White men are threatened by strong women

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
not really

Joseph Stalin Posthumously Identifies As Strong Woman Of Color To Deflect Criticism Of Socialist Policies
March 4th, 2019

HELL—In a statement offered to reporters during a 15-minute recess from hell, dictator and mass murderer Joseph Stalin announced he now identifies as a strong woman of color in order to deflect criticism away from his socialist policies that killed millions.

"I now identify as a strong woman of color, and a lot of men simply can't handle that," Stalin said, sassily snapping his fingers in a "Z" formation. "It drives them crazy to know that a strong woman of color such as myself can wield so much power." Stalin stated that white men simply feel threatened by his accomplishments and can't possibly have any legitimate criticisms of his policies, including a centralized economy that led to mass starvations, a brutal police state, genocide, and government control over every area of citizens' lives.

Millions of people quickly apologized to Stalin after the announcement was made.

"If we had known that Stalin was a strong POC, we wouldn't have distanced ourselves from his policies," said one moderate Democrat in New York. "It is always wrong to criticize a woman, especially a minority woman, no matter how repulsive her ideas and how many people's lives they would destroy."

Joseph Stalin Posthumously Identifies As Strong Woman Of Color To Deflect Criticism Of Socialist Policies
There is some truth to the title of the OP. It's more like men in general are not comfortable around confident women. If that is "being threatened"....I don't know. I doubt it.
I grew up with strong, highly educated successful women. That is normal to me, and many others, so to be threatened by that is ridiculous. I know many of my contemporaries that married strong, successful women and are very happy with their choices. They don't believe in "empowerment", as you can not create motivation, drive, and willingness to sacrifice as that comes from WITHIN. They, as do I, believe people can be mentored, but still you must have the internal drive.
I'm guessing you thought that was funny.
Who doesnt love the muppet show?
those evil white Christians sure are funny

besides ive already seen" right wingers are scared of strong women" posted 900 times on usmb .
the video was like a like ya know like a lil bonus like i like tossed in ...derp

and other poster confidence? Nope !!!

the only thing scary about AOC is that she answered a casting call from the justice democrats whose green new deal looks like a typical college activist groups list of childish demands. AHHHND that her chief of staff thinks a guy who wanted to mesh Nazism and communism into a sub continent genocide looks great on a t shirt ..

left wingers always have angry list of demands
fuck them and fuck you :113:

Nazism and communism could easily mesh since theyre extremely similar ideologies but thats for another thread

I love that they left incremental "ism" in the video . it is what the right a libertarians call creeping socialism

step by step inch by inch over time .each making a small contribution along the way ....while the country was busy in their day to days and laughing at the left ,the left long marched through the institutions .from Higher ed to the MSM ...democratic and rino party.

in the macro all you have to look at is the template of the EUSSR. that was a blueprint for the "future wave " of currency blocks
like i said baby steps before a world government if it to decades or 150 years didn't matter

dont worry nobody is gonna be laughing when we all go over the cliff together...till then

laugh and ammo up

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