Which is worse?


Senior Member
May 29, 2020
So the coverage went from 24/7 virus to 24/7 revolution. Make no mistake. Both were planned by globalists and left wing America hating thugs. Which is worse? I don't care. I stopped watching. Locked and loaded. You'll NOT take my country you commies.
So the coverage went from 24/7 virus to 24/7 revolution. Make no mistake. Both were planned by globalists and left wing America hating thugs. Which is worse? I don't care. I stopped watching. Locked and loaded. You'll NOT take my country you commies.

Although I'm not fond of CBS radio, our alarm clock goes off every morning to our local station that has the 6:00 AM CBS News. For three years, I had to endure "Special Report: Trump/Russia Collusion" every morning.

Then it was "Special Report: Mueller Investigation into Trump/Russia Collusion."

Then it was "Special Report: Trump Impeachment."

Then it was "Special Report: Coronavirus Update."

Now it's "Special Report: Protests All Across the Country."

I have been listening to them blame Trump for almost the last four years, for every damned thing that has ever happened in this world. Now I have to wake up every morning hearing the latest about how those "peaceful protesters" are rioting, looting, and burning down their cities. Fuck them with a rusty AIDS-infected garden rake, each and every one of the Marxist bastards.

CBS sucks every bit as bad as CNN or MSNBC. But we're a small town and we like to hear the local news, so my wife and I endure their anti-American Trump-hating bullshit for 5 minutes, so we can go about with our daily lives.
Yes, this is all against Trump, you really have to be blind not to see it.
Should I take my blinders off or just shut down the left half of my brain...... :dunno:
Ringel05, you may not be conservative, but you are nice one and I am sure you can see that the media are making everything that is going on tragic right now the "pandemic" and now the murder of a black man looking like is Trump's fault. it's a big brainwashing just before the November election but it won't work I'm sure;)
Yes, this is all against Trump, you really have to be blind not to see it.
Should I take my blinders off or just shut down the left half of my brain...... :dunno:
Ringel05, you may not be conservative, but you are nice one and I am sure you can see that the media are making everything that is going on tragic right now the "pandemic" and now the murder of a black man looking like is Trump's fault. it's a big brainwashing just before the November election but it won't work I'm sure;)
I'm not one for conspiracy theories....... I've worked in DC before, what you're seeing is nothing more than blatant political posturing. Besides, if you want to keep a secret in the media and the government tell no one, least of all yourself........
Oh and what makes you think I'm not conservative with some issues?
Yes, this is all against Trump, you really have to be blind not to see it.
Should I take my blinders off or just shut down the left half of my brain...... :dunno:
Ringel05, you may not be conservative, but you are nice one and I am sure you can see that the media are making everything that is going on tragic right now the "pandemic" and now the murder of a black man looking like is Trump's fault. it's a big brainwashing just before the November election but it won't work I'm sure;)
I'm not one for conspiracy theories....... I've worked in DC before, what you're seeing is nothing more than blatant political posturing. Besides, if you want to keep a secret in the media and the government tell no one, least of all yourself........
Oh and what makes you think I'm not conservative with some issues?
It may not be a plot but it's free publicity for Trump's opponent right now it's Biden even if he's not the nominee yet
Whatever sins Trump committed in his life for what he has endured since he announced his intention to run for President, has exonerated him. He did his time. Its time to let the man be President!
Yes, this is all against Trump, you really have to be blind not to see it.
Should I take my blinders off or just shut down the left half of my brain...... :dunno:
Ringel05, you may not be conservative, but you are nice one and I am sure you can see that the media are making everything that is going on tragic right now the "pandemic" and now the murder of a black man looking like is Trump's fault. it's a big brainwashing just before the November election but it won't work I'm sure;)
I'm not one for conspiracy theories....... I've worked in DC before, what you're seeing is nothing more than blatant political posturing. Besides, if you want to keep a secret in the media and the government tell no one, least of all yourself........
Oh and what makes you think I'm not conservative with some issues?
It may not be a plot but it's free publicity for Trump's opponent right now it's Biden even if he's not the nominee yet
Welcome to the not so wonderful world of real politics........
Yes, this is all against Trump, you really have to be blind not to see it.
Should I take my blinders off or just shut down the left half of my brain...... :dunno:
Ringel05, you may not be conservative, but you are nice one and I am sure you can see that the media are making everything that is going on tragic right now the "pandemic" and now the murder of a black man looking like is Trump's fault. it's a big brainwashing just before the November election but it won't work I'm sure;)

