Where's Global Warming

Chris...where in hell are we going to get all the money to fund "your world"?
I want you to be very precise on your answer please

By raising taxes on the rich and not spending so much money on the military.

What if your dreaded Al Gore was president in 2000 and instead of George Bush? And what if instead of wasting $700 billion dollars on Iraq, we had spent that money on American energy independence? See? We get energy independent, and we don't need MidEast oil. That's what the Israelis are doing.

First of all Chrissy...Al Gore didn't win the 2000 election..OK? Second...we did spend around 600 billion in Iraq, OK? Third, the rich can't afford it, OK? Don't go back and change history to finance "your future world." I asked for a precise answer, and I got nothing from you. Stop that rhetoric. I've been real to you ,now you be real with me.

I gave you a precise answer. Raise taxes on people making more than $250,000 a year. THEY CAN AFFORD IT.

Reduce our ridiculous military spending. WE CAN'T AFFORD IT. Start with killing the F-22 program and getting us the hell out of Iraq.
By raising taxes on the rich and not spending so much money on the military.

What if your dreaded Al Gore was president in 2000 and instead of George Bush? And what if instead of wasting $700 billion dollars on Iraq, we had spent that money on American energy independence? See? We get energy independent, and we don't need MidEast oil. That's what the Israelis are doing.

First of all Chrissy...Al Gore didn't win the 2000 election..OK? Second...we did spend around 600 billion in Iraq, OK? Third, the rich can't afford it, OK? Don't go back and change history to finance "your future world." I asked for a precise answer, and I got nothing from you. Stop that rhetoric. I've been real to you ,now you be real with me.

I gave you a precise answer. Raise taxes on people making more than $250,000 a year. THEY CAN AFFORD IT.

Reduce our ridiculous military spending. WE CAN'T AFFORD IT. Start with killing the F-22 program and getting us the hell out of Iraq.

Chrissy this is why I slam you...The rich can't afford to do what you want done. What percentage in additional taxes are you going to tax the rich. By the way, in this day and age 250K isn't all that much. But do tell me what percentage your going to tax them? Remember, we have to tax the rich for other things besides "your world." I'm asking you to be precise, not vague. This is the last time I'm going to ask you to get real in your answer< and not some boy's pipe dream.
First of all Chrissy...Al Gore didn't win the 2000 election..OK? Second...we did spend around 600 billion in Iraq, OK? Third, the rich can't afford it, OK? Don't go back and change history to finance "your future world." I asked for a precise answer, and I got nothing from you. Stop that rhetoric. I've been real to you ,now you be real with me.

I gave you a precise answer. Raise taxes on people making more than $250,000 a year. THEY CAN AFFORD IT.

Reduce our ridiculous military spending. WE CAN'T AFFORD IT. Start with killing the F-22 program and getting us the hell out of Iraq.

Chrissy this is why I slam you...The rich can't afford to do what you want done. What percentage in additional taxes are you going to tax the rich. By the way, in this day and age 250K isn't all that much. But do tell me what percentage your going to tax them? Remember, we have to tax the rich for other things besides "your world." I'm asking you to be precise, not vague. This is the last time I'm going to ask you to get real in your answer< and not some boy's pipe dream.

Raise taxes to the level they were at during the Clinton administration.

But you don't really care about specifics. You just like to insult people.
I gave you a precise answer. Raise taxes on people making more than $250,000 a year. THEY CAN AFFORD IT.

Reduce our ridiculous military spending. WE CAN'T AFFORD IT. Start with killing the F-22 program and getting us the hell out of Iraq.

Chrissy this is why I slam you...The rich can't afford to do what you want done. What percentage in additional taxes are you going to tax the rich. By the way, in this day and age 250K isn't all that much. But do tell me what percentage your going to tax them? Remember, we have to tax the rich for other things besides "your world." I'm asking you to be precise, not vague. This is the last time I'm going to ask you to get real in your answer< and not some boy's pipe dream.

Raise taxes to the level they were at during the Clinton administration.

But you don't really care about specifics. You just like to insult people.

No, I only insult people who don't have a realistic view of life, and government. The Clinton years taxing are not going to be able to pay for this world of yours, with the way that Obama is putting us into debt. Now that is a piece of reality. I only asked you to be real Chris, and you couldn't do it. One more thing to think about. What is the population of Israel, compared to our population? This is being real
Chrissy this is why I slam you...The rich can't afford to do what you want done. What percentage in additional taxes are you going to tax the rich. By the way, in this day and age 250K isn't all that much. But do tell me what percentage your going to tax them? Remember, we have to tax the rich for other things besides "your world." I'm asking you to be precise, not vague. This is the last time I'm going to ask you to get real in your answer< and not some boy's pipe dream.

