Latest Lie By Biden Adm.....Migrant Surges Means "HOPE"


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
This must mean they support the surge of migrants from Central America and they're simply playing lip-service till they can pack enough people into Texas to turn the state blue.

They changed this disaster from calling it "Kids In Cages" to "Migrant Lodging Facilities".
Now massive waves of illegals invading our borders has been changed to "HOPE".
The Biden Adm. says that all of these people are just responding to hope and more humane treatment.

No.....if you spend some time on the border you'd know that everyone coming here was offered cash and benefits, not HOPE.
When the money dries up....they'll eventually go back to where they came from.
That means Democrats have to keep paying them to stay....using our taxes to pay for it. Essentially robbing Americans to pay for their elections. This is why they want mail-in voting legalized everywhere in the US.
Mexican drug-cartels are running the show...extorting cash from migrants...committing murders and be-headings....and selling children and women into slavery in huge numbers. And the Biden Admin. claims this is humane.

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Democrats totally dismantled the US Immigration system....and now they're attempting to blame Trump for it.
It's so obvious they're lying only a fool would believe them.

We must have alot of fools in this God forsaken country.

Democrats feel that they are superior human beings because they think they have more compassion. If you speak in tough terms regarding immigration, then in their infantile thought process they somehow believe that you do NOT have compassion for others.

But in cases such as immigration they do not look at reality face on. Just about everyone in Guatemala, El Salvador, Venezuela etc could be considered a refugee do to their extreme poverty.
Ask them should we let them all in? or have an actual metered immigration policy and they cannot give you an honest answer. They cant say why they should not allow every poor person in the world to come to the U.S. because if they gave you that obvious answer it would fly in the face of their current catch and release policy.

we have been through enough shutdowns of our economy and small businesses here in the U.S. and been admonished by our dear leaders. Yet now we see the HOPE they offer to the little insignificant citizens of the U.S. our hope is that you can now have an unchecked immigrant with Corona virus working his new job in a restaurant near you, or that we can have millions more to go on public assistance and stimulus checks who have never lived here before, or that our own poor and LEGAL immigrants can compete for jobs with those who are just allowed to be trucked in by Democrats without process.

How much hope are they offering to those legal immigrants for example like the ones in the Phillipines who have been waiting for up to 20 years to be allowed in...... through the legal process? They are basically telling them fuck you, we will ignore you unless you can make it to Mexico and cross the border illegally. Which many foreign national are doing.
Dear democrats.... your elected leaders are Fucking liars. Enjoy.
Democrats feel that they are superior human beings because they think they have more compassion. If you speak in tough terms regarding immigration, then in their infantile thought process they somehow believe that you do NOT have compassion for others.

But in cases such as immigration they do not look at reality face on. Just about everyone in Guatemala, El Salvador, Venezuela etc could be considered a refugee do to their extreme poverty.
Ask them should we let them all in? or have an actual metered immigration policy and they cannot give you an honest answer. They cant say why they should not allow every poor person in the world to come to the U.S. because if they gave you that obvious answer it would fly in the face of their current catch and release policy.

we have been through enough shutdowns of our economy and small businesses here in the U.S. and been admonished by our dear leaders. Yet now we see the HOPE they offer to the little insignificant citizens of the U.S. our hope is that you can now have an unchecked immigrant with Corona virus working his new job in a restaurant near you, or that we can have millions more to go on public assistance and stimulus checks who have never lived here before, or that our own poor and LEGAL immigrants can compete for jobs with those who are just allowed to be trucked in by Democrats without process.

How much hope are they offering to those legal immigrants for example like the ones in the Phillipines who have been waiting for up to 20 years to be allowed in...... through the legal process? They are basically telling them fuck you, we will ignore you unless you can make it to Mexico and cross the border illegally. Which many foreign national are doing.
Dear democrats.... your elected leaders are Fucking liars. Enjoy.
The ones you call illegals that surrender after crossing the border are claiming asylum.
Huddled masses yearning to vote Democratic

They will make great citizens
Democrats feel that they are superior human beings because they think they have more compassion. If you speak in tough terms regarding immigration, then in their infantile thought process they somehow believe that you do NOT have compassion for others.

But in cases such as immigration they do not look at reality face on. Just about everyone in Guatemala, El Salvador, Venezuela etc could be considered a refugee do to their extreme poverty.
Ask them should we let them all in? or have an actual metered immigration policy and they cannot give you an honest answer. They cant say why they should not allow every poor person in the world to come to the U.S. because if they gave you that obvious answer it would fly in the face of their current catch and release policy.

we have been through enough shutdowns of our economy and small businesses here in the U.S. and been admonished by our dear leaders. Yet now we see the HOPE they offer to the little insignificant citizens of the U.S. our hope is that you can now have an unchecked immigrant with Corona virus working his new job in a restaurant near you, or that we can have millions more to go on public assistance and stimulus checks who have never lived here before, or that our own poor and LEGAL immigrants can compete for jobs with those who are just allowed to be trucked in by Democrats without process.

