Big Blue Machin
I am a moderate republican, and I am reading Bill Clinton's autobiography. I was recently struck by a question in my mind, which was which president will be treated kinder by history.
Clinton: Balanced the budget after 8 years of cutting from a massive deficit. Cheated on his wife but no man is perfect. And cheating is not illegal, but immoral. During his tenure as president, his domestic priorities included efforts to create a universal healthcare system, to improve education, to restrict handgun sales, to balance the federal budget, to strengthen environmental regulations, to improve race relations, and to protect the jobs of workers during pregnancy or medical emergency.His domestic agenda also included other themes such as reforming welfare programs, expanding the "War on Drugs", and increasing law enforcement funding. Internationally, his priorities included reducing trade barriers, preventing nuclear proliferation, and mediating the Northern Ireland peace process and Israeli-Palestinian conflicts.
Bush: Increased deficit to a large amount. Dedicated tax cutter. Spyed on Americans, through a grey area wiretap program. In 2003, the United States and a multinational force took military action in Iraq, overthrowing and eventually capturing Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. However, the war has lasted far longer than the administration's original estimate of 6 weeks to 6 months. Bush has also signed into law a Medicare prescription drug plan and tax cuts at all income levels. Federal spending in constant dollars increased under Bush by 26% in his first four and one-half years.Bush signed the No Child Left Behind Act, with Democratic Senator Ted Kennedy as chief sponsor, which aims to close the achievement gap, measures student performance, provides options to parents with students in low-performing schools, and targets more federal funding to low-income schools.
Clinton: Balanced the budget after 8 years of cutting from a massive deficit. Cheated on his wife but no man is perfect. And cheating is not illegal, but immoral. During his tenure as president, his domestic priorities included efforts to create a universal healthcare system, to improve education, to restrict handgun sales, to balance the federal budget, to strengthen environmental regulations, to improve race relations, and to protect the jobs of workers during pregnancy or medical emergency.His domestic agenda also included other themes such as reforming welfare programs, expanding the "War on Drugs", and increasing law enforcement funding. Internationally, his priorities included reducing trade barriers, preventing nuclear proliferation, and mediating the Northern Ireland peace process and Israeli-Palestinian conflicts.
Bush: Increased deficit to a large amount. Dedicated tax cutter. Spyed on Americans, through a grey area wiretap program. In 2003, the United States and a multinational force took military action in Iraq, overthrowing and eventually capturing Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. However, the war has lasted far longer than the administration's original estimate of 6 weeks to 6 months. Bush has also signed into law a Medicare prescription drug plan and tax cuts at all income levels. Federal spending in constant dollars increased under Bush by 26% in his first four and one-half years.Bush signed the No Child Left Behind Act, with Democratic Senator Ted Kennedy as chief sponsor, which aims to close the achievement gap, measures student performance, provides options to parents with students in low-performing schools, and targets more federal funding to low-income schools.