
Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Those signs nitwit protestors have been carrying that say "Black Lives Matter" need to be changed. There is not a problem with Blacks being killed by police at a higher rate than Whites. That is FALSE!! The truth is exactly the opposite of the protestors ignorant rallying cry.

Recent reports from the New York City Police Dept (where protestors have been protesting about Eric Garner) show hat it is Whites that are the victims of police shootings, at a much higher rate than Blacks. So stop the protesting all you blockhead protestors. You have it wrong. They have it wrong, just like they have it wrong about the thug Michael Brown, and the other criminal, Eric Garner. Neither one was a case of police brutality.

Taking a close look at the protests, it's hard to come away with the feeling that many (if not most of the protestors) don't have race as their motivation anyway. Many appear to be partying, and couldn't care less about who died from contact with police. Others seem to have a different agenda and are co-opting the energy of the protestors/rioters.

And yes, I do use the word "riot" to refer to the boneheads who are blocking traffic on streets, in dept, stores, train stations, and wherever else. These idiots could easily cause loss of life to pregnant women in labor, to people being rushed to hospitals in ambulances, to people in burning buildings with fire trucks caught in protest traffic jams.

Yes, WHITE LIVES Matter, and should not be get shot at a higher rate than other races. And Whites should not be getting discriminated against in Affirmative Action either, in the various ways that they are (job hiring, job promotions, college admissions, college financial aid, etc). While all this anti-White discrimination has been brushed off as being OK, just to suit racist Blacks, it is another example of society's wrong and immoral policy that White lives don't matter. WHITE LIVES Matter and it's time for everyone to get the heads out of their you-know-whats about that.


I believe the Communists are the ones behind all the unrest. This is a serious attempt to further divide us as a nation. We should not give into it by becoming a part of it. All lives matter and the truth is Communism could care less about any human life. It's all a deception.
I believe the Communists are the ones behind all the unrest. This is a serious attempt to further divide us as a nation. We should not give into it by becoming a part of it. All lives matter and the truth is Communism could care less about any human life. It's all a deception.
News flash! The cold war is over and only the real loons are looking under their beds for commies. Do you know what year this is?
I believe the Communists are the ones behind all the unrest. This is a serious attempt to further divide us as a nation. We should not give into it by becoming a part of it. All lives matter and the truth is Communism could care less about any human life. It's all a deception.
News flash! The cold war is over and only the real loons are looking under their beds for commies. Do you know what year this is?

These are homegrown commies. Known under their official political name as democrats.
I believe the Communists are the ones behind all the unrest. This is a serious attempt to further divide us as a nation. We should not give into it by becoming a part of it. All lives matter and the truth is Communism could care less about any human life. It's all a deception.

Its always funny when someone blames the people protesting for the division and not what they are protesting about.
Yes, WHITE LIVES Matter, and should not be get shot at a higher rate than other races. And Whites should not be getting discriminated against in Affirmative Action either, in the various ways that they are (job hiring, job promotions, college admissions, college financial aid, etc). While all this anti-White discrimination has been brushed off as being OK, just to suit racist Blacks, it is another example of society's wrong and immoral policy that White lives don't matter. WHITE LIVES Matter and it's time for everyone to get the heads out of their you-know-whats about that.

You should do something to change that. But since actions speak louder than words it only matters to you enough to type 3 paragraphs on a message board.

Thats how important it is to you. Sorry you're too lazy to defend yourself
I believe the Communists are the ones behind all the unrest. This is a serious attempt to further divide us as a nation. We should not give into it by becoming a part of it. All lives matter and the truth is Communism could care less about any human life. It's all a deception.

Its always funny when someone blames the people protesting for the division and not what they are protesting about.

It's not funny at all. What they're protesting about is so-called white privilege. They are not satisfied with their black privilege...because they're too damn lazy to work for the AMERICAN PRIVILEGE. They just want to divvy-up the 'white privilege'. And it gives the street thugs of the black privilege a chance to "do their thang".
I believe the Communists are the ones behind all the unrest. This is a serious attempt to further divide us as a nation. We should not give into it by becoming a part of it. All lives matter and the truth is Communism could care less about any human life. It's all a deception.