Raise taxes to the level they were at during the Clinton administration.

But you don't really care about specifics. You just like to insult people.

No, I only insult people who don't have a realistic view of life, and government. The Clinton years taxing are not going to be able to pay for this world of yours, with the way that Obama is putting us into debt. Now that is a piece of reality. I only asked you to be real Chris, and you couldn't do it. One more thing to think about. What is the population of Israel, compared to our population? This is being real

The rightees always have excuses for why things can't be done.

But they can be done and they will be done.

Now that we have the right leadership.
You couldn't disprove anything that I posted so you use silly insults.

Too bad you aren't man enough to admit you are wrong.

OK Chrissy, What percentage of homes in Germany have no furnaces??
Where do the Danes get the other 80% of their energy??
Israel and 5% solar?? My My. Tell me Chrissy...why not nuclear energy. Why not bring up that France gets a large chunk of their energy from nuclear energy. I'm all for that kind of clean energy. But, somehow I feel Chrissy isn't for that.

It took all that to get you to talk about real issues.

The Israelis are trying to go all solar by 2030. I don't know if they will make it, but that is their goal.

Nuclear is a good question, but I am not sure they have solved the problem of nuclear waste yet. The French want to store their nuclear waste in America.

What percentage of homes in Germany don't have furnaces?

Who cares? We have to start where we are.

The point is that the technology is there. All it takes is the political will to move us in the right direction.

You really like sensationalized data, at least as long as it supports only your claims. France wants to put their waste here because we have a disposal site and system already to use, it's just sitting there wasting money right now. It's been looked over thousands of times and proven to be 100% safe, but since we aren't using it we may as well rent it out to pay for it, and France just happens to have money to give us, but you fools are stopping it out of really ancient fears (wake up, it's the 21st century).

They have one small "test" district in Germany, there are more factors to think of, first, ALL houses are almost air tight when they are new, however after wear and tear they eventually break down. Thus why it's still a "test" project. Even then, so what? Show how much it will help versus cost, then factor in all the chemicals used to make it. Just because a product is "green" doesn't mean safe for the environment, it doesn't even mean safe for humans, it simply means they did their best to make it as safe as possible. However, many "green" products have a much bigger impact on the environment near the factories than you fools care to admit.

5% ... not even a drop in a bucket. 20% ... that's a little better, but then you are ignoring the impact on the populace, the fact that they have a LOT of wind compared to most areas, as well as the only reason it's not higher is because they only operate when there is wind.

For solar, you really need to learn more about that. It's not environmentally sound in the least, either you have to use highly toxic chemicals to make even a little energy or take up huge amounts of space for the same amount of energy. Do you even understand the concept and theory of solar power? Doubt it.

The really funny thing is that if you environuts knew how all this "green" stuff was made you'd be screaming bloody murder ... well ... at least at yourselves.
Raise taxes to the level they were at during the Clinton administration.

But you don't really care about specifics. You just like to insult people.

No, I only insult people who don't have a realistic view of life, and government. The Clinton years taxing are not going to be able to pay for this world of yours, with the way that Obama is putting us into debt. Now that is a piece of reality. I only asked you to be real Chris, and you couldn't do it. One more thing to think about. What is the population of Israel, compared to our population? This is being real

The rightees always have excuses for why things can't be done.

But they can be done and they will be done.

Now that we have the right leadership.

Chrissy, we live in the reality....remember reality. when you have to face the facts, Chris, you go back to your "jingles." Like I say, "don't let the facts get in the way of a good story."
No, I only insult people who don't have a realistic view of life, and government. The Clinton years taxing are not going to be able to pay for this world of yours, with the way that Obama is putting us into debt. Now that is a piece of reality. I only asked you to be real Chris, and you couldn't do it. One more thing to think about. What is the population of Israel, compared to our population? This is being real

The rightees always have excuses for why things can't be done.

But they can be done and they will be done.

Now that we have the right leadership.

Chrissy, we live in the reality....remember reality. when you have to face the facts, Chris, you go back to your "jingles." Like I say, "don't let the facts get in the way of a good story."

Obama's administration is already taking steps toward clean energy.

That is the reality.
The rightees always have excuses for why things can't be done.

But they can be done and they will be done.

Now that we have the right leadership.

Chrissy, we live in the reality....remember reality. when you have to face the facts, Chris, you go back to your "jingles." Like I say, "don't let the facts get in the way of a good story."

Obama's administration is already taking steps toward clean energy.

That is the reality.

