When This War Is Over - Palestine Will Be Free

There is neither smoke nor devotion but if it keeps you awake at night, in fear, I won't dissuade you from believing it. :safetocomeoutff:

I am different than you.
Ya' think? For starters, I am writing in English while you're writing in gibberish. You can't even keep a thought organized long enough to put together a coherent sentence.
Were it a lie, nothing on earth could get me to not dissuade you.
Can you put that in English, please?
You told me you took Iran's side.
Against whom? I think you need to quote me otherwise you're mixing your words with your farts.
If you told the truth so did I. If you lied, you misled me.
I don't understand what you are saying. It would be very helpful if you could explain yourself in English. 🗣️
You didn’t ask me, but may I answer?

If ”Palestinians” have no choice but to continue to commit atrocities on the Jewish people, and assuming Egypt stands firm in their refusal to let these backwards, hateful people move there, then:

1) The Jews must construct a 12 foot high wall, electrified, to protect themselves against them, and
2) Set up a long military compound extending the length of Gaza, housing the IDF who will guard the border

These should be done after all HAMAS tunnels are destroyed and the savages exterminated

P.S. There’s still a major problem with Iran.
You only CONFIRM - once again, that you don't know what you talk about

BTW - all leading Nazis incl. Heydrich fully agreed with your wall proposal - the Warsaw Ghetto wall was also 12 foot high. However the Nazis thought that electrifying it was not necessary - since glass shards and barbed wire on top would suffice. Nevertheless your statement highlights once again your Nazi-Zionist adhering political and racial conviction.

That you and your pals have never been to Israel - not to mention In Gaza or it's vicinity is also clear.
Since that mediocre wall that you "envision" was already in existence in e.g. 2004. It was greatly enhanced (wall height up to 24 feet) from 2019 onward and reported by the Israeli government as finished on December 2021.

Israel completes upgraded barrier with the Gaza Strip - Dec. 2021​

Wall at around 2015

Gaza Wall 2015.jpg

Wall construction setting in from 2019 onward

Gaza Wall 2021.jpg

Wall in 2022

Gaza wall 2022.jpg

As for your "envisaged" military encirclement by the IDF - again shows that you got no clue as to what you talk about.
See map from e.g. 2022

IDF Brigades.png

As to why your idol Netanyahu - ordered a withdrawal of these IDF forces for several month and especially the IDF remnants a week prior to the Hamas attack - ask him. Millions of Israelis are doing exactly that!!!

Nazis, Zionist, MAGA's and their commonly shared "Wall Philosophy" and their ideals of racial segregation and persecution - what a bunch.

Why do you solely point out Iran???
Israels Zionists have a major problem with every country on the planet - not even to mention the increasing opposition of Israelis against Zionist policies - and one of their most spoken out representatives was Israels best known man - Moshe Dayan.

Again it is evident - that you and your pals got no clue whatsoever, but only post bull, racist and hateful statements.
If Jews can have the right to return, why can't Palestinians?
Because no Arab country will allow their Palestinians a right of return.

Which Arab country supposedly refuses to allow Palestinians to return to Israel, the West-bank or Gaza?....
If he were an up-standing homo sapien that would have been the exact question I would have asked him. But he isn't so I chose ridicule instead.
I don't give a flying fuck what you call them, they were living there prior to the Zionist migration and they have rights!

Fuck you with this bullshit name circus!

According to the Anti-Israeli logic, you people believe Zionist Jews just landed there like some UFO's on a B-rated movie. I suggest you learn more about the Jews of Hebron, of Susia, or northern Israel. Palestinians buried Jewish history many atimes. How convinient is it for people to overlook
And? Have you made a diagnosis from this dialogue of ours? I mean, do you think that we have (I and/or you) are able "to point out when the conflict started"?

I answered that question already. Personally, I find most of these debates redundant unless the people debating are Israeli or Palestinians. Many gets history all wrong. I personally see the beginning of this way back, the end of the 19th century.
I heard everything I'm saying from Jon Stewart. Isn't he Jewish?

And I'm not buying for one second that Israel is offering peace and Hamas is turning them down. You're not telling the entire story.

And funny you say that and I find this

How Israel has repeatedly rejected Hamas truce offers​

On Sunday, Netanyahu turned down a Hamas offer to end the war. It’s only the latest in a long history of Hamas proposals for long-term truces that Israel has rejected.

I'm not anti Jewish. I just don't believe pro Israel Jews when it comes to this issue.

It's like saying an Israeli is anti American if they were against us invading Iraq.

How totally absurd. Hamas agreeing to any hostage exchange only when the war ends is in nowhere "truce". It gives them a prize for October 7th without any consequences. Those are the Hamas terorrists who refuse a reasonable hostage exchange deals.
No Arab country wants their Palestinians to return back to their original Arab countries. Get it yet?
You are a full sized idiot - or one hell of a liar. (most likely BOTH).

Palestinians do NOT originate from OTHER Arab countries - they solely originate from Palestine - aka in e.g. 1920 termed British Mandated Palestine. And in 1920 there was no such thing as Israel or a Jewish state - the Jewish population was less then 10% of those people living in British Mandated PALESTINE.
Due to Israel occupying, persecuting suppressing, killing and robbing them off their lands, since latest 1948, around 5-6 Million Palestinians presently are living in neighboring Arab countries.

It is solely Israel that refuses to let Palestinians, living in refuge-camps e.g. Lebanon to return to the West-bank or Gaza.
And it is e.g. Egypt that refuses to support the Zionist policy of driving out Palestinians living in Gaza, thus the Zionists trying to enforce Palestinians to settle in e.g. Egypt - so that the Zionist can finally claim all of Gaza. The same goes for the West-Bank.

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