White Supremacists Unite: We Love This Guy!

IF Trump ran for President on a Democratic ticket, which he easily could have done, would all the right wingers blindly worship him as they do now?
If you're scared just say you're scared. No one believes these lies.

Trump wants to enforce border security. The left needs to spin that as ANYTHING else...because it is so popular amoung voters of anal ethnicities. We are a nation of laws. Break the law...there is a penalty...not a reward.

I understand that that is an alien concept to far left liberals...but understood by the vast majority of Americans.
It shows how afraid of Trump they all are. If people didn't like what Trump was saying, if they didn't like his message, then he would be on like 2% in the polls. The fact he's leading and has lead for a considerable amount of time, this says people like him and agree with him.

What happened to Democracy? What happened to respecting peoples' right to choose a candidate? It seems IF the MSM and the Leftist Activists and the Cuckservatives don't like the candidate, then both Democracy and the peoples' right to choose just gets flushed down the toilet.

What hypocrites.

Now, try it again using Obama as the subject Spin Master lol

I'm just copying Comrade Obama, The Master of Spin :poke:

All man, thats what all the Spin Masters say..."Its someone elses fault" riiiiiight

Exactly, that's the Democratic Party-Leftist-Marxist mantra....blame someone else....I told you I was copying Comrade Obama!

By utilizing the tactics of the left? Or by utilizing dirty tactics and saying you do it because Johnny does it too?

No, I just thought I'd do a response in the 'um "style" of you Leftists....because it's very easy to do so, being that doing a response in the "style" of a Leftist requires absolutely no thought process whatsoever :tongue:
If you're scared just say you're scared. No one believes these lies.

Trump wants to enforce border security. The left needs to spin that as ANYTHING else...because it is so popular amoung voters of anal ethnicities. We are a nation of laws. Break the law...there is a penalty...not a reward.

I understand that that is an alien concept to far left liberals...but understood by the vast majority of Americans.

Why are Leftists so fanatically against enforcing border security? Oh wait, that's right, I forgot....:eusa_doh::rolleyes-41:
I suspect that the politically correctness fad may be over. That's what it's all about. E expect very few think, besides black Americans and the ultra-liberal whites have tired of it.

Seriously, it would be one of the greatest moments in recent history, if the political correctness fad had a steak driven through it's evil heart.

It's a shame that it wasn't drowned at birth, if it had of been, general society wouldn't be in the mess it's in, because we'd still have the sane society in operation.
The so-called "Master White Race" will soon be a minority - and they're scared shitless! They should be!

No, of course you're wrong, being a Leftist we should expect you to be wrong.

The cycle of the pendulum swinging back is going to be in effect, as it usually is, and when it does, the Leftists probably are going to wish that they never were born.

It'll be exceptionally ugly darling.
Another completely ridiculous article.

White people have been ignored for decades,


It shows how afraid of Trump they all are. If people didn't like what Trump was saying, if they didn't like his message, then he would be on like 2% in the polls. The fact he's leading and has lead for a considerable amount of time, this says people like him and agree with him.

What happened to Democracy? What happened to respecting peoples' right to choose a candidate? It seems IF the MSM and the Leftist Activists and the Cuckservatives don't like the candidate, then both Democracy and the peoples' right to choose just gets flushed down the toilet.

What hypocrites.

What are you whining about? No one is preventing Adolf Trump's racist Republican base from supporting him. Support him all you wish - we just want voters to know what you're supporting. We have that right.

They know exactly what they are supporting, that also includes a lot of independents and some Dem's who will support him if he becomes the Republican nomination.
The Dems and media are pretty much ignoring that the average disaproval rating of congress is 75.2%
Howls at the moon, within the same context Obama reawakened, socialists, communists, fascists, anarchists, and progressives and united them within the Democratic party. In short each political persuasion has its share of nut cases. So your point is what?
If you're scared just say you're scared. No one believes these lies.

Trump wants to enforce border security. The left needs to spin that as ANYTHING else...because it is so popular amoung voters of anal ethnicities. We are a nation of laws. Break the law...there is a penalty...not a reward.

I understand that that is an alien concept to far left liberals...but understood by the vast majority of Americans.
I've got a bridge to sell you....but it looks like you already bought one....

Unless congress votes and funds it, The WALL across America, will never be built in is entirety.....

It's not that dems do not want to stop illegal immigration, we do.....most all of us Dems....but we also KNOW we do not have the money to put a great Wall of America in the South and north, nor do we have the money or legal system in place to deport 11- 20 million people all at once...... it's total fantasy land.

Fining and imprisoning the businesses that hire them would work...Reagan in his amnesty Bill wanted that measure, but Republicans in Congress were lobbied by the small business association to remove and weaken the penalties for those businesses that hire them.....THUS our situation today.
IF Trump ran for President on a Democratic ticket, which he easily could have done, would all the right wingers blindly worship him as they do now?

Voted for Jay Nixon twice...voted for Ike Skelton numerous times. Crossing party lines is only an impossibility for those who are blindly partisan.

Many democrats will vote cross party lines and vote for Trump.
IF Trump ran for President on a Democratic ticket, which he easily could have done, would all the right wingers blindly worship him as they do now?

Voted for Jay Nixon twice...voted for Ike Skelton numerous times. Crossing party lines is only an impossibility for those who are blindly partisan.

Many democrats will vote cross party lines and vote for Trump.
Democrats always vote across party lines, how do you think you got Bush, Reagan, and Bush2?
IF Trump ran for President on a Democratic ticket, which he easily could have done, would all the right wingers blindly worship him as they do now?

As long as he was saying the same thing as now, he would get my support.
It doesn't matter which side gets elected, it's all about who would change the corruption in Washington.

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