White supremacist Charlottesville killer found guilty of murder

You can call me a "liar" all day long but you can't disprove what I proved no matter how many more futile efforts you make

You cannot explain how the location of the parking sign in relation to the position of the car in two separate photos you posted does not prove the Nazi’s killer car moved at lest three car lengths in a split second. You cannot explain how Flag Guy was three car lengths in front of killer Nazi’s car in one photo and behind the same car a split second later if the car didn’t move. You say the sign is what moved.

To be correct you still have to prove the sign moved.

You have not done so.

Such is your fondness for a Nazi who kills.

No, you said the sign moved which is about as logical as the rest of your idiocy. He hit the brakes so the first few protesters, who the AP said "were laughing and singing" as they marched down the street, could jump aside. Yeah right, take a look at those misfits, hateful fucking dirtbags faces looking to mix it up with some southern boys they'd wronged. So now the trash has moved on to another "cause" and Heather is still dead....happy?
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Faun, post: 21371138
That’s another good point about the minivan and Toyota. It shows that cars were driving through that street without being attacked. There was nothing for Fields to fear until he chose to attack the crowd with his car.

Apparently farther up Fourth Street opposite the direction that Fields attacked were Nazi’s marching with Confederate flags and weapons.

Yes, And in sworn testimony during the trial the driver of the minivan told her story.

“Lizete Short, the driver of a burgundy minivan that was one of two vehicles hit in the attack, also took the stand Friday.

She explained someone in a colored vest waved for her to make a left turn from Market Street onto Fourth Street, causing her to drive into two crowds of people.

There were three other passengers in Short's vehicle, including her daughter.

She said the first crowd walking in the street had guns and Confederate flags, and "did not look very friendly."

Short then said she drove up on a friendlier crowd singing and chanting at the corner of Fourth and Water streets.

"They were saying positive things, positive enough to where I felt like I could roll the windows down," she said.

Short said she felt like the crowd was making history, and since she could not move out of the intersection, she got out of her vehicle and decided to take pictures.

Short explained it was after that moment when the crash occurred.

"It happened so fast, my van hit me," she said. "I don't remember anything after that."

Short said she ended up on the hood of her minivan and was bleeding, but does not recall much of what happened next.”

James Fields convicted of first-degree murder in Charlottesville car attack

Very interesting summary of the trial in the link.

This Nazi was so easy to convict of premeditated murder his defense attorney did not even try to address the self defense claims involving any kind of attack against Fields until after he struck over thirty people.
That explains everything. You’re nothing but another piece of shit racist, lying to cover the abhorrent actions of a fellow piece of shit racist.

And of course it was proven. You idiotically claim Fields was being chased, yet there isn’t video on the planet to demonstrate that. Your hollow denials certainly refute nothing.

You got a big mouth hiding behind a keyboard....I see your still "identifying" as a male...that's hilarious. Oh and BTW, I'm from Detroit and grew up with and still have several black pals back home....kinda cancels out your "racist" crap but then you know you're a loser piece of shit and now so do I.
Faun, post: 21371138
That’s another good point about the minivan and Toyota. It shows that cars were driving through that street without being attacked. There was nothing for Fields to fear until he chose to attack the crowd with his car.

Apparently farther up Fourth Street opposite the direction that Fields attacked were Nazi’s marching with Confederate flags and weapons.

Yes, And in sworn testimony during the trial the driver of the minivan told her story.

“Lizete Short, the driver of a burgundy minivan that was one of two vehicles hit in the attack, also took the stand Friday.

She explained someone in a colored vest waved for her to make a left turn from Market Street onto Fourth Street, causing her to drive into two crowds of people.

There were three other passengers in Short's vehicle, including her daughter.

She said the first crowd walking in the street had guns and Confederate flags, and "did not look very friendly."

Short then said she drove up on a friendlier crowd singing and chanting at the corner of Fourth and Water streets.

"They were saying positive things, positive enough to where I felt like I could roll the windows down," she said.

