When it is really a heartbeat.


Diamond Member
Jun 3, 2014
Anti-abortion proponents claim that there is a beating heart present at six weeks. The fact is that at six weeks there is only a rudimentary tube that can eventually become a heart, and a few quivering cells that will eventually become the pacemaker which supplies electrical pulses controlling the heart beat. There is no heart structure present to actually behave as a heart behaves. No valves, no chambers, no muscle to pump anything. The preliminary structures that will eventually become parts of the heart are not a heart, and claiming they are is vast exaggeration at best. Recent research has shown when major structures of the heart develop, and it is amazingly over a four day period 124 days into the pregnancy. Before this four day period, the beginnings of the heart are not viable, and can not survive outside the womb.

Researchers and neonatologists studying fetal cardiac development have typically run into critical limitations, as many of the known structures of the human heart can only be identified in the latter stages of gestation. Now, a group of investigators at the University of Leeds has just published data, using cutting-edge imaging technology, that shows that major structures of a baby's heart form in just four days. Findings from the new study—published today in Scientific Reports in an article entitled “Ventricular Myocardium Development and the Role of Connexins in the Human Fetal Heart”—help identify the precise time when the four chambers of the heart develop, opening up the possibility that doctors could eventually be able to monitor babies during this critical phase of their development.

Remarkably, the research team found that the most dramatic changes occurred over a four-day period 124 days into the pregnancy. Within this brief period, the muscle tissue of the heart rapidly organizes. Cardiac fibers were laid down to form the helix shape of the heart, within which the four chambers of the heart form. Without this essential architecture in place, the fetal heart cannot survive outside the womb.

Anti-abortion proponents claim that there is a beating heart present at six weeks. The fact is that at six weeks there is only a rudimentary tube that can eventually become a heart, and a few quivering cells that will eventually become the pacemaker which supplies electrical pulses controlling the heart beat.
That pair of tubes and those "quivering cells" are called a rudimentary heart. And that "quivering" is an actual heartbeat.
That pair of tubes and those "quivering cells" are called a rudimentary heart. And that "quivering" is an actual heartbeat.
No it's not. A heartbeat is the sound of muscle responding to a specific electrical pattern. Those cells don't produce any specific pattern, and there is no heart muscle that early in development to respond to it anyway.
Doesnt matter, what matters is EVEN when the child can live outside the womb and is by definition then a baby lefties still want to kill it and call it no murder. At 20 weeks a fetus IS a child.

If anyone is having an abortion at 20 weeks, it's because the fetus so deformed that killing it is a mercy.
Even at one zeptosecond a human embryo is a living individual human being. (a.k.a. a person)
Thats why:
A normal pregnancy lasts for about 40 weeks. Babies born after only 20 to 22 weeks are so small and fragile that they usually do not survive. Their lungs, heart and brain are not ready for them to live outside the womb. Some babies born later than 22 weeks also have only a very small chance of surviving. This can be because they have not been growing, or have serious problems affecting their organs.
Before this four day period, the beginnings of the heart are not viable, and can not survive outside the womb.
Some grown up people can not survive outside of the room, cos' of different illnesses.
The merciful nazis helped such people to die.
Let's all just face it. There are, more and more each day, people in this country who have given control of their lives to the devil. Sex feels good and they have chosen to be little children who want the feel good but do not yet have the emotional maturity to grasp the fact that all actions have consequences. So they've bought the line that it's just a glob of cells, not a human being, because it eases whatever they still have that resembles a conscience.

Satan is alive and well in these people who have embraced him gleefully. I will always treat them as the devil's tools.
it feels good because your Christian god made it so, and your Christian god has more spontaneous abortions aka miscarriages than people who want an abortions.

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