When You Are Missing The Ability To Learn....

We have posters in this forum talking openly about the sexual awakening of prepubescent children.

And they frame it under the disguise of Choice or Humanity.

They don't offer the Choice of rejecting the nonsense.
If you want to destroy something ... Encourage it to destroy itself in the name of Humanity ... :auiqs.jpg:


And they frame it under the disguise of Choice or Humanity.

They don't offer the Choice of rejecting the nonsense.
If you want to destroy something ... Encourage it to destroy itself in the name of Humanity ... :auiqs.jpg:


What has always been recognized as the sort of language only employed by pedophiles is now de rigueur.

I honestly wonder if people have any self-awareness at all, so easily they have acquiesced to this group psychosis.

When you think about it ... 5-year-olds have been the target market for Democrats for quite some time ... :auiqs.jpg:
The more they can keep them at that level of maturity, responsibility and success in life ... The better chance they have with staying in power.


When will they be demanding that 5-year-olds get to vote?
When will they be demanding that 5-year-olds get to vote?

It doesn't matter if the people they are graduating have the same mentality.
They will outnumber everyone else soon enough for the long game.

Start them in Kindergarten and nail them down by 18 years old.
In fact ... The slower they progress, the easier it is to transform everything without open warfare ... :thup:

As usual ^^^ a circle jerk of jerks. When the author of the OP posts a new thread the dumbest partisan kooks will flock to their coterie to support PC's circumlocution and bombastic rhetoric.
As usual ^^^ a circle jerk of jerks. When the author of the OP posts a new thread the dumbest partisan kooks will flock to their coterie to support PC's circumlocution and bombastic rhetoric.

Typical Progressive ... First thing that comes to their mind is a circle jerk ... :auiqs.jpg:

As usual ^^^ a circle jerk of jerks. When the author of the OP posts a new thread the dumbest partisan kooks will flock to their coterie to support PC's circumlocution and bombastic rhetoric.

I get such a kick out of the dumbest of the dumb, complaining about who 'flocks' to the thread......."the dumbest partisan kooks will flock to...."

.....yet here he is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And he'll be back!!!!!!!!!
Thankfully, he has never done a lick of real work in his life so his hands are still all girly soft.

Let me provide the source of his ire: he swallows every lie his masters offer, but becomes irate when I demanded he support it.....

My demand:

"Let's see how accurate you've been in the past:

You wrote this about Senator Joseph McCarthy….

“He was a drunk and an asshole who claimed IKE was a commie and like you assassinated the character of other people in Government, Hollywood and other prominent and regular others. In fact his use of ad hominems was the precursor of today's Republican Party and people like you.” The Cancel Culture Has Always Been In Play post #8

But when I challenged you to name any….any individuals he wrongly attacked who were innocent….you didn’t, you couldn’t.

You simply hiked up your skirt and scampered away.

You simply trade in lies and propaganda.

Admit that McCarthy was an American hero, out to save America from you Democrats and Communist.

And no 'innocent American's life was ruined by McCarthy.'"

I'll keep point it out, too.

Would you like to apologize?
Do you always have to simplify your statements down to the level of a 5 year old?

Can't you even once say something more intelligent and complex than "Go Team. Rah Rah Rah"?
He is just trying to make sure the conservatives on the board can understand.
He is just trying to make sure the conservatives on the board can understand.

Thanks for providing us with yet another stellar example of your true depth of understanding.
Now try harder to play the quiet game, and you can have another slice of government cheese ... :auiqs.jpg:

He is just trying to make sure the conservatives on the board can understand.


Thanks for providing us with yet another stellar example of your true depth of understanding.
Now try harder to play the quiet game, and you can have another slice of government cheese ... :auiqs.jpg:

Now just hold on!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll have you know you are addressing the Liberal Valedictorian!!!

You'd best make that two slices.
This is exactly the sort of imbecile I've spot lit.

No matter the horror the Democrats are clearly responsible for, this dunce is right there with "is not, issssssssss noooottttttt!!!"

The poster child for the end of America.
Right back at you bitch? I mean project much? At this point, you have became little more than a brainless monkey that has been taught how to copy and paste. When I initially came to this board I found you comical. Then I started to pity you. Your level of insecurity equals or exceeds that of Trump, no wonder you find him so appealing. But now, it is getting old.

I am the poster child for the end of America? Well, Homeland Security never issued a security advisory against educated, progressive, liberals.

Democrats are leading to the destruction of America? Wow, and just within the last few days we learned that Mitch McConnell has no morality other than "winning".

The Republicans you support have no interest whatsoever in fixing the problems facing this nation. For years, they have done nothing but be oppositional when Democrats were in power, and then did nothing consequential when they were in power other than handout money to their wealthy supporters. Driving the nation deeper in debt, exacerbating the inequality of wealth problem, and setting the serfs up to vote for their own destruction.

