White racist lies about South Africa

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I know how fucked up white supremacists are. I spent a long time fighting again them.
Drop the "I'm the voice of reason" sh*t with me

What you try to do is play both sides.

Sure you'll talk hard on the white extremists like Dylan Roof or David Duke's (But you and them still share the same ideology) Yeah you and you might not go that far but white supremacists always in fight with each other. Trump has sacked plenty of his staff. It's like that you tuber Laci Green she did a video and went hard on racism, saying how fked up it was but it was found out that she was dating a member of the Alt-Right.

So sure you'll get whites who will march with black people but when it comes to punishing these white supremacists ? Then they start backing up.

Even a few weeks ago, where a white woman called the police on 2 black men at BBQ. Yeah sure whites did the symbolic B.S thing of saying "Yeah that's wrong" "Yeah that's racism" but notice the way none of the mainstream media never put her name out ? It was black people who put her name out and when black people did that, all of sudden whites went into protection mode "That's wrong" "She should not be exposed"
As for the US police. I know how fucked up the US police can be. My fucked up work colleague's fucked up father in NJ police. I've been on the wrong end of the US police.
So you know how fked up white people. So why don't you sort your people out ? And you know what's funny ? When I start talking about it like that is really the only way idiots like you get the message all this "well black people need to do x,y and z"

And yet I'm telling you that is NOTHING compared to the Mozambique police. You can't come at me and pretend that Mozambique doesn't exist. Also it doesn't compare to the Zimbabwe police either.
And how does the Mozambique police or what ever you claim they are doing affect white people ?

Or am I to believe that you now really give a sh*t about what happens to black ppl in Mozambique ?

Yeah right

We're discussing problems in Africa. We're talking about South Africa specifically. Now you're telling me I can't talk about South Africa because it's, apparently, in your view, not my backyard. How do you know?

So what's the fucking point of coming on here and just telling people they can't talk about stuff? You're not from South Africa and by the sounds of it you've never even been. And yet you're on this thread telling people not to talk about stuff they don't know, and then you're trying to make this a fight about NYPD on a thread about South Africa?

Dude, what the fuck?
You points about Africa assumes that white supremacists would be fine with technology advanced black economic powerhouse in Africa that was not under there thumb. But look at history to see how white supremacist have reacted to any type of black progress

Look at Rosewood in the early part of the last century


Here was a thriving black community living independent of whites, yet was burned to the ground by white supremacists.

Not 2 mention Bruce’s Beach, Black Wall Street, Bronzeville in Chicago and Black Baltimore during the days of sailing ships all show a pattern of White officials making extraordinary efforts to cut black business development off at the knees.

Black degradation is essential 2 White supremacists.

Thriving Black business districts and strong Black communities would expose the lie at the heart of White Supremacy ideology.

The Tulsa Riot in the early part of the last century.


Same again. Thriving black community. Blew up by white ppl with the aid of the US government.

Growth of ones own country can't happen in isolation. It has to be within an agreed shared global structure which includes everyone. While the ideology and controlling structure of white supremacy remains firmly in place, restrictions will ultimately always apply to black nations.

Its no different to slaves growing their own independent business on the plantation. Sooner or later if its successful the master will want a cut of any of the profits or control of it. Eventually either dominating it completely, eliminating it to avoid unfavorable competition or even having it challenge the plantation slave institution itself.

One only has to look at the likes of Colonel Gaddifi who was trying to create a central african bank and an african communication network in Africa. Africa is a massive source for mobile phone networks and internet. Africans make billions for the white supremacists. Gaddifi plan went against there wishes just as would have an African bank. So he had to be killed

Patrice Lumumba, one of the greatest black leaders to emerge in this century, was assinated by the Belgians with the aid of US, so that the white international community could get the puppet government that they wanted in the Congo.

As long as USAID, IMG and World Bank don't try and send in there economic hitmen. Black people will be al right.

And the land in SA is NOT just for Agriculture only but other forms of development including Mining, Infrastructure development, building malls n modern houses etc

Just be thankful I'm not running shit in SA.
The goal for black SA's is to break the white supremacists in SA's spirit. Black SA's should have a heart of stone towards white supremacists in S-A.

And I applaud them because don't believe the hype this is how most white South Africans are living down there in South Africa

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What the fuck are you bringing NYPD up into this? We're talking about Africa, and you bring up something that is totally irrelevant.
No it's not. Your pointing the finger at black people and police saying "Look at how fucked up you are"

Well let's look at fucked up white supremacist and the police have been

You can't complain about rhe mess in another person house when your house is sh*thole.

Michael A. Wood Jr was a retired White American police sergeant he noted what he saw while serving on the Baltimore police force from 2003 to 2014 ?

He confirmed much of what many Black Americans have long known.

The Police :

    • Racially profile.·
    • Lie.
    • Do not see Black and poor people as real human being.
    • Are an occupying force in Black ghettos.
    • See the people there as the enemy, not as citizens to protect and serve.
    • Use unspoken arrest quota.
    • Each officer is expected to make so many arrests a month.
    • Do not care much about the US Constitution.
    • Are badly trained.
    • Fear Black males.
He found that arrests and crime bear little relationship to each other. When he was put on patrol in a well-to-do White neighbourhood he would go to a nearby Black neighbourhood to make his arrest quota.

Not because there was more crime there but because he could get away with arresting blacks for little things, like throwing a cigarette on the floor or playing basketball in the street.

He did not see himself as racist but took part in a racist institution by following orders. And these orders came from top. Who were supported by politicians who represented not the people but moneyed interests – like the prison-industrial complex. Remember a lot of these prison need 90% occupancy.

There was white cop Adrian Schoolcraft he logged how the NYPD used to manipulate crime stats He recorded everything that was said with a small tape recorder while he was on duty.

Police officers were told how many people to stop and search. How many tickets to write. How many arrests to make every month. Meanwhile serious crime was not taken seriously. .

When he had a solid case he went to InternalAffairs. So the police arrived at his door with a dozen policemen. They tore his place apart. They threw him to the ground, beat him up and handcuffed him.

After six days missing his dad found his son at last in a mental ward in Queens NY, where the police had put him.

His father gets him out. After that Schoolcraft went to live at his father’s house hundreds of miles away. Despite the distance, New York police officers have appeared at his door ten times so far.

That's only touching the surface the police plant evidence on suspects to frame them, as with the Ramparts division scandal or they protect drug runners.

The police deal in drugs THEMSELVES. Ever heard about New York’s infamous 75th precinct ?

The police murder those who file complaints against them

Sometimes the police are told not to enforce drug laws against white people.

And I've touched the surface. Yet you want to complain the police and black people ?


Are you trolling here ? And you dare point the finger at black ppl. Come at me bro. I'll commit intellectual murder on you, you fking clown. And I have lotta more where this is from. Come at me bro.

Well, I look around the whole world and say "this is how fucked up you are".

You don't seem to read my other posts, you focus just on this post and somehow you think you know me.

I know how fucked up white supremacists are. I spent a long time fighting again them.

As for the US police. I know how fucked up the US police can be. My fucked up work colleague's fucked up father in NJ police. I've been on the wrong end of the US police.

And yet I'm telling you that is NOTHING compared to the Mozambique police. You can't come at me and pretend that Mozambique doesn't exist. Also it doesn't compare to the Zimbabwe police either.
In South Africa I didn't have a problem with the police. You get enemies when you go, it might be the police as with Mozambique and Zimbabwe, or you might end up fearing the criminals, as with South Africa and a few other countries.

Which "sh*thole" is my "sh*thole" exactly? Let me tell you that you don't know anything about me. You don't know my race, you don't know my nationality and you don't know my gender. That's a start. Beyond that, you should have figured out you don't know me.

We're discussing problems in Africa. We're talking about South Africa specifically. Now you're telling me I can't talk about South Africa because it's, apparently, in your view, not my backyard. How do you know?

So what's the fucking point of coming on here and just telling people they can't talk about stuff? You're not from South Africa and by the sounds of it you've never even been. And yet you're on this thread telling people not to talk about stuff they don't know, and then you're trying to make this a fight about NYPD on a thread about South Africa?

Dude, what the fuck?

The rest of your post is about US police. It's not for this thread.

The fact is you can't really tell us shit about Africa. Yeah you say you've been there but did you visit before the country was colonized? Did you visit during colonization to see how the white governments ruled? No. You saw Africa after colonization where most nations are still struggling to rebuild and talk shit. Most of these nations have been independent for just over 50 years. South Africa 27. America wasn't shit 50 years after independence from Britain. But you ask a dumb ass question about the DRC so you could blame the blacks for corruption. Like the white governments they patterned themselves after were not corrupt.

Africa is a continent ruined by white interference. All of it. Including South Africa
I know how fucked up white supremacists are. I spent a long time fighting again them.
Drop the "I'm the voice of reason" sh*t with me

What you try to do is play both sides.

Sure you'll talk hard on the white extremists like Dylan Roof or David Duke's (But you and them still share the same ideology) Yeah you and you might not go that far but white supremacists always in fight with each other. Trump has sacked plenty of his staff. It's like that you tuber Laci Green she did a video and went hard on racism, saying how fked up it was but it was found out that she was dating a member of the Alt-Right.

So sure you'll get whites who will march with black people but when it comes to punishing these white supremacists ? Then they start backing up.

