Where The Money Scott Walker Is Cutting From Universities Is Going

Only the poorly paid ones?

If you can find teachers who aren't poorly paid and overworked, let me know.


Was that a joke? My parents have a net worth over a million dollars. They were both public school teachers.

Can you name some other job that has:

Three months paid vacation a year
Has a minimum pay start of $40K (people with degrees in engineering have a lower starting salary)
Automatic raises up to $90K a year (I don't think I have ever seen anything like that in the private sector)
Regardless of your ability to teach (never happens)
You work only 7 hours a day plus lunch and of course those super stressful 'silent reading time' periods.
From what I've read, most public school teachers only teach 5 classes a day. Only 5 of those 7 hours, are spent teaching.
Has a special state backed retirement system exclusively for teachers.
Has a week off for "spring break".
Has a week off for Christmas and New Years.

Schools have far more days off than the private sector.

And you want to claim they are under-paid and over worked? Compared to what exactly?

They have a whole lot of long days. I know a lot of teachers who are grading or preparing for the next day late into the night. And it is hard to think of a more important job.

I can think of dozens of more important jobs. Without farming, all the education in the world won't keep people fed. That's just one example.

People can teach themselves, if they choose to. People used to teach their kids the basics before they ever got to school. My sister had her kids reading at a 4th grade level, before they ever got to 1st grade.

You are clearly out of your mind. Teaching may be the most important job in the world. Education does play an important role in farming. Think we could produce so much food without it? You'd be a fool to think that.
Personally, I'm convinced Walker is just a run of the mill crook who sells his office on a quid pro basis, and he's a demigod. jmo. But the thing with public unions, if a local school board doesn't give a local teachers' union the pension they want, the teachers' union becomes a voting bloc that includes not just the teachers but family members. And that's the root to all the underfunded public employee pensions in the US. Wherever, there are/were strong unions, it was even worse: calif, nj and ill, for example.

If the only charge against Walker was his taking on the unions, I'd vote for him. At least three times. (-:
"unions have destroyed" is the rhetoric for we want to keep you down. Otherwise you might ask for better pay and working conditions. Can't have that. Starting out at $10 per hour for some lame jerk of a boss or company is no way whatsoever to rise through the ranks. Would have never thought of something that anti self. A degree in a needed field is the ticket. Math/science degree people always always work their butts off. $10 is something I give very little effort for.

Funny, because it's actually the Unions that do that. When you have a Union contract, you can't ask for a raise. Instead, everyone earns exactly the same (other than seniority).

And my experience is that people with your attitude rarely make it anywhere. Are there exceptions? Sure. But often people who have the attitude "this is only a $10/hr job, so I'm not going to work hard", often tend to carry that attitude forward. "This is only a $15/hr job, so I'm not going to work hard". "this is only $18/hr", "this is only $22/hr". At what point does the magic moment arrive when it is worth it to work hard?

And moreover, a single person that puts in 100% effort without a degree, is worth 5 degreed half-butts that barely put in any effort.

My experience is, people who say things like "This doesn't matter, so I'll do the minimal" often never do their best on anything.
spot on pal seen it for 30 plus year's and what they will do is try to get fired are the ones who make them look bad. They hate that shit.
Fact: Education is important.
Other Fact: Organized education is probably not the most important thing. After all, we survived a long time without it.
Yet Another Fact: American society doesn't really think education is all that important.
Really? In my state, it's a make or break issue in getting elected, or not. On a national level, I think it'll be a pivotal issue in swing states like Oh, NM, Penn and Wisc. I think the odds are now better than 50-50 that it'll be Hill vs. Marco.
The minimum wage is barely livable, let alone if someone has kids.

That depends on whether "livable" includes Iphones for all, a 70" flat screen, and a new car.

Still, you are running from your hypocrisy - Walmart unilaterally raised their starting pay to 24% ABOVE minimum - still you demonize them. It's hard to escape the fact that the rhetoric and propaganda you spew has no factual basis at all.

That's why we have welfare, food stamps, loans, etc, etc... It is a laughable amount, look at productivity,what wages should be, the cost of living... Capitalists want to return to feudalism by removing regulations.

Clearly you have never had even a beginning course in economics. You don't grasp the concepts behind the words you use. You don't know what socialism, capitalism, fascism, and feudalism mean. You utter an unending stream of malapropisms which underscore your gross ignorance. It's little wonder you can't sell the party ideas, since you have no actual grasp of them.
Are you kidding me? By definition, socialism calls for democratic control of production by the people, not authoritarian states.

"The manifestation of the will of the people is the state" - Friedrich Engles

You have absolutely no clue what the the essential concepts behind socialism are, you are just a useful idiot who seeks to live as a parasite off of the effort of others.

Alright, let's get something clear: I am a democratic socialist, I am not a Leninist, I am not a Trotskyist, I do not support what cuba/north korea/venezuela are doing as of this moment, but socialism, as it is discussed by actual socialists, refers to democratic control of production by the working class, not totalitarian states. How have i contradicted myself? I have remained honest. I can't get over how you guys continually ignore my postings on somalia and haiti, two capitalist countries with little to no taxes (somalia) and no regulations on capitalists (barely any, somalia has none) so my point is, you do accept that those are examples of your utopia, right? I'm just going by your logic.

You espouse a fairy tale which has utterly no basis in historical fact and certainly fails to acknowledge economic reality.