Its always funny when someone blames the people protesting for the division and not what they are protesting about.

It's not funny at all. What they're protesting about is so-called white privilege.


They are not satisfied with their black privilege...because they're too damn lazy to work for the AMERICAN PRIVILEGE.

I'm sorry that asking to not be murdered is annoying to you

They just want to divvy-up the 'white privilege'. And it gives the street thugs of the black privilege a chance to "do their thang".

Mind reading is not a real thing
I believe the Communists are the ones behind all the unrest. This is a serious attempt to further divide us as a nation. We should not give into it by becoming a part of it. All lives matter and the truth is Communism could care less about any human life. It's all a deception.

Its always funny when someone blames the people protesting for the division and not what they are protesting about.

What are they protesting about? A police officer in Ferguson who enforced the law? No. They are misinformed about what has happened because there are people behind the scenes who are master propagandists and are promoting lawlessness without a cause. (Communists)

As to the man in NY selling cigarettes. If he had obeyed the law and willingly went down to the police station he would not have ended up in an ambulance having a heart attack. Had he taken better care of his health he would not have been suffering from asthma which was aggravated no doubt by his smoking. His own wife said he was in poor health. (he didn't die from a choke hold - that was a false report) Should they make arrests for persons selling loose cigarettes? No. I do not believe they should but what has that got to do with law enforcement officers enforcing the laws they gave an oath to enforce? Take that up with those who make the laws. Not those who enforce them, Caption. Once again, you are back to the real problem. Big government - too many laws - making more laws all the time. Put the blame where it belongs. Neither case is a valid reason for riots, murder, looting, setting fires, lawlessness. There is no excuse for lawlessness and if there is one thing that should have been said from the beginning and was not said - it is that people need to obey the law and when a law enforcement officer says, Stop - you stop. When he says, you are under arrest - you do not argue. You submit to the authority and have your day in court on the appointed day just as any other American citizen would. There is no excuse for lawlessness. None.

Note this^
If you will read my earlier comment, Caption, I did not blame the protesters. Those were your words - not mine. I blamed the Communists who are orchestrating it and driving it - while they are no doubt in the midst of the people - they are not the majority and we should indeed be grateful for that much.
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The people chanting black lives matter are just an uneducated mob. They have nothing meaningful or insightful to say. Everything they say is ignorant. Black lives matter are is just an example of that.
I believe the Communists are the ones behind all the unrest. This is a serious attempt to further divide us as a nation. We should not give into it by becoming a part of it. All lives matter and the truth is Communism could care less about any human life. It's all a deception.

Its always funny when someone blames the people protesting for the division and not what they are protesting about.

What are they protesting about? A police officer in Ferguson who enforced the law? No.

You're right...No.

They are misinformed about what has happened because there are people behind the scenes who are master propagandists and are promoting lawlessness without a cause. As to the man in NY selling cigarettes. If he had obeyed the law and willingly went down to the police station he would not have ended up in an ambulance having a heart attack. Had he taken better care of his health he would not have been suffering from asthma which was aggravated no doubt by his smoking. His own wife said he was in poor health. (he didn't die from a choke hold - that was a false report) Should they make arrests for persons selling loose cigarettes? No. I do not believe they should but what has that got to do with law enforcement officers enforcing the laws they gave an oath to enforce? Take that up with those who make the laws. Not those who enforce them, Caption. Once again, you are back to the real problem. Big government - too many laws - making more laws all the time. Put the blame where it belongs. Neither case is a valid reason for riots, murder, looting, setting fires, lawlessness. There is no excuse for lawlessness and if there is one thing that should have been said from the beginning and was not said - it is that people need to obey the law and when a law enforcement officer says, Stop - you stop. When he says, you are under arrest - you do not argue. You submit to the authority and have your day in court on the appointed day just as any other American citizen would. There is no excuse for lawlessness. None.

Why does the punishment for such minor crimes only with blacks require such severe punishment?

