White race is collapsing in America

So many whites on meth and heroin.
Many on welfare
Many in prison.
wedlock is 40 precent !!!
Many unemployed and no education

You think these are only black problems but the white community is not far behind
..blacks commit murder at FOUR times the rate of whites....commit crime at higher rates....graduate at lower rates
....we are FAR from being like the blacks

Apparantly, there are quite a few that are FAR worse.
I agree --some blacks are worse than animals--like the one who beat 2 whites to death and beat a woman

And you are ignorant enough to believe that "some" whites have never done the same.

whites commit 10% of inter-racial murders
Thats only because we would fuck you up. Its no longer slavery time.
There are Millions of ex-military “ white guys” who have had enough of your “ racist jive “
I fucked up white guys in the military and I will do it again now that I am ex military. So far no takers.
You have a lot of anger and hate ..don’t you ??
You need professional help
Yes I have a lot of anger when I am around racist white boys. Thats why I fuck them up. I am intelligent enough not to hate them. You only hate what you fear and there isnt a white boy alive that I fear. I dont need professional help. Its always struck me as weird that white people think Black people should be cheerful about what whites did their ancestors and what they are doing now.
You do know that blacks have enslaved other blacks in Africa for tens of thousands of years .
You do know that rich free blacks in the USA even had black slaves
Your first claim is a lie or youre simply ignorant of the facts. The system in Africa more closely resembled servitude not chattel slavery.

Yes I know rich free Blacks in the US had slaves. However 98% of those Black slave owners owned their family members to keep them from whites. Another white boy fable goes down.
Servitude lol ..sure lol
It was pure brutal Slavery
Most whites did not own slaves !! I think it was only 2 percent
Yes most whites didnt own slaves. They were fools that were brained washed into being racists by the real racists with the money. So they got their fucking asses kicked to support an institution that made them feel better about being white trash. That doesnt really help your argument. It just shows in vivid detail what I have known for decades. White people have a inferiority complex which is why they are destined to fail.
Why are you denigrating all whites from the past that were not a part of slavery? You ASSume all whites were and are racist.
The facts are that vast majority of black violence is systemic from other blacks
You guys have been exterminating yourself
Just like the vast majority of white violence is systemic from other whites.
You guys have been exterminating yourselves and every culture you come in contact with. This is another sign you will fail. You are a violent warlike people with an inferiority complex. I understand why. Its because you were last to civilization. Even the Greeks called you guys savages.
Every Invention on the planet is just about from a white male .
If not for then: you would still be in a mud hut!!
You’re the loser with the massive inferiority complex . It’s obvious !! You’re a loser who has done zero your entire life !!
I don’t need your conversation and hate
Sorry but youre either uneducated or retarded. Just because white people lied and stole inventions and wrote it down in the patent office doesnt mean you have believe that bullshit.

There is no time in history all Africans lived in mud huts. However, that is a step up from you guys living in caves with no intelligence to even construct a mud hut.
Yes, they did or still do live in mud huts. I see nothing wrong with it if that is what they choose to do or must do.


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You are a confused idiot.
Yes, he is.

You "named" 10 inventions, but were ignorant of the fact that one of the most important, which are guns, were first invented in China.
Furthermore, 10 inventions do not equal 99% of ALL of the inventions in history, you dunce.

Even if an arbitrary list of ten items were in fact all invented by white males, so what? There is no apparent thesis supported by this list of so-called White male inspired inventions, even were it true.

As far as the rest of the inventions on your list that you claim were all invented by white males, some of those are questionable as well.

Yes, indeed.

IMO, the device itself is not so important as whether there was a real use for it in that society and if it had any real dynamic impact. Where were the printing machines that spun off this chinese printing machine?
It seems to have not been improved and continued in development, but was apparently forgotten, few having even heard of it.

In contrast the printing press in Europe was adapted, improved and became an evolving technology that is still being improved upon and adapted to newer technologies. And the impact of the printing press made books cheap and easily available and led to widespread literacy, undermined the Catholic churches authority and changed just about every aspect of European life for centuries afterwards.

So the significance of the Gutenburg press is not the machine itself so much as the process and change it launched on our world.

Try using Google. It is a far better alternative than putting your idiocy on display.

But it is not as funny to read, lol.
Most inventions that are useful to society undergo ongoing redevelopment over time based on the changing needs of people. That is undeniable.

I think that it was obvious that the person that I responded to was stating that no other people in history besides white males have contributed a single meaningful invention to the world, which is an ignorant and inaccurate statement.
So many whites on meth and heroin.
Many on welfare
Many in prison.
wedlock is 40 precent !!!
Many unemployed and no education

You think these are only black problems but the white community is not far behind

It is not a Black or White problem. The problem lays with the general American voting constituency & it's idolatry to big government. Below is a link that explains what happened to California & more important, WHY it did!


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