When kindergarten begins assigning your Childs Gender Idenitity


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
(By Dan Delzell) What will be the next step in the evolution of the gender revolution? Well, try to imagine a day when parents wait until their child goes to kindergarten before assigning their gender identity. “It will never happen,” you say. Don’t be so sure. Gender-neutral parenting is already seen by some parents as the only fair way to raise a child these days. These headlines over the past few years reveal a shocking development:
When Kindergarten Begins Assigning Your Child's "Gender Identity"

This is sickening beyond sickening
Trump needs to rework our Muslim common core education system, as quickly as possible. The mind is a terrible thing to waste, and waste it the Democrats do. They have substituted their agenda in place of educating our youth. It needs to stop.

Your educational system has never been anything other than institutionalized socialization, the last thing this system wants to deal with is a clear, coherent, educated, critically thinking human being; much less a collection thereof.
Trump needs to rework our Muslim common core education system, as quickly as possible. The mind is a terrible thing to waste, and waste it the Democrats do. They have substituted their agenda in place of educating our youth. It needs to stop.

Parents who send their children to quality schools where this garbage isn't involved are the parents of tomorrow's leaders.

Don't think so? All one has to do is look at the current crop of millennials, they've been coddled, led to believe they are owed something and need safe spaces, given participation trophies for sub par performance. The result is sniveling snowflakes, incapable of leading

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