CDZ White Nationalism; what it is, what drives it and how to render it harmless

You can do a lot if you dont ignore them. Of course it wont stop them but it will give them pause. Back when everyone ignored them they felt they had carte blanche and lynched, raped, sexually molested and bombed Black people with impunity.
No, that has been Democrats and their allies like the KKK, the Weathermen, etc, not White Nationalists who only recently formed up in response to Identity Politics.
The true "White Nationalists" are few in number (though very vocal). How to render them harmless? Ignore their rhetoric/propaganda and move on, (don't give them air time) and let them rail at the wind.
Roof was a white nationalist. You cant just ignore them.
My roof is unbiased.......... :dunno:

Who is Roof?
The guy that was a coward and shot 9 Black church goers while they were praying instead of going to the hood and dealing with the people he feared the most.
That kinda shit's gonna happen, lone wolf terrorism. There's really not a whole lot one can do about it.
Obviously I forgot his name the second he committed that atrocity. Apparently he thinks he's going to be a "martyr to the cause" and for a very, very few he will, for all the rest of us if he's remembered at all it will be as a sick bastard that killed a bunch of innocent people.
You can do a lot if you dont ignore them. Of course it wont stop them but it will give them pause. Back when everyone ignored them they felt they had carte blanche and lynched, raped, sexually molested and bombed Black people with impunity.
That's not what I mean, monitor the hate groups (of all stripes), but ignore their "rhetoric and propaganda" from a media standpoint. Doesn't mean be aware, doesn't mean ignore their potential for violence just means ignore their "voice".
That's not what I mean, monitor the hate groups (of all stripes), but ignore their "rhetoric and propaganda" from a media standpoint. Doesn't mean be aware, doesn't mean ignore their potential for violence just means ignore their "voice".
More will be needed as ignoring them means that they grow a little more slowly is all.

White Nationalism is huge now, and not a fringe group, thanks to Obama and his anti-white policies and the anti-white racism of the left.
White Nationalism is a broad range of ideas that center along the lines of two concepts: 1) Whites need to be allowed to embrace being white and advocate their own interests (like Samual Francis did) and 2) the core cultural ethnicity that gave us the United States of America is predominately British and when that group is no longer in control the USA will become something not the USA as we know it (the Obama Regime being a small glimpse into the future).

Many prefer the term "racial Realism"


The New York Times prefers a rendition that is more comprehensible through the current multicultural filters:
White nationalism, he said, is the belief that national identity should be built around white ethnicity, and that white people should therefore maintain both a demographic majority and dominance of the nation’s culture and public life.

So, like white supremacy, white nationalism places the interests of white people over those of other racial groups. White supremacists and white nationalists both believe that racial discrimination should be incorporated into law and policy.

Some will see the distinction between white nationalism and white supremacy as a semantic sleight of hand. But although many white supremacists are also white nationalists, and vice versa, Professor Kaufmann says the terms are not synonyms: White supremacy is based on a racist belief that white people are innately superior to people of other races; white nationalism is about maintaining political and economic dominance, not just a numerical majority or cultural hegemony.

For a long time, he said, white nationalism was less an ideology than the default presumption of American life. Until quite recently, white Americans could easily see the nation as essentially an extension of their own ethnic group.

But the country’s changing demographics, the civil rights movement and a push for multiculturalism in many quarters mean that white Americans are now confronting the prospect of a nation that is no longer built solely around their own identity

And that last sentence conveys only a partial truth, White Nationalism is also being driven by the lefts indifference toward white interests and equality and has even moved increasingly toward an open hostility and war on whiteness itself.


The coming hard times for the Democrats will leave them with only one choice; engage a moderate white nationalist movement among its other ethnic cultural groups or be the Third Party it seems fated to be anyway.

Two concepts: 1: racial consciousness 2: confusion over what constitutes culture, ethnicity, and nationality.

The NYT did not post a rendition. It also did not post an opinion, a writer did. That writer is Amanda Taub who was/is a lawyer and an adjunct professor of international law and human rights at Fordham University. The NYT lists her her this way: "Former human rights lawyer, now writer for the @nytimes Interpreter, exploring the ideas and context behind major world events."