I mean, MB was killed...for what? Because he tried to get the officers gun according to the officer. And didnt get it so he shot him.

What was EG killed for? He was selling cig according to the cops...and they killed him by overacting over cigarettes.

When you boil it down to the rue....and cut out any mention of protests, "what people really think" according to you, or people involved

These actions didnt require that type of reaction
I believe the Communists are the ones behind all the unrest. This is a serious attempt to further divide us as a nation. We should not give into it by becoming a part of it. All lives matter and the truth is Communism could care less about any human life. It's all a deception.

Its always funny when someone blames the people protesting for the division and not what they are protesting about.

It's not funny at all. What they're protesting about is so-called white privilege.


They are not satisfied with their black privilege...because they're too damn lazy to work for the AMERICAN PRIVILEGE.

I'm sorry that asking to not be murdered is annoying to you

They just want to divvy-up the 'white privilege'. And it gives the street thugs of the black privilege a chance to "do their thang".

Mind reading is not a real thing

Two grand jurys have ALREADY DETERMINED that the two instances of deaths the 'black privileged' used as excuses to start their protests (rioting) were not caused by white police officers out to simply murder black arrest resisters.
Two grand jurys have ALREADY DETERMINED that the two instances of deaths the 'black privileged' used as excuses to start their protests (rioting) were not caused by white police officers out to simply murder black arrest resisters.

Actually thats not ....nevermind, you're an idiot
I believe the Communists are the ones behind all the unrest. This is a serious attempt to further divide us as a nation. We should not give into it by becoming a part of it. All lives matter and the truth is Communism could care less about any human life. It's all a deception.

Its always funny when someone blames the people protesting for the division and not what they are protesting about.

What are they protesting about? A police officer in Ferguson who enforced the law? No.

You're right...No.

They are misinformed about what has happened because there are people behind the scenes who are master propagandists and are promoting lawlessness without a cause. As to the man in NY selling cigarettes. If he had obeyed the law and willingly went down to the police station he would not have ended up in an ambulance having a heart attack. Had he taken better care of his health he would not have been suffering from asthma which was aggravated no doubt by his smoking. His own wife said he was in poor health. (he didn't die from a choke hold - that was a false report) Should they make arrests for persons selling loose cigarettes? No. I do not believe they should but what has that got to do with law enforcement officers enforcing the laws they gave an oath to enforce? Take that up with those who make the laws. Not those who enforce them, Caption. Once again, you are back to the real problem. Big government - too many laws - making more laws all the time. Put the blame where it belongs. Neither case is a valid reason for riots, murder, looting, setting fires, lawlessness. There is no excuse for lawlessness and if there is one thing that should have been said from the beginning and was not said - it is that people need to obey the law and when a law enforcement officer says, Stop - you stop. When he says, you are under arrest - you do not argue. You submit to the authority and have your day in court on the appointed day just as any other American citizen would. There is no excuse for lawlessness. None.

Why does the punishment for such minor crimes only with blacks require such severe punishment?

I mean, MB was killed...for what? Because he tried to get the officers gun according to the officer. And didnt get it so he shot him.

What was EG killed for? He was selling cig according to the cops...and they killed him by overacting over cigarettes.

When you boil it down to the rue....and cut out any mention of protests, "what people really think" according to you, or people involved

These actions didnt require that type of reaction

Let us stay with the facts here, Caption. The punishment for selling "loosies" is not restricted to African American people only. The law applies to all people - you cannot sell loose cigarettes - have 30 prior warnings / arrests for selling them and continue to sell them with the expectation that you will not be facing arrest again. This is reality.

Next you say what was EG killed for? He was not killed. He died in an ambulance on the way to hospital of a heart attack as I understand it - the cops were not present at the time of his death - nor did they engage the choke hold - of which they were accused of - but rather they used a standard take down procedure - witnessed 100's of times before by law enforcement that know what a take down procedure looks like when smaller officers are in process of arresting a much larger individual who is resisting arrest. Once again - to be clear - the police officers did not kill this man and the grand jury who looked at the evidence agreed that the police officers did not kill this man. So once again - we need to stay with the facts in order to understand the decision they arrived at.