How much hope are they offering to those legal immigrants for example like the ones in the Phillipines who have been waiting for up to 20 years to be allowed in...... through the legal process? They are basically telling them fuck you, we will ignore you unless you can make it to Mexico and cross the border illegally. Which many foreign national are doing.
Dear democrats.... your elected leaders are Fucking liars. Enjoy.
Democrats are using human-trafficking to flip states.
Texas is the latest target.
This is as illegal as you can get....and their comments only illustrates their true intentions.
We're not supposed to believe our lying-eyes......
DHS Chief Mayorkas: Border Crisis Underway Because Trump ‘Dismantled’ Entire Immigration System
DHS Chief Mayorkas: Border Crisis Underway Because Trump 'Dismantled' Entire Immigration System (
21 Mar 2021 ~~ By Pam Key

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas blamed former President Donald Trump on Sunday’s “State of the Union” on CNN for the situation at the U.S.-Mexico border.
Anchor Dana Bash asked, “The Biden administration, though, is, as you mentioned, now allowing unaccompanied children into the U.S., different from the Trump administration. Clearly, you don’t have the infrastructure to handle this many children right now. As I mentioned, more than 600 children have been in Border Protection custody for more than ten days, far longer than is acceptable and allowed by law. That’s three days. So, did you change the policy too quickly without having the infrastructure in place to take care of these children?”

Baghdad Bob Mayorkas can't say enough to cover for the mess Joey Xi and his handlers have created at the border.
How does Trump building the Border Wall constitute dismantling the entire immigration system? This guy is deranged and a projectionist. He knows well that Biden reversed all of Trump's safety guards to stem the flow of illegal invaders.
indeed, Trump shut down holding facilities because "Democrats" were making an issue out of it. Making false claims and wailing at the wall. They were falsely accusing Trump of running "detention centers". Trump correctly told congress they could pass legislation to fix the problem then Trump caved and shut them down.
This story is verifiable proof that the left is nothing but evil, they are now blaming Trump for doing what they demanded.
Democrats feel that they are superior human beings because they think they have more compassion. If you speak in tough terms regarding immigration, then in their infantile thought process they somehow believe that you do NOT have compassion for others.

But in cases such as immigration they do not look at reality face on. Just about everyone in Guatemala, El Salvador, Venezuela etc could be considered a refugee do to their extreme poverty.
Ask them should we let them all in? or have an actual metered immigration policy and they cannot give you an honest answer. They cant say why they should not allow every poor person in the world to come to the U.S. because if they gave you that obvious answer it would fly in the face of their current catch and release policy.

we have been through enough shutdowns of our economy and small businesses here in the U.S. and been admonished by our dear leaders. Yet now we see the HOPE they offer to the little insignificant citizens of the U.S. our hope is that you can now have an unchecked immigrant with Corona virus working his new job in a restaurant near you, or that we can have millions more to go on public assistance and stimulus checks who have never lived here before, or that our own poor and LEGAL immigrants can compete for jobs with those who are just allowed to be trucked in by Democrats without process.

How much hope are they offering to those legal immigrants for example like the ones in the Phillipines who have been waiting for up to 20 years to be allowed in...... through the legal process? They are basically telling them fuck you, we will ignore you unless you can make it to Mexico and cross the border illegally. Which many foreign national are doing.
Dear democrats.... your elected leaders are Fucking liars. Enjoy.
The ones you call illegals that surrender after crossing the border are claiming asylum.

Ok? Im not sure what your post means. There are people all over the world who compared to our living standards could claim asylum. there is no problem with people who want to do that but the conversation here is becoming like beating a dead horse. How many do you consider ok to let in all at once? 1 million? 5 million? whats the number? because right now if the Democrats as a party have been so concerned about COVID, and they are willing to let in 100s of thousands before we have even opened up for business and have been able to asses our own recovery, then they seem a bit schitzo to me. Who exactly are they caring for? the American People?

Not allowing our border and immigration systems to be overwhelmed is one of the major things we are talking about here. Biden is basically allowing catch and release as Democrats have claimed there is no crisis yet would not allow reporters to report on conditions.
To many people got the message loud and clear that its just ok to come here and they will be let in so now they are coming.

When border agents are swamped with detentions, taking up all their man hours and bodies, then we play right into the hands of cartels who are instrumental behind the push of migrants also.
I understand Democrats want it to be all about poor people looking for jobs, but sorry, as cruel as it must seem to you they need to have to wait in order along with everyone else who has to wait.
And yes, by doing that it will be more of a deterent for people to come here, and that in turn will make processing easier because we wont be overwhelmed.
Besides people claiming asylum, there are others who make it through without getting caught, are they just claiming asylum also? many of them have previously been deported for crimes and now they are slipping through as well as people from non- latin American countries as well.
How is any of that good? There is a reason we needed a wall ( with the gates included) and we needed to tell people they had to wait in Mexico. Its suppossed to be a deterent, otherwise anybody is just going to come over for any reason.

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