I suspect you went to and OWS rally, shit on a police car, and said "hey man, we should get everything for free." This literally appears the extent of your understanding of the topic at hand.
Yes, the theocratic state of North korea owns production, the workers do not, THAT IS NOT SOCIALISM AS DISCUSSED BY ANY SOCIALISTS, Maybe by right wingers who want to immediately shut down everything and label what they want. Repackaging of feudalism? Sounds like capitalism, if we get to make hilarious comparisons. Oh, get over the hogwash on petrograd, the USSR just came out of agrarian feudalism, was just beginning to industrialize, had virtually no literacy or women's rights, the peasants were barbaric and uneducated, and if you get to ignore the free ukraine/catalonia/the paris commune, by all means, go ahead, but I'm not dishonest, I own up to the mistakes of the past. Lying about Venezuela? Venezuela, empirically, without any doubt, after Hugo, reduced extreme poverty, increased literacy, reduced infant mortality, that's all I claimed, and it holds true, don't assume I support the actions of venezuela either, I don't, but again, I'm honest. Starvation and misery? Sounds like capitalist haiti.

You mean when you sit around smooking dope with the other 40 year olds still living at home, you never discuss the reality of socialism applied in the world? You stick to "hey man, everything should be free dude, pass the bong.."
Oh jesus christ, where are you getting your information, first of all, and second of all, the USSR was barely industrialized, uneducated, coming out of agrarian feudalism, with little to no medical care.. Well, in all fairness, "communism" (more so syndicalism) worked in catalonia, and the free ukraine, (anarchists) Nothing is perfect, and petrograd was a disaster, but the lack of information is laughable.

It's called "history," had you stuck it out past third grade, you would have some familiarity with it.
You have to ask yourself how they keep the prices so low... much like other companies, they love exploiting third world labor, paying workers cheaply, and then coming out with a laughable wage increase to make themselves seem like the good guys.

Educated people don't.

Walmart is publicly traded; here is their income statement.

WMT Income Statement Wal-Mart Stores Inc. Common St Stock - Yahoo Finance

With the P&L I can quickly perform a current ratio analysis, run and acid test, and perform a vertical analysis to show exactly why they are profitable.

YOU can't do this because you lack the education and brains required, but most of us in this forum can.
Personally, I'm convinced Walker is just a run of the mill crook who sells his office on a quid pro basis, and he's a demigod. jmo. But the thing with public unions, if a local school board doesn't give a local teachers' union the pension they want, the teachers' union becomes a voting bloc that includes not just the teachers but family members. And that's the root to all the underfunded public employee pensions in the US. Wherever, there are/were strong unions, it was even worse: calif, nj and ill, for example.

If the only charge against Walker was his taking on the unions, I'd vote for him. At least three times. (-:


Oh, Walker is a crook?

Fact: Education is important.
Other Fact: Organized education is probably not the most important thing. After all, we survived a long time without it.
Yet Another Fact: American society doesn't really think education is all that important.

Don't you think modern society has made organized education very important?
It is more important than society deems it to be. Which is more well-known, the best college in which to earn a Computer Science degree or the college with the best football team? Which are more sought after in high school, academic scholarships or athletic scholarships? Who is more famous, the most respected American physicists or Beyonce? Reality trumps rhetoric.
And no, hater dupes, socialism is not communism. Brainwashed ugly American ignorant cold war dinosaur hater dupes lol.

Franco, serious question - what is the highest grade level you successfully completed? I mean, did you make it all the way to middle school, or was the course work much too difficult long before that?
Masters in History, U. of Rochester, 1989, shyttehead.
And no, hater dupes, socialism is not communism. Brainwashed ugly American ignorant cold war dinosaur hater dupes lol.

Franco, serious question - what is the highest grade level you successfully completed? I mean, did you make it all the way to middle school, or was the course work much too difficult long before that?
Masters in History, U. of Rochester, 1989, shyttehead.

They had a special program for illiterates like you?
"unions have destroyed" is the rhetoric for we want to keep you down. Otherwise you might ask for better pay and working conditions. Can't have that. Starting out at $10 per hour for some lame jerk of a boss or company is no way whatsoever to rise through the ranks. Would have never thought of something that anti self. A degree in a needed field is the ticket. Math/science degree people always always work their butts off. $10 is something I give very little effort for.

Funny, because it's actually the Unions that do that. When you have a Union contract, you can't ask for a raise. Instead, everyone earns exactly the same (other than seniority).

And my experience is that people with your attitude rarely make it anywhere. Are there exceptions? Sure. But often people who have the attitude "this is only a $10/hr job, so I'm not going to work hard", often tend to carry that attitude forward. "This is only a $15/hr job, so I'm not going to work hard". "this is only $18/hr", "this is only $22/hr". At what point does the magic moment arrive when it is worth it to work hard?

And moreover, a single person that puts in 100% effort without a degree, is worth 5 degreed half-butts that barely put in any effort.

My experience is, people who say things like "This doesn't matter, so I'll do the minimal" often never do their best on anything.
spot on pal seen it for 30 plus year's and what they will do is try to get fired are the ones who make them look bad. They hate that shit.

Yeah, that's unbelievable. I have had that happen to me. I was actually threatened with being fired, because I was turning in my projects ahead of the assigned time. They literally threatened to fire me for over-achieving. It was the most shocking, eye-opening experiences of my life.

But I refuse to let it change me. To this day, I get all my work done as quickly as possible, and just ignore everyone screaming.
What I do for a living? :gives:

I don't care. I'm curious why any sentient being would still push a failed and failed again collectivist agenda. 100 million dead aren't enough?

Are you a student who has no experience with the real world or knowledge of history?

Are you a college professor who has no experience with the real world or knowledge of history?

Are you a trust fund baby who has no experience with the real world or knowledge of history?

Or are you a witty troll who has experience with the real world and knowledge of history?
You keep assuming I support pathways to communism like Leninism/Maoism, I don't, so stop spewing bullshit. I'm a democratic socialist who knows about history, and what actual socialism is, such as that in the free ukraine and catalonia.

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