When will conservatives kneel?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
It just struck me, here we have a group of people that consider abortion murder, and some 50 million plus unborn children murdered, who is taking a knee for such issues?

It seems to me that the loudest wheel gets the grease. Upset a left winger and they will scream, claw, shout you down, or torch a city and they will never accept an election that they don't like.

Now for the conservative.................durp.


Why is that?
Good question. Well behaved as children, I'll offer.

Indeed. And they won't make a peep even after Trump leaves office without building a wall or repealing Obamacare like the good little pawns they are.
Different personalities. That's why Hollywood and media personalities tend to be lefties. They enjoy the spotlight.

Conservatives are more modest and down to earth, slower to anger or excite. They just want to live and let live.

Kneel, schmeel. Acting up is for the uppity lefties.
It's like when the Bush fans invaded a chad counting station in Florida in 2000. All white shirts, skinny ties and plastic pocket protectors. Fearsome.

The right needs to watch "300" until it sinks in.

It just struck me, here we have a group of people that consider abortion murder, and some 50 million plus unborn children murdered, who is taking a knee for such issues?

It seems to me that the loudest wheel gets the grease. Upset a left winger and they will scream, claw, shout you down, or torch a city and they will never accept an election that they don't like.

Now for the conservative.................durp.


Why is that?
Testing. Testing 1 2 3
This is a test to see if I have sufficient privileges to respond.

My response is that I believe conservatives are not a quiet group. They have a TV network and also hate talk radio all over the USA and beyond.
They look away from abortion while the other aborts at record numbers. Each, to blame. The catholic church looked the other way, in germany, during the holocaust.
It just struck me, here we have a group of people that consider abortion murder, and some 50 million plus unborn children murdered, who is taking a knee for such issues?

A). Aborting a fetus IS murder! Does the fetus DIE?
B). "Taking a knee" doesn't accomplish JACK, whether it is that little NFL racist Kaperick kneeing for a non-existent police brutality or if conservatives kneeled in protest of abortion.
C). If everyone kneeled over one injustice or the other, THERE ARE SO MANY IN THIS WORLD, WE WOULD ALL BE KNEELING ALL THE TIME!!!

It seems to me that the loudest wheel gets the grease. Upset a left winger and they will scream, claw, shout you down, or torch a city and they will never accept an election that they don't like. Now for the conservative.................durp. Nothing. Why is that?

That is because civilized people allow the system to work. There are laws. The system might be imperfect, it might take time, but these are our laws that a lawful society abides by. But then, liberals are neither smart, civilized or lawful.
It just struck me, here we have a group of people that consider abortion murder, and some 50 million plus unborn children murdered, who is taking a knee for such issues?

It seems to me that the loudest wheel gets the grease. Upset a left winger and they will scream, claw, shout you down, or torch a city and they will never accept an election that they don't like.

Now for the conservative.................durp.


Why is that?
How will disrespecting the flag end abortion?
It just struck me, here we have a group of people that consider abortion murder, and some 50 million plus unborn children murdered, who is taking a knee for such issues?

It seems to me that the loudest wheel gets the grease. Upset a left winger and they will scream, claw, shout you down, or torch a city and they will never accept an election that they don't like.

Now for the conservative.................durp.


Why is that?
Testing. Testing 1 2 3
This is a test to see if I have sufficient privileges to respond.

My response is that I believe conservatives are not a quiet group. They have a TV network and also hate talk radio all over the USA and beyond.
The 'Conservative TV Network' only targets a different demographic from all the leftist fake news. It's not Conservative.

They're rather quiet when you compare them to the left, who burns, loots, and assaults when they don't get their way. Or when they do. Or when the mood hits them.
Conservatives protest on occasion. Liberals protest frequently, and will sometimes toss in a little rioting and vandalizing for good measure. It's who we are.

Conservatives: salt of the earth.
Liberals: drama queens.

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