Where are the Conservative sanctuary cities?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

This article points out that Republicans are not really fighting such things as the vaccine mandates causing people to lose their livelihoods all across the country, nor really addressing things like the FBI hunting down parents who dare speak out at school board meetings that conflict with the Left in any way.

There is no real opposition party, just a bunch of big government whiners who are embarrassed at pretending to be anti-big government conservatives.

This article points out that Republicans are not really fighting such things as the vaccine mandates causing people to lose their livelihoods all across the country, nor really addressing things like the FBI hunting down parents who dare speak out at school board meetings that conflict with the Left in any way.

There is no real opposition party, just a bunch of big government whiners who are embarrassed at pretending to be anti-big government conservatives.
Legitimate conservatives have been wiped out and replace with limited issue crusading nut-balls striving for total control at all costs, even the destruction of the country itself.
Legitimate conservatives have been wiped out and replace with limited issue crusading nut-balls striving for total control at all costs, even the destruction of the country itself.
There is nothing conservative about government at the Federal level

It reminds me of how voters turned to the GOP to repeal and replace Obamacare and seal the border. They gave them complete power in government under Trump to do just that, but they refused.

Voters have no advocate and no one or party in which to turn.
The answer to the thread question of "Where are the conservative sanctuary cities?", is in the country, not the collectivist cities at all. They are not looking for the convenience of city services and government control, or protection, favoring getting out where they will not be bothered with as much government and as much humanity, where they can take care of themselves and their families as they see fit.
The answer to the thread question of "Where are the conservative sanctuary cities?", is in the country, not the collectivist cities at all. They are not looking for the convenience of city services and government control, or protection, favoring getting out where they will not be bothered with as much government and as much humanity, where they can take care of themselves and their families as they see fit.
These people are being hunted down and having their jobs taken from them.

Where is their representation?
Conservatives should wage war against the entire Federal Behemoth.

It's time to at least accurately address the problem
These people are being hunted down and having their jobs taken from them.

Where is their representation?
Many not seeking representation, preferring to be left, the hell, alone and many not having or needing jobs as you think of it, unless counting distance work, farming, or retirement from the rat race.
Legitimate conservatives have been wiped out and replace with limited issue crusading nut-balls striving for total control at all costs, even the destruction of the country itself.

You are very confused about which party of extremists is destroying the country. When the Squad is calling the shots in your party you should be very concerned.
You are very confused about which party of extremists is destroying the country. When the Squad is calling the shots in your party you should be very concerned.
If I had a party, I might be concerned about the party. Your marketing plan to enlist everybody in your party fights is mostly falling on deaf ears, where people like me are concerned. Tired of being marketed by the extreme right and extreme left. I don't want to back a party, change insurance companies, try the new drug or supplement for my knees, that is advertised admitting the drawbacks and deadly cautions. Don't care a wit for the mainstream political, sociological, or economic marketing 24/7 that works for the benefit and profit of somebody else. I am really not a team sport fan. Just not much of a joiner, I guess.
If I had a party, I might be concerned about the party. Your marketing plan to enlist everybody in your party fights is mostly falling on deaf ears, where people like me are concerned. Tired of being marketed by the extreme right and extreme left. I don't want to back a party, change insurance companies, try the new drug or supplement for my knees, that is advertised admitting the drawbacks and deadly cautions. Don't care a wit for the mainstream political, sociological, or economic marketing 24/7 that works for the benefit and profit of somebody else. I am really not a team sport fan. Just not much of a joiner, I guess.
Well your part is making things so very expensive.
Well your part is making things so very expensive.
What? By retiring (no longer supporting a company) when I was set and letting everybody else fin for themselves as long as they do not interfere with me. I figure, I paid all my debts to supporting society, business and military, paid and still pay my taxes and am entitled to be left the fk alone, without picking a party to pledge my long-term support. It don't work that way for me. Neither party deserves my commitment.
Many not seeking representation, preferring to be left, the hell, alone and many not having or needing jobs as you think of it, unless counting distance work, farming, or retirement from the rat race.
The terms left and right and democrat and republican are losing their significance.

It is transitioning into just fighting collectivist totalitarians control.

It's the people vs. the ruling elite.
Legitimate conservatives have been wiped out and replace with limited issue crusading nut-balls striving for total control at all costs, even the destruction of the country itself.

You project like fuck White.
The terms left and right and democrat and republican are losing their significance.

It is transitioning into just fighting collectivist totalitarians control.

It's the people vs. the ruling elite.
Absolutely true. I am willing to let you guys fight it out and ride this horse's ass down to the ground, watching from the sidelines, living my conservative lifestyle while the lemmings follow their tribal leaders down the road to dusty death of the country. It should still many years and I can live out my life, staying above the fray of the lemmings or rats in the sociological experiment taking place, taking care of me and mine. I figure it like global warming (if true) it is already beyond saving for generations to come.
You project like fuck White.
Thanks. I have my moments.:auiqs.jpg:Maybe just pissed off at my pool and taking it out on the world in some minor way.
Unless he agrees with their brand of anti-Americanism and anti-semitism.
Right, just like virtually everything a Republican does or says can be twisted into being racist and virtually nothing a Democrat does or says is even up for discussion. That is how they have rolled for a couple of decades now. They have dumbed down a couple of generations and counting.

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