The writer quoted Eric Kaufmann, a professor of politics at Birkbeck University in London, has spent years studying the ways that ethnicity intersects with politics. While most researchers in that field focus on ethnic minorities, Professor Kaufmann does the opposite: He studies the behavior of ethnic majorities, particularly whites in the United States and Britain.

Your confusion over what constitutes both a white nationalist movement and an ethnic cultural group clouds any argument you are attempting to make.
You cant render white nationalism harmless. Its sole purpose for existing is to promote the white race over other races. Its the reason this world is so messed up today. There is no way to coexist with white nationalism. Its a virus. An emotional virus brought on by the debilitating fear of being recessive.

Yeah......tell that to the 70 million Chinese murdered by their Chinese government.....the left wants to create a boogeyman.......white nationalism didn't murder close to 100 million people around the world...socialism did......but you guys don't care about that........of the two, the national socialists in Germany and their focus of race in their brand of socialism killed fewer people than the Chinese socialists to revise your post?

Your govt gave you black folk as a boogeyman and it's worked for centuries, still does.
That's not what I mean, monitor the hate groups (of all stripes), but ignore their "rhetoric and propaganda" from a media standpoint. Doesn't mean be aware, doesn't mean ignore their potential for violence just means ignore their "voice".
More will be needed as ignoring them means that they grow a little more slowly is all.

White Nationalism is huge now, and not a fringe group, thanks to Obama and his anti-white policies and the anti-white racism of the left.

Some whites did go batshit crazy once the half black guy got elected, but that never meant all whites did.
That's not what I mean, monitor the hate groups (of all stripes), but ignore their "rhetoric and propaganda" from a media standpoint. Doesn't mean be aware, doesn't mean ignore their potential for violence just means ignore their "voice".
More will be needed as ignoring them means that they grow a little more slowly is all.

White Nationalism is huge now, and not a fringe group, thanks to Obama and his anti-white policies and the anti-white racism of the left.
I don't see that, it's still fringe groups.
The true "White Nationalists" are few in number (though very vocal). How to render them harmless? Ignore their rhetoric/propaganda and move on, (don't give them air time) and let them rail at the wind.
Roof was a white nationalist. You cant just ignore them.
My roof is unbiased.......... :dunno:

Who is Roof?
The guy that was a coward and shot 9 Black church goers while they were praying instead of going to the hood and dealing with the people he feared the most.
That kinda shit's gonna happen, lone wolf terrorism. There's really not a whole lot one can do about it.
Obviously I forgot his name the second he committed that atrocity. Apparently he thinks he's going to be a "martyr to the cause" and for a very, very few he will, for all the rest of us if he's remembered at all it will be as a sick bastard that killed a bunch of innocent people.
You can do a lot if you dont ignore them. Of course it wont stop them but it will give them pause. Back when everyone ignored them they felt they had carte blanche and lynched, raped, sexually molested and bombed Black people with impunity.

No...the people who did that were democrats.......the democrat party has been obsessed with race since it was created and it has not changed.
Why is the left so obsessed with race?
White people made up racism.

No...people made up racism......just ask the Black Panthers.....who are racists, and black lies matter, who are racists, and La Raza....more racists.....and all democrats by the way.....

Perhaps the real problem is the democrat party? really have no idea what you are talking about......the most dangerous groups in this country....are black lives matter and muslim immigrants.......blows the whole idea of white nationalism as a threat out of the water...
Germans in the Weimar Republic said the same thing about Hitler and his Brown Shirts being the lesser of the two evils when compared to the communists.

We should not make the same kind of mistake.

Any group that argues in favor of any racial discrimination of any kind is a threat to our Republic, whether they are arguing for white supremacy in the law or minority supremacy.