Chris...yeah he is...but why don't you wait and see how far he gets before you start your bragging....Now that is reality
I gave you a precise answer. Raise taxes on people making more than $250,000 a year. THEY CAN AFFORD IT.

Reduce our ridiculous military spending. WE CAN'T AFFORD IT. Start with killing the F-22 program and getting us the hell out of Iraq.

Chrissy this is why I slam you...The rich can't afford to do what you want done. What percentage in additional taxes are you going to tax the rich. By the way, in this day and age 250K isn't all that much. But do tell me what percentage your going to tax them? Remember, we have to tax the rich for other things besides "your world." I'm asking you to be precise, not vague. This is the last time I'm going to ask you to get real in your answer< and not some boy's pipe dream.

Raise taxes to the level they were at during the Clinton administration.

But you don't really care about specifics. You just like to insult people.

If the rates go back to where they were under Clinton, the lower income branches' taxes will go WAY up.
Chrissy this is why I slam you...The rich can't afford to do what you want done. What percentage in additional taxes are you going to tax the rich. By the way, in this day and age 250K isn't all that much. But do tell me what percentage your going to tax them? Remember, we have to tax the rich for other things besides "your world." I'm asking you to be precise, not vague. This is the last time I'm going to ask you to get real in your answer< and not some boy's pipe dream.

Raise taxes to the level they were at during the Clinton administration.

But you don't really care about specifics. You just like to insult people.

If the rates go back to where they were under Clinton, the lower income branches' taxes will go WAY up.

Elvis, don't confuse him with the reality. He's having a hard time grasping that concept.
He needs to go back to his class, and run everything by his teacher for talking points.
The rightees always have excuses for why things can't be done.

But they can be done and they will be done.

Now that we have the right leadership.

Chrissy, we live in the reality....remember reality. when you have to face the facts, Chris, you go back to your "jingles." Like I say, "don't let the facts get in the way of a good story."

Obama's administration is already taking steps toward clean energy.

That is the reality.

good one, kirky
Chrissy this is why I slam you...The rich can't afford to do what you want done. What percentage in additional taxes are you going to tax the rich. By the way, in this day and age 250K isn't all that much. But do tell me what percentage your going to tax them? Remember, we have to tax the rich for other things besides "your world." I'm asking you to be precise, not vague. This is the last time I'm going to ask you to get real in your answer< and not some boy's pipe dream.

Raise taxes to the level they were at during the Clinton administration.

But you don't really care about specifics. You just like to insult people.

If the rates go back to where they were under Clinton, the lower income branches' taxes will go WAY up.

Sorry, I confused you.

Raise taxes on the rich to the levels they were under Clinton.
Raise taxes to the level they were at during the Clinton administration.

But you don't really care about specifics. You just like to insult people.

If the rates go back to where they were under Clinton, the lower income branches' taxes will go WAY up.

Sorry, I confused you.

Raise taxes on the rich to the levels they were under Clinton.

That doesn't help your reality check at all, Chris.
If the rates go back to where they were under Clinton, the lower income branches' taxes will go WAY up.

Sorry, I confused you.

Raise taxes on the rich to the levels they were under Clinton.

That doesn't help your reality check at all, Chris.

You are the one who doesn't understand reality.

We are done with military adventures for a while. We can't afford them. We are broke. We also can't afford to keep low tax rates for the rich.

Fortunately the people in power realize this.

No more Bush the Lesser...
Sorry, I confused you.

Raise taxes on the rich to the levels they were under Clinton.

That doesn't help your reality check at all, Chris.

You are the one who doesn't understand reality.

We are done with military adventures for a while. We can't afford them. We are broke. We also can't afford to keep low tax rates for the rich.

Fortunately the people in power realize this.

No more Bush the Lesser...

Oh brother...that's it? If you want to continue a "conversation", you have to bring more than your jingles.
That doesn't help your reality check at all, Chris.

You are the one who doesn't understand reality.

We are done with military adventures for a while. We can't afford them. We are broke. We also can't afford to keep low tax rates for the rich.

Fortunately the people in power realize this.

No more Bush the Lesser...

Oh brother...that's it? If you want to continue a "conversation", you have to bring more than your jingles.


Cut the military budget, raise taxes on the rich....

Pretty simple really.
You are the one who doesn't understand reality.

We are done with military adventures for a while. We can't afford them. We are broke. We also can't afford to keep low tax rates for the rich.

Fortunately the people in power realize this.

No more Bush the Lesser...

Oh brother...that's it? If you want to continue a "conversation", you have to bring more than your jingles.


Cut the military budget, raise taxes on the rich....

Pretty simple really.

Yeah too simple to work...but I'm really beginning to think that the simple thing around here is your mind.

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