Even a few weeks ago, where a white woman called the police on 2 black men at BBQ. Yeah sure whites did the symbolic B.S thing of saying "Yeah that's wrong" "Yeah that's racism" but notice the way none of the mainstream media never put her name out ? It was black people who put her name out and when black people did that, all of sudden whites went into protection mode "That's wrong" "She should not be exposed"
As for the US police. I know how fucked up the US police can be. My fucked up work colleague's fucked up father in NJ police. I've been on the wrong end of the US police.
So you know how fked up white people. So why don't you sort your people out ? And you know what's funny ? When I start talking about it like that is really the only way idiots like you get the message all this "well black people need to do x,y and z"

And yet I'm telling you that is NOTHING compared to the Mozambique police. You can't come at me and pretend that Mozambique doesn't exist. Also it doesn't compare to the Zimbabwe police either.
And how does the Mozambique police or what ever you claim they are doing affect white people ?

Or am I to believe that you now really give a sh*t about what happens to black ppl in Mozambique ?

Yeah right

We're discussing problems in Africa. We're talking about South Africa specifically. Now you're telling me I can't talk about South Africa because it's, apparently, in your view, not my backyard. How do you know?

So what's the fucking point of coming on here and just telling people they can't talk about stuff? You're not from South Africa and by the sounds of it you've never even been. And yet you're on this thread telling people not to talk about stuff they don't know, and then you're trying to make this a fight about NYPD on a thread about South Africa?

Dude, what the fuck?
You points about Africa assumes that white supremacists would be fine with technology advanced black economic powerhouse in Africa that was not under there thumb. But look at history to see how white supremacist have reacted to any type of black progress

Look at Rosewood in the early part of the last century


Here was a thriving black community living independent of whites, yet was burned to the ground by white supremacists.

Not 2 mention Bruce’s Beach, Black Wall Street, Bronzeville in Chicago and Black Baltimore during the days of sailing ships all show a pattern of White officials making extraordinary efforts to cut black business development off at the knees.

Black degradation is essential 2 White supremacists.

Thriving Black business districts and strong Black communities would expose the lie at the heart of White Supremacy ideology.

The Tulsa Riot in the early part of the last century.


Same again. Thriving black community. Blew up by white ppl with the aid of the US government.

Growth of ones own country can't happen in isolation. It has to be within an agreed shared global structure which includes everyone. While the ideology and controlling structure of white supremacy remains firmly in place, restrictions will ultimately always apply to black nations.

Its no different to slaves growing their own independent business on the plantation. Sooner or later if its successful the master will want a cut of any of the profits or control of it. Eventually either dominating it completely, eliminating it to avoid unfavorable competition or even having it challenge the plantation slave institution itself.

One only has to look at the likes of Colonel Gaddifi who was trying to create a central african bank and an african communication network in Africa. Africa is a massive source for mobile phone networks and internet. Africans make billions for the white supremacists. Gaddifi plan went against there wishes just as would have an African bank. So he had to be killed

Patrice Lumumba, one of the greatest black leaders to emerge in this century, was assinated by the Belgians with the aid of US, so that the white international community could get the puppet government that they wanted in the Congo.

As long as USAID, IMG and World Bank don't try and send in there economic hitmen. Black people will be al right.

And the land in SA is NOT just for Agriculture only but other forms of development including Mining, Infrastructure development, building malls n modern houses etc

Just be thankful I'm not running shit in SA.
The goal for black SA's is to break the white supremacists in SA's spirit. Black SA's should have a heart of stone towards white supremacists in S-A.

And I applaud them because don't believe the hype this is how most white South Africans are living down there in South Africa

Oh look, he has evidence of bad white people who once lived. It was so long ago that the color cameras didn't even exist. Clearly these pics and stories show you what life is like in S.A. in 2018.

Thank you for this super relevant information! :laugh:
I know how fucked up white supremacists are. I spent a long time fighting again them.
Drop the "I'm the voice of reason" sh*t with me

What you try to do is play both sides.

Sure you'll talk hard on the white extremists like Dylan Roof or David Duke's (But you and them still share the same ideology) Yeah you and you might not go that far but white supremacists always in fight with each other. Trump has sacked plenty of his staff. It's like that you tuber Laci Green she did a video and went hard on racism, saying how fked up it was but it was found out that she was dating a member of the Alt-Right.

So sure you'll get whites who will march with black people but when it comes to punishing these white supremacists ? Then they start backing up.

Even a few weeks ago, where a white woman called the police on 2 black men at BBQ. Yeah sure whites did the symbolic B.S thing of saying "Yeah that's wrong" "Yeah that's racism" but notice the way none of the mainstream media never put her name out ? It was black people who put her name out and when black people did that, all of sudden whites went into protection mode "That's wrong" "She should not be exposed"
As for the US police. I know how fucked up the US police can be. My fucked up work colleague's fucked up father in NJ police. I've been on the wrong end of the US police.
So you know how fked up white people. So why don't you sort your people out ? And you know what's funny ? When I start talking about it like that is really the only way idiots like you get the message all this "well black people need to do x,y and z"

And yet I'm telling you that is NOTHING compared to the Mozambique police. You can't come at me and pretend that Mozambique doesn't exist. Also it doesn't compare to the Zimbabwe police either.
And how does the Mozambique police or what ever you claim they are doing affect white people ?

Or am I to believe that you now really give a sh*t about what happens to black ppl in Mozambique ?

Yeah right

We're discussing problems in Africa. We're talking about South Africa specifically. Now you're telling me I can't talk about South Africa because it's, apparently, in your view, not my backyard. How do you know?

So what's the fucking point of coming on here and just telling people they can't talk about stuff? You're not from South Africa and by the sounds of it you've never even been. And yet you're on this thread telling people not to talk about stuff they don't know, and then you're trying to make this a fight about NYPD on a thread about South Africa?

Dude, what the fuck?
You points about Africa assumes that white supremacists would be fine with technology advanced black economic powerhouse in Africa that was not under there thumb. But look at history to see how white supremacist have reacted to any type of black progress

Look at Rosewood in the early part of the last century


Here was a thriving black community living independent of whites, yet was burned to the ground by white supremacists.

Not 2 mention Bruce’s Beach, Black Wall Street, Bronzeville in Chicago and Black Baltimore during the days of sailing ships all show a pattern of White officials making extraordinary efforts to cut black business development off at the knees.

Black degradation is essential 2 White supremacists.

Thriving Black business districts and strong Black communities would expose the lie at the heart of White Supremacy ideology.

The Tulsa Riot in the early part of the last century.


Same again. Thriving black community. Blew up by white ppl with the aid of the US government.

Growth of ones own country can't happen in isolation. It has to be within an agreed shared global structure which includes everyone. While the ideology and controlling structure of white supremacy remains firmly in place, restrictions will ultimately always apply to black nations.

Its no different to slaves growing their own independent business on the plantation. Sooner or later if its successful the master will want a cut of any of the profits or control of it. Eventually either dominating it completely, eliminating it to avoid unfavorable competition or even having it challenge the plantation slave institution itself.

One only has to look at the likes of Colonel Gaddifi who was trying to create a central african bank and an african communication network in Africa. Africa is a massive source for mobile phone networks and internet. Africans make billions for the white supremacists. Gaddifi plan went against there wishes just as would have an African bank. So he had to be killed

Patrice Lumumba, one of the greatest black leaders to emerge in this century, was assinated by the Belgians with the aid of US, so that the white international community could get the puppet government that they wanted in the Congo.

As long as USAID, IMG and World Bank don't try and send in there economic hitmen. Black people will be al right.

And the land in SA is NOT just for Agriculture only but other forms of development including Mining, Infrastructure development, building malls n modern houses etc

Just be thankful I'm not running shit in SA.
The goal for black SA's is to break the white supremacists in SA's spirit. Black SA's should have a heart of stone towards white supremacists in S-A.

And I applaud them because don't believe the hype this is how most white South Africans are living down there in South Africa


Look, you're full of crap and I'm not doing this any more.

I don't share the same ideology with white supremacists.

You can come on here and you can talk complete and utter shit. But I don't have to talk to you. You seem to have a problem. You think you know stuff, but you don't. You're full of anger and you can't take a second to calm down and actually make an argument.

It's not my problem, it's yours, and I'm not making it my problem.

So, you go away from my life, while continuing to be fuck up your own life.

What the fuck are you bringing NYPD up into this? We're talking about Africa, and you bring up something that is totally irrelevant.
No it's not. Your pointing the finger at black people and police saying "Look at how fucked up you are"

Well let's look at fucked up white supremacist and the police have been

You can't complain about rhe mess in another person house when your house is sh*thole.

Michael A. Wood Jr was a retired White American police sergeant he noted what he saw while serving on the Baltimore police force from 2003 to 2014 ?

He confirmed much of what many Black Americans have long known.

The Police :

    • Racially profile.·
    • Lie.
    • Do not see Black and poor people as real human being.
    • Are an occupying force in Black ghettos.
    • See the people there as the enemy, not as citizens to protect and serve.
    • Use unspoken arrest quota.
    • Each officer is expected to make so many arrests a month.
    • Do not care much about the US Constitution.
    • Are badly trained.
    • Fear Black males.
He found that arrests and crime bear little relationship to each other. When he was put on patrol in a well-to-do White neighbourhood he would go to a nearby Black neighbourhood to make his arrest quota.

Not because there was more crime there but because he could get away with arresting blacks for little things, like throwing a cigarette on the floor or playing basketball in the street.

He did not see himself as racist but took part in a racist institution by following orders. And these orders came from top. Who were supported by politicians who represented not the people but moneyed interests – like the prison-industrial complex. Remember a lot of these prison need 90% occupancy.

There was white cop Adrian Schoolcraft he logged how the NYPD used to manipulate crime stats He recorded everything that was said with a small tape recorder while he was on duty.

