"White Nancy Pelosi"Bringing Up White Supremacy?,But Isn't She Pretty Much All White?

She’s worth $26 Million Dollars.

Someone should ask her if she is going to give her staff $1,000 Bonuses!

You know.... BREAD CRUMBS
Fat chance. Ultra rich Liberals are only generous with our tax money.
If We Have to Do It on Our Own, So Must They

Princess Pelosi's Daddy was the Mayor of Baltimore. HeirHeads believe they inherited superior genes and have evolved into a separate and supreme race. If given their predestined power, they believe they will usher in a new age of superior wisdom and morality.

But they would be nobodies going nowhere without Daddy's money and connections. They know it, too; that's why they have to aggressively and obsessively push us away from every angle. Drum the illegitimacy of their undeserved status into them and drive them to suicide.

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