CDZ Where is the proof of illegal voting in American elections?

No illegal voting of significance occurs in our elections and has not for a long tinme

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Trump consistently has made it know that he thinks the system is rigged, that millions of illegals voted against him.

He has not offered a shred of evidence.

This reminds me of his turn around on the Birther question on Obama after five years of being Birther No 1

Step up, people, if you have any evidence that illegal voting of any significance has been or is voting.
Where is the justification/rationale for voter recounts?
Apparently, according to the lack of evidence presented, the far right admit there is none.
The far right isn't asking for recounts, Herman. You get another five Katyushas.

Trump is still childishly tweeting about what he claims are millions of illegal voters. Why do you think he is doing that?
To piss off people like you and Jill and Hillary. No more, no less.
Nonsense. He is telling illegals not to worry about consequences. He duped you again.

Exactly which part of the video led you to believe that. Point out the specific point in the video, or the specific words that said that.
You really can't be this foolish...can you?

Listen to the entire video. It is only 1:25 minutes long...The interviewer states if an illegal votes will he/she get in trouble. Big Ears does not say illegals can't vote. He says 'not true'...meaning go ahead an vote because you won't get in trouble.

The interviewer makes the absurd claim that illegals are citizens because they contribute to the country. Since when is citizenship determined by contribution to the country? Big Ears does not tell her that is not the definition of citizenship.
His name is Obama. The interviewer said something dumb. He is not responsible for that.

No...he should have stated that only citizens can vote..which he did not do......and no...if you are here illegally you are not a citizen even if you work you can't vote....that is a crime.

It's common knowledge that only citizens can vote. No need for him to have to point that out, because it really had nothing to do with their conversation. The interviewer made a dumb statement. I'm sure it wasn't the first dumb thing he ever heard from an interviewer, but it's not his job to correct every dumb thing he hears.
No. Clearly the interviewer is claiming anyone who contributes to the country, whether a citizen or not, should be allowed to vote. Never in the history of the USA has this been the case. Big Ears refused to correct her because he wants illegals to vote. He tells her illegals need not worry about deportation if they vote. So...anyone with a functioning brain can easily conclude Big Ears is encouraging illegal actions, for which he should be impeached.

What does 2+2 equal?

Why the f**k do you think the D party is so adamant about keeping the border open, refusing to enforce immigration laws, allowing the illegal sanctuary cities, demanding amnesty, etc...............

It is quite clear, gipper, that I will accept real evidence not "fake news" or made up memes or vids.

Post this "enormous evidence" of which you talk.

Oh, you speak for millions of Americans? OK.

I am all in for a full 50 state recount and an audit of the entire system.

bob craemer and scott foval admitted on video that they engaged in massive voter fraud, how they did it and which states they targeted, even using illegal aliens ....going to the extent of getting them identification in order to vote illegally.....

You choose to lie about the video......anyone can watch the video and see you are lying....
No, Craemer and Foval admitted nothing of the sort. That is your "fake news" intepretation.

But I will be fair. Post the entire written proceedings of the tape. Then show us exactly where they said "we engage in massive voter fraud."

Your opinion is merely a form o "fake news" until you can document it clearly and objectively. So is gipper's take on it.

Can you? Then post it.
Hey Jake...did you hear? Hillary is a liar.
Exactly which part of the video led you to believe that. Point out the specific point in the video, or the specific words that said that.
You really can't be this foolish...can you?

Listen to the entire video. It is only 1:25 minutes long...The interviewer states if an illegal votes will he/she get in trouble. Big Ears does not say illegals can't vote. He says 'not true'...meaning go ahead an vote because you won't get in trouble.

The interviewer makes the absurd claim that illegals are citizens because they contribute to the country. Since when is citizenship determined by contribution to the country? Big Ears does not tell her that is not the definition of citizenship.
His name is Obama. The interviewer said something dumb. He is not responsible for that.

No...he should have stated that only citizens can vote..which he did not do......and no...if you are here illegally you are not a citizen even if you work you can't vote....that is a crime.

It's common knowledge that only citizens can vote. No need for him to have to point that out, because it really had nothing to do with their conversation. The interviewer made a dumb statement. I'm sure it wasn't the first dumb thing he ever heard from an interviewer, but it's not his job to correct every dumb thing he hears.
No. Clearly the interviewer is claiming anyone who contributes to the country, whether a citizen or not, should be allowed to vote. Never in the history of the USA has this been the case. Big Ears refused to correct her because he wants illegals to vote. He tells her illegals need not worry about deportation if they vote. So...anyone with a functioning brain can easily conclude Big Ears is encouraging illegal actions, for which he should be impeached.