Police officers were told how many people to stop and search. How many tickets to write. How many arrests to make every month. Meanwhile serious crime was not taken seriously. .

When he had a solid case he went to InternalAffairs. So the police arrived at his door with a dozen policemen. They tore his place apart. They threw him to the ground, beat him up and handcuffed him.

After six days missing his dad found his son at last in a mental ward in Queens NY, where the police had put him.

His father gets him out. After that Schoolcraft went to live at his father’s house hundreds of miles away. Despite the distance, New York police officers have appeared at his door ten times so far.

That's only touching the surface the police plant evidence on suspects to frame them, as with the Ramparts division scandal or they protect drug runners.

The police deal in drugs THEMSELVES. Ever heard about New York’s infamous 75th precinct ?

The police murder those who file complaints against them

Sometimes the police are told not to enforce drug laws against white people.

And I've touched the surface. Yet you want to complain the police and black people ?


Are you trolling here ? And you dare point the finger at black ppl. Come at me bro. I'll commit intellectual murder on you, you fking clown. And I have lotta more where this is from. Come at me bro.

Well, I look around the whole world and say "this is how fucked up you are".

You don't seem to read my other posts, you focus just on this post and somehow you think you know me.

I know how fucked up white supremacists are. I spent a long time fighting again them.

As for the US police. I know how fucked up the US police can be. My fucked up work colleague's fucked up father in NJ police. I've been on the wrong end of the US police.

And yet I'm telling you that is NOTHING compared to the Mozambique police. You can't come at me and pretend that Mozambique doesn't exist. Also it doesn't compare to the Zimbabwe police either.
In South Africa I didn't have a problem with the police. You get enemies when you go, it might be the police as with Mozambique and Zimbabwe, or you might end up fearing the criminals, as with South Africa and a few other countries.

Which "sh*thole" is my "sh*thole" exactly? Let me tell you that you don't know anything about me. You don't know my race, you don't know my nationality and you don't know my gender. That's a start. Beyond that, you should have figured out you don't know me.

We're discussing problems in Africa. We're talking about South Africa specifically. Now you're telling me I can't talk about South Africa because it's, apparently, in your view, not my backyard. How do you know?

So what's the fucking point of coming on here and just telling people they can't talk about stuff? You're not from South Africa and by the sounds of it you've never even been. And yet you're on this thread telling people not to talk about stuff they don't know, and then you're trying to make this a fight about NYPD on a thread about South Africa?

Dude, what the fuck?

The rest of your post is about US police. It's not for this thread.

The fact is you can't really tell us shit about Africa. Yeah you say you've been there but did you visit before the country was colonized? Did you visit during colonization to see how the white governments ruled? No. You saw Africa after colonization where most nations are still struggling to rebuild and talk shit. Most of these nations have been independent for just over 50 years. South Africa 27. America wasn't shit 50 years after independence from Britain. But you ask a dumb ass question about the DRC so you could blame the blacks for corruption. Like the white governments they patterned themselves after were not corrupt.

Africa is a continent ruined by white interference. All of it. Including South Africa

You have no idea what I saw and I'm not making this into a conversation about me.

Yes, African nations have been independent for a long time, and most of them are still in deep shit.

China came out of the Mao era in 1975.

Zambia came out of in 1964. 11 years early. Zambia, one of the less fucked up countries on the continent, has a GDP of $4,000 per capita. China has a GDP of $16,600 per capita.

Why do you think that is?

Vietnam fought the French then the Americans. Then China tried to invade in 1979.

Vietnam has a GDP of $6,800.

A list, from the bottom up, of GDP per capita has

1) CAR
2) DRC
3) Burundi
4) Liberia
5) Niger
6) Malawi
7) Mozambique
8) Eritrea
9) South Sudan
10) Madagascar
11) Comoros
12) Togo
13) Gambia
14) Sierra Leone
15) Guinea-Bissau
16) Haiti.

So, the worst 15 countries in the world for GDP are AFRICAN countries. It has 54 countries. 15 of which are the poorest 15 countries in the world. Haiti is a black country anyway.

40 African countries are worse off the Vietnam, out of 54. So, giving African countries a head start in time, only 14 of them are actually better than Vietnam which suffered debilitating wars.

Why is that?

Perhaps it's because many Africans demand to be owed, rather than making their own way.
I don't share the same ideology with white supremacists.
No. You don't share the same ideology with WHITE EXTREMISTS

The likes of David Duke, Richard Spencer, Aryan Nation groups, Dylan Roof they are extreme advocates of white supremacy.

Most whites are not that extreme. When I think of white supremacist (and I've said this many times) I think of Ellen DeGeneres. I think Tom Hanks. I think Angelina Jolie. I think of the most kindest, innocent acting white person out ther

And at least with open white extremists black people know where they stand, but your the slick one, you're the white boy who will come around with black people and talk about Dr Dre's album, argue about who's the best LeBron or Steph Curry, might even date a black woman.

But guess what ? If my black ass is in court and I could get lifed off and it's a 50/50 case ? And you have the final say ? I'm fked.
I don't share the same ideology with white supremacists.
No. You don't share the same ideology with WHITE EXTREMISTS

The likes of David Duke, Richard Spencer, Aryan Nation groups, Dylan Roof they are extreme advocates of white supremacy.

Most whites are not that extreme. When I think of white supremacist (and I've said this many times) I think of Ellen DeGeneres. I think Tom Hanks. I think Angelina Jolie. I think of the most kindest, innocent acting white person out ther

And at least with open white extremists black people know where they stand, but your the slick one, you're the white boy who will come around with black people and talk about Dr Dre's album, argue about who's the best LeBron or Steph Curry, might even date a black woman.

But guess what ? If my black ass is in court and I could get lifed off and it's a 50/50 case ? And you have the final say ? I'm fked.

You have no idea what I saw and I'm not making this into a conversation about me.

Yes, African nations have been independent for a long time, and most of them are still in deep shit.

China came out of the Mao era in 1975.

Zambia came out of in 1964. 11 years early. Zambia, one of the less fucked up countries on the continent, has a GDP of $4,000 per capita. China has a GDP of $16,600 per capita.

Why do you think that is?

Vietnam fought the French then the Americans. Then China tried to invade in 1979.

Vietnam has a GDP of $6,800.

A list, from the bottom up, of GDP per capita has

1) CAR
2) DRC
3) Burundi
4) Liberia
5) Niger
6) Malawi
7) Mozambique
8) Eritrea
9) South Sudan
10) Madagascar
11) Comoros
12) Togo
13) Gambia
14) Sierra Leone
15) Guinea-Bissau
16) Haiti.

So, the worst 15 countries in the world for GDP are AFRICAN countries. It has 54 countries. 15 of which are the poorest 15 countries in the world. Haiti is a black country anyway.

40 African countries are worse off the Vietnam, out of 54. So, giving African countries a head start in time, only 14 of them are actually better than Vietnam which suffered debilitating wars.

Why is that?

Perhaps it's because many Africans demand to be owed, rather than making their own way.
And all of them countries are dominated by white supremacy.

Let's take DRC congo.

The mobile phone or I-phone you have in your pocket, or laptop would not even work without congolese coltan

And who do you think mines that ? Yup black Africans.

Guys like these are the reason your (and pretty much everyone's) I-Phone and Laptop is working.



Who control coltan deposits over there ? Apple and other western corps and that's what most of the wars have been over in the congo.

The USA alone (5% of the world population) consume 45% of produced African natural resources which they purchase at bargain prices or for virtually nothing as debt payback.

In contrast, local infrastructures are crumbling, social programmes and local developments are cut because of the paybacks of interests and the debt itself. Corruption does the rest.

The resource producing countries have to sell everything for a special discount price which opens the doors to all sorts of speculations from foreign investors demanding high returns.

Another byproduct the West is expecting from their ‘generous gestures’ is to get some more positive votes at the next UN assembly.

That's how it works dude. Stop acting stupid. White supremacy screws people over and then you laugh and mock the people you screw over

You're like the ref, who catches the end of the play, and calls the foul, based on what he saw. But I have seen the play develop and know who threw the first punch.
You have no idea what I saw and I'm not making this into a conversation about me.

Yes, African nations have been independent for a long time, and most of them are still in deep shit.

China came out of the Mao era in 1975.

Zambia came out of in 1964. 11 years early. Zambia, one of the less fucked up countries on the continent, has a GDP of $4,000 per capita. China has a GDP of $16,600 per capita.

Why do you think that is?

Vietnam fought the French then the Americans. Then China tried to invade in 1979.

Vietnam has a GDP of $6,800.

A list, from the bottom up, of GDP per capita has

1) CAR
2) DRC
3) Burundi
4) Liberia
5) Niger
6) Malawi
7) Mozambique
8) Eritrea
9) South Sudan
10) Madagascar
11) Comoros
12) Togo
13) Gambia
14) Sierra Leone
15) Guinea-Bissau
16) Haiti.

So, the worst 15 countries in the world for GDP are AFRICAN countries. It has 54 countries. 15 of which are the poorest 15 countries in the world. Haiti is a black country anyway.

40 African countries are worse off the Vietnam, out of 54. So, giving African countries a head start in time, only 14 of them are actually better than Vietnam which suffered debilitating wars.

Why is that?

Perhaps it's because many Africans demand to be owed, rather than making their own way.
And all of them countries are dominated by white supremacy.

Let's take DRC congo.

The mobile phone or I-phone you have in your pocket, or laptop would not even work without congolese coltan

And who do you think mines that ? Yup black Africans.

