This evening, Mrs. Code did not make me turn the channel when she sat down and there was a show talking about the extinction of the Dinosaurs. The thesis was that while there are no Dino fossils above the KT Boundary, it is very likely that a prolonged extinction event was killing the Dinos long before the Asteroid impact.
What was the cause?
The environment was destroyed by volcanoes which emitted huge amounts of Green House Gases into the air, raising the temperature, changing the coastal plains into deserts as the temperature rose by 6 to 8 degrees and making the sea level fall.
Of course, today when a volcanoe erupts, it makes the temperaure fall due to high amount of Sulfur and that ash and the dust. I suppose it's possible that that everything worked in reverse then vs. now, but that is not what struck me most strongly. Now if temperatures rise, oceans rise, too. Again, a reverse correlation, but I digress.
When the great fear of the day was that man would destroy the world with mushroom clouds from huge explosive devises, the Dinos were said to have died from a large impact of a big asteroid causing the biggest explosion ever.
Now the great fear of the day is that man will destroy the world by polluting and ruining the environment. What do you know? Suddenly the Dinos died because pollution caused global warming and ruined the environment.
Have dinosaurs become creatures of learning myths like the ones in pairs on the Ark? Maybe it's nothing and then, again, maybe it's something. Interesting that volcanoes can warm the planet with ash, dust and sulfur along with a little CO2.
I felt like I was watching a '50s sci-fi movie where they find air on the Moon.
What was the cause?
The environment was destroyed by volcanoes which emitted huge amounts of Green House Gases into the air, raising the temperature, changing the coastal plains into deserts as the temperature rose by 6 to 8 degrees and making the sea level fall.
Of course, today when a volcanoe erupts, it makes the temperaure fall due to high amount of Sulfur and that ash and the dust. I suppose it's possible that that everything worked in reverse then vs. now, but that is not what struck me most strongly. Now if temperatures rise, oceans rise, too. Again, a reverse correlation, but I digress.
When the great fear of the day was that man would destroy the world with mushroom clouds from huge explosive devises, the Dinos were said to have died from a large impact of a big asteroid causing the biggest explosion ever.
Now the great fear of the day is that man will destroy the world by polluting and ruining the environment. What do you know? Suddenly the Dinos died because pollution caused global warming and ruined the environment.
Have dinosaurs become creatures of learning myths like the ones in pairs on the Ark? Maybe it's nothing and then, again, maybe it's something. Interesting that volcanoes can warm the planet with ash, dust and sulfur along with a little CO2.
I felt like I was watching a '50s sci-fi movie where they find air on the Moon.