Short said she felt like the crowd was making history, and since she could not move out of the intersection, she got out of her vehicle and decided to take pictures.

Short explained it was after that moment when the crash occurred.

"It happened so fast, my van hit me," she said. "I don't remember anything after that."

Short said she ended up on the hood of her minivan and was bleeding, but does not recall much of what happened next.”

James Fields convicted of first-degree murder in Charlottesville car attack

Very interesting summary of the trial in the link.

This Nazi was so easy to convict of premeditated murder his defense attorney did not even try to address the self defense claims involving any kind of attack against Fields until after he struck over thirty people.

Being a communist sucker, I can understand why you're obsessed with calling white nationalists, "nazis" but it's getting old. Go back and read my posts for some clarity...it's obvious you have no idea what happened there.
WillPower, post: 21371650
No, you said the sign moved which is about as logical as the rest of your idiocy.

No liar. I asked you to choose whether the sign moved or your Nazi's car was traveling forward. You chose the sign moved, like an idiot.

It’s written down fool,

So now you are saying the car moved?

I pointed out earlier that brake lights can come on and it doesn’t mean a vehicle is stopped.

So how did Flag Guy and the sign move Three car lengths from in front of the car to behind the car if the car was stopped in brake lights photo?

Try not to run from the question.

Have you heard about the Virginia State Trooper Helicopter video of the entire attack?

My god your hate version is in serious deep shit,

Your Nazi circled the area three times - pulled up to the crowd behind the Camry - backed more than a block away to where he could have left the scene where no one as much as breathed on his car. And then you Nazi slammed his murder weapon into gear any plowed into the crowd and Camry at thirty mph without slowing down or stopping.

You may not know but you and your Nazi brethren are done lying for your killer buddy.
WillPower, post: 21371719
Being a communist sucker, I can understand why you're obsessed with calling white nationalists, "nazis" but it's getting old. Go back and read my posts for some clarity...it's obvious you have no idea what happened there.

Your woman-killing coward is a Nazi. If one posts photos of Adolph Hitler expressing fondness for the ultimate God of Nazism I’m sure that makes one a god damned NAZI.

Do you agree.
WillPower, post: 21371650
No, you said the sign moved

In case you still can’t believe that you are a liar.

Here are the posts that prove it.

NotfooledbyW, post: 21359000
the parking sign is clearly ahead of him in your pic

I said he is about half a car length in front of the sign. What is your point. Look at the position of the rear tires on your killer NAZI’s car.

How did the rear wheels get there from where they were in your photo.

Did the sign move? Or was it the car.

Later you chose the sign.

WillPower, post: 21359035
Yeah, the sign moved....just wave the white flag and surrender, dumbass.

If the sign didn’t move then you are admitting that the Nazi’s car traveled approximately three car lengths in a split second,hiring people in his path before Flag Guy hit his car.

Are you acknowledging that the car was not stopped when you previously said it was ?
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WillPower, post: 21371719
Being a communist sucker, I can understand why you're obsessed with calling white nationalists, "nazis" but it's getting old

So white nationalist were marching on fourth street near and during the attack and even if not a single one of them was a NAZI, how does it change the fact that the Virginia State Police provided helicopter video footage of the entire sequence of events prior to the impact of your Nazi’s front bumper into a crowd of pedestrians and not at any moment was there s threat to your Nazi or the vehicle he was driving.

How do you explain that absolutely no threat to Field’s cowardly miserable Nazi’s life is captured in a police video but you still insist on defending a Nazi coward who intentionally killed and maimed your fellow Americans?

Why are you praising a killer?

What the hell is wrong with you?
Left wing Nazi James Fields has just been sentenced to life in prison, plus 419 years, plus a $480,000 fine.

All that was handed down by the jury against the left wing Nazi for running over some right wing hippies and killing one.


I struck a blow for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez!