Guys like these are the reason your (and pretty much everyone's) I-Phone and Laptop is working.



Who control coltan deposits over there ? Apple and other western corps and that's what most of the wars have been over in the congo.

The USA alone (5% of the world population) consume 45% of produced African natural resources which they purchase at bargain prices or for virtually nothing as debt payback.

In contrast, local infrastructures are crumbling, social programmes and local developments are cut because of the paybacks of interests and the debt itself. Corruption does the rest.

The resource producing countries have to sell everything for a special discount price which opens the doors to all sorts of speculations from foreign investors demanding high returns.

Another byproduct the West is expecting from their ‘generous gestures’ is to get some more positive votes at the next UN assembly.

That's how it works dude. Stop acting stupid. White supremacy screws people over and then you laugh and mock the people you screw over

You're like the ref, who catches the end of the play, and calls the foul, based on what he saw. But I have seen the play develop and know who threw the first punch.

Do you actually want to debate? Seriously? Because every time I present an argument, you go off on one about how I'm this, that and the other.

If you want to debate, be respectful.
Do you actually want to debate? Seriously? Because every time I present an argument, you go off on one about how I'm this, that and the other.

If you want to debate, be respectful.
You're not presenting argument all your doing is saying "These people are fked up and poor. I have some stats here to show that"

You could not even point out all them Africa countries out on a map.

Yet you come on here and act like your fking deep or dropping some knowledge on Africa. Dude. The only info white supremacist show of Africa is that of a violent hellhole, war, genocide, famine, slums, disease, failed states, refugee camps, Aids, malaria and Ebola. Idi Amin, Mugabe. Rwanda and Darfur. Somali pirates. Corrupt government officials. Child soldiers. Black men raping virgins to spread Aids.

So what your saying is what you should say, because your intelligence is limted to what the white supremacists have told you
  • The Rwandan genocide kills 800,00 Tutsis? Proof of how violent Africans are. The German genocide kills 6 million Jews? That was an exception.
  • The Germans killed 100,00 Hereros in Namibia? Another exception.
  • Middle-class Nairobi or Luanda? Exceptions. The slums of Nairobi and Luanda? Proof of how screwed up Africa is.
  • African civilizations? They tell us nothing. Primitive tribes in out-of-the-way places? The True Africa.
The poverty in Africa is shown with a purpose, and not a humanitarian one. It is used to show that Africans are inherently screwed up, they can’t govern themselves and hence they need American and European [conditional] aid, foreign soldiers on their ground, foreign control on their resources. To back this theory up they show the ‘benevolent whitey’ like Angelina Jolie side by side.


If you are so (trying not to laugh) affected by the poverty in Africa then protest against your govt policies, stand up against the wars that your countries wage against others (Libya used to be one with a good HDI before Obama & Co. bombed it to the ground, and yes, sponsored the killing of blacks in Libya by the rebels).

If you don’t, then stop whining and shove your charity up your fking ass. Don’t use poor people as an excuse to feel good without doing anything good.
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It's this white supremacist bullshit stopped here. Instead it's consistently enabled. We have a thread about back cops supposedly raping white men in South African prisons. It was based on these links:

Boer Genocide: Police-jail rapes of white SA men is a war crime pattern

A site called afrikaner-genocide, a blog.

Black police officers organizing gang rapes of white men in South Africa.

A blog post from a site called conservative headlines, a site that supports the Front Nationale.

French Front National surges after Sarkozy’s move to the left.

and a blog entry from:

This entry was posted on Monday, March 15th, 2010 at 8:58 pm and is filed under South Africa. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.

Considering the history of South Africa here are many things to discuss, yet because of the racists, who complained and the people are supposed to be given responsibility to make this a decent forum enabled this, the conversations must be limited only to how blacks are raping whts in south african jails even if here is no actual poof of it occurring.

If you do a search, you find no instance confirming this and only 2 places on the first page where this is mentioned. Conservative headlines and USMB. A blog post and a discussion forum If his happed there would be a court situation but that did not happen. This is an 8 year old post. In these 8 years since this was posted I can't find anything reported of the legal results of these rapes by south african media, So after 8 years whereby we see no evidence of this happening, no government inquiries of the police department, not investigations held, no individual accounts from hose men who were raped, no pressure from the south african media, nothing, but we are suppose to discuss an incident that probably never happened.

But this did.

Caught On Surveillance: White South African Cop Rapes A Black Girl In Custody!

Cape Town – The bail application of a policeman accused of raping a 15-year-old girl at the Montagu police station was postponed in the local magistrate’s court on Wednesday. Warrant Officer Frederick Soldaat’s lawyer asked that the matter be postponed to October 10 as they were still following up on certain aspects of the case. The 47-year-old officer is accused of raping the girl on August 30, after she was taken to the police station to cool down following an altercation with her parents at home. The Independent Police Investigative Directorate is investigating the matter in South Africa.

Uploaded on September 25th, 2016

Caught On Surveillance: White South African Cop Rapes A Black Girl In Custody! - The Grand Report

What we are seeing here are Afrikaner lies pushed by American white supremacists.

HNP will continue to keep Afrikaner nationalism alive
Die Vryburger

October 26, 2017

HNP will continue to keep Afrikaner nationalism alive | South Africa Today

Herstigte Nasionale Party - Wikipedia

White genocide: How the big lie spread to the US and beyond
Lloyd Gedye 23 Mar 2018 00:00

The spike in advocacy against a so-called “white genocide” in South Africa can be traced to a co-ordinated campaign by right-wing group the Suidlanders to bolster international support for white South Africans.

The group, who describe themselves as “an emergency plan initiative” to prepare a Protestant Christian South African minority for a coming violent revolution, has met various extremist alt-right groups and their influential media contacts in the United States to build up global opposition to the purported persecution of white people in South Africa.

The Suidlanders believe a race war is inevitable and have spent years preparing for it. The group’s membership was first reported to have swelled after the murder of Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging leader Eugène Terre’blanche. Then it was the death of former president Nelson Mandela that was meant to trigger the war.

Although this never transpired, now it is the murder of white farmers that the Suidlanders have seized on as a signal of the seeds of a plan to exterminate white people.

White genocide: How the big lie spread to the US and beyond

The alt-right players
Billy Roper – The Roper Report

On March 9 2017, right-winger Billy Roper published an opinion piece, “Suidlanders (A South African ShieldWall Network)”, on his website, The Roper Report.

In it he says a “white genocide” is taking place in South Africa and praises the Suidlanders for their civil-war contingency planning — which Americans should be doing.

Brad Griffin, Michael Hill and the League of the South

Griffin is the public relations officer for the League of the South (LOS), a right-wing group based in Killen, Alabama. He is also the news editor of Alt-Right.com.

On March 16 last year, Griffin, under his pseudonym Hunter Wallace, published an article on Occidental Dissent.com headlined “URGENT: Suidlanders reach out to Americans to stop South African white genocide”. “They are in the United States on a speaking tour to raise awareness about the rapidly worsening situation for whites in South Africa,” he wrote.

Griffin writes that he is well versed in the white genocide situation in South Africa and, before being contacted by the Suidlanders, had already called for President Donald Trump to intervene.

On March 25, LOS president Michael Hill wrote an article with the headline “The situation in white South Africa”. According to him, the Suidlanders were in the US to secure funds for diesel and other fuels, medicine, water treatment, shelter, communications equipment, women’s and children’s needs, the needs of the elderly, and every other vital necessity for civilian noncombatants.

Henrik Palmgreen and Red Ice TV

On March 31, Roche appeared on Henrik Palmgren’s Red Ice TV, which often hosts Holocaust deniers. Roche claimed on the show that it’s deadlier to be a white farmer in South Africa than it is to be a police officer.

“It’s a fact that the murder of white farmers in South Africa is double the rate of murder of policemen,” he said.

Jared Taylor and American Renaissance

“South African whites prepare for anarchy” was the headline on Jared Taylor’s American Renaissance podcast on March 15 last year .

Simon Roche, the spokesperson for the Suidlanders, who was interviewed for the podcast, told Taylor that the Suidlanders anticipate a “race-based civil war” and states: “When the bubble bursts, it’s going to be quite a messy affair.”

Roche was also a guest speaker at the 15th American Renaissance conference held in July last year, sharing a platform with people such as Peter Brimelow and Richard Spencer, the founders of the right-wing websites Vdare.com and Alt-Right.com respectively.

Alex Jones and InfoWars

Alex Jones, as far as American conspiracy theorists go, has the “most far-reaching influence” in US history.

Both David Knight, who joined InfoWars in 2012, and Jones have featured the Suidlanders on their shows, Real News with David Knight and The Alex Jones Show.

WorldNet News

WorldNet News, the brainchild of Joseph Farah, published nine articles on the subject of “white genocide” or the Suidlanders between March and August 2017.

White genocide: How the big lie spread to the US and beyond

I couldn't create a thread trying to talk to how whites would feel by reversing history because one of those responsible for making this a decent forum claimed I was suggesting a black takeover but this liw about black police raping whites must be discussed or else.

You are just asking for it now are you not? You DERAIL a thread, you IGNORE Mod Warnings in the Red Writing, you are REMOVED from that thread, so you post a NEW thread to post the SAME horsecrap you posted in the OTHER thread you were removed from.

Unlike you who are totally low education level, we can use Google and get actual corroboration on some of these savage happenings by your fellow Feral Blacks.

Note the below articles, NOT affiliated in ANY way with POLITICAL organisations that YOU don't like.