What does 2+2 equal?

Why the f**k do you think the D party is so adamant about keeping the border open, refusing to enforce immigration laws, allowing the illegal sanctuary cities, demanding amnesty, etc...............


Where exactly did he tell her illegals need not worry about deportation if they vote?
I can only go by what was said in the video. I don't have the benefit of hearing the voices in your head like you do. Please point out the place in that video where he said what you claim.
The folks like gipper above are giving 'fake news', nothing more.

Oh, gipper: you and I should not be like Hillary.
Ah, one of those disingenuous 'talking points' attempting to deny what most know, and what most Democrats work at doing every election cycle, herding illegals to polls.

Proof Of Illegal Aliens Voting As Those Called For Jury Duty Claim They Are Not Citizens : Diggers Realm

How can you prove that someone who voted is an illegal alien? Well currently there really is no way. With the current system of voter registration and no requirements to show proof that you're actually a citizen of the United States and therefore eligible to vote at the polls, any idiot can show up and cast a vote that disenfranchises every other single eligible voter in America.

So down to the proof. Harris County, Texas discovered that those called for Jury Duty after registering to vote then went before a judge and said they couldn't serve as a juror because they were not citizens of the United States.

... and of course any search on Google or Yahoo turns up all kinds of info on it, Jake. you should try researching topics once in a while, Jake. This is just one of your lame trolls, not a serious topic.

And again- where is the proof of 'millions of illegal votes' as Trump has claimed?

A few people registering illegally in Texas is not proof of any kind of significant voter fraud.
Trump consistently has made it know that he thinks the system is rigged, that millions of illegals voted against him.

He has not offered a shred of evidence.

This reminds me of his turn around on the Birther question on Obama after five years of being Birther No 1

Step up, people, if you have any evidence that illegal voting of any significance has been or is voting.

Ask Stein and Clinton....they are the ones demanding recounts and taking millions from people to do it.

You got a link to Clinton demanding a recount? You just gotta throw a lie in every post, don't you?
She's not personally demanding the recount, but her George Soros funded attorney is JOINING the recount effort.

Hillary Clinton joins campaign to recount votes

You idiot. She is cooperating with the recount.
I wonder why the Left is not bitching about the COST of the know? Like they bitch about the cost of congressional investigations into the overt and covert corrupt acts of Big Ears and Cankles.

I wonder why the Right is bitching about people donating money for a recount- especially after months of them nodding their heads in agreement whenever Trump said the system was rigged and corrupt.
You really can't be this foolish...can you?

Listen to the entire video. It is only 1:25 minutes long...The interviewer states if an illegal votes will he/she get in trouble. Big Ears does not say illegals can't vote. He says 'not true'...meaning go ahead an vote because you won't get in trouble.

The interviewer makes the absurd claim that illegals are citizens because they contribute to the country. Since when is citizenship determined by contribution to the country? Big Ears does not tell her that is not the definition of citizenship.
His name is Obama. The interviewer said something dumb. He is not responsible for that.

No...he should have stated that only citizens can vote..which he did not do......and no...if you are here illegally you are not a citizen even if you work you can't vote....that is a crime.

It's common knowledge that only citizens can vote. No need for him to have to point that out, because it really had nothing to do with their conversation. The interviewer made a dumb statement. I'm sure it wasn't the first dumb thing he ever heard from an interviewer, but it's not his job to correct every dumb thing he hears.
No. Clearly the interviewer is claiming anyone who contributes to the country, whether a citizen or not, should be allowed to vote. Never in the history of the USA has this been the case. Big Ears refused to correct her because he wants illegals to vote. He tells her illegals need not worry about deportation if they vote. So...anyone with a functioning brain can easily conclude Big Ears is encouraging illegal actions, for which he should be impeached.

What does 2+2 equal?

Why the f**k do you think the D party is so adamant about keeping the border open, refusing to enforce immigration laws, allowing the illegal sanctuary cities, demanding amnesty, etc...............


Where exactly did he tell her illegals need not worry about deportation if they vote?
I can only go by what was said in the video. I don't have the benefit of hearing the voices in your head like you do. Please point out the place in that video where he said what you claim.
Ah, one of those disingenuous 'talking points' attempting to deny what most know, and what most Democrats work at doing every election cycle, herding illegals to polls.

Proof Of Illegal Aliens Voting As Those Called For Jury Duty Claim They Are Not Citizens : Diggers Realm

How can you prove that someone who voted is an illegal alien? Well currently there really is no way. With the current system of voter registration and no requirements to show proof that you're actually a citizen of the United States and therefore eligible to vote at the polls, any idiot can show up and cast a vote that disenfranchises every other single eligible voter in America.