That's exactly what they're doing. The secular Marxist Democrats first lost an election which they were 110% positive that they would win. Then they concocted some cockamamie story about how President Trump conspired with the Russian to steal the election, which failed.

Then they grew big enough balls to actually try to remove him by impeachment, and that also failed.

They they tried every way they could to blame him for a global pandemic started by a Chinese virus, and the resulting worldwide economic disaster. But nobody's buying that either.

Now as the election nears, they're desperately trying to pin Mr. I Can't Breathe's death and the resulting leftist melee of rioting, looting, arson, and assaults on President Trump, hoping to elect Joe Biden, an idiot who is every bit as corrupt and incompetent as was Hillary Clinton.

Leftist idiots don't get it, and they never will get it. To hell with all of them.
Yes, this is all against Trump, you really have to be blind not to see it.
Should I take my blinders off or just shut down the left half of my brain...... :dunno:
Ringel05, you may not be conservative, but you are nice one and I am sure you can see that the media are making everything that is going on tragic right now the "pandemic" and now the murder of a black man looking like is Trump's fault. it's a big brainwashing just before the November election but it won't work I'm sure;)

That's exactly what they're doing. The secular Marxist Democrats first lost an election which they were 110% positive that they would win. Then they concocted some cockamamie story about how President Trump conspired with the Russian to steal the election, which failed.

Then they grew big enough balls to actually try to remove him by impeachment, and that also failed.

They they tried every way they could to blame him for a global pandemic started by a Chinese virus, and the resulting worldwide economic disaster. But nobody's buying that either.

Now as the election nears, they're desperately trying to pin Mr. I Can't Breathe's death and the resulting leftist melee of rioting, looting, arson, and assaults on President Trump, hoping to elect Joe Biden, an idiot who is every bit as corrupt and incompetent as was Hillary Clinton.

Leftist idiots don't get it, and they never will get it. To hell with all of them.
It's the same in France right now, an actor said that we have to act like what is happening in the USA and now the French democrats have run after the call and it's now a mess in the streets in France . the lefties are really sick people.
Yes, this is all against Trump, you really have to be blind not to see it.
Should I take my blinders off or just shut down the left half of my brain...... :dunno:
Ringel05, you may not be conservative, but you are nice one and I am sure you can see that the media are making everything that is going on tragic right now the "pandemic" and now the murder of a black man looking like is Trump's fault. it's a big brainwashing just before the November election but it won't work I'm sure;)

That's exactly what they're doing. The secular Marxist Democrats first lost an election which they were 110% positive that they would win. Then they concocted some cockamamie story about how President Trump conspired with the Russian to steal the election, which failed.

Then they grew big enough balls to actually try to remove him by impeachment, and that also failed.

They they tried every way they could to blame him for a global pandemic started by a Chinese virus, and the resulting worldwide economic disaster. But nobody's buying that either.

Now as the election nears, they're desperately trying to pin Mr. I Can't Breathe's death and the resulting leftist melee of rioting, looting, arson, and assaults on President Trump, hoping to elect Joe Biden, an idiot who is every bit as corrupt and incompetent as was Hillary Clinton.

Leftist idiots don't get it, and they never will get it. To hell with all of them.
It's the same in France right now, an actor said that we have to act like what is happening in the USA and now the French democrats have run after the call and it's now a mess in the streets in France . the lefties are really sick people.

Time to dust off the guillotines. When you French host a revolution, it's one hell of a revolution.


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