From the OP of the OTHER thread that you have been removed from for disrupting with your crap:

"The following piece was written by Gayton McKenzie, a black gang member in South Africa, and published in a research paper at the University of Pretoria. He describes a young, skinny white male who is being held for Marijuana use. Source.

“Wimpie, a white boy who was dabbling with dagga, is put in our cell. I don’t know how old he really is, perhaps 16 or more, but he looks no older than 14, with skinny arms and short, spiky-crowned, brown hair. He tries to fight, and so they hit him. His resistance stops abruptly when one grabs the back of his head and smashes his face into the steel bars …The 20 men take it in turns to rape him. It goes on for more than eight hours, almost the whole night. The boy does everything he can, in his pathetic, limited range of action, to try to deter them, but he is ignored. He screams, he cries, he begs, he tries to bargain, he prays.”

“It is in the morning, though, that I am forced to see what life has coughed up before me. What’s left of Wimpie is lying in a corridor between the bunks, just in front of my bed. He is still naked, shivering in a pool of his own blood where they have discarded him. I will literally have to step over the small body to go and eat my breakfast.”

The below from The Press Reader section of The Sunday Times of London NOT affiliated with Front National OR ANY Right-Wing website.

View attachment 200964
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Here is the full article the link to:

PressReader.com - Connecting People Through News

The above Gayton McKenzie was the subject of the book "The Choice: The Gayton McKenzie Story" author Charles Cilliers, the above from the OP that you a Black Racist Bigot with minimal education INSISTS is ALL horsecrap and Propaganda posted on a website affiliated with Front National and other Right-Wing websites.

View attachment 200967
View attachment 200968

View attachment 200969

Here is the full article the link to:

Inspiring story of a whistle-blower

Gayton McKenzie has a website, on his website he tells the EXACT same story that he told to Charles Cilliers, the EXACT same story that is IN the OP of this thread, that YOU INSIST is horsecrap and YOU INSIST that because you are a Black Racist Bigot with minimal education.

View attachment 200970
View attachment 200971

^^^^ Gayton McKenzie by his subsequent actions HAS redemption, he is rightfully saluted as a hero.

Here is his website the link to:

Motivational Speaker – Gayton McKenzie

Here's another, nothing to do with Gayton McKenzie but ANOTHER Whitey gang-raped by your fellow Feral Black Savages in a South African prison in the Shit Hole Nation that IS South Africa. Note: the below article publication NOT affiliated with Front National:

View attachment 200972
View attachment 200974

Here is the full article link to:

Businessman tells of South African prison rape that left him HIV positive | Metro News
Thanks for the nazi perspective
  • Thanks
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I know how fucked up white supremacists are. I spent a long time fighting again them.
Drop the "I'm the voice of reason" sh*t with me

What you try to do is play both sides.

Sure you'll talk hard on the white extremists like Dylan Roof or David Duke's (But you and them still share the same ideology) Yeah you and you might not go that far but white supremacists always in fight with each other. Trump has sacked plenty of his staff. It's like that you tuber Laci Green she did a video and went hard on racism, saying how fked up it was but it was found out that she was dating a member of the Alt-Right.

So sure you'll get whites who will march with black people but when it comes to punishing these white supremacists ? Then they start backing up.

Even a few weeks ago, where a white woman called the police on 2 black men at BBQ. Yeah sure whites did the symbolic B.S thing of saying "Yeah that's wrong" "Yeah that's racism" but notice the way none of the mainstream media never put her name out ? It was black people who put her name out and when black people did that, all of sudden whites went into protection mode "That's wrong" "She should not be exposed"
As for the US police. I know how fucked up the US police can be. My fucked up work colleague's fucked up father in NJ police. I've been on the wrong end of the US police.
So you know how fked up white people. So why don't you sort your people out ? And you know what's funny ? When I start talking about it like that is really the only way idiots like you get the message all this "well black people need to do x,y and z"

And yet I'm telling you that is NOTHING compared to the Mozambique police. You can't come at me and pretend that Mozambique doesn't exist. Also it doesn't compare to the Zimbabwe police either.
And how does the Mozambique police or what ever you claim they are doing affect white people ?

Or am I to believe that you now really give a sh*t about what happens to black ppl in Mozambique ?

Yeah right

We're discussing problems in Africa. We're talking about South Africa specifically. Now you're telling me I can't talk about South Africa because it's, apparently, in your view, not my backyard. How do you know?

So what's the fucking point of coming on here and just telling people they can't talk about stuff? You're not from South Africa and by the sounds of it you've never even been. And yet you're on this thread telling people not to talk about stuff they don't know, and then you're trying to make this a fight about NYPD on a thread about South Africa?

Dude, what the fuck?
You points about Africa assumes that white supremacists would be fine with technology advanced black economic powerhouse in Africa that was not under there thumb. But look at history to see how white supremacist have reacted to any type of black progress

Look at Rosewood in the early part of the last century


Here was a thriving black community living independent of whites, yet was burned to the ground by white supremacists.

Not 2 mention Bruce’s Beach, Black Wall Street, Bronzeville in Chicago and Black Baltimore during the days of sailing ships all show a pattern of White officials making extraordinary efforts to cut black business development off at the knees.

Black degradation is essential 2 White supremacists.

Thriving Black business districts and strong Black communities would expose the lie at the heart of White Supremacy ideology.

The Tulsa Riot in the early part of the last century.


Same again. Thriving black community. Blew up by white ppl with the aid of the US government.

Growth of ones own country can't happen in isolation. It has to be within an agreed shared global structure which includes everyone. While the ideology and controlling structure of white supremacy remains firmly in place, restrictions will ultimately always apply to black nations.

Its no different to slaves growing their own independent business on the plantation. Sooner or later if its successful the master will want a cut of any of the profits or control of it. Eventually either dominating it completely, eliminating it to avoid unfavorable competition or even having it challenge the plantation slave institution itself.

One only has to look at the likes of Colonel Gaddifi who was trying to create a central african bank and an african communication network in Africa. Africa is a massive source for mobile phone networks and internet. Africans make billions for the white supremacists. Gaddifi plan went against there wishes just as would have an African bank. So he had to be killed

Patrice Lumumba, one of the greatest black leaders to emerge in this century, was assinated by the Belgians with the aid of US, so that the white international community could get the puppet government that they wanted in the Congo.

As long as USAID, IMG and World Bank don't try and send in there economic hitmen. Black people will be al right.

And the land in SA is NOT just for Agriculture only but other forms of development including Mining, Infrastructure development, building malls n modern houses etc

Just be thankful I'm not running shit in SA.
The goal for black SA's is to break the white supremacists in SA's spirit. Black SA's should have a heart of stone towards white supremacists in S-A.

And I applaud them because don't believe the hype this is how most white South Africans are living down there in South Africa

Oh look, he has evidence of bad white people who once lived. It was so long ago that the color cameras didn't even exist. Clearly these pics and stories show you what life is like in S.A. in 2018.

Thank you for this super relevant information! :laugh:

They do. And whites like you show us there are white people alive today who are just as bad.
Teflon Theory of History
Saturday October 9th 2010 by abagond

The Teflon Theory of American History says that anything that took place over 30 years ago is Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on the present. Or not much. Unless it was something good like the light bulb or the Declaration of Independence. Therefore those who make a big deal of the bad stuff in the past, like slavery, are Living in the Past and need to Get Over It.

For example:

Jim Crow laws were overturned by the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s. Therefore according to Teflon Theory the Jim Crow period is now Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on how White Americans alive today think and act. None whatsoever. Or not much. So racism is pretty much dead.

Instead of Jim Crow’s effect slowly weakening over time like you would expect, Teflon Theory would have you suppose that it just disappeared like magic one afternoon sometime in the late 1960s. Even though many White Americans alive now were alive back in Jim Crow times. Even though many others were brought up and shaped by those who were alive back then: parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, writers, film directors, television producers, news editors and so on.

Few sit on a mountain top to come up with their beliefs all on their own. Instead most people pretty much go along with what everyone else already believes with maybe a few twists here and there. Such beliefs come from the past.

So then why is Teflon Theory believed?

  • Because of how American history is taught:
    • American history is taught as dates and people and facts that have little to do with each other. Sometimes the Effects of the the Civil War or Industrialization are studied, for example, but not so for the evil stuff – like how slavery and genocide led to present-day White American wealth, power and racism.
    • American history as taught rarely comes up to the present day. History becomes something in the past, in a book, not something we live in right now.
  • Because of the needs of White American self-image:
    • White Americans want to think they are Basically Good and their society is Basically Just. Without Teflon Theory that becomes laughable since it flies in the face of history, common sense and human nature.
    • White Americans avoid honestly facing up to their past because deep down they know it is ugly. Teflon Theory acts as a guard against having to take it seriously.
  • Because middle-class whites are protected from the ugly present:
    • Those who live in Apple-pie America rarely see first-hand the injustice that their comfortable lives are built on. And what injustice they do see on occasion, like black ghettos or wars on television fought overseas in their name, they have already learned to not see as injustice. But being protected from the ugly present makes the ugly past seem like another world, like it truly is ancient history with no bearing on the present.
Teflon Theory of History
those whites are evil!! the devil!!!
the devil's children
where as the blacks are god's children
What the fuck are you bringing NYPD up into this? We're talking about Africa, and you bring up something that is totally irrelevant.
No it's not. Your pointing the finger at black people and police saying "Look at how fucked up you are"

Well let's look at fucked up white supremacist and the police have been

You can't complain about rhe mess in another person house when your house is sh*thole.

Michael A. Wood Jr was a retired White American police sergeant he noted what he saw while serving on the Baltimore police force from 2003 to 2014 ?

He confirmed much of what many Black Americans have long known.

