Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?


Senior Member
Apr 8, 2009
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This evening, Mrs. Code did not make me turn the channel when she sat down and there was a show talking about the extinction of the Dinosaurs. The thesis was that while there are no Dino fossils above the KT Boundary, it is very likely that a prolonged extinction event was killing the Dinos long before the Asteroid impact.

What was the cause?

The environment was destroyed by volcanoes which emitted huge amounts of Green House Gases into the air, raising the temperature, changing the coastal plains into deserts as the temperature rose by 6 to 8 degrees and making the sea level fall.

Of course, today when a volcanoe erupts, it makes the temperaure fall due to high amount of Sulfur and that ash and the dust. I suppose it's possible that that everything worked in reverse then vs. now, but that is not what struck me most strongly. Now if temperatures rise, oceans rise, too. Again, a reverse correlation, but I digress.

When the great fear of the day was that man would destroy the world with mushroom clouds from huge explosive devises, the Dinos were said to have died from a large impact of a big asteroid causing the biggest explosion ever.

Now the great fear of the day is that man will destroy the world by polluting and ruining the environment. What do you know? Suddenly the Dinos died because pollution caused global warming and ruined the environment.

Have dinosaurs become creatures of learning myths like the ones in pairs on the Ark? Maybe it's nothing and then, again, maybe it's something. Interesting that volcanoes can warm the planet with ash, dust and sulfur along with a little CO2.

I felt like I was watching a '50s sci-fi movie where they find air on the Moon.
This evening, Mrs. Code did not make me turn the channel when she sat down and there was a show talking about the extinction of the Dinosaurs. The thesis was that while there are no Dino fossils above the KT Boundary, it is very likely that a prolonged extinction event was killing the Dinos long before the Asteroid impact.

What was the cause?

The environment was destroyed by volcanoes which emitted huge amounts of Green House Gases into the air, raising the temperature, changing the coastal plains into deserts as the temperature rose by 6 to 8 degrees and making the sea level fall.

Deccan Trapps contributed to a rise in CO2 prior to the KT impact


Of course, today when a volcanoe erupts, it makes the temperaure fall due to high amount of Sulfur and that ash and the dust. I suppose it's possible that that everything worked in reverse then vs. now, but that is not what struck me most strongly. Now if temperatures rise, oceans rise, too. Again, a reverse correlation, but I digress.

No, you do not digress, you post nonsense through ignorance. There is a vast diffance between trapp volcanics and strato or caldera volcanism.

When the great fear of the day was that man would destroy the world with mushroom clouds from huge explosive devises, the Dinos were said to have died from a large impact of a big asteroid causing the biggest explosion ever.

Not hardly. The Vandervoot Crater in South Africa was a far larger hit.

Now the great fear of the day is that man will destroy the world by polluting and ruining the environment. What do you know? Suddenly the Dinos died because pollution caused global warming and ruined the environment.

What you meant as satire is exactly what happened. Not only was the environment already stressed prior to the Chixalub strike, the Chixalub strike poisened the oceans with acid, and created a brief period of darkness and cold.

Have dinosaurs become creatures of learning myths like the ones in pairs on the Ark? Maybe it's nothing and then, again, maybe it's something. Interesting that volcanoes can warm the planet with ash, dust and sulfur along with a little CO2.

A little CO2? You are so ideologically driven that you cannot even learn basic science. Or you are afraid that others will learn basic science and see the ideological base to your denial of reality.

I felt like I was watching a '50s sci-fi movie where they find air on the Moon.

OK. And I feel like I am speaking to two digit IQs when addressing nonsense like this. All one has to do is google Trapp volcanics, effect of major impacts, to see what real scientists have discovered. Of course the willfully ignorant will avoid real science at any cost to themselves or their descendents.
Science of a period that long ago is some speculation.
But then some actually believe that everything happened within the last 7,000 years or so.
What really killed the dinos -- gary larson

I thought the dinos all died out because the gay dinos got married and the all the straight dinos turned gay and had no more baby dinos?
This evening, Mrs. Code did not make me turn the channel when she sat down and there was a show talking about the extinction of the Dinosaurs. The thesis was that while there are no Dino fossils above the KT Boundary, it is very likely that a prolonged extinction event was killing the Dinos long before the Asteroid impact.

What was the cause?

