When Laws Aren't Laws


Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2018

HR 1 the 'For the People Act'. The hint is in the name and the truth the bill is exactly what's it not. It's just a crying shame the stupidity in some people give genocide a good name.

H.R.127, H.R.8, and H.R.1446 represent an all-out assault on our Constitutionally-secured right to keep and bear arms under the veil of "common-sense" reform. Make no mistake, the ultimate goal of the left is to take away our guns and these bills are among the most aggressive and comprehensive attacks on the 2nd Amendment in our nation’s history. They would restrict the rights of law-abiding citizens, turning our 2nd Amendment right into a privilege, while doing NOTHING to prevent criminals from conducting business as usual. They don't even give the hint that it is even suppose to curb crime in any way.

Among many things, H.R.127 would establish a national gun registry requiring you to supply the government with, "the make, model, and serial number of the firearm, the identity of the owner of the firearm, the date the firearm was acquired by the owner, and where the firearm is or will be stored", and all of that information would be made available for the world (including criminals) and governments like China and Iran.to see in a publicly-searchable database. H.R.127 also requires that you petition the Attorney General to obtain (and renew) a license just to exercise your 2nd Amendment right. It requires that you purchase government-mandated insurance at a cost of $800.00 annually and it isn't even an insurance.It discriminates against lower-income people by making gun ownership unaffordable. It imposes a ban on the most commonly owned firearms, ammunition, and magazines based primarily on appearance alone. It imposes mandatory minimum prison sentences and fines for "violations" (for exercising our 2nd Amendment right). And the list goes on and on. This will not end good I don't think there is enough razor wire in America to stop Americans from pushing back with what ever it takes. This is the bills of tyrants You will have police and sheriffs doing their duty, reservest doing their duty. Americans doing their duty and joe putting those guards on the wrong side of the wire You will have states seceding from a government that is in no shape, way or form following the Constitution. As is us letting this idiot to be even in the White House is the worst thing we the people could of allowed. There are 8 million super gun owners, ones owning 10 or more guns and none of that 8 million are Brits or live down under. Just how many of that 8 million will obey these unconstitutional bull shit. Who will gather up the arms? police, national guard, Maybe Beto. Or will Joe just Command it?
If you are simply going to cut and paste to start another thread that has been beat to death, at least provide a link to give credit.
If you are simply going to cut and paste to start another thread that has been beat to death, at least provide a link to give credit.
People get mad when I bump old threads. I’d rather jump start an old thread than start a new one. I agree. Plus you know in that old thread there are other people interested in the subject and probably sorry the thread died.

I truly believe republicans hate when I pump old threads because it exposes how their positions on issues changes depending on who is president. Search Debt and you will see republicans only care when a democrats president.

HR 1 the 'For the People Act'. The hint is in the name and the truth the bill is exactly what's it not. It's just a crying shame the stupidity in some people give genocide a good name.

, and H.R.1446 represent an all-out assault on our Constitutionally-secured right to keep and bear arms under the veil of "common-sense" reform. Make no mistake, the ultimate goal of the left is to take away our guns and these bills are among the most aggressive and comprehensive attacks on the 2nd Amendment in our nation’s history. They would restrict the rights of law-abiding citizens, turning our 2nd Amendment right into a privilege, while doing NOTHING to prevent criminals from conducting business as usual. They don't even give the hint that it is even suppose to curb crime in any way.

Among many things, H.R.127 would establish a national gun registry requiring you to supply the government with, "the make, model, and serial number of the firearm, the identity of the owner of the firearm, the date the firearm was acquired by the owner, and where the firearm is or will be stored", and all of that information would be made available for the world (including criminals) and governments like China and Iran.to see in a publicly-searchable database. H.R.127 also requires that you petition the Attorney General to obtain (and renew) a license just to exercise your 2nd Amendment right. It requires that you purchase government-mandated insurance at a cost of $800.00 annually and it isn't even an insurance.It discriminates against lower-income people by making gun ownership unaffordable. It imposes a ban on the most commonly owned firearms, ammunition, and magazines based primarily on appearance alone. It imposes mandatory minimum prison sentences and fines for "violations" (for exercising our 2nd Amendment right). And the list goes on and on. This will not end good I don't think there is enough razor wire in America to stop Americans from pushing back with what ever it takes. This is the bills of tyrants You will have police and sheriffs doing their duty, reservest doing their duty. Americans doing their duty and joe putting those guards on the wrong side of the wire You will have states seceding from a government that is in no shape, way or form following the Constitution. As is us letting this idiot to be even in the White House is the worst thing we the people could of allowed. There are 8 million super gun owners, ones owning 10 or more guns and none of that 8 million are Brits or live down under. Just how many of that 8 million will obey these unconstitutional bull shit. Who will gather up the arms? police, national guard, Maybe Beto. Or will Joe just Command it?
I support the majority of HR-1. As for HR, this proposal from Texas (Texas should be ashamed of itself) is D.O.A. and everybody knows it.
I oppose HR-8 as written. HR-8 will not make it as written. Though the goal is laudable to a degree, but You can't even get past lines 5,6 and 7 of page 2 on the PDF of the legislation before knowing the bill is doomed, due to BS, double talk, ambiguity and favored business entities. Didn't even read much past page 2, but what I did was not impressive. It read like a highschooler attempt to please the teacher. Makes me wonder about the educational system in California.
I oppose HR-1446. It appears to codify inefficiency of background checks in selling and transfer of firearm as far as regulation from a federal standpoint, and could be read as a masterpiece of legalese ambiguity, as well as adding useless reporting requirements at the federal level to justify the hold up of a single sale to a single weapon. James Clyburn of South Carolina is writting another full employment act for lawyers and the expense of individuals and the government.

Mind you, I have no problem universal background checks (in theory) or with tight restrictions on "illegal" sales of weapons to individuals who are criminally, (proven) psychologically, or who even advertise their unsuitability on their social media pages, but these attempts don't cut it.

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