So we should bend over and take it from your degenerate cult's own egalitarian multiculturalist supremacy?
So we should bend over and take it from your degenerate cult's own egalitarian multiculturalist supremacy?
I don't understand the context or reference you are making here; can you explain yourself more?
Fake Confusion

You understand it perfectly well. You're trying to weasel out of a challenge to your blind acceptance of decadent contemporary views. You smugly present this dogma as undeniable truth, because that's what you've been told to think by your intellectual father figures.
You simply ignore the couple of guys who believe in this stuff...they will then go home to their parent's basement and post on the internet....until the democrats need to smear Conservatives...then they will be made to appear vast in number ....
Keep dreaming snowflake. :) I LOVE when people ignore us. It makes our rise so much easier. The less white America becomes the MORE White Americans wake the hell up and start taking back control of their own destiny.
White Nationalism is a broad range of ideas that center along the lines of two concepts: 1) Whites need to be allowed to embrace being white and advocate their own interests (like Samual Francis did) and 2) the core cultural ethnicity that gave us the United States of America is predominately British and when that group is no longer in control the USA will become something not the USA as we know it (the Obama Regime being a small glimpse into the future).

Many prefer the term "racial Realism", which I think is a bit of a different thing altogether. But here it is expressed fairly concisely.
Water-Cooler White Nationalism - American Renaissance
For decades, race realists, paleoconservatives, white nationalists, or white advocates–my preferred term–have known the score. Races are inherently different. These differences make any multiracial society an ungovernable mess. We’d all be better off living separately, or at least acknowledging racial differences and allowing for them in public policy. Open immigration, affirmative action, color-blindness, forced diversity, heavy government spending–all these policies are bound to fail, because equality can’t be legislated.

And, finally: Whites are a bona fide group with the right to associate among themselves in all aspects of life (including governance), to exclude others, and to determine their own destiny.

That last line is particularly interesting as it is simply a common line from Identity Politics used by minorities to demand a separate group of facilities, college dorms, radio stations and other media and prom graduations, etc. The only difference is it is applied to white people too.

The New York Times prefers a rendition that is more comprehensible through the current multicultural filters:
White nationalism, he said, is the belief that national identity should be built around white ethnicity, and that white people should therefore maintain both a demographic majority and dominance of the nation’s culture and public life.

So, like white supremacy, white nationalism places the interests of white people over those of other racial groups. White supremacists and white nationalists both believe that racial discrimination should be incorporated into law and policy.

Some will see the distinction between white nationalism and white supremacy as a semantic sleight of hand. But although many white supremacists are also white nationalists, and vice versa, Professor Kaufmann says the terms are not synonyms: White supremacy is based on a racist belief that white people are innately superior to people of other races; white nationalism is about maintaining political and economic dominance, not just a numerical majority or cultural hegemony.

For a long time, he said, white nationalism was less an ideology than the default presumption of American life. Until quite recently, white Americans could easily see the nation as essentially an extension of their own ethnic group.

But the country’s changing demographics, the civil rights movement and a push for multiculturalism in many quarters mean that white Americans are now confronting the prospect of a nation that is no longer built solely around their own identity

And that last sentence conveys only a partial truth, White Nationalism is also being driven by the lefts indifference toward white interests and equality and has even moved increasingly toward an open hostility and war on whiteness itself.

Here, for example, in this Roland Martin clip (around 3:35) Roland acts incredulous that any whites could think that they are ever the victims of racial discrimination in the work force, despite the facts that make it plain it is real. His disparaging comment hinges on the idea that whites claim that anti-white discrimination is EQUAL to what blacks put up with, which no rational person claims it to be.

But it is real and most whites will admit in private that it is equally BAD to be allowed into our judicial and legal system. We know it is there in the form of racial set aside laws for government contracts, the displacement of the 'Reasonable Person' perspective in our courts with a 'reasonable minority' perspective instead, formally giving unearned points on civil service exams, and the disguised quota systems that many businesses and colleges use to discriminate against whites who are very often more qualified than the minorities that get the slot.

The left is not OK with a co-existence with white people either; white people must be undefined, deracinated and eradicated demographically as well. The left openly attacks whites, especially white males as the source of all evil on the planet and accuses whites of planning to commit genocide on blacks, thus justifying a pre-emptive genocide of whites, despite the fact that literally hundreds of thousands of white men died to give black slaves their freedom.

This hostility toward whites gives white people pause, of course, when looking at the coming minority status that white people are supposedly facing. How can whites trust people on the left to look after their interests when the left fights tooth and nail to continue legal discrimination against whites and tolerates and even promotes those on the left who call for open warfare against whites? As this coming minority status looms, of course whites are going to start speaking out in their own defense and look for politicians to do the same. They will do this in a number of ways, but one thing is certain; if the Democratic Party continues to harbor anti-white racism in the name of Multiculturalism then the Democratic Party is doomed for permanent Third Party status.

