"White Supremacists Greatest And Most Lethal Threat."


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Now just stop that laughing......

You can see it all over the state media:

🌐 Top law enforcement officials say the biggest domestic terror threat ...nytimes.com › u.s. › politics


The cabinet secretaries’ comments reflected a dramatic shift in tone from the Trump administration, which deliberately downplayed the threat from white supremacists and similar groups, in part to elevate the profile of what former President Donald J. Trump described as violent threats from ...
Published: June 15, 2021

🌐 Biden officials testify that white supremacists are greatest domestic ...thehill.com› policy › national-security › 553161-biden-officials-testify-that-white-supremacists-are-greatest
May 13, 2021 - Both Garland and Mayorkas testified that white supremacist groups pose the most serious domestic national security threat in the U.S., reinforcing what analysts have long concluded about far-right organizations.

🌐 DHS: White Supremacists ‘The Most Persistent and Lethal Threat’ ...usnews.com› news › national-news › articles › 2020-10-06 › dhs-white-supremacists-the-most-persistent-and-lethal-threat-within-the-us
October 7, 2020 - I condemn all white supremacists. I condemn the Proud Boys. I don't know much about the Proud Boys, almost nothing, but I condemn that," Trump told Fox News' Sean Hannity on Oct. 1. Trump said at the debate and has stressed subsequently that he believes the greatest domestic threat comes from ...


3. "Busting Biden’s Buffalo Bluster"

The rare instance of white supremacist violence is a Demo dog whistle diversion from the real disparity in interracial violence.

Biden and his cadre are not about to mention the fact that black people commit 90% of interracial felonies — black on white, Hispanic or Asian — despite representing just 13% of our population. That would include the commission of 21% of hate crimes, as defined by the FBI. Nor will they mention the tragic fact that 88% of the suspects who murdered black people are also black.

The rare instance of white supremacist violence is a loud Demo/MSM dog whistle diversion from the real disparity in interracial violence and the cultural reality of black-on-black violence.

By comparison with the aforementioned 21,000 murders, according to the latest FBI data on “mass shootings” — which it defines as “one or more individuals actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a populated area” — in a nation of 330 million people, there were 38 victims in 2020, there were 43 victims in 2021, and including Buffalo and Sacramento, there have been 30 victims this year."

I can't keep up with the numbers of lies and hoaxes by the Democrats.
Yes, that must not be swept under the carpet again, and if must be acknowledged.

And it's not abating with the response only being more lethal force by America's police

It's becoming like white America doesn't want to deal with it, and could somehow getting enjoyment and satisfaction out of the murder of blacks.

Have you ever even suggested any possible remedies that could help change the statistics hon?

Helping to make the statistics publicly known is the first step, but you never even attempt the next step.
Yeah, the White supremacy claims are massively overblown to the point of impossibility since even the leftist democrats couldn't answer a simple question posed recently in a THREAD on how many white supremacists there are.

How many white supremacists are there?

Not one leftist democrat could post a credible number some were openly scornful over the question to start with.
Yeah, the White supremacy claims are massively overblown to the point of impossibility since even the leftist democrats couldn't answer a simple question posed recently in a THREAD on how many white supremacists there are.

How many white supremacists are there?

Not one leftist democrat could post a credible number some were openly scornful over the question to start with.

Informational dominance allows them to get away with so many lies.
Aren't white supremacists just a couple of country hicks from Alabama who say racial slurs after eight beers?
According to liberals who for years called Appalachians ignorant backwoods hillbillies with poor dental hygiene, they are now suddenly masters of the vast conspiracy of being behind all threats to America including Covid.
Neither "whites", nor "The Right" (regular, alt., extreme) have a monopoly here on this topic.

May 17, 2022

Guess how the Buffalo shooter identified himself politically​

By D. Parker

The alleged supermarket killer is self-described as authoritarian left — so why isn't this being reported?​

If the alleged Buffalo killer's "manifesto" is authentic, he was deep into communist ideology and now is an authoritarian leftist. Why is this being kept under wraps?