So down to the proof. Harris County, Texas discovered that those called for Jury Duty after registering to vote then went before a judge and said they couldn't serve as a juror because they were not citizens of the United States.

... and of course any search on Google or Yahoo turns up all kinds of info on it, Jake. you should try researching topics once in a while, Jake. This is just one of your lame trolls, not a serious topic.

And again- where is the proof of 'millions of illegal votes' as Trump has claimed?

A few people registering illegally in Texas is not proof of any kind of significant voter fraud.

Voter "fraud" is also winking and nodding at the law and the rules. As in ENCOURAGING folks to just waddle into any ole polling station on election day and expect to be allowed to vote. Circumventing the REGISTRATION process, violates the spirit and letter of the laws.

So now you have over a MILLION PROVISIONAL ballots in Cali that will never be sorted out. Don't know how many precincts these folks waddled into, their residency or legal status or NOTHING about them.

We don't get to see the accounting for those MILLION attempted votes. But any reasonable person will suspect that a percentage of those folks should go to jail for election fraud. Or terminal laziness and sloth at least..
I looked at Picaro's article, and then I went to Google and searched voter ID requirements. You need a drivers license, state ID, or your social security number in order to register to vote. Non citizens with a green card are given a social security number and can get drivers licenses, so what is stopping them from registering to vote?
In some states ( perhaps California) Nothing!
Re-watch the video paying particular attention to what he said at 30 sec., 50 sec., and especially at 108 to 134 sec. He said it was important for citizens to vote to help their friends and family members who were not able to vote.
Nonsense. He is telling illegals not to worry about consequences. He duped you again.

Exactly which part of the video led you to believe that. Point out the specific point in the video, or the specific words that said that.
You really can't be this foolish...can you?

Listen to the entire video. It is only 1:25 minutes long...The interviewer states if an illegal votes will he/she get in trouble. Big Ears does not say illegals can't vote. He says 'not true'...meaning go ahead an vote because you won't get in trouble.

The interviewer makes the absurd claim that illegals are citizens because they contribute to the country. Since when is citizenship determined by contribution to the country? Big Ears does not tell her that is not the definition of citizenship.
His name is Obama. The interviewer said something dumb. He is not responsible for that.
Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears......

BS...She stated something clearly unlawful, yet your Dear Leader refused to correct her.

He was clearly making an effort to tell illegals it is okay to vote...he should be impeached for this.
Obama isn't stupid. He towed the line close enough so that he did not actually say that it's okay for non citizens to vote. However, he was also made it clear that no law enforcement agencies would be using the voter rolls looking for noncitizens that vote. In other words, non-citizens (and illegals) that vote have nothing to worry about.
His name is Obama. The interviewer said something dumb. He is not responsible for that.

No...he should have stated that only citizens can vote..which he did not do......and no...if you are here illegally you are not a citizen even if you work you can't vote....that is a crime.

It's common knowledge that only citizens can vote. No need for him to have to point that out, because it really had nothing to do with their conversation. The interviewer made a dumb statement. I'm sure it wasn't the first dumb thing he ever heard from an interviewer, but it's not his job to correct every dumb thing he hears.
No. Clearly the interviewer is claiming anyone who contributes to the country, whether a citizen or not, should be allowed to vote. Never in the history of the USA has this been the case. Big Ears refused to correct her because he wants illegals to vote. He tells her illegals need not worry about deportation if they vote. So...anyone with a functioning brain can easily conclude Big Ears is encouraging illegal actions, for which he should be impeached.

What does 2+2 equal?

Why the f**k do you think the D party is so adamant about keeping the border open, refusing to enforce immigration laws, allowing the illegal sanctuary cities, demanding amnesty, etc...............


Where exactly did he tell her illegals need not worry about deportation if they vote?
I can only go by what was said in the video. I don't have the benefit of hearing the voices in your head like you do. Please point out the place in that video where he said what you claim.
People, listen to it all, then let Jon how you really feel about this type of stuff, within the boundaries of CDZ.
Nonsense. He is telling illegals not to worry about consequences. He duped you again.

Exactly which part of the video led you to believe that. Point out the specific point in the video, or the specific words that said that.
You really can't be this foolish...can you?

Listen to the entire video. It is only 1:25 minutes long...The interviewer states if an illegal votes will he/she get in trouble. Big Ears does not say illegals can't vote. He says 'not true'...meaning go ahead an vote because you won't get in trouble.