"Timid men prefer the calm of despotism over the tempestuous seas of liberty".

"When the speech condemns a free press, you are hearing the words of a tyrant"

A little Thomas Jefferson for you. But here is the thing, the founders knew, more than two centuries ago, how this republic would be destroyed.

You are gleefully being led down the path our founders feared, too ignorant to know it, too stupid to do anything about it. Like READ MY LINKS.

I will leave you the Hamilton quote, that sure as hell does not describe Joe Biden, but damn near nails Donald Trump.

When a man unprincipled in private life desperate in his fortune, bold in his temper, possessed of considerable talents, having the advantage of military habits — despotic in his ordinary demeanour — known to have scoffed in private at the principles of liberty — when such a man is seen to mount the hobby horse of popularity — to join in the cry of danger to liberty — to take every opportunity of embarrassing the General Government & bringing it under suspicion — to flatter and fall in with all the non sense of the zealots of the day — It may justly be suspected that his object is to throw things into confusion that he may ‘ride the storm and direct the whirlwind.

Right back at you bitch? I mean project much? At this point, you have became little more than a brainless monkey that has been taught how to copy and paste. When I initially came to this board I found you comical. Then I started to pity you. Your level of insecurity equals or exceeds that of Trump, no wonder you find him so appealing. But now, it is getting old.

I am the poster child for the end of America? Well, Homeland Security never issued a security advisory against educated, progressive, liberals.

Democrats are leading to the destruction of America? Wow, and just within the last few days we learned that Mitch McConnell has no morality other than "winning".

The Republicans you support have no interest whatsoever in fixing the problems facing this nation. For years, they have done nothing but be oppositional when Democrats were in power, and then did nothing consequential when they were in power other than handout money to their wealthy supporters. Driving the nation deeper in debt, exacerbating the inequality of wealth problem, and setting the serfs up to vote for their own destruction.

"Timid men prefer the calm of despotism over the tempestuous seas of liberty".

"When the speech condemns a free press, you are hearing the words of a tyrant"

A little Thomas Jefferson for you. But here is the thing, the founders knew, more than two centuries ago, how this republic would be destroyed.

You are gleefully being led down the path our founders feared, too ignorant to know it, too stupid to do anything about it. Like READ MY LINKS.

I will leave you the Hamilton quote, that sure as hell does not describe Joe Biden, but damn near nails Donald Trump.

When a man unprincipled in private life desperate in his fortune, bold in his temper, possessed of considerable talents, having the advantage of military habits — despotic in his ordinary demeanour — known to have scoffed in private at the principles of liberty — when such a man is seen to mount the hobby horse of popularity — to join in the cry of danger to liberty — to take every opportunity of embarrassing the General Government & bringing it under suspicion — to flatter and fall in with all the non sense of the zealots of the day — It may justly be suspected that his object is to throw things into confusion that he may ‘ride the storm and direct the whirlwind.

I don't use language like that.

Re-post, addressing me properly, I will consider putting you in your place again.
I don't use language like that.

Re-post, addressing me properly, I will consider putting you in your place again.
No you won't. You will copy and paste some bullshit from some ultra radical propaganda site and then announce your victory. And odds are it will be something you have copied and pasted before, it is like you have some limited reservoir of memes to choose from, not exactly a sign of intelligence. I mean the Cardillo tweet is almost eight months old. I mean are tweets even supposed to be remembered eight months later?

And that is just it, your OP was about missing the ability to learn, but you possess the one quality that actually prohibits you from learning anything, you already know everything. That is why I found this thread so ironic. And your belief, that you know everything is indicative of the entire MAGA movement. You people don't seek out knowledge, you seek confirmation of your already held beliefs. It is how Trump manipulates all of you so easily. The claim that the strategic oil reserve was empty and that he built it up. Not a one of you bothered to fact check him because you wanted to believe what he was saying so badly. He banks on that ignorance, literally.

Like CRT. Honestly, the foundation of CRT is deeply flawed, from a historical perspective. But you MAGA people are unable to attack CRT from a historical standpoint because you are so deeply committed to the flawed historical status quo that CRT attempts to circumvent. The classic example is the whole Thanksgiving story, and how John Stossell and others attempt to manipulate the story as some vindication of a free market and private enterprise. Nothing could be further from the truth. But the real part that is missing hinges on those Native Americans. First, no one seems to wonder how one of them showed up speaking perfect English. Second, no one asks the question, why were they so few Native Americans in that area. The answer to the first unasked question is that the Native American was enslaved, shipped off to England and France, and trotted around like a trophy. The answer to the second question is Listeria poisoning from rat piss off nasty ass ships from Europe pretty much wiped out that Native American population. It was not smallpox.

But I will leave you with this grasshopper. Confucius say--"To know what you know, and what you don't know, that is true knowledge. To take it further, the true measure of intelligence is not what you know, it is what you know you don't know.

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