White Racist Groups March the Streets Unbothered, But BLM, Groups of Color Stay Harassed


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2013

small pack of loosers walking down the street. differnce between them and blm , pro palestinians is they are complying with laws.. unlike the other two who riot , murder., steal , trust pass, abuse cops, i mean the list goes on. neither group including the one in article are ok. the cops were there had they started them same shit other had they been arrested too.

small pack of loosers walking down the street. differnce between them and blm , pro palestinians is they are complying with laws.. unlike the other two who riot , murder., steal , trust pass, abuse cops, i mean the list goes on. neither group including the one in article are ok. the cops were there had they started them same shit other had they been arrested too.
Nobody bothers them because they're feds.
That was an unintentionally hilarious article. So the white nationalists walked around. Really! Walking while white. Where were the police to stop these rampaging walkers? Racist police will stop blacks from looting, attacking elderly people minding their own business and nashing in the heads of white girls. Yeah THAT they pay attention to. But these white guys can just walk around like they own the place.

Gotta be racism. Nothing else explains the bizarre behavior of the police.

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