While Navy Pushes DEI, 37% of Attack Subs Are Out of Order

There is far too much hype about hypersonic missiles reported by stupid journalists with no clue as to how this works. Satellites detect launches, and there is no way to hide that. There is no missile capable of speeds than cannot be tracked by radar. All ICBMs are hypersonic and have been for decades. The higher the speed of the missile, the less maneuverable they are. You can't change physics easily.
92% of ship fires may be going unreported, but Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Michael Gilday is on track with his true mission. “My goal is to put the Navy in a place over the next 20 years where we’re the most diverse service in the DoD,” Gilday told the State of the Navy.
Old news. Gilday is no longer CNO and has not been for over a year.

Most ship fires are small and easily contained. I had several on my ships in the 80s and early 90s. I think only one was ever reported and that was because it happened in port and there was only smoke involved. We called the base fire department for backup.

Here's one for you: My ship suffered a flooding casualty in port one time. What made it weird was that the space was right under the flight deck, and we were in drydock. Shipyard workers had blocked the flight deck drains from flowing thorough pipes down and over the side of the ship. They forgot and removed a small section of piping on one of the drains that was in the way of new equipment being installed. That normally would not be an issue except for a particularly heavy thunderstorm that dumped about 2 inches of rain on the flight deck which only had one place to drain. A compartment located high in a ship in drydock flooded to the overhead. Fortunately, all we had to do was open the water-tight door and the water came out and fell into the well deck and then drained out the stern of the ship.
There is far too much hype about hypersonic missiles reported by stupid journalists with no clue as to how this works. Satellites detect launches, and there is no way to hide that. There is no missile capable of speeds than cannot be tracked by radar. All ICBMs are hypersonic and have been for decades. The higher the speed of the missile, the less maneuverable they are. You can't change physics easily.
What difference does it make if a nuke goes 20 miles off course?

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