White man slaps screaming black kid - No injury - Gets 8 months in prison

Long time ago, my kid brought home a note from the school, asking me to sign an agreement that they could use corporal punishment on him. I didn't sign it. Instead, I wrote a note back that said "if my kid ever tells me you put your grubby hands on him for any reason, I will come down there and mop the floor with the asshole that did it. And yes, I am fully prepared to go to jail for assault. Thank you and have a nice day".[/QUOTE

So you weren't the least bit interested what your perfect child did to warrant a correction that drastic? The only thing you were interested in was that 1) you were sure the principal's hands were filthy and 2)you were going to assault him, 3) even prepared for to it.

You weren't curious if your son had raped anyone, was involved with drugs, had assaulted anyone, was involved with a theft... it was incidental and moreover, evidently you didn't care. That note told exactly what kind of parent you are.

You might be a crazy person.
A sharpened #2 pencil thrust unexpectedly into the thoracic cavity works wonders to settle an unruly passenger on a plane.
Long time ago, my kid brought home a note from the school, asking me to sign an agreement that they could use corporal punishment on him. I didn't sign it. Instead, I wrote a note back that said "if my kid ever tells me you put your grubby hands on him for any reason, I will come down there and mop the floor with the asshole that did it. And yes, I am fully prepared to go to jail for assault. Thank you and have a nice day".[/QUOTE

So you weren't the least bit interested what your perfect child did to warrant a correction that drastic? The only thing you were interested in was that 1) you were sure the principal's hands were filthy and 2)you were going to assault him, 3) even prepared for to it.

You weren't curious if your son had raped anyone, was involved with drugs, had assaulted anyone, was involved with a theft... it was incidental and moreover, evidently you didn't care. That note told exactly what kind of parent you are.

You might be a crazy person.

Take heed and tread warily. :lol: :eusa_angel:
Long time ago, my kid brought home a note from the school, asking me to sign an agreement that they could use corporal punishment on him. I didn't sign it. Instead, I wrote a note back that said "if my kid ever tells me you put your grubby hands on him for any reason, I will come down there and mop the floor with the asshole that did it. And yes, I am fully prepared to go to jail for assault. Thank you and have a nice day".[/QUOTE

So you weren't the least bit interested what your perfect child did to warrant a correction that drastic? The only thing you were interested in was that 1) you were sure the principal's hands were filthy and 2)you were going to assault him, 3) even prepared for to it.

You weren't curious if your son had raped anyone, was involved with drugs, had assaulted anyone, was involved with a theft... it was incidental and moreover, evidently you didn't care. That note told exactly what kind of parent you are.

I don't think it's that kind of note. I believe she's referring to the one they send home with everyone, asking permission in advance.

I wouldn't sign, either.

If my child had done something wrong and was about to receive a paddling for the misbehavior, I would be the last person to stand in the way. That's just who I am. It's the same as if he was stopped by a police officer, I wouldn't stand in the way of him suffering the consequences of his actions. Mommy doesn't make thing right as you grow up. You have to learn to respect authority figures. The first is mom and dad and the school is next. Then it is the law.

I do think if parents have some unusual complaint with a member of the administration of the school, that shouldn't alter the chain of command and authority the child should respect ion the school. Go in and talk to see what happened. Then if discipline is warranted, but oyu still feel you don't want "anyone to touch your child", fine. YOU paddle your child in the presence of the administer or teacher, so the student knows they didn't "get away" with Mom coming to the rescue. But the student MUST suffer consequence of the action and it must be as severe or more severe than the school's action. If you don't get ready for problems down the road.
I don't think it's that kind of note. I believe she's referring to the one they send home with everyone, asking permission in advance.

I wouldn't sign, either.

If my child had done something wrong and was about to receive a paddling for the misbehavior, I would be the last person to stand in the way. That's just who I am. It's the same as if he was stopped by a police officer, I wouldn't stand in the way of him suffering the consequences of his actions. Mommy doesn't make thing right as you grow up. You have to learn to respect authority figures. The first is mom and dad and the school is next. Then it is the law.