The Police :

    • Racially profile.·
    • Lie.
    • Do not see Black and poor people as real human being.
    • Are an occupying force in Black ghettos.
    • See the people there as the enemy, not as citizens to protect and serve.
    • Use unspoken arrest quota.
    • Each officer is expected to make so many arrests a month.
    • Do not care much about the US Constitution.
    • Are badly trained.
    • Fear Black males.
He found that arrests and crime bear little relationship to each other. When he was put on patrol in a well-to-do White neighbourhood he would go to a nearby Black neighbourhood to make his arrest quota.

Not because there was more crime there but because he could get away with arresting blacks for little things, like throwing a cigarette on the floor or playing basketball in the street.

He did not see himself as racist but took part in a racist institution by following orders. And these orders came from top. Who were supported by politicians who represented not the people but moneyed interests – like the prison-industrial complex. Remember a lot of these prison need 90% occupancy.

There was white cop Adrian Schoolcraft he logged how the NYPD used to manipulate crime stats He recorded everything that was said with a small tape recorder while he was on duty.

Police officers were told how many people to stop and search. How many tickets to write. How many arrests to make every month. Meanwhile serious crime was not taken seriously. .

When he had a solid case he went to InternalAffairs. So the police arrived at his door with a dozen policemen. They tore his place apart. They threw him to the ground, beat him up and handcuffed him.

After six days missing his dad found his son at last in a mental ward in Queens NY, where the police had put him.

His father gets him out. After that Schoolcraft went to live at his father’s house hundreds of miles away. Despite the distance, New York police officers have appeared at his door ten times so far.

That's only touching the surface the police plant evidence on suspects to frame them, as with the Ramparts division scandal or they protect drug runners.

The police deal in drugs THEMSELVES. Ever heard about New York’s infamous 75th precinct ?

The police murder those who file complaints against them

Sometimes the police are told not to enforce drug laws against white people.

And I've touched the surface. Yet you want to complain the police and black people ?


Are you trolling here ? And you dare point the finger at black ppl. Come at me bro. I'll commit intellectual murder on you, you fking clown. And I have lotta more where this is from. Come at me bro.

Well, I look around the whole world and say "this is how fucked up you are".

You don't seem to read my other posts, you focus just on this post and somehow you think you know me.

I know how fucked up white supremacists are. I spent a long time fighting again them.

As for the US police. I know how fucked up the US police can be. My fucked up work colleague's fucked up father in NJ police. I've been on the wrong end of the US police.

And yet I'm telling you that is NOTHING compared to the Mozambique police. You can't come at me and pretend that Mozambique doesn't exist. Also it doesn't compare to the Zimbabwe police either.
In South Africa I didn't have a problem with the police. You get enemies when you go, it might be the police as with Mozambique and Zimbabwe, or you might end up fearing the criminals, as with South Africa and a few other countries.

Which "sh*thole" is my "sh*thole" exactly? Let me tell you that you don't know anything about me. You don't know my race, you don't know my nationality and you don't know my gender. That's a start. Beyond that, you should have figured out you don't know me.

We're discussing problems in Africa. We're talking about South Africa specifically. Now you're telling me I can't talk about South Africa because it's, apparently, in your view, not my backyard. How do you know?

So what's the fucking point of coming on here and just telling people they can't talk about stuff? You're not from South Africa and by the sounds of it you've never even been. And yet you're on this thread telling people not to talk about stuff they don't know, and then you're trying to make this a fight about NYPD on a thread about South Africa?

Dude, what the fuck?

The rest of your post is about US police. It's not for this thread.

The fact is you can't really tell us shit about Africa. Yeah you say you've been there but did you visit before the country was colonized? Did you visit during colonization to see how the white governments ruled? No. You saw Africa after colonization where most nations are still struggling to rebuild and talk shit. Most of these nations have been independent for just over 50 years. South Africa 27. America wasn't shit 50 years after independence from Britain. But you ask a dumb ass question about the DRC so you could blame the blacks for corruption. Like the white governments they patterned themselves after were not corrupt.

Africa is a continent ruined by white interference. All of it. Including South Africa

You have no idea what I saw and I'm not making this into a conversation about me.

Yes, African nations have been independent for a long time, and most of them are still in deep shit.

China came out of the Mao era in 1975.

Zambia came out of in 1964. 11 years early. Zambia, one of the less fucked up countries on the continent, has a GDP of $4,000 per capita. China has a GDP of $16,600 per capita.

Why do you think that is?

Vietnam fought the French then the Americans. Then China tried to invade in 1979.

Vietnam has a GDP of $6,800.

A list, from the bottom up, of GDP per capita has

1) CAR
2) DRC
3) Burundi
4) Liberia
5) Niger
6) Malawi
7) Mozambique
8) Eritrea
9) South Sudan
10) Madagascar
11) Comoros
12) Togo
13) Gambia
14) Sierra Leone
15) Guinea-Bissau
16) Haiti.

So, the worst 15 countries in the world for GDP are AFRICAN countries. It has 54 countries. 15 of which are the poorest 15 countries in the world. Haiti is a black country anyway.

40 African countries are worse off the Vietnam, out of 54. So, giving African countries a head start in time, only 14 of them are actually better than Vietnam which suffered debilitating wars.

Why is that?

Perhaps it's because many Africans demand to be owed, rather than making their own way.

China was never colonized by an outside force nor do those outside forces continue to maintain business interests in China to the point of controlling their governments.

Your argument is full of holes fool. You are not talking to a person unaware of how poor some African nations are. Your reason for this based upon everything that has gone on is incorrect. it's just that simple.
Do you actually want to debate? Seriously? Because every time I present an argument, you go off on one about how I'm this, that and the other.

If you want to debate, be respectful.
You're not presenting argument all your doing is saying "These people are fked up and poor. I have some stats here to show that"

You could not even point out all them Africa countries out on a map.

Yet you come on here and act like your fking deep or dropping some knowledge on Africa. Dude. The only info white supremacist show of Africa is that of a violent hellhole, war, genocide, famine, slums, disease, failed states, refugee camps, Aids, malaria and Ebola. Idi Amin, Mugabe. Rwanda and Darfur. Somali pirates. Corrupt government officials. Child soldiers. Black men raping virgins to spread Aids.

So what your saying is what you should say, because your intelligence is limted to what the white supremacists have told you
  • The Rwandan genocide kills 800,00 Tutsis? Proof of how violent Africans are. The German genocide kills 6 million Jews? That was an exception.
  • The Germans killed 100,00 Hereros in Namibia? Another exception.
  • Middle-class Nairobi or Luanda? Exceptions. The slums of Nairobi and Luanda? Proof of how screwed up Africa is.
  • African civilizations? They tell us nothing. Primitive tribes in out-of-the-way places? The True Africa.
The poverty in Africa is shown with a purpose, and not a humanitarian one. It is used to show that Africans are inherently screwed up, they can’t govern themselves and hence they need American and European [conditional] aid, foreign soldiers on their ground, foreign control on their resources. To back this theory up they show the ‘benevolent whitey’ like Angelina Jolie side by side.


If you are so (trying not to laugh) affected by the poverty in Africa then protest against your govt policies, stand up against the wars that your countries wage against others (Libya used to be one with a good HDI before Obama & Co. bombed it to the ground, and yes, sponsored the killing of blacks in Libya by the rebels).

If you don’t, then stop whining and shove your charity up your fking ass. Don’t use poor people as an excuse to feel good without doing anything good.

Blah, blah, blah.
What the fuck are you bringing NYPD up into this? We're talking about Africa, and you bring up something that is totally irrelevant.
No it's not. Your pointing the finger at black people and police saying "Look at how fucked up you are"

Well let's look at fucked up white supremacist and the police have been

You can't complain about rhe mess in another person house when your house is sh*thole.

Michael A. Wood Jr was a retired White American police sergeant he noted what he saw while serving on the Baltimore police force from 2003 to 2014 ?

He confirmed much of what many Black Americans have long known.

The Police :

    • Racially profile.·
    • Lie.
    • Do not see Black and poor people as real human being.
    • Are an occupying force in Black ghettos.
    • See the people there as the enemy, not as citizens to protect and serve.
    • Use unspoken arrest quota.
    • Each officer is expected to make so many arrests a month.
    • Do not care much about the US Constitution.
    • Are badly trained.
    • Fear Black males.
He found that arrests and crime bear little relationship to each other. When he was put on patrol in a well-to-do White neighbourhood he would go to a nearby Black neighbourhood to make his arrest quota.

Not because there was more crime there but because he could get away with arresting blacks for little things, like throwing a cigarette on the floor or playing basketball in the street.

He did not see himself as racist but took part in a racist institution by following orders. And these orders came from top. Who were supported by politicians who represented not the people but moneyed interests – like the prison-industrial complex. Remember a lot of these prison need 90% occupancy.

There was white cop Adrian Schoolcraft he logged how the NYPD used to manipulate crime stats He recorded everything that was said with a small tape recorder while he was on duty.

Police officers were told how many people to stop and search. How many tickets to write. How many arrests to make every month. Meanwhile serious crime was not taken seriously. .

When he had a solid case he went to InternalAffairs. So the police arrived at his door with a dozen policemen. They tore his place apart. They threw him to the ground, beat him up and handcuffed him.

After six days missing his dad found his son at last in a mental ward in Queens NY, where the police had put him.

His father gets him out. After that Schoolcraft went to live at his father’s house hundreds of miles away. Despite the distance, New York police officers have appeared at his door ten times so far.