The interviewer makes the absurd claim that illegals are citizens because they contribute to the country. Since when is citizenship determined by contribution to the country? Big Ears does not tell her that is not the definition of citizenship.
His name is Obama. The interviewer said something dumb. He is not responsible for that.
Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears......

BS...She stated something clearly unlawful, yet your Dear Leader refused to correct her.

He was clearly making an effort to tell illegals it is okay to vote...he should be impeached for this.
Obama isn't stupid. He towed the line close enough so that he did not actually say that it's okay for non citizens to vote. However, he was also made it clear that no law enforcement agencies would be using the voter rolls looking for noncitizens that vote. In other words, non-citizens (and illegals) that vote have nothing to worry about.
Where did he make "it clear that no law enforcement agencies woudl be using the voter rolls look for noncitizens that vote." Exactly where is that clear?
Ah, one of those disingenuous 'talking points' attempting to deny what most know, and what most Democrats work at doing every election cycle, herding illegals to polls.

Proof Of Illegal Aliens Voting As Those Called For Jury Duty Claim They Are Not Citizens : Diggers Realm

How can you prove that someone who voted is an illegal alien? Well currently there really is no way. With the current system of voter registration and no requirements to show proof that you're actually a citizen of the United States and therefore eligible to vote at the polls, any idiot can show up and cast a vote that disenfranchises every other single eligible voter in America.

So down to the proof. Harris County, Texas discovered that those called for Jury Duty after registering to vote then went before a judge and said they couldn't serve as a juror because they were not citizens of the United States.

... and of course any search on Google or Yahoo turns up all kinds of info on it, Jake. you should try researching topics once in a while, Jake. This is just one of your lame trolls, not a serious topic.

And again- where is the proof of 'millions of illegal votes' as Trump has claimed?

A few people registering illegally in Texas is not proof of any kind of significant voter fraud.

Voter "fraud" is also winking and nodding at the law and the rules. As in ENCOURAGING folks to just waddle into any ole polling station on election day and expect to be allowed to vote. Circumventing the REGISTRATION process, violates the spirit and letter of the laws.

So now you have over a MILLION PROVISIONAL ballots in Cali that will never be sorted out. Don't know how many precincts these folks waddled into, their residency or legal status or NOTHING about them.

We don't get to see the accounting for those MILLION attempted votes. But any reasonable person will suspect that a percentage of those folks should go to jail for election fraud. Or terminal laziness and sloth at least..

So you don't have any evidence of voter fraud either.

So what happens with 'provisional ballots' in California? I was in my polling place when a woman 'waddled in' after waiting 10 minutes in line, and found out her name was not on the list of voters for that polling place. So she cast a provisional ballot.

Provisional Voting | California Secretary of State
What Happens After You Cast a Provisional Ballot?

Your provisional ballot will be counted after elections officials have confirmed that you are registered to vote in that county and you did not already vote in that election.

Any reasonable person would suspect that provisional ballots are generally used for what they were intended for since there is no evidence of widespread abuse.

Unreasonable persons just make up crap to support their own bias.
FlaCalTn is invited to provide credible evidence that provisional ballots were misused in CA in significant numbers. That's not likely.
Exactly which part of the video led you to believe that. Point out the specific point in the video, or the specific words that said that.
You really can't be this foolish...can you?

Listen to the entire video. It is only 1:25 minutes long...The interviewer states if an illegal votes will he/she get in trouble. Big Ears does not say illegals can't vote. He says 'not true'...meaning go ahead an vote because you won't get in trouble.

The interviewer makes the absurd claim that illegals are citizens because they contribute to the country. Since when is citizenship determined by contribution to the country? Big Ears does not tell her that is not the definition of citizenship.
His name is Obama. The interviewer said something dumb. He is not responsible for that.
Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears......

BS...She stated something clearly unlawful, yet your Dear Leader refused to correct her.

He was clearly making an effort to tell illegals it is okay to vote...he should be impeached for this.
Obama isn't stupid. He towed the line close enough so that he did not actually say that it's okay for non citizens to vote. However, he was also made it clear that no law enforcement agencies would be using the voter rolls looking for noncitizens that vote. In other words, non-citizens (and illegals) that vote have nothing to worry about.
Where did he make "it clear that no law enforcement agencies woudl be using the voter rolls look for noncitizens that vote." Exactly where is that clear?
Obama said (I'm paraphrasing ever so slightly) that there is not a circumstance when voter rolls are transferred to those that investigate. Watch and listen to the freaking video!
You really can't be this foolish...can you?