He was not killed because the police "over-reacted" to cigarettes. They had an African American law enforcement supervising the take down - on the scene - and enforcing the arrest in progress. The reason there was a need for the take down in the first place - is that the man being arrested, EG, was resisting arrest! What part of "resisting arrest" being against the law - do you not understand? How serious is resisting arrest to you? Did you know it is breaking the law to resist arrest?

What do you expect our law enforcement officers to do, Caption? Say, oh, this man is charging at me like a bull, so I had better give up on telling him to stop. Instead I'll run the other way - forget arresting him for robbery - this one is too difficult - I'll just forget about this one... and this other guy selling cigarettes?

We've been told by our law enforcement superior to arrest this man but he is resisting and he is bigger than we are and we are going to have to use a take down maneuver - guess we should just disobey our superior and not enforce the law here but let this one go too....... Is that what you are suggesting, Caption?

Would that be fair to the rest of the criminals who don't resist arrest? What kind of message would that send to the people of America?

No. The truth is the truth even when it is an inconvenient truth and in the matter of both cases - the truth is the law enforcement officers were doing what they took an oath to do. Enforce the law. Don't like the law for selling loose cigarettes? Become involved and fight big government. But stop blaming law enforcement for doing their jobs. Seriously. You have chosen two open and shut cases on what not to do. In closing, you are wrong on all accounts including your own closing statement which implies people were justified in engaging in lawlessness due to the outcome of either case / or both.
I believe the Communists are the ones behind all the unrest. This is a serious attempt to further divide us as a nation. We should not give into it by becoming a part of it. All lives matter and the truth is Communism could care less about any human life. It's all a deception.

Its always funny when someone blames the people protesting for the division and not what they are protesting about.

What are they protesting about? A police officer in Ferguson who enforced the law? No.

You're right...No.

They are misinformed about what has happened because there are people behind the scenes who are master propagandists and are promoting lawlessness without a cause. As to the man in NY selling cigarettes. If he had obeyed the law and willingly went down to the police station he would not have ended up in an ambulance having a heart attack. Had he taken better care of his health he would not have been suffering from asthma which was aggravated no doubt by his smoking. His own wife said he was in poor health. (he didn't die from a choke hold - that was a false report) Should they make arrests for persons selling loose cigarettes? No. I do not believe they should but what has that got to do with law enforcement officers enforcing the laws they gave an oath to enforce? Take that up with those who make the laws. Not those who enforce them, Caption. Once again, you are back to the real problem. Big government - too many laws - making more laws all the time. Put the blame where it belongs. Neither case is a valid reason for riots, murder, looting, setting fires, lawlessness. There is no excuse for lawlessness and if there is one thing that should have been said from the beginning and was not said - it is that people need to obey the law and when a law enforcement officer says, Stop - you stop. When he says, you are under arrest - you do not argue. You submit to the authority and have your day in court on the appointed day just as any other American citizen would. There is no excuse for lawlessness. None.

Why does the punishment for such minor crimes only with blacks require such severe punishment?

I mean, MB was killed...for what? Because he tried to get the officers gun according to the officer. And didnt get it so he shot him.

What was EG killed for? He was selling cig according to the cops...and they killed him by overacting over cigarettes.

When you boil it down to the rue....and cut out any mention of protests, "what people really think" according to you, or people involved

These actions didnt require that type of reaction

Let us stay with the facts here, Caption. The punishment for selling "loosies" is not restricted to African American people only. The law applies to all people - you cannot sell loose cigarettes - have 30 prior warnings / arrests for selling them and continue to sell them with the expectation that you will not be facing arrest again. This is reality.