The teenager accused of murdering ten people last Saturday in Buffalo, N.Y. also allegedly posted a 180-page "manifesto" online that the national media are selectively exploiting, leaving out key facts. Why?

Please note that we're going to use the term chumbucket instead of the mass murderer's name, following in the tradition of the Zelman Partisans. We should all be aware of the phenomenon of media contagion, whereby wall-to-wall coverage, cynically exploited by the anti-liberty left for political purposes to suppress civil rights, also encourages further attacks.

Even though it makes perfect sense to avoid propagating the images and writings of these suspects so they don't encourage further attacks, it is entirely incorrect to cherry-pick the data to score cynical political points, while purposefully excluding other key facts that interrupt the nation's socialist media's chosen false narrative.

You can search all you want for the story, and there will be a myriad of versions that mention the alleged mass murderer and the "manifesto." Most of these will reference the latter as a news source, assuming that it is authentic. But they never actually provide factual backing to their reportage. Many have posted an image of the first pages. Others had additional images of other pages to collaborate the following quotes that were found that upend the national media's disinformation narrative (leaving in any typos):

When I was 12 I was deep into communist ideology, talk to anyone from my old high school and ask about me and you will hear that. From age 15 to 18 however, I consistently moved farther to the right. On the political compass I fall in the mildmoderate authoritarian left category, and I would prefer to be called a populist.

Did you catch that? The chumbucket first admits to being "deep into communist ideology" at 12, then being in the "authoritarian left category." Have you seen that fact published anywhere except in the pro-freedom media? Have you seen that quote published anywhere?
1. Now just stop that laughing......

You can see it all over the state media:

🌐 Top law enforcement officials say the biggest domestic terror threat ...nytimes.com › u.s. › politics

The cabinet secretaries’ comments reflected a dramatic shift in tone from the Trump administration, which deliberately downplayed the threat from white supremacists and similar groups, in part to elevate the profile of what former President Donald J. Trump described as violent threats from ...
Published: June 15, 2021

🌐 Biden officials testify that white supremacists are greatest domestic ...thehill.com› policy › national-security › 553161-biden-officials-testify-that-white-supremacists-are-greatest
May 13, 2021 - Both Garland and Mayorkas testified that white supremacist groups pose the most serious domestic national security threat in the U.S., reinforcing what analysts have long concluded about far-right organizations.

🌐 DHS: White Supremacists ‘The Most Persistent and Lethal Threat’ ...usnews.com› news › national-news › articles › 2020-10-06 › dhs-white-supremacists-the-most-persistent-and-lethal-threat-within-the-us
October 7, 2020 - I condemn all white supremacists. I condemn the Proud Boys. I don't know much about the Proud Boys, almost nothing, but I condemn that," Trump told Fox News' Sean Hannity on Oct. 1. Trump said at the debate and has stressed subsequently that he believes the greatest domestic threat comes from ...

View attachment 646317

3. "Busting Biden’s Buffalo Bluster"

The rare instance of white supremacist violence is a Demo dog whistle diversion from the real disparity in interracial violence.

Biden and his cadre are not about to mention the fact that black people commit 90% of interracial felonies — black on white, Hispanic or Asian — despite representing just 13% of our population. That would include the commission of 21% of hate crimes, as defined by the FBI. Nor will they mention the tragic fact that 88% of the suspects who murdered black people are also black.

The rare instance of white supremacist violence is a loud Demo/MSM dog whistle diversion from the real disparity in interracial violence and the cultural reality of black-on-black violence.

By comparison with the aforementioned 21,000 murders, according to the latest FBI data on “mass shootings” — which it defines as “one or more individuals actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a populated area” — in a nation of 330 million people, there were 38 victims in 2020, there were 43 victims in 2021, and including Buffalo and Sacramento, there have been 30 victims this year."

I can't keep up with the numbers of lies and hoaxes by the Democrats.
You can tell when the hit dogs howl.
Neither "whites", nor "The Right" (regular, alt., extreme) have a monopoly here on this topic.