Now, before one can ask how can White Nationalism be rendered harmless, one might first ask how to eradicate it, but that wont happen. The Identity Politics movement has inadvertently given the White Nationalists their best arguments and legal routes to power. All that has to happen is for the courts and general consensus to change a bit and allow whites a place at the Multicultural dinner table, and with each death of the race guilt ridden WW2 white generation, the inevitability of white resurgence grows apparent to those with their eyes wide open.

After that it is all over because whites are not going to become a minority here in the USA, not ever. The heralded Hispanic Reconquista is not going to happen because 1) as Hispanics achieve success they assimilate into regular white Americans and they vote that way, as the last election demonstrated, and 2) the Robotics Revolution is about to destroy the entry level labor jobs that lower income Hispanics and other immigrants have been depending on to establish a foothold in our country. Whites will stay the majority for the foreseeable future unless the Oligarchs decide to perform a culling of the human herd, which is not good for anyone.

So the White Nationalist movement can only be rendered harmless, and that can be achieved by 1) ending the antiwhite rhetoric from the left and 2) giving white nationalists a seat at the multicultural table to allay their fears. Now the racists on the left that deeply hate whites with a seething rage that they can barely contain and their Marxist allies are not going to be able to do this. They have far too much invested into a perpetual war on whites until whites are extinct and they also dominate academia in the humanities departments, and, given the ties between those departments and the Democratic Party, it will take a lot of work to remold the Democratic Party and its satellite movements into something that the White Nationalists can no longer use to recruit more of their own into their movement.

But if they made acceptance into the ongoing multicultural network dependent on white nationalists changing their goals in two respects, they can make WNs a workable part of their ethnic networks by demanding WNs; 1) End their call for legal discrimination against minorities and 2) stop attacking minorities with various stereotypes and make their pitch along more positive pro-white lines without the anti-other rhetoric, and the other minority groups within the Multicultural network will do the same. Again, this would be very difficult for the Dems to pull off due to their heavy presence of white hating Marxists and Black Nationalists, Gender War Feminists and Hispanic Reconquista groups. But it can be done and needs to be done to save the Democratic Party from disaster. Otherwise, white working class people are not going to be able to trust the left on racial issues ever again, especially after the example of a black President that could not accept his white half of his heritage and only spoke of himself as a black person.

Another broader means of making White Nationalists less harmful to the American political and justice system is to use civic nationalism as a replacement for ethnic nationalism. Now while this is virtually impossible for the Democrats to do, it will be quite harmonious with the Republican party and its various groups. And I think civic nationalism will be ascendant for the next couple of decades in the GOP and it will make them thrive, especially inold former Democrat Rust Belt states.

The coming hard times for the Democrats will leave them with only one choice; engage a moderate white nationalist movement among its other ethnic cultural groups or be the Third Party it seems fated to be anyway.
A non white nationalist trying to explain white nationalism is just HILARIOUS. You people don't even realize how many different factions are under this umbrella of white nationalism. I consider white nationalists allies but I am not a white nationalist.
You cant render white nationalism harmless. Its sole purpose for existing is to promote the white race over other races. Its the reason this world is so messed up today. There is no way to coexist with white nationalism. Its a virus. An emotional virus brought on by the debilitating fear of being recessive.
Ok but as this article points out, there are those in other minority groups who are guilty of the same type of thinking. So my question to you is, does this type of thought need to have the word white in front of it for it to be bad?
So we should bend over and take it from your degenerate cult's own egalitarian multiculturalist supremacy?
I don't understand the context or reference you are making here; can you explain yourself more?
Fake Confusion

You understand it perfectly well. You're trying to weasel out of a challenge to your blind acceptance of decadent contemporary views. You smugly present this dogma as undeniable truth, because that's what you've been told to think by your intellectual father figures.
Lol, I asked you the question because it does not appear to be addressed to me, since I am not in a cult, dude.