Correct but the fact that you seem to want to ignore is that blacks are charged more often for the same crime, serve more time for the same crime and are harassed by cops for minor shit like selling loosies more often than whites. So, with that said most peoples experiences with the police will not be the same that you experience. But they didnt have to tackle him for that "crime". Imagine someone was jay walking and 4 cops jumped on him. Does his prior record excuse that action? I dont think so

Next you say what was EG killed for? He was not killed. He died in an ambulance on the way to hospital of a heart attack as I understand it - the cops were not present at the time of his death - nor did they engage the choke hold - of which they were accused of - but rather they used a standard take down procedure - witnessed 100's of times before by law enforcement that know what a take down procedure looks like when smaller officers are in process of arresting a much larger individual who is resisting arrest. Once again - to be clear - the police officers did not kill this man and the grand jury who looked at the evidence agreed that the police officers did not kill this man. So once again - we need to stay with the facts in order to understand the decision they arrived at.

Yeah he was dead on the scene, then when they loaded his lifeless body in the ambulance they said he came back alive :rolleyes: then later died (again?) when the cops werent around. Lets look at the video....Did he LOOK alive to you? That doesnt matter because everyone can "see" different things. The coroner said it was a homicide. Still doesnt mean anything I guess. So lets put it like this.

A 3rd grades class hamster dies. Its found in Billy's lunchbox. Sure the entire class killed the hamster individually a little bit but everyone knows who really killed it.

Also add in that no one once said he was under arrest they just started grabbing him. Most people dont like that and will tense up when it happens but just to be sure 5 cops sat, stood and kneeled on him for suspicion of selling cigs...Again? Proportionate?

He was not killed because the police "over-reacted" to cigarettes. They had an African American law enforcement supervising the take down - on the scene - and enforcing the arrest in progress. The reason there was a need for the take down in the first place - is that the man being arrested, EG, was resisting arrest! What part of "resisting arrest" being against the law - do you not understand? How serious is resisting arrest to you? Did you know it is breaking the law to resist arrest?

Where did anyone say he was under arrest? They didnt...So they grabbed him and 5 people jumped on him for, in essence, selling cigs. If thats not what this is about what were they grabbing him for? To fix his collar? Because he committed some awful crime?

What do you expect our law enforcement officers to do, Caption? Say, oh, this man is charging at me like a bull, so I had better give up on telling him to stop. Instead I'll run the other way - forget arresting him for robbery - this one is too difficult - I'll just forget about this one... and this other guy selling cigarettes?

Oh I dont know, not murder for minor offenses. Is that like, totally unreasonable because you are treating me like it is.

We've been told by our law enforcement superior to arrest this man but he is resisting and he is bigger than we are and we are going to have to use a take down maneuver - guess we should just disobey our superior and not enforce the law here but let this one go too....... Is that what you are suggesting, Caption?

I didnt see anyone say he was under arrest or anyone telling anyone else he was under arrest. Maybe I missed it..but I saw it plenty of times and it wasnt there.

What you are missing is that 4-5 cops jumped on this man for, at the end of it all, suspicion of selling cigs. And you are telling me this is not an over reaction? Not seriously you arent

Would that be fair to the rest of the criminals who don't resist arrest? What kind of message would that send to the people of America?

Meh, people are going to make any message they want out of anything they want to so thats no concern

No. The truth is the truth even when it is an inconvenient truth and in the matter of both cases - the truth is the law enforcement officers were doing what they took an oath to do. Enforce the law.

All I'm saying is that ANY action used to enforce the law is not cool. For example police have learned long ago about retreating. I know it sounds weird but here is the scenario....Someone has a busted tail light. Police give chase when the person runs...Speeds go high as hell and driver is driving erratically. Police USED to get all hands on deck to chase this guy down because like you said "they are enforcing the law"

The either the cop or the suspect hits a family minding their business and kills them. For what everyone wants to know.

Answer: Broken tail light soooo...they realized....that maybe enforcing the law is not more important than public safety.

Don't like the law for selling loose cigarettes? Become involved and fight big government. But stop blaming law enforcement for doing their jobs. Seriously. You have chosen two open and shut cases on what not to do. In closing, you are wrong on all accounts including your own closing statement which implies people were justified in engaging in lawlessness due to the outcome of either case / or both.

I "suggested" no such thing....I can speak for myself. In closing yes they are enforcing the law but like I said jumping on someone for selling loosies or jaywalking will almost always be objectionable.

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