May 17, 2022

Guess how the Buffalo shooter identified himself politically​

By D. Parker

The alleged supermarket killer is self-described as authoritarian left — so why isn't this being reported?​

If the alleged Buffalo killer's "manifesto" is authentic, he was deep into communist ideology and now is an authoritarian leftist. Why is this being kept under wraps?

The teenager accused of murdering ten people last Saturday in Buffalo, N.Y. also allegedly posted a 180-page "manifesto" online that the national media are selectively exploiting, leaving out key facts. Why?

Please note that we're going to use the term chumbucket instead of the mass murderer's name, following in the tradition of the Zelman Partisans. We should all be aware of the phenomenon of media contagion, whereby wall-to-wall coverage, cynically exploited by the anti-liberty left for political purposes to suppress civil rights, also encourages further attacks.

Even though it makes perfect sense to avoid propagating the images and writings of these suspects so they don't encourage further attacks, it is entirely incorrect to cherry-pick the data to score cynical political points, while purposefully excluding other key facts that interrupt the nation's socialist media's chosen false narrative.

You can search all you want for the story, and there will be a myriad of versions that mention the alleged mass murderer and the "manifesto." Most of these will reference the latter as a news source, assuming that it is authentic. But they never actually provide factual backing to their reportage. Many have posted an image of the first pages. Others had additional images of other pages to collaborate the following quotes that were found that upend the national media's disinformation narrative (leaving in any typos):

Did you catch that? The chumbucket first admits to being "deep into communist ideology" at 12, then being in the "authoritarian left category." Have you seen that fact published anywhere except in the pro-freedom media? Have you seen that quote published anywhere?

The leftists and media wants to SMEAR republicans which is why they don't let the weak lazy gullible democrats know what the Mass killers really thinks which I have posted a number of excepts from his Manifesto (I have the full 180 page PDF)

They are LYING constantly on this which only hurts blacks who are the big victim here because the truth about the killer is being swept aside for the partisan attacks against republicans which doesn't solve anything.
Neither "whites", nor "The Right" (regular, alt., extreme) have a monopoly here on this topic.

May 17, 2022

Guess how the Buffalo shooter identified himself politically​

By D. Parker

The alleged supermarket killer is self-described as authoritarian left — so why isn't this being reported?​

If the alleged Buffalo killer's "manifesto" is authentic, he was deep into communist ideology and now is an authoritarian leftist. Why is this being kept under wraps?

The teenager accused of murdering ten people last Saturday in Buffalo, N.Y. also allegedly posted a 180-page "manifesto" online that the national media are selectively exploiting, leaving out key facts. Why?

Please note that we're going to use the term chumbucket instead of the mass murderer's name, following in the tradition of the Zelman Partisans. We should all be aware of the phenomenon of media contagion, whereby wall-to-wall coverage, cynically exploited by the anti-liberty left for political purposes to suppress civil rights, also encourages further attacks.

Even though it makes perfect sense to avoid propagating the images and writings of these suspects so they don't encourage further attacks, it is entirely incorrect to cherry-pick the data to score cynical political points, while purposefully excluding other key facts that interrupt the nation's socialist media's chosen false narrative.

You can search all you want for the story, and there will be a myriad of versions that mention the alleged mass murderer and the "manifesto." Most of these will reference the latter as a news source, assuming that it is authentic. But they never actually provide factual backing to their reportage. Many have posted an image of the first pages. Others had additional images of other pages to collaborate the following quotes that were found that upend the national media's disinformation narrative (leaving in any typos):

Did you catch that? The chumbucket first admits to being "deep into communist ideology" at 12, then being in the "authoritarian left category." Have you seen that fact published anywhere except in the pro-freedom media? Have you seen that quote published anywhere?

I never made any statement about the killer, other than that he is a psychopath.

The import here is the overwhelming preponderance in the violence department that is not white.

Homicide trends in the United States - Bureau of Justice ...

https://bjs.ojp.gov › content › pub › pdf › htius


by JA Fox · Cited by 563 — for blacks were more than 7 times higher the rates for whites. ... Approximately one-third of murder victims and almost half the offenders are under the age ...