The environment was destroyed by volcanoes which emitted huge amounts of Green House Gases into the air, raising the temperature, changing the coastal plains into deserts as the temperature rose by 6 to 8 degrees and making the sea level fall.

Deccan Trapps contributed to a rise in CO2 prior to the KT impact


Of course, today when a volcanoe erupts, it makes the temperaure fall due to high amount of Sulfur and that ash and the dust. I suppose it's possible that that everything worked in reverse then vs. now, but that is not what struck me most strongly. Now if temperatures rise, oceans rise, too. Again, a reverse correlation, but I digress.

No, you do not digress, you post nonsense through ignorance. There is a vast diffance between trapp volcanics and strato or caldera volcanism.

When the great fear of the day was that man would destroy the world with mushroom clouds from huge explosive devises, the Dinos were said to have died from a large impact of a big asteroid causing the biggest explosion ever.

Not hardly. The Vandervoot Crater in South Africa was a far larger hit.

Now the great fear of the day is that man will destroy the world by polluting and ruining the environment. What do you know? Suddenly the Dinos died because pollution caused global warming and ruined the environment.

What you meant as satire is exactly what happened. Not only was the environment already stressed prior to the Chixalub strike, the Chixalub strike poisened the oceans with acid, and created a brief period of darkness and cold.

Have dinosaurs become creatures of learning myths like the ones in pairs on the Ark? Maybe it's nothing and then, again, maybe it's something. Interesting that volcanoes can warm the planet with ash, dust and sulfur along with a little CO2.

A little CO2? You are so ideologically driven that you cannot even learn basic science. Or you are afraid that others will learn basic science and see the ideological base to your denial of reality.

I felt like I was watching a '50s sci-fi movie where they find air on the Moon.

OK. And I feel like I am speaking to two digit IQs when addressing nonsense like this. All one has to do is google Trapp volcanics, effect of major impacts, to see what real scientists have discovered. Of course the willfully ignorant will avoid real science at any cost to themselves or their descendents.

Hey! I didn't write, research, produce or direct that show. You need to argue with NatGeo.

Stepping away from your political rut for just one milisecond, doesn't it seem odd that the dinos died from the big blast when A-Bombs were the big fear and they now die from pollution when pollution is the big fear?

That was the point I was trying to make.
No, you didn't not produce that show. For the show was correct and your dismissal of it based on ignorance.

The environment was stressed prior to the K-T impact, not in a major extinction event. There might have been more survivors of the impact had that stress not existed.

The pollution warming from the CO2 of the Deccan traps was not the major pollution event that destroyed the ocean life, the acid from the sulfer in the limestone that the impact occured in was.

These are well established scientific finding, and have absolutely nothing to do with anyone's politics.

Your point is totally invalid, since the connection between the Deccan Trapps and the extinction was well established before Walter and Luis Alveraz presented the evidence that clinched the fact that a major impact was the primary cause of the K-T extinction event.

In fact, there is more than adaquete evidence that the P-T extinction event was caused by the Siberian Trapps extruding on ocean clatherates. There may, or may not have also been a major strike at that time, but the primary cause was the greenhouse heating of the earth by CO2 and CH4.

Methane catastrophe
I'll bet that deep in the bowels of the White House, somebody is trying to put a spin on this so Obama can get on tv and blame the whole thing on Bush.
Let's see. 3000 Americans murdered on American soil, and the perpetrator was allowed to get away.

Over 4500 Americans killed in Iraq on a war based on lies.

An American city is destroyed and thousands of people are in distress, and Fema does nothing because Bush appointed a failed horse show manager to head that vital agency.

The signs of an economic storm were all around us, to the point that people on the factory floor were stating that they believed that we would see a collapse in the near future. And Bush stated on the Sunday before meltdown Monday that "the economy is fundementally strong".

Vice President Cheney, with President Bush's approval, commited treason in arranging the outing of an undercover CIA agent, and her company cover. Naming her company cover also outed other agents, and their contacts.

We joined the Soviet Union, Red China, Saudi Arabia and other illustrious nations as a nation that has a torture policy. And our conservatives stated that the outrages at Abu Gharib were no worse than a college sorority initiation.

No, we do not need to put anything more on Bush than what is already known. He was simply the worst President this nation has had the misfortion to have appointed to that office.

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