When references are made to institutionalized racism, this is what is meant.

DEI iniatives are meant to train those hiring that biases like these exist and how to avoid them when selecting candidates. But of course conservatives are systemically fighting those as a matter of policy. :rolleyes:
What's wrong with this DEI picture? Where is your DEI. Strange how I don't see one white face. Do you think they would hire Billy Ray Joe Bob? Hmmm.
We must never question the legitimacy of any study, ever.

I'm not trying to deny anything. Racism is totally real. But this is still a shitty way to study racism. All they've really shown is that 9.4% of the time, employers shy away from applicants with weird names.
I'm sure institutional racism is going on today. But the study is pretty weak.

Regardless, I think most people think of institutional racism and racism infecting our legal institutions. Maybe the equivocation is deliberate?
The study is just a snapshot of a few national employers. It doesn’t take much to extrapolate that data across all employers to see just how large of a problem it might actually be.
What's wrong with this DEI picture? Where is your DEI. Strange how I don't see one white face. Do you think they would hire Billy Ray Joe Bob? Hmmm.
View attachment 931583
In the Black owned business owners? :uhoh3:
Umm… Diversity means candidates and employees other than able bodied straight white male christians who dominate everything.

You honestly don’t realize that?
The study is just a snapshot of a few national employers. It doesn’t take much to extrapolate that data across all employers to see just how large of a problem it might actually be.
Ok. But what makes that "institutional"?

It's an important question, to me, because "institutional" suggests government involvement. I adamantly oppose state racism, but I don't think the state has any business dictating personal preferences or hiring practices. So they are very different concerns.

If "institutional" just means widespread, then that's a different matter. It's also deceptive labeling.
Meanwhile government contracts can include MBE/WBE requirements that basically force contractors to give 10%-30% of their contract to these subcontractors, basically blocking out males and whites from these enterprises.

But that's OK because "reasons"

It's absolute bullshit that whites or males are being blocked out of contracts, given that only 10 - 30% of contracts must go to minorities. That leaves 70% to go to white people. Gasp!!! And white people are 70% of the populatioon.
So he should never hire a MAGA hat wearing shit stirrer… true?
Not necessarily…a businessman in real America probably should…one running a rent-a-wheel shop or weed store in any of Americas ghettos and barrios should not…he should probably hire this amazing specimen.

See, it’s a two-way street. Companies should have the right to hire whoever they feel best fits in and advances their business.
Not necessarily…a businessman in real America probably should…one running a rent-a-wheel shop or weed store in any of Americas ghettos and barrios should not…he should probably hire this amazing specimen.
View attachment 931587
LOL - I was just think of having you post your picture, for a side-by-side comparison.
See, it’s a two-way street. Companies should have the right to hire whoever they feel best fits in and advances their business.
No one is pretending to be anything other than a qualified candidate.
It’s your biased imagination that draws any distinction.

They are PRETENDING to be something they ain't.

That's the key to the whole study.

And anyone who is wasting people's time by anonymously pretending to be something they are not, actually should be rejected- regardless of what race they are or are pretending to be.
Re-read your post. If you can't figure it out for yourself I can't help you. Just keep in mind the subject matter is discriminatory hiring practices for applicants with equivalent credentials.

In this study, the applicants didn't have any credentials at all. Neither the fake whites nor fake blacks.
Why do you suppose Asian immigrants change their names to something more ‘American’?
Is it because they’re smart enough to know how to properly assimilate and the importance of fitting in?
They used to do that because it is such a pain in the ass to stop in and explain your name repeating it over and over for some dumb ass like you with ears made of meatloaf. For the most part, people don’t do that anymore.
They are PRETENDING to be something they ain't.

That's the key to the whole study.

And anyone who is wasting people's time by anonymously pretending to be something they are not, actually should be rejected- regardless of what race they are or are pretending to be.
Of course you don’t know that anyone saw them as fake.
The study only offered qualified candidates. The only difference were the names attached to the resumes.
So it’s a big problem for diverse candidates to overcome then?
Sure. I only have two points here. First, "institutional" racism suggests more than just employer discrimination. I think it's a deliberate attempt to conflate general discrimination with state discrimination. Second, making all these inferences based on names is bad science and not convincing.

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