“Table 2 below shows the African/European and Latin/European ratios for the combined violent crimes. A separate table for murder follows presently.”



NYC.....black population arrested for serious crime at a rate nearly 12 times that of the white.
In Washington, DC......the rate is 20 times.
Don't forget....the Democrat LATimes says the Right has "repeatedly twisted crime statistics to portray Black people as more violent than whites — a theme for white supremacists."

Any who are simply bursting with the desire to explain why they cannot accept the data, or need to explain why said data should not be reported or relevant, please vent when you feel necessary.

I’m betting that Democrat voters will feel that even commenting on…..or having to admit having read the above….will cost them their Liberal credentials…well….that is a very real problem for the nation.
You can tell when the hit dogs howl.

Speaking of dogs......let's include the Democrats.


And the blame must be shared with the Democrats/Liberals have caused this, largely by
a. abandoning marriage and normalizing out of wedlock births
b. removing punishments for lawlessness as though all black Americans are criminals.
c. never criticizing the psychopathologies that too many black youth mirror.
d. demanding that thugs and criminals be kept in government school.
e. lying about police and whites in general.
Speaking of dogs......let's include the Democrats.


And the blame must be shared with the Democrats/Liberals have caused this, largely by
a. abandoning marriage and normalizing out of wedlock births
b. removing punishments for lawlessness as though all black Americans are criminals.
c. never criticizing the psychopathologies that too many black youth mirror.
d. demanding that thugs and criminals be kept in government school.
e. lying about police and whites in general.

Many of those ghost fathers are already in prison or getting there through their criminal activities they are currently in.

If they just move out of leftist large city shitholes their chances for a better life goes up.
I never made any statement about the killer, other than that he is a psychopath.

The import here is the overwhelming preponderance in the violence department that is not white.

Homicide trends in the United States - Bureau of Justice ...

https://bjs.ojp.gov › content › pub › pdf › htius


by JA Fox · Cited by 563 — for blacks were more than 7 times higher the rates for whites. ... Approximately one-third of murder victims and almost half the offenders are under the age ...

“Table 2 below shows the African/European and Latin/European ratios for the combined violent crimes. A separate table for murder follows presently.”



NYC.....black population arrested for serious crime at a rate nearly 12 times that of the white.
In Washington, DC......the rate is 20 times.
Don't forget....the Democrat LATimes says the Right has "repeatedly twisted crime statistics to portray Black people as more violent than whites — a theme for white supremacists."

Any who are simply bursting with the desire to explain why they cannot accept the data, or need to explain why said data should not be reported or relevant, please vent when you feel necessary.

I’m betting that Democrat voters will feel that even commenting on…..or having to admit having read the above….will cost them their Liberal credentials…well….that is a very real problem for the nation.
The linkage by the Left that "White Racism" is a property of the political Right in this country, "ONLY", is why I presented that article and link since it relates to the thread topic.
The linkage by the Left that "White Racism" is a property of the political Right in this country, "ONLY", is why I presented that article and link since it relates to the thread topic.

I'm not sure what you mean here:
"The linkage by the Left that "White Racism" is a property of the political Right in this country, ...."
I'm not sure what you mean here:
"The linkage by the Left that "White Racism" is a property of the political Right in this country, ...."
At same time the Leftist rulers of our nation are frothing about "white racism" as greatest domestic threat to our nation, out of the other side of their mouths is claim that the "extreme" (political) Right is the greatest threat. Hence linkage of sorts.
Speaking of dogs......let's include the Democrats.


And the blame must be shared with the Democrats/Liberals have caused this, largely by
a. abandoning marriage and normalizing out of wedlock births
b. removing punishments for lawlessness as though all black Americans are criminals.
c. never criticizing the psychopathologies that too many black youth mirror.
d. demanding that thugs and criminals be kept in government school.
e. lying about police and whites in general.
I hear you howling. :heehee:
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