Sounds like you belong on my ignore list.
You cant render white nationalism harmless. Its sole purpose for existing is to promote the white race over other races. Its the reason this world is so messed up today. There is no way to coexist with white nationalism. Its a virus. An emotional virus brought on by the debilitating fear of being recessive.

Yeah......tell that to the 70 million Chinese murdered by their Chinese government.....the left wants to create a boogeyman.......white nationalism didn't murder close to 100 million people around the world...socialism did......but you guys don't care about that........of the two, the national socialists in Germany and their focus of race in their brand of socialism killed fewer people than the Chinese socialists to revise your post?
One question. What does socialism have to do with a discussion about white nationalism?

Because you claimed you can't ignore these guys and then claimed they cause the world to be screwed up....I showed you that socialism was the real threat, not white nationalism........since the white national socialists murdered fewer people than the Chinese socialists did....and socialism is the biggest problem the world faces, not a few guys living in their basements.....
No. White nationalism is the the threat. Socialism at its purest form is anti racist.

Its more than just a few guys. Its most whites. Not all of them openly admit to it but they cant hide.
Based on what evidence? I believe that there are more racist black people than there are whites, since the only times I've faced racism is when it came from black people. I can't prove that though BC I can't see into anyone's mind, let alone an entire demographic.
You cant render white nationalism harmless. Its sole purpose for existing is to promote the white race over other races. Its the reason this world is so messed up today. There is no way to coexist with white nationalism. Its a virus. An emotional virus brought on by the debilitating fear of being recessive.
Ok but as this article points out, there are those in other minority groups who are guilty of the same type of thinking. So my question to you is, does this type of thought need to have the word white in front of it for it to be bad?
True and White Nationalists, as the New York Times article points out very clearly, are not racial supremacists, so Ascle's entire point is just delusional.

ANY racial discrimination is bad or else it is ALL good. You cant have it one way for one race and another way for other races.

Either we ditch tolerance for the anti-white racism or we will end up with the worst and most virile forms of pro-white Supremacism that will rival Hitler and the Nazis, no exaggeration, but they will use different symbolism.
You cant render white nationalism harmless. Its sole purpose for existing is to promote the white race over other races. Its the reason this world is so messed up today. There is no way to coexist with white nationalism. Its a virus. An emotional virus brought on by the debilitating fear of being recessive.

Yeah......tell that to the 70 million Chinese murdered by their Chinese government.....the left wants to create a boogeyman.......white nationalism didn't murder close to 100 million people around the world...socialism did......but you guys don't care about that........of the two, the national socialists in Germany and their focus of race in their brand of socialism killed fewer people than the Chinese socialists to revise your post?
One question. What does socialism have to do with a discussion about white nationalism?

Because you claimed you can't ignore these guys and then claimed they cause the world to be screwed up....I showed you that socialism was the real threat, not white nationalism........since the white national socialists murdered fewer people than the Chinese socialists did....and socialism is the biggest problem the world faces, not a few guys living in their basements.....
No. White nationalism is the the threat. Socialism at its purest form is anti racist.

Its more than just a few guys. Its most whites. Not all of them openly admit to it but they cant hide.
Doesn't socialism need the ability to distinguish between different social groups to exist?
You cant render white nationalism harmless. Its sole purpose for existing is to promote the white race over other races. Its the reason this world is so messed up today. There is no way to coexist with white nationalism. Its a virus. An emotional virus brought on by the debilitating fear of being recessive.
Ok but as this article points out, there are those in other minority groups who are guilty of the same type of thinking. So my question to you is, does this type of thought need to have the word white in front of it for it to be bad?
True and White Nationalists, as the New York Times article points out very clearly, are not racial supremacists, so Ascle's entire point is just delusional.

ANY racial discrimination is bad or else it is ALL good. You cant have it one way for one race and another way for other races.

Either we ditch tolerance for the anti-white racism or we will end up with the worst and most virile forms of pro-white Supremacism that will rival Hitler and the Nazis, no exaggeration, but they will use different symbolism.
Agreed, but trolls need to be ignored online in order to disarm them. And white nationalist trolls are the backbone of perceived racism in this country (not to mention, there's a good number of them that are actually leftist, just fueling the flames of the racial divide).

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