“White people love dogs because they miss owning slaves”

When you think you have heard it all ....you come up with this "news".

It's unbelievable the stupidity of people....

Where will it all end? where.:rolleyes:
Not Here
There's Going To Plenty Of Psychological Profiles Coming Down The Pike
But Not A Single One Of Any Democrat
As Usual...."Usual" As In NEVER
Going through the list. Milk, Dogs, Vegetables. The only thing I know that isn't considered racist is Democrats. They have even declared inanimate objects as offensive. Is there a PC pope? Is there one person on earth the left considers politically correct? I nominate Chris Coumo. I know he is white, and therefore evil, but he believes he is a black woman.
Yes, the left has gone full retard, and boy is it glorious.


Liberal Twitter-user Danielle (@ladypalerider) has a different explanation for people's love for dogs, however. Wait. I should've written: for white people's love for our canine comrades. According to her, "white people love dogs so much because deep down they miss owning slaves. They love the owner and master dynamic, desperate for something to control."

Liberal's Tweet Goes Viral: 'White People Love Dogs Because They Miss Owning Slaves'

Can we ship morons like this over to Somalia as well?
Good. Let her keep on spreading that theory. Because the majority of White Liberals owns dogs.

I have a dog. I am tired of the fleas, the costs of food, the attention that it needs and the constant visits to the vet. He costs to much!
Clinton had a dog. Obama had a dog.

Racist bastards!
Yes, the left has gone full retard, and boy is it glorious.


Liberal Twitter-user Danielle (@ladypalerider) has a different explanation for people's love for dogs, however. Wait. I should've written: for white people's love for our canine comrades. According to her, "white people love dogs so much because deep down they miss owning slaves. They love the owner and master dynamic, desperate for something to control."

Liberal's Tweet Goes Viral: 'White People Love Dogs Because They Miss Owning Slaves'

Can we ship morons like this over to Somalia as well?
"Can we ship morons like this over to Somalia as well?"

Sure, as long as you take all the dumbass rightards posting here with them.
Yes, the left has gone full retard, and boy is it glorious.


Liberal Twitter-user Danielle (@ladypalerider) has a different explanation for people's love for dogs, however. Wait. I should've written: for white people's love for our canine comrades. According to her, "white people love dogs so much because deep down they miss owning slaves. They love the owner and master dynamic, desperate for something to control."

Liberal's Tweet Goes Viral: 'White People Love Dogs Because They Miss Owning Slaves'

Can we ship morons like this over to Somalia as well?
One other thing. This sounds like she's a bit upset that she wasn't chosen.

I've seen it before.

Maybe Danielle wants to be someone’s bitch. Who the hell knows?
Yes, the left has gone full retard, and boy is it glorious.


Liberal Twitter-user Danielle (@ladypalerider) has a different explanation for people's love for dogs, however. Wait. I should've written: for white people's love for our canine comrades. According to her, "white people love dogs so much because deep down they miss owning slaves. They love the owner and master dynamic, desperate for something to control."

Liberal's Tweet Goes Viral: 'White People Love Dogs Because They Miss Owning Slaves'

Can we ship morons like this over to Somalia as well?
dont insult dogs
Yes, the left has gone full retard, and boy is it glorious.


Liberal Twitter-user Danielle (@ladypalerider) has a different explanation for people's love for dogs, however. Wait. I should've written: for white people's love for our canine comrades. According to her, "white people love dogs so much because deep down they miss owning slaves. They love the owner and master dynamic, desperate for something to control."

Liberal's Tweet Goes Viral: 'White People Love Dogs Because They Miss Owning Slaves'

Can we ship morons like this over to Somalia as well?
One other thing. This sounds like she's a bit upset that she wasn't chosen.

I've seen it before.

Maybe Danielle wants to be someone’s bitch. Who the hell knows?

That's what I'm thinking. The last one picked for a team in the next game of kickball.