That's only touching the surface the police plant evidence on suspects to frame them, as with the Ramparts division scandal or they protect drug runners.

The police deal in drugs THEMSELVES. Ever heard about New York’s infamous 75th precinct ?

The police murder those who file complaints against them

Sometimes the police are told not to enforce drug laws against white people.

And I've touched the surface. Yet you want to complain the police and black people ?


Are you trolling here ? And you dare point the finger at black ppl. Come at me bro. I'll commit intellectual murder on you, you fking clown. And I have lotta more where this is from. Come at me bro.

Well, I look around the whole world and say "this is how fucked up you are".

You don't seem to read my other posts, you focus just on this post and somehow you think you know me.

I know how fucked up white supremacists are. I spent a long time fighting again them.

As for the US police. I know how fucked up the US police can be. My fucked up work colleague's fucked up father in NJ police. I've been on the wrong end of the US police.

And yet I'm telling you that is NOTHING compared to the Mozambique police. You can't come at me and pretend that Mozambique doesn't exist. Also it doesn't compare to the Zimbabwe police either.
In South Africa I didn't have a problem with the police. You get enemies when you go, it might be the police as with Mozambique and Zimbabwe, or you might end up fearing the criminals, as with South Africa and a few other countries.

Which "sh*thole" is my "sh*thole" exactly? Let me tell you that you don't know anything about me. You don't know my race, you don't know my nationality and you don't know my gender. That's a start. Beyond that, you should have figured out you don't know me.

We're discussing problems in Africa. We're talking about South Africa specifically. Now you're telling me I can't talk about South Africa because it's, apparently, in your view, not my backyard. How do you know?

So what's the fucking point of coming on here and just telling people they can't talk about stuff? You're not from South Africa and by the sounds of it you've never even been. And yet you're on this thread telling people not to talk about stuff they don't know, and then you're trying to make this a fight about NYPD on a thread about South Africa?

Dude, what the fuck?

The rest of your post is about US police. It's not for this thread.

The fact is you can't really tell us shit about Africa. Yeah you say you've been there but did you visit before the country was colonized? Did you visit during colonization to see how the white governments ruled? No. You saw Africa after colonization where most nations are still struggling to rebuild and talk shit. Most of these nations have been independent for just over 50 years. South Africa 27. America wasn't shit 50 years after independence from Britain. But you ask a dumb ass question about the DRC so you could blame the blacks for corruption. Like the white governments they patterned themselves after were not corrupt.

Africa is a continent ruined by white interference. All of it. Including South Africa

You have no idea what I saw and I'm not making this into a conversation about me.

Yes, African nations have been independent for a long time, and most of them are still in deep shit.

China came out of the Mao era in 1975.

Zambia came out of in 1964. 11 years early. Zambia, one of the less fucked up countries on the continent, has a GDP of $4,000 per capita. China has a GDP of $16,600 per capita.

Why do you think that is?

Vietnam fought the French then the Americans. Then China tried to invade in 1979.

Vietnam has a GDP of $6,800.

A list, from the bottom up, of GDP per capita has

1) CAR
2) DRC
3) Burundi
4) Liberia
5) Niger
6) Malawi
7) Mozambique
8) Eritrea
9) South Sudan
10) Madagascar
11) Comoros
12) Togo
13) Gambia
14) Sierra Leone
15) Guinea-Bissau
16) Haiti.

So, the worst 15 countries in the world for GDP are AFRICAN countries. It has 54 countries. 15 of which are the poorest 15 countries in the world. Haiti is a black country anyway.

40 African countries are worse off the Vietnam, out of 54. So, giving African countries a head start in time, only 14 of them are actually better than Vietnam which suffered debilitating wars.

Why is that?

Perhaps it's because many Africans demand to be owed, rather than making their own way.

China was never colonized by an outside force nor do those outside forces continue to maintain business interests in China to the point of controlling their governments.

Your argument is full of holes fool. You are not talking to a person unaware of how poor some African nations are. Your reason for this based upon everything that has gone on is incorrect. it's just that simple.

Really? I think you need a history lesson.

China was occupied in part by the Germans, British, Portuguese, Americans and French. Never been to the concessions area of Shanghai? I have. And in other places. Hong Kong, Macao, Qingdao, Amoy (Xiamen) etc were all controlled by outside forces. The opium wars showed that the Chinese govt was doing what they were forced to do. Then they left and the Japanese took over, the last Emperor become a puppet for the Japanese.

But then again what Mao did to the Chinese was much worse than what the foreigners did to the Chinese. But hey.

Now, about business interests inside of the country. Whose fault is that? Go to Africa and you see the Africans selling food from the side of the street. Go find a supermarket, it's more likely to be Chinese run. Why haven't the Africans got around to making supermarkets? In South Africa they exist, but go to backwater places and it will be Pakistani, or Chinese, or some other foreigner running it. Why?

Because the govt doesn't have the ability to make the country function to a higher level? Because corruption is so bad.

I met a guy, a German, who was in Lesotho because he wanted to start a water engineering business. He's spoken to the Lesotho ambassador to Germany who'd told him his country desperately needed his skills. So he went.
When I met his he was off to try and get a work permit to work there. He went to meet the minister of work (or whatever his inflated title would be) and the minister made it impossible for him to get that.

But did the minister make sure a local would start a similar business? No. They wouldn't.

So the country is left with problems.

Oh, now I see the insults.

How the fuck dare you? You have NO FUCKING IDEA what you're talking about and all you have are insults to fling at people.

Fuck off.
How did colonialism affect Africa?
Impact of Colonization and Economic Development in Africa

Current political instability, social disorder and economic crisis in Africa have their roots in colonization era. During colonization period, political, economic, and social structure of African societies were completely changed. European powers viewed Africans as “primitive people” so they assigned themselves a duty to civilize or teach them, the Africans the “proper civilization” of which they meant colonization, imposition of European civilization and exploitation of Africans (World History, pp.158) . In this regard, European colonials divided Africa continent into colonies among themselves. They used persuasion and bribery of traditional leaders at best and force at worse to acquire these divisions and other programs of interests to them. Governments of colonies were formed either under a direct or indirect rule of countries colonizing the colonies. Under a direct rule, all levels of governments were controlled by the colonial masters, while where an indirect rule was applied, only governors and council advisors were appointed from colonials countries, and traditional leaders loyal to governors were allowed to retain their leadership or appointed in case of some leaders who resisted the colonization. (British was the only country who used indirect rules in its colonies in Africa ).

The aim of governments of colonies were to enforce and oversee the implementation of exploitation of resources and imposition of European civilization in Africa. Local populations were forced out of their fertile lands which they used for food crops cultivations and the lands were then distributed to European settlers, and turned into plantations of new introduced cash crops such as cotton, coca, tea, vanilla and soon for exportation to Europe. Africans were forced to work in plantations and mineral mining such as tea plantations in Kenya and copper mining fields in Democratic Republic of Congo which were administered by colonizing countries, British and Belgian respectively. Taxes were imposed on colonies to be paid in cash which was difficult for traditional farmers to get. Along with exploitation of resources was the intent to assimilate African into European cultures. Traditional believes, norms and practices were despised. African were urged to take on European believes, norms and practices and set aside their believes.

Tactics such as telling them that European civilization was the best, that people didn’t work with hands in Europe and that it was because of their bad way of life that led to their colonization were used to speed up this process. In addition, schools and churches were built in colonies to teach colonial languages and cultures and convert traditional followers into Christianity respectively. Some Africans converted to Christians and went to colonial schools. Some of those Africans who converted to Christians and went to schools were taken for further studies in Europe. They graduated with degrees in different subject areas and came back to colonies. Despite having taken on European way of life, they were not allowed to take government positions. Some colonial masters still claimed that African would never learn to govern themselves.

While studying in Europe, the African scholars found out that all they were told about Europe and Europeans were lies. For instance, they found out that people worked with hands in factories in Europe. Finding out propagandas which were used to justify colonization to be lies coupled with their new learned skills, and inspirations they found in philosophers like John Locke, they organized and mobilized themselves to resent colonial rules. They formed movements and fought for independence. Some movements took different forms and time frame to gain independence, and in the end the whole continent of Africa got decolonized. However, the impact of colonization carried on to post colonial era.

Early after decolonization of Africa, new African states were eager and hoped to reform and prosper their economies. However, many years later, that hope was still unfulfilled in many countries. The effects of colonisations along with lack of capital and advanced farming machinery, climatic conditions, and rapid population growth contributed to economic crisis in Africa.

There seems to be a very important connection between peace and stability and economic development, and this can be seen in Africa where arbitrary division, grouping, and using one ethnic group, or tribe against another by European powers during colonization has left frictions and hostilities among tribes, ethnic groups or even countries. Many African countries since they got independent from their colonial masters (countries which had colonized them), have never been in peace and stability. This conditions sap the Africa’s efforts to develop its economy and create backwardness instead. Political instability, fighting for control of government and resources create disturbances in humans’ everyday way of life in Africa. Masses of population are displaced and properties destroyed as a result of unrest and political struggles bred by colonialism.

