Where is the Outrage about Paul Manafort?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Manafort to be held in solitary confinement at Rikers Island: report

Paul Manafort, briefly candidate Trump's campaign manager, is now being held in solitary confinement at Riker's Island, probably the worst spot in the most notoriously odious jail in the country.

Recall that he was convicted of a few Federal white collar crimes - mainly income tax evasion - and is currently paying those tax obligations in kind, providing a windfall for the U.S. taxpayers of tens of millions of dollars.

Recall that he has been convicted of NO CRIMES IN NEW YORK - Riker's is a JAIL and not a PRISON - and is being kept there for no reason other than irrational hatred of President Trump and anyone connected with him. Even the infamous AOC has come out in favor of more rational and lenient treatment of Mr. Manafort.

And where is the ACLU on this? Aren't they violently opposed to the use of Solitary Confinement, particularly where it has nothing to do with the severity or violence of the crime? This is a textbook case of prosecutorial over-reach. The ONLY reason why Manafort is being kept there is to "break" him - to induce him to provide incriminating testimony against the President, whether truthful or not.

Leftists are scum. Exhibit [too many to count].
Recall that he has been convicted of NO CRIMES IN NEW YORK - Riker's is a JAIL and not a PRISON -
Actually, they brought him there because NY State is charging him with State crimes, and thus JAIL vs PRISON... most people awaiting trial, are put in Rikers awaiting their trial.

the Feds got their money from him, about $45 million in federal tax evasion money, via properties he handed over....

NYS is now trying him for his State crimes, tax evasion etc.... so they and the citizens of their State, can get the State's money due....

This is NOT to punish him because of his dealings with Don the Con.
I'm sure they would be happy to put him into the general prison population, but I doubt he would enjoy that. Manafort wants all the protection he can get.
Recall that he has been convicted of NO CRIMES IN NEW YORK - Riker's is a JAIL and not a PRISON -
Actually, they brought him there because NY State is charging him with State crimes, and thus JAIL vs PRISON... most people awaiting trial, are put in Rikers awaiting their trial.

the Feds got their money from him, about $45 million in federal tax evasion money, via properties he handed over....

NYS is now trying him for his State crimes, tax evasion etc.... so they and the citizens of their State, can get the State's money due....

This is NOT to punish him because of his dealings with Don the Con.
When my son was training to be a C.O. in NY, he was assigned to Rikers for awhile. It's hellish there. But Manafort is in solitary, so he doesn't know much about it, presumably.
Recall that he has been convicted of NO CRIMES IN NEW YORK - Riker's is a JAIL and not a PRISON -
Actually, they brought him there because NY State is charging him with State crimes, and thus JAIL vs PRISON... most people awaiting trial, are put in Rikers awaiting their trial.

the Feds got their money from him, about $45 million in federal tax evasion money, via properties he handed over....

NYS is now trying him for his State crimes, tax evasion etc.... so they and the citizens of their State, can get the State's money due....

This is NOT to punish him because of his dealings with Don the Con.

Care4all sez? "Da gubermint is entitled to your Federal Reserve Notes!!!!! Empty your pockets!!!!"

Recall that he has been convicted of NO CRIMES IN NEW YORK - Riker's is a JAIL and not a PRISON -
Actually, they brought him there because NY State is charging him with State crimes, and thus JAIL vs PRISON... most people awaiting trial, are put in Rikers awaiting their trial.

the Feds got their money from him, about $45 million in federal tax evasion money, via properties he handed over....

NYS is now trying him for his State crimes, tax evasion etc.... so they and the citizens of their State, can get the State's money due....

This is NOT to punish him because of his dealings with Don the Con.

Care4all sez? "Da gubermint is entitled to your Federal Reserve Notes!!!!! Empty your pockets!!!!"

Why not? I have to pay my taxes due... every single year.

Why shouldn't Manafort?

Do you think only the every day average folk should be the only ones paying what is due, according to tax law?

"Pay unto Caesar, what is his..." sayeth, the Lord.
Manafort to be held in solitary confinement at Rikers Island: report

Paul Manafort, briefly candidate Trump's campaign manager, is now being held in solitary confinement at Riker's Island, probably the worst spot in the most notoriously odious jail in the country.

Recall that he was convicted of a few Federal white collar crimes - mainly income tax evasion - and is currently paying those tax obligations in kind, providing a windfall for the U.S. taxpayers of tens of millions of dollars.

Recall that he has been convicted of NO CRIMES IN NEW YORK - Riker's is a JAIL and not a PRISON - and is being kept there for no reason other than irrational hatred of President Trump and anyone connected with him. Even the infamous AOC has come out in favor of more rational and lenient treatment of Mr. Manafort.

