now, we're all White Supremacists.

You play a zero sum game here, and a really stupid one. But we don't expect you to be smart about things. No, we really don't. However this game? Probably catastrophically stupid.
This is one reason I like Tucker Carlson. He tells the truth and the left are going insane over his comments today.

Tucker Carlson Claims There's No White Supremacy Problem: 'This Is A Hoax'

Tucker Carlson Claims There's No White Supremacy Problem: 'This Is A Hoax'

Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Tuesday claimed there is no white supremacy problem in the United States and that the very notion of one is a hoax created by the media and the left.

“The whole thing is a lie...It’s actually not a real problem in America.”

He added:“This is a hoax, just like the Russia hoax. It’s a conspiracy theory used to divide the country and keep a hold on power. That’s exactly what’s going on.”

Yet they keep killing people.

Larry Elders is wrong.
No he's not l
Lol you are just hysterical. I can’t get over how ridiculous this post is.
So you can show examples of white supremacy that has harmed America ? Mass shooting attacks ? Got a source ? Got a link ? Got anything ?
Lol I thought they narrative was that the whole movement was a hoax.

But anyway:

1) The guy who killed those men defending a Muslim teenager and her friend is a self-described white supremacist.

2) The guy who drove into the Charleston protestors was a self-described white supremacist

3) The El Paso shooter was a self-described White supremacist/nationalist

4) The black church shooter is a self described white supremacist/nationalist

5) 72% of politically motivated hate crimes of the last few years have involved rightwing extremists. Only 3% have left wingers

6) All of those examples above were Trump worshipers.

Oh and let’s not forget the NZ shooter who was inspired by Trump.

Oh and....

All of the extremist killings in the US in 2018 had links to right-wing extremism, according to new report
you have a long way to go to reach the over 3,000 that's been mass murdered by Muslim extremist in the last 20 years
Problem is people were killed by a man who quoted trump verbatim....Problem is the people killed were not killed with "fake" bullets from a "fake" assault rifle.

The more trump exploded with his hate and violence rhetoric...the more independent voters will realize he does not have the temperament to be a dog catcher....much less a president.

Dems now know that trump can be baited and will unwillingly go off the rails....He will be displayed as a impulsive instigator that uses the bully pulpit to divide and terrorize....He has been preaching hate for three years. We are fortunate more of his cult have not killed using his words as A promoter....

Got a link?


More coming your way!
Remember all white people who believe in freedom. Start burying your weapons. Stock supplies. Have meetings in areas that are secured with trust of who you are with. Surviving is the issue. If you are Christian you may end up having services in secure areas at some point. We are in the era of buy and sell for a growing amount of ways to survive. It will only increase. There are those you have known who will sell you out. All you have to do is see the incremental increases in Progressive globalist dogma that forces people to accept it or be left behind. Employment is near total in this regard as what started out as being sensible will shortly include pedophile and the beastiality rights. We will be sold on these two issue at some point and the Progs on this site will go with it hook, line and sinker. Remember a couiple years ago? Remember a few years before that? Remember some years before that? And anything can be found to be detrimental to people employed with. And if those people do not like you for any reason, then your outta there. Combine that with the surveillance culture and we are toast.
^Derranged lunatic.
Red flagger watchlist for sure.
White supremacists have been committing more acts of terror than anyone else. Whataboutism is over.acts
Yeah ? Well here's a list of 8 acts of terror (mass shootings) by Black supremacists. Let's see you match it, with a list of 8 acts of terror by white supremacists.

If as you say "White supremacists have been committing more acts of terror than anyone else", then it shouldn't be hard for you to come up with a list of 8 white supremacist terrorists, and what they did, right ? Right IM2 ? Right ? Right ?

1. Colin Ferguson - opened fire on a crowded Long Island Rail Road train in 1993, killing six people and injuring 19. His lawyers used the "black rage" defense, claiming that Ferguson had been driven to insanity because of racism, and could not be held responsible for his crimes.

2. Omar S. Thornton - in 2010, disciplined for stealing inventory. After signing a resignation agreement, Thornton opened fire, killing 8 people, before turning the gun on himself.

3. Maurice Clemmons - shot and killed four police officers in Parkland, Wash.

4. John Allen Muhammad - better known as the "D.C. sniper," was the mastermind of the 2003 Beltway sniper attacks. He killed 17 people, and wounded 7 more.

5. Nathan Dunlap - shot and killed four people in a Chuck E. Cheese's restaurant in 1993.

6. Lee Boyd Malvo - accomplise to John Allen Muhammad, he engaged in over a dozen cold-blooded shootings, and confessed to a plan to kill six white people in order to "terrorize the nation." They killed 3 times that many.

7. Christopher Dorner - in February 2013, Dorner killed four people, including three police officers, and left three injured.

8. Aaron Alexis - 2013 killer of the Washington Navy Yard shooting massacre. He incurred 15 casualties, killing 12 of them. Here a photo of him during his bloody rampage, from a CCTV camera >>>

Lol! 8 acts in 27 years. Just type white supremacist terrorism in a search engine and learn the truth.
Don't play stupid.
Unless you are stupid.
So you are a white supremist.
No, I'm not stupid and I'm not a white supremacist.

And I don't use drugs either.

Your comment was stupid.
You have seen white supremacists.
Do you drink coke or pepsi?
Coffee or tea?
Do you eat chocolate?
Drink wine, beer or alcohol?
No, I have not.
If so, that means you are brainless. Islamic supremacy is in the Koran, and American supremacy is in the Constitution. There cant be 2 supremacies simultaneously, in the same country. Are you smart enough to figure that out ? 10 year old kids are.

Which do you choose ? > the Constitution or the Koran ? Can't be both. if you think there can, that means you don't know what the word "Supreme" means.

You are about as stupid as it comes. Show me the country called Islam.
The White Men on Rampage myth is something else for the emotionally disabled left to cling to because they had to let go of Mueller.
white men don't often rampage but when they do, civilizations are destroyed and national boundaries are redrawn.
That's a lie.
I forgot one. Cities are reduced to rubble.

Seems that the white man got his ass kicked in Vietnam, Somalia, and still haven't stopped al queada or the Taliban. If others were as violent as the white man, you would not be here.
The White Men on Rampage myth is something else for the emotionally disabled left to cling to because they had to let go of Mueller.
white men don't often rampage but when they do, civilizations are destroyed and national boundaries are redrawn.
That's a lie.
I forgot one. Cities are reduced to rubble.

Seems that the white man got his ass kicked in Vietnam, Somalia, and still haven't stopped al queada or the Taliban. If others were as violent as the white man, you would not be here.
Those were certainly not rampages.

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