James A. Fields Jr. sentenced to life in prison in Charlottesville car attack

Upon hearing the news, all the other left wing pantywaists held a candlelight vigil:


♪We shall overcome sooooome daaaayyyyy♪
I noticed you cretins stopped messing with Confederate monuments.....Heather is asking from the Great Beyond, what was it all about.... why did you get her killed?
Why are you praising a killer?

What the hell is wrong with you?

I've a violent redneck....I've sent many a communist to sit on Uncle Ho's lap in Hell so you'd be free to call me a "nazi"...that's how it works, comrade.
I noticed you cretins stopped messing with Confederate monuments.....Heather is asking from the Great Beyond, what was it all about.... why did you get her killed?

I understand your need to change the subject.

Confederate Monuments are coming down. Heather was murdered in the first degree by a proven cowardly Nazi whom you support.

No murderous Nazi backed by you, Heather is still alive.

That makes you a sympathetic accomplice in her murder.

You can try to shift blame away from you and your kind, but that is as stupid as claiming a care wasn’t moving when all indications and evidence proves that it was.
WillPower, post: 21372569
I've a violent redneck....I've sent many a communist to sit on Uncle Ho's lap in Hell so you'd be free to call me a "nazi"...that's how it works, comrade.

I’m not calling you anything other than deplorable.

Your posts tell us you are in sympathy with a self professed Nazi who cowardly murdered a woman with his car and was convicted in a court of law based upon irrefutable video evidence.

If you are a violent redneck as you say - get help. You are obviously not connected to reality as your posts indicate.
If you are a violent redneck as you say - get help. You are obviously not connected to reality as your posts indicate.

Heather says: "Why am I dead, why did you chase that boy until he panicked and ran me down? I wasn't even going to go to that thing but changed my mind at the last minute and now, I'm dead."
WillPower, post: 21372817
Heather says: "Why am I dead, why did you chase that boy until he panicked and ran me down?

Nobody ‘chased that boy’ Nazi. He circled the area three times according to Police helicopter video. No one chased or menaced or taunted your coward Nazi. He sized up the crowd, backed away in reverse for over a block and then deliberately rammed his car at 30 mph into his target.

No one to blame but your Nazi.

Your oiuigi board cannot get you out of the pack of lies you spew.
WillPower, post: 21372817
Heather says: "Why am I dead, why did you chase that boy until he panicked and ran me down?

Nobody ‘chased that boy’ Nazi. He circled the area three times according to Police helicopter video. No one chased or menaced or taunted your coward Nazi. He sized up the crowd, backed away in reverse for over a block and then deliberately rammed his car at 30 mph into his target.

No one to blame but your Nazi.

Your oiuigi board cannot get you out of the pack of lies you spew.
He's trolling and probably a punk alternate ID
That explains everything. You’re nothing but another piece of shit racist, lying to cover the abhorrent actions of a fellow piece of shit racist.

And of course it was proven. You idiotically claim Fields was being chased, yet there isn’t video on the planet to demonstrate that. Your hollow denials certainly refute nothing.

You got a big mouth hiding behind a keyboard....I see your still "identifying" as a male...that's hilarious. Oh and BTW, I'm from Detroit and grew up with and still have several black pals back home....kinda cancels out your "racist" crap but then you know you're a loser piece of shit and now so do I.

Nothing funnier than an unabashed racist say, but I have black friends!

You’re a piece of shit and you moronically defend a convicted murderer who will hopefully get lethal injection. But not before he gets some black injection.

If you are a violent redneck as you say - get help. You are obviously not connected to reality as your posts indicate.

Heather says: "Why am I dead, why did you chase that boy until he panicked and ran me down? I wasn't even going to go to that thing but changed my mind at the last minute and now, I'm dead."
You’re still lying . No one chased him.
Nothing funnier than an unabashed racist say, but I have black friends!

You’re a piece of shit and you moronically defend a convicted murderer who will hopefully get lethal injection. But not before he gets some black injection.

Oops....let your own racism shine through there by stereotyping black inmates as rapists. Being a homosexual you just can't help yourself eh, "faun"? Like that Louisiana black snake do ya, boy?