And where is the ACLU on this? Aren't they violently opposed to the use of Solitary Confinement, particularly where it has nothing to do with the severity or violence of the crime? This is a textbook case of prosecutorial over-reach. The ONLY reason why Manafort is being kept there is to "break" him - to induce him to provide incriminating testimony against the President, whether truthful or not.

Leftists are scum. Exhibit [too many to count].

They are trying to force Trump into pardoning him. In addition to other things, he is the political prisoner of the Democrats, similar to Otto Warmbier.
Manafort to be held in solitary confinement at Rikers Island: report

Paul Manafort, briefly candidate Trump's campaign manager, is now being held in solitary confinement at Riker's Island, probably the worst spot in the most notoriously odious jail in the country.

Recall that he was convicted of a few Federal white collar crimes - mainly income tax evasion - and is currently paying those tax obligations in kind, providing a windfall for the U.S. taxpayers of tens of millions of dollars.

Recall that he has been convicted of NO CRIMES IN NEW YORK - Riker's is a JAIL and not a PRISON - and is being kept there for no reason other than irrational hatred of President Trump and anyone connected with him. Even the infamous AOC has come out in favor of more rational and lenient treatment of Mr. Manafort.

And where is the ACLU on this? Aren't they violently opposed to the use of Solitary Confinement, particularly where it has nothing to do with the severity or violence of the crime? This is a textbook case of prosecutorial over-reach. The ONLY reason why Manafort is being kept there is to "break" him - to induce him to provide incriminating testimony against the President, whether truthful or not.

Leftists are scum. Exhibit [too many to count].

They are trying to force Trump into pardoning him. In addition to other things, he is the political prisoner of the Democrats, similar to Otto Warmbier.
Huh? 10 to 1, Trump is already going to pardon him for his federal crimes.... the timing just ain't right yet.

Any State crimes convicted of, can not be pardoned by the president, but I believe the Governor of a State can pardon State crimes?
Manafort to be held in solitary confinement at Rikers Island: report

Paul Manafort, briefly candidate Trump's campaign manager, is now being held in solitary confinement at Riker's Island, probably the worst spot in the most notoriously odious jail in the country.

Recall that he was convicted of a few Federal white collar crimes - mainly income tax evasion - and is currently paying those tax obligations in kind, providing a windfall for the U.S. taxpayers of tens of millions of dollars.

Recall that he has been convicted of NO CRIMES IN NEW YORK - Riker's is a JAIL and not a PRISON - and is being kept there for no reason other than irrational hatred of President Trump and anyone connected with him. Even the infamous AOC has come out in favor of more rational and lenient treatment of Mr. Manafort.

And where is the ACLU on this? Aren't they violently opposed to the use of Solitary Confinement, particularly where it has nothing to do with the severity or violence of the crime? This is a textbook case of prosecutorial over-reach. The ONLY reason why Manafort is being kept there is to "break" him - to induce him to provide incriminating testimony against the President, whether truthful or not.

Leftists are scum. Exhibit [too many to count].
Why should there be outrage?

Whining wacko
Manafort to be held in solitary confinement at Rikers Island: report

Paul Manafort, briefly candidate Trump's campaign manager, is now being held in solitary confinement at Riker's Island, probably the worst spot in the most notoriously odious jail in the country.

Recall that he was convicted of a few Federal white collar crimes - mainly income tax evasion - and is currently paying those tax obligations in kind, providing a windfall for the U.S. taxpayers of tens of millions of dollars.

Recall that he has been convicted of NO CRIMES IN NEW YORK - Riker's is a JAIL and not a PRISON - and is being kept there for no reason other than irrational hatred of President Trump and anyone connected with him. Even the infamous AOC has come out in favor of more rational and lenient treatment of Mr. Manafort.

And where is the ACLU on this? Aren't they violently opposed to the use of Solitary Confinement, particularly where it has nothing to do with the severity or violence of the crime? This is a textbook case of prosecutorial over-reach. The ONLY reason why Manafort is being kept there is to "break" him - to induce him to provide incriminating testimony against the President, whether truthful or not.

Leftists are scum. Exhibit [too many to count].

They are trying to force Trump into pardoning him. In addition to other things, he is the political prisoner of the Democrats, similar to Otto Warmbier.
Huh? 10 to 1, Trump is already going to pardon him for his federal crimes.... the timing just ain't right yet.

Any State crimes convicted of, can not be pardoned by the president, but I believe the Governor of a State can pardon State crimes?
Don't you remember LePage pardoning that 'dangerous dog' they were going to put down?
"The news that Manafort will be held in isolation at Rikers..." He'll be just fine, Skippy.
Aren't you a "law and order" type OP?