Listen to the entire video. It is only 1:25 minutes long...The interviewer states if an illegal votes will he/she get in trouble. Big Ears does not say illegals can't vote. He says 'not true'...meaning go ahead an vote because you won't get in trouble.

The interviewer makes the absurd claim that illegals are citizens because they contribute to the country. Since when is citizenship determined by contribution to the country? Big Ears does not tell her that is not the definition of citizenship.
His name is Obama. The interviewer said something dumb. He is not responsible for that.
Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears......

BS...She stated something clearly unlawful, yet your Dear Leader refused to correct her.

He was clearly making an effort to tell illegals it is okay to vote...he should be impeached for this.
Obama isn't stupid. He towed the line close enough so that he did not actually say that it's okay for non citizens to vote. However, he was also made it clear that no law enforcement agencies would be using the voter rolls looking for noncitizens that vote. In other words, non-citizens (and illegals) that vote have nothing to worry about.
Where did he make "it clear that no law enforcement agencies woudl be using the voter rolls look for noncitizens that vote." Exactly where is that clear?
Obama said (I'm paraphrasing ever so slightly) that there is not a circumstance when voter rolls are transferred to those that investigate. Watch and listen to the freaking video!

Why not quote President Obama exactly- instead of your interpretation of what he said?
You really can't be this foolish...can you?

Listen to the entire video. It is only 1:25 minutes long...The interviewer states if an illegal votes will he/she get in trouble. Big Ears does not say illegals can't vote. He says 'not true'...meaning go ahead an vote because you won't get in trouble.

The interviewer makes the absurd claim that illegals are citizens because they contribute to the country. Since when is citizenship determined by contribution to the country? Big Ears does not tell her that is not the definition of citizenship.
His name is Obama. The interviewer said something dumb. He is not responsible for that.
Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears......

BS...She stated something clearly unlawful, yet your Dear Leader refused to correct her.

He was clearly making an effort to tell illegals it is okay to vote...he should be impeached for this.
Obama isn't stupid. He towed the line close enough so that he did not actually say that it's okay for non citizens to vote. However, he was also made it clear that no law enforcement agencies would be using the voter rolls looking for noncitizens that vote. In other words, non-citizens (and illegals) that vote have nothing to worry about.
Where did he make "it clear that no law enforcement agencies woudl be using the voter rolls look for noncitizens that vote." Exactly where is that clear?
Obama said (I'm paraphrasing ever so slightly) that there is not a circumstance when voter rolls are transferred to those that investigate. Watch and listen to the freaking video!
Which I have, and a logical man does not come to the conclusion that he is telling the illegals to go vote. You are clearly quite wrong.
His name is Obama. The interviewer said something dumb. He is not responsible for that.
Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears......

BS...She stated something clearly unlawful, yet your Dear Leader refused to correct her.

He was clearly making an effort to tell illegals it is okay to vote...he should be impeached for this.
Obama isn't stupid. He towed the line close enough so that he did not actually say that it's okay for non citizens to vote. However, he was also made it clear that no law enforcement agencies would be using the voter rolls looking for noncitizens that vote. In other words, non-citizens (and illegals) that vote have nothing to worry about.
Where did he make "it clear that no law enforcement agencies woudl be using the voter rolls look for noncitizens that vote." Exactly where is that clear?
Obama said (I'm paraphrasing ever so slightly) that there is not a circumstance when voter rolls are transferred to those that investigate. Watch and listen to the freaking video!

Why not quote President Obama exactly- instead of your interpretation of what he said?
1. It's in the video, so yo can listen to it exactly yourself if you like.
2. I'm quoting it from memory, so I realize it may not be his exact words, but I'm sure damn close.
His name is Obama. The interviewer said something dumb. He is not responsible for that.
Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears Big Ears......

BS...She stated something clearly unlawful, yet your Dear Leader refused to correct her.

He was clearly making an effort to tell illegals it is okay to vote...he should be impeached for this.
Obama isn't stupid. He towed the line close enough so that he did not actually say that it's okay for non citizens to vote. However, he was also made it clear that no law enforcement agencies would be using the voter rolls looking for noncitizens that vote. In other words, non-citizens (and illegals) that vote have nothing to worry about.
Where did he make "it clear that no law enforcement agencies woudl be using the voter rolls look for noncitizens that vote." Exactly where is that clear?
Obama said (I'm paraphrasing ever so slightly) that there is not a circumstance when voter rolls are transferred to those that investigate. Watch and listen to the freaking video!
Which I have, and a logical man does not come to the conclusion that he is telling the illegals to go vote. You are clearly quite wrong.
I did not say hey told them to go vote. I did say that he told them that they would not get in trouble for voting.
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