Where the hell is AOC getting her donations?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

AOC Raised More for Reelection Campaign Last Quarter Than All Other House Dems, Including Pelosi

Contributions under $200 comprised most of the donations to Ocasio-Cortez, at $1.1 million in total contributions. Several Republican challengers are competing to oust the freshman congresswoman in her district, which comprises parts of Queens and the Bronx, but none of those challengers has so far matched her fundraising abilities.

Are there really that many progressives around? She doesn’t have to go the usual route of courting lobbyists. As long as the media continues to give her unlimited access, she’s got all those crazies sending her lots of money.

Can anyone beat her in her home district?

More @ AOC Reelection Campaign Raised More Than All Other House Dems, Including Pelosi | National Review

AOC Raised More for Reelection Campaign Last Quarter Than All Other House Dems, Including Pelosi

Contributions under $200 comprised most of the donations to Ocasio-Cortez, at $1.1 million in total contributions. Several Republican challengers are competing to oust the freshman congresswoman in her district, which comprises parts of Queens and the Bronx, but none of those challengers has so far matched her fundraising abilities.

Are there really that many progressives around? She doesn’t have to go the usual route of courting lobbyists. As long as the media continues to give her unlimited access, she’s got all those crazies sending her lots of money.

Can anyone beat her in her home district?

More @ AOC Reelection Campaign Raised More Than All Other House Dems, Including Pelosi | National Review
AOC is a popular candidate

She will win easily

AOC Raised More for Reelection Campaign Last Quarter Than All Other House Dems, Including Pelosi

Contributions under $200 comprised most of the donations to Ocasio-Cortez, at $1.1 million in total contributions. Several Republican challengers are competing to oust the freshman congresswoman in her district, which comprises parts of Queens and the Bronx, but none of those challengers has so far matched her fundraising abilities.

Are there really that many progressives around? She doesn’t have to go the usual route of courting lobbyists. As long as the media continues to give her unlimited access, she’s got all those crazies sending her lots of money.

Can anyone beat her in her home district?

More @ AOC Reelection Campaign Raised More Than All Other House Dems, Including Pelosi | National Review
AOC is a popular candidate

She will win easily

Last time you made that ridiculous claim, I posted a site that clearly showed people in her district hate her. Any Democrat that wants to throw their hat in the ring will beat her harder than the stupid stick. Could a Republican win? Who knows in a state full of dummies.

AOC Raised More for Reelection Campaign Last Quarter Than All Other House Dems, Including Pelosi

Contributions under $200 comprised most of the donations to Ocasio-Cortez, at $1.1 million in total contributions. Several Republican challengers are competing to oust the freshman congresswoman in her district, which comprises parts of Queens and the Bronx, but none of those challengers has so far matched her fundraising abilities.

Are there really that many progressives around? She doesn’t have to go the usual route of courting lobbyists. As long as the media continues to give her unlimited access, she’s got all those crazies sending her lots of money.

Can anyone beat her in her home district?

More @ AOC Reelection Campaign Raised More Than All Other House Dems, Including Pelosi | National Review
AOC is a popular candidate

She will win easily

Last time you made that ridiculous claim, I posted a site that clearly showed people in her district hate her. Any Democrat that wants to throw their hat in the ring will beat her harder than the stupid stick. Could a Republican win? Who knows in a state full of dummies.
Possibly a RINO could win. I don't think it likely though. To many in her district have been indoctrinated into believing that government is the solution.

AOC Raised More for Reelection Campaign Last Quarter Than All Other House Dems, Including Pelosi

Contributions under $200 comprised most of the donations to Ocasio-Cortez, at $1.1 million in total contributions. Several Republican challengers are competing to oust the freshman congresswoman in her district, which comprises parts of Queens and the Bronx, but none of those challengers has so far matched her fundraising abilities.

Are there really that many progressives around? She doesn’t have to go the usual route of courting lobbyists. As long as the media continues to give her unlimited access, she’s got all those crazies sending her lots of money.

Can anyone beat her in her home district?

More @ AOC Reelection Campaign Raised More Than All Other House Dems, Including Pelosi | National Review

You can bet all those donors are cutouts for Soros. He spent a ton to get her in and he'll continue to do so.


AOC Raised More for Reelection Campaign Last Quarter Than All Other House Dems, Including Pelosi

Contributions under $200 comprised most of the donations to Ocasio-Cortez, at $1.1 million in total contributions. Several Republican challengers are competing to oust the freshman congresswoman in her district, which comprises parts of Queens and the Bronx, but none of those challengers has so far matched her fundraising abilities.

Are there really that many progressives around? She doesn’t have to go the usual route of courting lobbyists. As long as the media continues to give her unlimited access, she’s got all those crazies sending her lots of money.

Can anyone beat her in her home district?

More @ AOC Reelection Campaign Raised More Than All Other House Dems, Including Pelosi | National Review

You need to realize that there are two groups of people in the country, that have grown dramatically in the last decade.

The ignorant stupid, and the educated stupid.

The ignorant stupid, are the people who simply hear what they want to hear, and support it. So "free stuff!" is what a ton of the ignorant stupid want to believe, and AOC is saying it, so therefore they support it.

It's really hard to explain to people why something doesn't work, when they are whole heatedly invested in the idea that someone in government will fix their lives.

But it isn't just that they are ignorant. It is also a pride issue. See, one of the seductive aspects of left-wing ideology, is the victim mentality. Learning that left-wing ideology is a myth, would require them to give up their "the man is holding the little guy down" mentality. It would require them to face the mirror, and accept that the biggest problem in their lives, is themselves.

The bottom line is, most people do not want to do that. It's safer, easier, and less humiliating to simply believe some evil rich person is the reason their lives suck.

Then you have the educated stupid. You see people like that moron Paul Krugman, and Noam Chomsky, which have convinced countless students that having a degree, means they know more than the last 100 plus years of human history suggests.

That we can somehow remake the world, into a perfect Utopia of fairness. That if only we had the right people, with the right intentions, then magically the laws of incentives and personal advancement would disappear into a blissful co-operation.

And these people will never give up on their ideology, no matter what... because it is that ideology that "if we had power we could fix everything", that allows them to push for ever growing control over every aspect of human life.

Just think about it logically.... Would anyone be paying Noam Chomsky millions of dollars to fly around the world and give lectures, if he wasn't saying "My ideas will fix everything!"? Of course not. It's specifically because he claims if only he had the power, he could fix the problems of this world, that people are paying him to go around spouting his phony crap.

He's never going to stop claiming his ideology is the salvation of man kind, because the moment he did that, he would be back to being a linguist, monologuing in a lecture hall talking about Latin, and other dead languages.

So AOC has support. She does. There are many progressives, because stupidity is enticing.
A while ago on MSNBC they had a black 'professor' on promising everyone that the only reason Socialism has never worked anywhere is b/c the people in charge "weren't doing it right".

AOC Raised More for Reelection Campaign Last Quarter Than All Other House Dems, Including Pelosi

Contributions under $200 comprised most of the donations to Ocasio-Cortez, at $1.1 million in total contributions. Several Republican challengers are competing to oust the freshman congresswoman in her district, which comprises parts of Queens and the Bronx, but none of those challengers has so far matched her fundraising abilities.

Are there really that many progressives around? She doesn’t have to go the usual route of courting lobbyists. As long as the media continues to give her unlimited access, she’s got all those crazies sending her lots of money.

Can anyone beat her in her home district?

More @ AOC Reelection Campaign Raised More Than All Other House Dems, Including Pelosi | National Review
Political correctness makes people fucking retarded

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