As a result the population is always on the move and therefore can’t cultivate crops for food. This situation always leads to hunger and famine, and to contain this problem, the resources which could have been used for economic developments are wasted in an attempt to stop this human induced disasters. For example, large sum of money is used for humanitarian assistance and for mediations of talks aimed at settling conflicts peacefully. Countries such as the Sudan, Uganda, Chad, Somalia, just to name a few, provide examples of how political instability affect economic development. On the other hand, if peace and stability prevail in a country, that country prosper economically. Peace and stability give a country or government opportunities to focus its attention on economy; labour, natural resources and capitals are used effectively and efficiently. Political stability also allows foreign investors to invest in a country which boosts that’s country’s economy. Few African countries such as Kenya where political stability prevailed for two decades has become self-sufficient in food productions, became one of the world exporter of tea and coffee, and attained agricultural growth of 3 percent average yearly (One World, pp.82)

Another effect of colonization in addition to instability is that African economies of colonization era were geared to fit for exportations. Large pieces of fertile lands were used for cash crops leaving less fertile and small portion of lands for food crops. This makes it difficult to produce enough food for consumption within the exporting countries of cash crops. It also has an impact on economies at the time when cash crop prices drop in the international market due to competition.

Lack of development funds and advanced farming machinery can be seen in lack of progress of development in Africa. Most of African countries don’t have adequate funds to initiate viable economic development projects. In addition, these countries don’t have farm machinery that can produce with efficiency. About 80 percent of African population works in agriculture yet this doesn’t produce enough food because people lack effective farming tools (One World, pp. 80). They use simple farm equipment namely hand tools which are ineffective to produce good amount of food. However, new and better farming method, ox-plough was recently introduced. Still this is just better, not the best, but it is a magic invention to some African societies. In few societies where ox-ploughs and animals are used for labour, produce more than societies that hand tools and are seen to have somehow advanced technologically.


Climatic conditions make it impossible sometimes some years in some countries to cultivate crops in Africa. Climate changes such as drought and flood are example. Because Africa is in tropical region, it experienced drought often. During this period, both humans and non-human animals for instance, cows, camels, goats, ship and soon suffer. This can sometimes lead to starvation of many animals and humans.

Population growth

Population growth in Africa is faster than economic growth. In many countries population is growing rapidly while the economic growth is stagnant or it is growing at a low rate. The growth rates of population and economic in Africa from 1980-86 were 3 and 2.9 percent respectively. This makes it difficult to provide the needs of growing population with few resources.


Political instability, social disorder and economic backwardness in Africa can be traced back to colonization era. During colonization period, colonials used divided and rule tactics, imposition and exploitation of African resources which had long lasting effects on African societies and economies even after colonization was ended. Lack of funds and advance technology along with climate, and population growths hampered economic development.

How did colonialism affect Africa? - Bestbrainz
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China was occupied in part by the Germans, British, Portuguese, Americans and French. Never been to the concessions area of Shanghai? I have. And in other places. Hong Kong, Macao, Qingdao, Amoy (Xiamen) etc were all controlled by outside forces. The opium wars showed that the Chinese govt was doing what they were forced to do. Then they left and the Japanese took over, the last Emperor become a puppet for the Japanese.
What's your point ?
But then again what Mao did to the Chinese was much worse than what the foreigners did to the Chinese. But hey.
What's your point ? Your babbling.
Now, about business interests inside of the country. Whose fault is that? Go to Africa and you see the Africans selling food from the side of the street. Go find a supermarket, it's more likely to be Chinese run. Why haven't the Africans got around to making supermarkets? In South Africa they exist, but go to backwater places and it will be Pakistani, or Chinese, or some other foreigner running it. Why?
Because Africa is under the control of white supremacy and Asians would not be there if the white supremacists did not want them there.
I met a guy, a German, who was in Lesotho because he wanted to start a water engineering business. He's spoken to the Lesotho ambassador to Germany who'd told him his country desperately needed his skills. So he went.
When I met his he was off to try and get a work permit to work there. He went to meet the minister of work (or whatever his inflated title would be) and the minister made it impossible for him to get that.But did the minister make sure a local would start a similar business? No. They wouldn't.
So you're now an expert of Lesotho internal affairs because of what some white person from Germany tells you ? (lol)

Unlike you I think - Why would a white man from Germany travel thousands of miles to start a water engineering business in Africa ? Why would he do that unless he had ulterior motives ? What was he doing there in the first place ? Taken advantage of people who are economically castrated ? Molesting kids ? Raping women ?

Germans have history with Southern Africa.
Nambian genocide anyone ? Where Germans slaughtered thousands of Nambians ?

Minster of Work KNEW THIS and probably sensed your friends was a bullsh*tter or up to no good and so he told your friends his services were not wanted.

Peter Scully was a white supremacist Australian who was over in the Phillipinnes torturing rapping and killing Flippino children. He went there on business trip acting like he had good intenetions.

He was getting them to dig there own grave before he killed them. I can't even describe the fuked up sh*t this guy was doing. He was raping an 18 month old baby, cutting her fingers off and using bitcoin to sell and trade them on the dark web for 10 thousand dollars. Now the fact that there is market for this on the dark web with other white supremacists says everything.

White supremacist love to go Africa and do all kinds of fked up sh*t.

Remember this.


He came in with smiles, with good intentions, with gifts and false promises. That's how the Germans came in with the Nambian Genocide...........full of smiles, promises of trade, just like your fking bulllshitting white supremacist German friend.

After all how the fuck does he know that he minister does not support local businesses ? Did he have access to documents of Lesotho internal affairs ? Did he speak to white section of Lesotho natives ? How does your white German Friend know all this ?
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I know how fucked up white supremacists are. I spent a long time fighting again them.
Drop the "I'm the voice of reason" sh*t with me

What you try to do is play both sides.

Sure you'll talk hard on the white extremists like Dylan Roof or David Duke's (But you and them still share the same ideology) Yeah you and you might not go that far but white supremacists always in fight with each other. Trump has sacked plenty of his staff. It's like that you tuber Laci Green she did a video and went hard on racism, saying how fked up it was but it was found out that she was dating a member of the Alt-Right.

So sure you'll get whites who will march with black people but when it comes to punishing these white supremacists ? Then they start backing up.

Even a few weeks ago, where a white woman called the police on 2 black men at BBQ. Yeah sure whites did the symbolic B.S thing of saying "Yeah that's wrong" "Yeah that's racism" but notice the way none of the mainstream media never put her name out ? It was black people who put her name out and when black people did that, all of sudden whites went into protection mode "That's wrong" "She should not be exposed"
As for the US police. I know how fucked up the US police can be. My fucked up work colleague's fucked up father in NJ police. I've been on the wrong end of the US police.
So you know how fked up white people. So why don't you sort your people out ? And you know what's funny ? When I start talking about it like that is really the only way idiots like you get the message all this "well black people need to do x,y and z"

And yet I'm telling you that is NOTHING compared to the Mozambique police. You can't come at me and pretend that Mozambique doesn't exist. Also it doesn't compare to the Zimbabwe police either.
And how does the Mozambique police or what ever you claim they are doing affect white people ?

Or am I to believe that you now really give a sh*t about what happens to black ppl in Mozambique ?

Yeah right

We're discussing problems in Africa. We're talking about South Africa specifically. Now you're telling me I can't talk about South Africa because it's, apparently, in your view, not my backyard. How do you know?

So what's the fucking point of coming on here and just telling people they can't talk about stuff? You're not from South Africa and by the sounds of it you've never even been. And yet you're on this thread telling people not to talk about stuff they don't know, and then you're trying to make this a fight about NYPD on a thread about South Africa?

Dude, what the fuck?
You points about Africa assumes that white supremacists would be fine with technology advanced black economic powerhouse in Africa that was not under there thumb. But look at history to see how white supremacist have reacted to any type of black progress

Look at Rosewood in the early part of the last century


Here was a thriving black community living independent of whites, yet was burned to the ground by white supremacists.

Not 2 mention Bruce’s Beach, Black Wall Street, Bronzeville in Chicago and Black Baltimore during the days of sailing ships all show a pattern of White officials making extraordinary efforts to cut black business development off at the knees.

Black degradation is essential 2 White supremacists.

Thriving Black business districts and strong Black communities would expose the lie at the heart of White Supremacy ideology.

The Tulsa Riot in the early part of the last century.


Same again. Thriving black community. Blew up by white ppl with the aid of the US government.

Growth of ones own country can't happen in isolation. It has to be within an agreed shared global structure which includes everyone. While the ideology and controlling structure of white supremacy remains firmly in place, restrictions will ultimately always apply to black nations.

Its no different to slaves growing their own independent business on the plantation. Sooner or later if its successful the master will want a cut of any of the profits or control of it. Eventually either dominating it completely, eliminating it to avoid unfavorable competition or even having it challenge the plantation slave institution itself.

One only has to look at the likes of Colonel Gaddifi who was trying to create a central african bank and an african communication network in Africa. Africa is a massive source for mobile phone networks and internet. Africans make billions for the white supremacists. Gaddifi plan went against there wishes just as would have an African bank. So he had to be killed

Patrice Lumumba, one of the greatest black leaders to emerge in this century, was assinated by the Belgians with the aid of US, so that the white international community could get the puppet government that they wanted in the Congo.

As long as USAID, IMG and World Bank don't try and send in there economic hitmen. Black people will be al right.

And the land in SA is NOT just for Agriculture only but other forms of development including Mining, Infrastructure development, building malls n modern houses etc

Just be thankful I'm not running shit in SA.
The goal for black SA's is to break the white supremacists in SA's spirit. Black SA's should have a heart of stone towards white supremacists in S-A.

And I applaud them because don't believe the hype this is how most white South Africans are living down there in South Africa

Oh look, he has evidence of bad white people who once lived. It was so long ago that the color cameras didn't even exist. Clearly these pics and stories show you what life is like in S.A. in 2018.

Thank you for this super relevant information! :laugh:

They do. And whites like you show us there are white people alive today who are just as bad.
Oh good, then you should have no problem producing similar pictures from 2018. Let's see these pictures, liar.
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