I do think if parents have some unusual complaint with a member of the administration of the school, that shouldn't alter the chain of command and authority the child should respect ion the school. Go in and talk to see what happened. Then if discipline is warranted, but oyu still feel you don't want "anyone to touch your child", fine. YOU paddle your child in the presence of the administer or teacher, so the student knows they didn't "get away" with Mom coming to the rescue. But the student MUST suffer consequence of the action and it must be as severe or more severe than the school's action. If you don't get ready for problems down the road.

Nope, I did the boundary thing. My child, my discipline, handled when and where I please.

This is not a spectator sport. I'm not going to paddle said child in front of anybody.

She's 32 and the mother of three. I do believe I handled discipline just fine, thanks.
That's just who I am.

Ok. Great. You can be whomever you wanna be.

Nobody is touching my kid when I am the parent and I have my own method of punishment. Like taking away his fav toy for a day or two. He was SIX years old.

Now, to borrow your own phrase....

That's just who I am.
That's just who I am.

Ok. Great. You can be whomever you wanna be.

Nobody is touching my kid when I am the parent and I have my own method of punishment. Like taking away his fav toy for a day or two. He was SIX years old.

Now, to borrow your own phrase....

That's just who I am.

When my daughter was in 4th grade, a fellow student slapped her. The teacher tried giving them both detention. I said "My daughter is standing here with hand prints on her face, and no. She won't be getting detention."
My boy was a good kid. Quiet, liked funnybooks, loved his teachers. He would never do anything to get corporal punishment and even if he did...it is not the place of the teacher to punish someone else's child, much less spank them with a fucking paddle. NOR can I wrap my mind around a ...cough...cough...parent....wanting their child paddled in front of an audience. wtf? Not only pain of a paddling but embarassment to boot??

My boy was a good kid. Quiet, liked funnybooks, loved his teachers. He would never do anything to get corporal punishment and even if he did...it is not the place of the teacher to punish someone else's child, much less spank them with a fucking paddle. NOR can I wrap my mind around a ...cough...cough...parent....wanting their child paddled in front of an audience. wtf? Not only pain of a paddling but embarassment to boot??


Yeah. That'd be right on past embarrassment into humiliation. There is no good lesson taught by that situation.
Evidently it's worth prison time if the kid is black. Justice.

Don't forget to wipe your ass after poopy.

So if someone commits felony assault on a white baby, he should get jail time but the same felony assault on a black baby should get a walk? Seems like we've seen that sentiment on this board before.

The very idea that a slap is a felony shows how out of control laws are. The child evidently suffered no injuries.

The fact is, the man went to PRISON for calling the kid a ******. Really that should send a chill through anyone. The guy has issues and he did something wrong, but the punishment was rooted in affirmative action, not justice.

No, you ignorant trailer trash idiot, he went to jail because it took place on an airplane.

IF it had been because the baby was black, the jails would be full of a lot more honky assholes like you.
I got paddled a few times in middle school. I remember one time was for singing "Get Down, Make Love" a little too loud in the hall. Mr Donahue caught me red handed and made me red assed.
You'll be posting the PROOF that I wrote that.



Schools still use corporal punishment and teachers assault them on a daily basis. I see you agree with this practice. If you don't agree with the assertion, the burden of proof is on you.

Way to go there sticking up for child abusers.

Schools should paddle students on the behind, should not slap them in the face or go around belting them in the stomach. A paddling is the proper way to discipline a child. Spare the rod, spoil a child. It is not the first mode of discipline and may never be used. It is the last resort when other discipline measures and behavior modification techniques have been exasperated.

It's the parent's place to apply such correction if needed, not the school's.
I got paddled a few times in middle school. I remember one time was for singing "Get Down, Make Love" a little too loud in the hall. Mr Donahue caught me red handed and made me red assed.

I did too but that was back when dinosaurs roamed the earth and people thought hitting kids was a good idea.
You'll be posting the PROOF that I wrote that.


Schools still use corporal punishment and teachers assault them on a daily basis. I see you agree with this practice. If you don't agree with the assertion, the burden of proof is on you.

Way to go there sticking up for child abusers.


I've written it over an over but here it is again for you -

No one, at any time, has the right, reason or excuse to hit a child.


But, nice to see you've changed your opinion about schools hitting kids. You still in favor of parents hitting kids? Or have you changed your mind about that too?

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