I thought you folks were tough on crime?

Why whine over a known criminal?
Old Tax issues not being looked at until he worked for Trump. Disgrace.

Rangel, Cummings, Clinton Foundation and Probably 100 DEM politicians (and RINO) probably did 10X worse. Selective Persecution. Payback should be massive. The new muslim committed fraud, filing joint.
Leftism Makes People Meaner: Reflections on the Torture of Paul Manafort.

Neither liberalism nor conservatism makes people kinder or meaner. But this is not the case with leftism. With the handful of exceptions that accompany every generalization, leftism makes people meaner, even crueler.

Take the transfer of Manafort, the one-time Trump campaign manager, from a federal prison to New York's Rikers Island prison. Rikers Island is universally regarded as a wretched place. As Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz wrote:

The decision to move Paul Manafort ... from the decent federal prison to which he was sentenced to solitary confinement to the dangerous hell hole that is New York City's Rikers Island seems abusive and possibly illegal.​

I know Rikers well having spent time there visiting numerous defendants accused of murder and other violent crimes. It is a terrible place that no one should ever be sent to.​

Mass murderers and torturers are among those incarcerated at Rikers Island.

Moreover, Manafort, found guilty solely for white-collar crimes, will be placed in solitary confinement -- "for his own safety."

Virtually everyone who has written about solitary confinement, both on the right and the left, deems it torture. Manafort will therefore be tortured after being sentenced to seven years' imprisonment for fraud and, in the words of the Daily Wire, "a little-known law that requires lobbyists to report that they are working on behalf of a foreign government (in Manafort's case, Ukraine)."

Angry over the possibility that Manafort may be pardoned by President Trump, the Manhattan District Attorney, Cyrus Vance, charged Manafort with additional crimes based on state law. That way, if found guilty of state offenses, he cannot be pardoned by Trump, as the president's power to pardon applies only to federal -- not state -- crimes.

Everyone knows this prosecution is politically motivated. Vance hates the president and wants to use solitary confinement in a hellhole with violent criminals to squeeze Manafort into testifying against the president.

As Dershowitz said, what Vance is doing reminds him of Stalin and Beria -- the infamous state prosecutor, a man Stalin referred to as "my Himmler." Dershowitz, a lifelong liberal Democrat and supporter of Hillary Clinton, does not use Stalin analogies loosely.

Solitary confinement is "basically a deathtrap," former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik wrote when Manafort was placed in solitary at his federal prison. Manafort should never have been sentenced to solitary confinement. But Robert Mueller (and Judge Amy Berman Jackson) sought it for the same political reason Vance has: to break the man.

As former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell wrote:

When a witness or defendant from whom prosecutors want 'cooperation' does not do as they demand, they put him in solitary confinement. And it works. It literally breaks people.​

Solitary does have a place in our prison system, but only for those people who are simply too dangerous to be placed around others at all. However, the torture of solitary confinement should never be used as it is now to break people to prosecutors' will -- to torture them until they will say or do anything to get out.​

"Solitary is also called the 'hole.' It's a small space, barely large enough to stand, with a slit for light, to which prisoners are confined/caged for 23 hours a day...​

Paul Manafort, seventy years old, has endured this torture for eight months. He's now in a wheelchair, while Judge Amy Berman Jackson mocks his rapidly deteriorating health. Where is the outcry from the ACLU?

So, then, what enables Vance, Mueller and Jackson to engage in such evil?

The only answer is their politics -- the politics of the Trump-hating left. Leftism has given them permission to act vilely and mercilessly while thinking of themselves as fine people -- just as evil doctrines have done throughout history.

We witness this leftist mean-spiritedness in the personal cruelty of left-wing agitators against those with whom they differed.

If your child returned home from college a leftist, was he or she a kinder or meaner person than before he or she left for college?

The question is rhetorical.
What the hell... I thought you progressive types thought Manafort was a dangerous criminal and needed to be in solitary confinement... I mean my gawd the man is 70+ years old and mismanaged some tax records with a sharp pencil...

Hey dickheads he is going to Club Fed for the Salad Bar...

Where is the Outrage about Paul Manafort?

A man with tens of millions of dollars in income, an autocrats' and cleptocrats' willing, eager accomplice, convicted for multiple elaborate tax evasion and bank fraud schemes, and facing even more charges under State law. Yeah, we'd really like to know where your outrage is over that criminal's habitual criminality.

Once you can find that outrage, you might have some standing regarding the brutalization of millions of inmates throughout the inhumane U.S. incarceration industry. We'll wait.

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