When You See a Rich Person do you feel, anger, bitterness or jealousy?

Bitterness and envy is an emotional problem that has nothing to do with how wealthy other people are. Blaming bitterness and envy on the more "successful" crowed is like blaming Jodie Foster for the attempted assassination of Pres. Reagan or THE CATCHER IN THE RYE for the murder of John Lennon or blaming The Beatles for the atrocities of Charles Manson. People who are bitter and envious over wealthy strangers would still be bitter and envious if all the wealthy people were dead tomorrow. They would simply be bitter and envious over different people. Perhaps skinny people, happy people, the village people.
Unfortunately, it seems we have a politician or two who like to exploit insecurities and turn them into votes.
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A long time ago (50 years) I heard stories in my family about siblings (my aunts and uncles) fighting over personal possessions when their parents died. Stuff like who gets the furniture, who gets the silverware, etc. There can be lasting feuds in a family over issues like this, feuds that a child learns about when he asks questions like why his aunt X isn't on speaking terms with his aunt Y.

Ya....my grandma died about 45 yrs ago. My mom had 3 sisters. She gave me grandma's old hair dryer. Wow...but did THAT cause an argument! :cuckoo:

I was not there for the dividing of my Grandmothers personal belongings. My cousins have everything she owned but I never asked for anything either. It didn't matter to me. They did the same thing when my grandfather died. I didn't say anything about that either. You know, life isn't about all that for me - I'm not sentimental.

I feel richer than most folks because I'm a country girl - have wonderful animals - my bull loves me. What more could I ask for? :eusa_angel:

Life is good.

- Jeri

I agree!! My grandma had so much stuff, which all the other relatives grabbed up quickly! Lol! My mom wanted me to have "something" of grandma's. When my parents died, all I have is 1 sister, and we divided up, sold, split everything and no problems. "Things" aren't all that important :)
1st post
I admit to getting feelings of envy.

But I don't hate them. I just either try harder or remind myself how much I already have.

You do understand that you're setting yourself up for failure, don't you?

Change,'try harder' to 'try smarter'.

Reminding yourself of how much you already have is complacency.

Why's that? I'm the same way....I don't have a lot, my husband and I have worked hard all our lives. We do ok, sometimes struggle at paying some bills. It would be nice to make just enough to not have to worry about those things, but at 60 i'm probably where i'm always going to be now (unless I win the lotto!! :) ) I'm happy with what I have. But there are times when I might see a big beautiful home and think "I'd love to have that!"....but I don't hate the people that do have it.

I don't believe I'm be complacent....I'm being accepting of my situation and I try to make the best of it. We've made bad choices through the years, and some we're still paying for. But I'm not bitter or dislike others that have it easy and maybe have made better choices than i have.

If you don't want to retire being completely broke, stop/don't vote Republican.
5th post
"When You See a Rich Person do you feel, anger, bitterness or jealousy?"

No. having been there, I have a frame of reference and the only thing I feel for them, is empathy. They may look good, act good and do good, but inside, unless they are being loved the way they want to be, they are vacant and lonely. Money only buys what money can buy..

Money buys everything!

No, not everything. If one can cope with the stress, and there IS stress involved in having money, then it does buy an ease of living that most don't have.

Yes, everything. There's stress in being wealthy? Really? I guess I need to be more stressed...When you are wealthy, your 'people' get stressed, not you.
Bitterness and envy is an emotional problem that has nothing to do with how wealthy other people are. Blaming bitterness and envy on the more "successful" crowed is like blaming Jodie Foster for the attempted assassination of Pres. Reagan or THE CATCHER IN THE RYE for the murder of John Lennon or blaming The Beatles for the atrocities of Charles Manson. People who are bitter and envious over wealthy strangers would still be bitter and envious if all the wealthy people were dead tomorrow. They would simply be bitter and envious over different people. Perhaps skinny people, happy people, the village people.
Unfortunately, it seems we have a politician or two who like to exploit insecurities and turn them into votes.

