When you are a hero, they come after you


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
Tim Ballard is an American hero. He's now getting the Kavanaugh treatment. Hopefully someday we find out who is behind this.

---Tim Ballard, Real Hero of ā€˜Sound of Freedomā€™: Iā€™ve Spent More Than 20 Years in This Fight---

---Tim Ballard, a former U.S. Homeland Security agent who risked his life to fight child trafficking, discussed the impact of the movie Sound of Freedom, which is based on his work---

---ā€œMr. Ballard vehemently denies the allegations brought by these unnamed women,ā€ the statement said. ā€œHe looks forward to vindicating his name in the courts where evidence, and not unsubstantiated accusations in the media, decides the outcome.ā€---

Tim Ballard is an American hero. He's now getting the Kavanaugh treatment. Hopefully someday we find out who is behind this.

---Tim Ballard, Real Hero of ā€˜Sound of Freedomā€™: Iā€™ve Spent More Than 20 Years in This Fight---

---Tim Ballard, a former U.S. Homeland Security agent who risked his life to fight child trafficking, discussed the impact of the movie Sound of Freedom, which is based on his work---

---ā€œMr. Ballard vehemently denies the allegations brought by these unnamed women,ā€ the statement said. ā€œHe looks forward to vindicating his name in the courts where evidence, and not unsubstantiated accusations in the media, decides the outcome.ā€---

People who focus so deeply on children are often creepy. Sounds like the man hid behind a LE shield. He belongs in prison or strung up on the gallows.
Nah, but you do. We've all seen your support of attacks on LE.
Post them....liar.
And creepy sex perverts often try to become LE so they can hide in the open.
this is not a case about that....It's about propaganda of getting some useful idiots to support false claims to take down an effective hero who is threatening the real scumbags.
Post them....liar.

this is not a case about that....It's about propaganda of getting some useful idiots to support false claims to take down an effective hero who is threatening the real scumbags.
The left is always trying to smear American heroes.
Tim Ballard is an American hero. He's now getting the Kavanaugh treatment. Hopefully someday we find out who is behind this.

---Tim Ballard, Real Hero of ā€˜Sound of Freedomā€™: Iā€™ve Spent More Than 20 Years in This Fight---

---Tim Ballard, a former U.S. Homeland Security agent who risked his life to fight child trafficking, discussed the impact of the movie Sound of Freedom, which is based on his work---

---ā€œMr. Ballard vehemently denies the allegations brought by these unnamed women,ā€ the statement said. ā€œHe looks forward to vindicating his name in the courts where evidence, and not unsubstantiated accusations in the media, decides the outcome.ā€---

Tim Ballard: "I dindu nuffin'!"
A bunch of women made stuff up about Trump. It's not a surprise anymore.
So your opinion is a bunch of women made up stuff about your orange god.

Trump Rape LawsuitJury Finds Trump Liable for Sexual Abuse and Defamation​

Well we know one he is guilty of.

When you are a hero, they come after you​

Just remember, Lenny, a little off the topic but, you don't defend against an enemy lobbing misses a mile over your head far off to the side, you defend against an enemy who has your exact location and is raining bombs right on your head!

What does this mean? It means that when the Left attack a guy like this, or like Trump, or this new Speaker, or anyone virulently as they do coming out in full force against them screaming bloody murder as they often do, that just tells you that you are right on the money, hitting them in their most vulnerable spot, dead on balls on the TRUTH of it, and have them dead to rights.

That is the time when we must redouble our efforts, suck it up and forge ahead with the death blow.

They like to make a show of how they have Trump dead to rights now (despite the cases falling apart already based on little more than garbage law), but in reality, I see very choppy waters ahead for Joe and Hunter Biden, their agenda and the democrat party, especially as where they have lead this country in just a few short years from what had been glorious prosperity! Despite all their faux hooting, 2024 I think is going to turn out to be a year the Left will wish they never saw and could forget about.

Just think how that family and party would hold up now when subjected to the same scrutiny they have put Trump and many others under!!! :smoke:
What does this mean? It means that when the Left attack a guy like this, or like Trump, or this new Speaker, or anyone virulently as they do coming out in full force against them screaming bloody murder as they often do, that just tells you that you are right on the money, hitting them in their most vulnerable spot, dead on balls on the TRUTH of it, and have them dead to rights.
Exactly. When the truth comes out. Dems will look like fools.
Tim Ballard is an American hero. He's now getting the Kavanaugh treatment. Hopefully someday we find out who is behind this.

---Tim Ballard, Real Hero of ā€˜Sound of Freedomā€™: Iā€™ve Spent More Than 20 Years in This Fight---

---Tim Ballard, a former U.S. Homeland Security agent who risked his life to fight child trafficking, discussed the impact of the movie Sound of Freedom, which is based on his work---

---ā€œMr. Ballard vehemently denies the allegations brought by these unnamed women,ā€ the statement said. ā€œHe looks forward to vindicating his name in the courts where evidence, and not unsubstantiated accusations in the media, decides the outcome.ā€---

On cue, the way liberals attack. Means nothing anymore. Ask Tara Reid.

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