White House Formally Declares Its Support for D.C. Statehood


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
I agree with the White House.

I have never thought it was right that the people of Washington DC don't have a vote in our House of Reps or in the Senate.

It's classic taxation without representation.

It's about time that the people of Washington DC have the same rights and representation as the citizens of the rest of the United States of America.

Whatever it takes to cheat their way to one party control, the demtrash are all in a frothing at the mouth rabid race to get it done, before the nation can vote them out of control of everything, because they know their agenda is WILDLY unpopular with the VAST majority of Americans. The only way they can win is CHEAT, and they know it.
I agree with the White House.

I have never thought it was right that the people of Washington DC don't have a vote in our House of Reps or in the Senate.

It's classic taxation without representation.

It's about time that the people of Washington DC have the same rights and representation as the citizens of the rest of the United States of America.

I can't see it, myself. It is not how it was designed. I am not a big change type person. You think that 700,000 person district deserves two US Senator and a House Representative? No way.
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I agree with the White House.
I have never thought it was right that the people of Washington DC don't have a vote in our House of Reps or in the Senate.
It's classic taxation without representation.

No, its only about the fact that those in DC are 99% all democrats. It's just about getting more dem votes to rule the elections.

DC represents 0.0018% of the country. DC is a district so that it is not part of any other state. DC is not a state. Now Democrats will treat it like a state. Any and every opportunity to stick it to the American people and take away free and fair elections.

Once DC votes, they'll need representatives and senators. Its only about shifting the balance of power to win every election.

DC will add 700,000 more popular Dem votes.

If DC were all GOP, Dana and the rest of his tribe would all be screaming bloody opposition to the suggestion that DC votes!
I agree with the White House.

I have never thought it was right that the people of Washington DC don't have a vote in our House of Reps or in the Senate.

It's classic taxation without representation.

It's about time that the people of Washington DC have the same rights and representation as the citizens of the rest of the United States of America.

I can't see it, myself. It is not how it was designed. I am not a big change type person.

I don't understand why anyone would be against the people of Washington DC having the same representation in the House and Senate the rest of us have.

They are citizens of this nation. They contribute to our nation just the same as the rest of us.

Can you please tell me why they shouldn't have the same representation the rest of us have?

I personally don't think that it's a big change is a good reason. Should the founders of our nation accepted such an excuse?
I agree with the White House.

I have never thought it was right that the people of Washington DC don't have a vote in our House of Reps or in the Senate.

It's classic taxation without representation.

It's about time that the people of Washington DC have the same rights and representation as the citizens of the rest of the United States of America.

I can't see it, myself. It is not how it was designed. I am not a big change type person.

I don't understand why anyone would be against the people of Washington DC having the same representation in the House and Senate the rest of us have.

They are citizens of this nation. They contribute to our nation just the same as the rest of us.

Can you please tell me why they shouldn't have the same representation the rest of us have?

I personally don't think that it's a big change is a good reason. Should the founders of our nation accepted such an excuse?
Was never planned that way, but specifically so the seat of Federal Government would not belong to one state. I could see making their one representative a voting representative, but not giving them 2 Senators to go along with it making the the smallest populated state with the most representation per capita in the nation and the seat of Federal government. You are just looking for a way to pack in more Democrats in the houses of congress. No way, I would support it.
I agree with the White House.

I have never thought it was right that the people of Washington DC don't have a vote in our House of Reps or in the Senate.

It's classic taxation without representation.

It's about time that the people of Washington DC have the same rights and representation as the citizens of the rest of the United States of America.

Good luck with an amendment :lol:
LOL of course Xiden would be for a power grab for 2 more Dem Senators.

The residential areas can be a part of Maryland, “representation” problem solved. But we all know that’s not what it’s about. It’s about power and one party rule.
They're on track to lock up control of the Senate, dump the filibuster and ram through laws they could never pass on the merits and when they ram through HR1 and 2A infringement, I predict the shit is going to well and truly be up in the fan. They've decided they have to consolidate power because if they don't, they'll be voted out beginning in '22 and THAT isn't going to be allowed. BURN IT DOWN, BABY!
I agree with the White House.

I have never thought it was right that the people of Washington DC don't have a vote in our House of Reps or in the Senate.

It's classic taxation without representation.

It's about time that the people of Washington DC have the same rights and representation as the citizens of the rest of the United States of America.

I can't see it, myself. It is not how it was designed. I am not a big change type person.

I don't understand why anyone would be against the people of Washington DC having the same representation in the House and Senate the rest of us have.

They are citizens of this nation. They contribute to our nation just the same as the rest of us.

Can you please tell me why they shouldn't have the same representation the rest of us have?

I personally don't think that it's a big change is a good reason. Should the founders of our nation accepted such an excuse?

Should the founders of our nation accepted such an excuse?

Did the founders of our nation make it a state when they were drawing the lines?


Why not?
The Corrupt Democratic Party will start their movement to add Puerto Rico next month.
There is about a 150% chance that anyone who is oppose it will be called a racist.
PR is bankrupt and totally corrupt.
How does that benefit us?
Remember what the Racist Latino Nationalist AOC calls Anglos >> "colonist".
Well why not give PR back to Spain to make her happy?
We don't need another bankrupt Democrat State.

Congress talking Puerto Rico statehood next month: Pedro Pierluisi (nypost.com)
Puerto Rico Bankruptcy Climax Set to Come Amid Island Elections - Bloomberg
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I was watching a video recently, and I think I have come up with a compromise, which, of course, is what this nation is founded on.

I have a few friends who think D.C. should have statehood as well. . . that are adamant that not do so is patently racist.

So. . . what to do? We have thousands of Americans that do not have equal representation.

OTH, we also have a lot of Americans who voices seem to be drowned out by the urban centers and corporate powers in this nation.

So, in the spirit of compromise, why not admit both D.C. and Puerto Rico to the Union, and find two areas of the nation to secede from huge metropolitan areas which are overwhelming more rural interests where there is a significant population whose voice is being drowned out?

This will add balance, much like the balance we had during the free state/slave state compromises. Now, it will be urban/rural compromise representations.

. . . anything less? Is just a partisan move that wants to ignore equal representation.
I agree with the White House.

I have never thought it was right that the people of Washington DC don't have a vote in our House of Reps or in the Senate.

It's classic taxation without representation.

It's about time that the people of Washington DC have the same rights and representation as the citizens of the rest of the United States of America.

Ditto, like good libertarian folks of the Tea Party movement taught us, no taxation without representation!
. . . anything less? Is just a partisan move that wants to ignore equal representation.
The only words I can think of are"Tough Sh#t".
I agree with the White House.

I have never thought it was right that the people of Washington DC don't have a vote in our House of Reps or in the Senate.

It's classic taxation without representation.
It's about time that the people of Washington DC have the same rights and representation as the citizens of the rest of the United States of America.

The US Constitution clearly states there has to be a Federal District. I don't disagree that taxation without representation is an issue....so the solution is simple, instead of violating the US Constitution, simply stop taxing the residents of the District at a Federal level.

Why don't the Dems support this easy, Constitutional solution, that can be fixed tomorrow.
I agree with the White House.

I have never thought it was right that the people of Washington DC don't have a vote in our House of Reps or in the Senate.

It's classic taxation without representation.

It's about time that the people of Washington DC have the same rights and representation as the citizens of the rest of the United States of America.

Ditto, like good libertarian folks of the Tea Party movement taught us, no taxation without representation!
So stop taxing these folks. When the Founders created the Federal District, for obvious and important reasons...they didn't expect the Federal Govt to be taxing them. This is a easy, Constitutional solution, that can be done by a vote tomorrow.

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