Add paranoia, and you have the play book for conservative radio.
Money buys everything!

No, not everything. If one can cope with the stress, and there IS stress involved in having money, then it does buy an ease of living that most don't have.

Yes, everything. There's stress in being wealthy? Really? I guess I need to be more stressed...When you are wealthy, your 'people' get stressed, not you.

I take it then that you were once wealthy? How would you know? Why do so many "wealthy" people commit suicide if it's only "their people" being stressed?
I only get angry with the rich when they belittle/talk down to someone, or act in someway, arrogant, thinking that just because they have money, they are somehow better than hard working people who are less fortunate.
When in the military, I would encounter the wives of senior officers and they would look down on the lower ranked personnel serving them and address themselves as "Mrs. Colonel, or Mrs. Commander" and expect preferential treatment. All they had to do to earn the title was to say, "I do" and spread their legs.

I understand that! It's hard to be around people like that! Thank God they aren't all like that....I know rich people that you would not even realize they had much money! The owner of the company I work for is on first name basis with EVERYONE, and there's over 200 employees just in our building. You would never know this man was one of the richest in our town...there's huge picnics, golf outings, tailgate parties, bonus's....and little things like when the factory worked in almost 100° weather last week, he gave every employee a gift certificate for $20 for Dairy Queen for their hard work. It's really too bad that all companies don't take care of their people this way. I've been there 20 yrs.

Sorry...guess I got a little off track :) ... but the point is, it's easy to spot who the "rich" are that look down at the "little" people. And thank God they aren't all like that.....
10th post
No, not everything. If one can cope with the stress, and there IS stress involved in having money, then it does buy an ease of living that most don't have.

Yes, everything. There's stress in being wealthy? Really? I guess I need to be more stressed...When you are wealthy, your 'people' get stressed, not you.

I take it then that you were once wealthy? How would you know? Why do so many "wealthy" people commit suicide if it's only "their people" being stressed?

Still am. As of market close today my portfolio is +$166.5M.

You have some evidence that wealthy 'off' themselves at a higher rate than non-wealthy? Interesting. I have dozens of wealth friends and acquaintances that are still living.
Bitterness and envy is an emotional problem that has nothing to do with how wealthy other people are. Blaming bitterness and envy on the more "successful" crowed is like blaming Jodie Foster for the attempted assassination of Pres. Reagan or THE CATCHER IN THE RYE for the murder of John Lennon or blaming The Beatles for the atrocities of Charles Manson. People who are bitter and envious over wealthy strangers would still be bitter and envious if all the wealthy people were dead tomorrow. They would simply be bitter and envious over different people. Perhaps skinny people, happy people, the village people.
Unfortunately, it seems we have a politician or two who like to exploit insecurities and turn them into votes.

Add paranoia, and you have the play book for conservative radio.

Add historical ignorance and race baiting and you have the entire staff of MSNBC.
Bitterness and envy is an emotional problem that has nothing to do with how wealthy other people are. Blaming bitterness and envy on the more "successful" crowed is like blaming Jodie Foster for the attempted assassination of Pres. Reagan or THE CATCHER IN THE RYE for the murder of John Lennon or blaming The Beatles for the atrocities of Charles Manson. People who are bitter and envious over wealthy strangers would still be bitter and envious if all the wealthy people were dead tomorrow. They would simply be bitter and envious over different people. Perhaps skinny people, happy people, the village people.
Unfortunately, it seems we have a politician or two who like to exploit insecurities and turn them into votes.

Add paranoia, and you have the play book for conservative radio.

Add historical ignorance and race baiting and you have the entire staff of MSNBC.

You mean the patient X teabagger Reagan's fictitious black woman?
15th post
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Cool. Did you send Obama a thank you note?

Actually Republicans made that possible. But I see you complain about the government eating out your paycheck, but fail to make a case. As usual.

Make a case about what? The government eating my paycheck? Did you want my pay stub or something?

You stated that the government is eating your paycheck. Prove it. What was your effective tax you paid in 2012?

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